99.2% of new COVID deaths in America are unvaccinated.

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This covid "vax" is akin to McDonald's advertising a burger called the BigShot that cures hunger. It works almost immediately and is nearly 100% effective. Problem is, you go to bed sated that night but wake up hungry again.

See Ronald McDonalds everywhere shouting, "GET YOUR BigShot! SCIENCE CURES HUNGER!"

Didn't say 'how long', did you clowns...
Yeah, 9-12 months is pretty much exactly like 12 hours. Shaq and Steve, again...

"There are too many political forces in this country, that have campaigned against vaccination. The consequences of this are overfilled intensive care stations and enormous human suffering. This decision does not come easily to us. None of us enjoys bring measures that put limits on freedom."

Vaccines are the key...but the vaccinated must also be locked down.
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Yeah, 9-12 months is pretty much exactly like 12 hours. Shaq and Steve, again...

It could be proven to cure cancer, end all wars, bring back Jesus and they would still be like nah, there is only a 99% chance of that happening with taking it. not doing it.
It could be proven to cure cancer, end all wars, bring back Jesus and they would still be like nah, there is only a 99% chance of that happening with taking it. not doing it.
Dumbass. The vaccine isn't 99% effective in stopping the virus.

It's not effective enough to mandate it, but don't let the science stand in your way.

In Spain, elderly 25 times more at risk of dying from Covid-19 if unvaccinated

The report found that people between 60 and 80 years of age were 25 times more at risk of dying from the disease if unvaccinated, compared to those who were fully immunized in the same age group.
Between September 20 and November 14 of this year, the population aged 60 to 80 was eight times more at risk of contracting the virus, and 18 times more likely to be hospitalized if they were unvaccinated.
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actual numbers would be nice.

correction, absolutely necessary.

everyday in every newspaper, should be how many hospitalized, how many in ICU, and how many deaths, both nationally and locally, and the exact breakdown as to both age and vax status of all three categories.

and it isn't rocket science that these exact numbers are desperately needed, and yet the powers that be absolutely refuse to give them to us.

so what the f is actually going on that the powers that be absolutely refuse to give us the most important and relevant information on earth today.

news and leadership isn't trusted, because it absolutely isn't trustworthy.

hospitalizations, icu admissions, deaths, daily, all broken down by age and vax status of each.

not rocket science that this is what is needed. so why isn't it being given, and exactly who is stopping it from being given?

and why isn't everyone bitching non stop about this deliberate withholding of crucial and necessary info?
actual numbers would be nice.

correction, absolutely necessary.

everyday in every newspaper, should be how many hospitalized, how many in ICU, and how many deaths, both nationally and locally, and the exact breakdown as to both age and vax status of all three categories.

and it isn't rocket science that these exact numbers are desperately needed, and yet the powers that be absolutely refuse to give them to us.

so what the f is actually going on that the powers that be absolutely refuse to give us the most important and relevant information on earth today.

news and leadership isn't trusted, because it absolutely isn't trustworthy.

hospitalizations, icu admissions, deaths, daily, all broken down by age and vax status of each.

not rocket science that this is what is needed. so why isn't it being given, and exactly who is stopping it from being given?

and why isn't everyone bitching non stop about this deliberate withholding of crucial and necessary info?

like this?

like this?

no, nothing like that.


number of new hospital admissions, icu admissions, deaths, daily, all broken down by age and vax status.

like this, except broken down by age as well as vax status.


this chart is the only time i've ever even seen things broken down by vax status, and wish they'd do it all the time instead of only once.

but without being broken down by age as well, it too is totally worthless.

the numbers we get from the media daily are not only totally and completely worthless, but even worse, dangerously deceptive..

without breaking the numbers down by age and vax status, they are both worthless and deceptive.

averaging in how 10 to 35 yr olds are doing with how 70-80 yr olds are doing, gives extremely deceptive numbers that are meaningless to both age groups, and makes thing appear literally 100 times more dangerous to the young age groups than it really is, and 100 times safer to the older age groups than it really is, therefore is both worthless and dangerous.

same with breakdowns by vax status, which are far more difficult to find than breakdowns by age, and never have i seen things broken down by both age and vax status.

if they aren't broken down by both age and vax status, they are completely worthless and extremely deceptive to everyone.

citing that statistically someone has less than a one in 50,000 chance of drowning, means nothing to someone on a sinking ship going down, or deciding whether to try and swim across a 2 mile wide lake, and would give a very dangerous false sense of security to either..

all that matters are the stats for someone in your particular situation, and averaging them in with everyone in very different situations, renders them both totally worthless and very deceptive both as to you and as to everyone else.

if all age groups were doing about the same, and both vaxed and unvaxed were doing about the same, it would be different.

but they aren't, and are doing drastically differently.

this isn't rocket science, and no idea why the public isn't demanding it.

take it away from the worthless newsrooms and give to the sports depts. the sports guys have no problem giving all and breaking down all the stats.
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The unvax no mask constipationally aware crowd is hanging out the banner:

Welcome Omicron!!
I think the point has been made by MTIOTF. We're all going to get it eventually in some way, shape or form.
Many countries closing borders. Stock market falling.
They don't know much about it yet, but they're gonna err on the side of authoritarian for our sakes.

Watching one of the local news channels last night in SF and the lead story was a breathless "Omicron is highly contagious" story that said so twice in the first 60 seconds, before contradicting itself to say that the variant's level of contagiousness was unknown at this time. How anyone can believe anything being said right now is beyond me.
It's a legitimate comparison, and only a dumbass doesn't recognize it.
Except for Trump had previously mentioned temporarily banning Muslims from entering the US, then his travel ban just happened to be seven Muslim majority countries. Like someone said before, only a dumbass wouldn’t recognize what happened there.
Also, shouldn’t you and all conservative media be crying that Biden’s travel restriction is a Christian ban? After all, all seven of those countries on Biden’s list are majority Christian. I’m sure Biden has previously mentioned temporarily banning Christians from entering the US.
Except for Trump had previously mentioned temporarily banning Muslims from entering the US, then his travel ban just happened to be seven Muslim majority countries. Like someone said before, only a dumbass wouldn’t recognize what happened there.
Also, shouldn’t you and all conservative media be crying that Biden’s travel restriction is a Christian ban? After all, all seven of those countries on Biden’s list are majority Christian. I’m sure Biden has previously mentioned temporarily banning Christians from entering the US.
You're lying, but what else is new?
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You're lying, but what else is new?
A Trump quote from an Oct 2016 debate:
“The Muslim ban is something that has morphed into an extreme vetting,” he said. “We’re going into areas like Syria where they’re coming in by the 10s of thousands.”

A Trump quote from December 2015:
“a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

See, dumbass? He previously mentioned banning Muslims from entering the US.

Anyways, how’s your bliss going?
A Trump quote from an Oct 2016 debate:
“The Muslim ban is something that has morphed into an extreme vetting,” he said. “We’re going into areas like Syria where they’re coming in by the 10s of thousands.”

A Trump quote from December 2015:
“a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

See, dumbass? He previously mentioned banning Muslims from entering the US.

Anyways, how’s your bliss going?
He wasn't President in October 16 or in 2015. See, dumbass?

How's your seance going?
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Never applaud people getting sick or dying. It is mean.
I’m not applauding anything. It’s like a wildebeest crossing a crocodile infested river in Africa. Nothing more nothing less.

if someone decides that vaccines that have been given to over 1 BILLION people with only 1 confirmed death that was directly related to the vaccine, and would rather take Ivermectin (a drug the manufacturer even says is not effective against COVID), Hydroxycloroquine (debunked as soon as it became de rigueur 15 seconds after Trump said it was effective), Taking Borax baths, zinc pills, and all the other nonsense, then it is how God designed it. Otherwise morons who think this stuff wouldn’t be dying at 3 times the lev of the vaccinated.

God provided you with a defense, but people would rather own the libs than live. Their choice. Unfortunately, they spread their stupidity to people who are actually following science and doing the right thing. IMHO, idiots who spread disinformation should be liable for their behavior. It s criminal in my view…and should be treated as such.

I no longer have sympathy for them. They have “done the research”, although they have no clue what they’re even researching. And they’re dying at an amazingly high rate.

It’s pathetic, but natural selection is a real thing.
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I’m not applauding anything. It’s like a wildebeest crossing a crocodile infested river in Africa. Nothing more nothing less.

if someone decides that vaccines that have been given to over 1 BILLION people with only 1 confirmed death that was directly related to the vaccine, and would rather take Ivermectin (a drug the manufacturer even says is not effective against COVID), Hydroxycloroquine (debunked as soon as it became de rigueur 15 seconds after Trump said it was effective), Taking Borax baths, zinc pills, and all the other nonsense, then it is how God designed it. Otherwise morons who think this stuff wouldn’t be dying at 3 times the lev of the vaccinated.

God provided you with a defense, but people would rather own the libs than live. Their choice. Unfortunately, they spread their stupidity to people who are actually following science and doing the right thing. IMHO, idiots who spread disinformation should be liable for their behavior. It s criminal in my view…and should be treated as such.

I no longer have sympathy for them. They have “done the research”, although they have no clue what they’re even researching. And they’re dying at an amazingly high rate.

It’s pathetic, but natural selection is a real thing.
If your son,daughter, grandson, grandaughter etc died of Covid you would not say what you said before.
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