This should be “too little, too late”
It says they were killed because of an “occupation”. They were killed in Iraq, not Iran.
This should be “too little, too late”
Twitter rants & name calling!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You might be the first poster I’ve ever seen troll themselves.🤣🤣🤣🤣The fact you think Biden has been anywhere near as divisive as Trump says a lot
Where are Biden's twitter rants? Where is he calling people names like a juvenile or saying people should be thrown in jail for being on his bad side?
Biden is divisive to you and other conservatives simply by being a democrat.
This should be “too little, too late”
It says they were killed because of an “occupation”. They were killed in Iraq, not Iran.
Correct. Tower 22 base in Jordan.Actually it was in Jordan
Nah. I’m just an effective and honest communicator. Biden can’t get anything right.Ultimately, the criticism is not rooted in whether or not Biden's actions deserve critique; it is rooted only in the fact that he is Biden.
Nah. I’m just an effective and honest communicator. Biden can’t get anything right.
But I do agree with another Democrat.
God save the Queen, man."I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden
Well I disagree. Creepy uncle joe has been the best sniffer every. He can tell Clinton, "Hold my beer." And as far as a good buddy to the folks who burn down our cities, assassinate police officers, and support the pile of body parts filling the dumpsters behind those planned unparenthood abortion factories, he's by far their best supporter.There is not one thing Biden has been worth a damn. 50 years of gov….
After enduring 160+ similar attacks Biden did nothing important. Biden has an opportunity here to allow me to say he finally did a smart thing. We’ll see what happens.
"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden
Highly respect Gates in spite of his being old (80 years) and what these days is disparagingly referred to as an "elite" (CIA Director, Secretary of State, and worse of all, College President).
Interesting--he's an IU guy and wanted to like him, but it turned out he was as bad as he claimed Biden was, he was every bit as bad. He was Bill Casey's deputy director the CIA and got caught up in the Iran-Contra deal a bit. Under Casey and Gates you saw the politicizing of intelligence began in earnest (although I think Allen Dulles was right up there). Lawrence Walsh didn't prosecute Gates, but he thought about it, and he was forced to withdraw his nomination for CIA director in 87'
He totally misread and got the Soviet Union's collapse all wrong. He referred to Gorbachev as a "phony" and didn't take seriously the reforms that were going on--despite clear intelligence that the Soviets/Russia were trying to make reforms, but by his own admission, his dogma impacted his judgment.
Gates also tried and did succeed in undermining Obama who wanted less troop increases in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ultimately, Obama won out, and even Gates notes in his book that Gates' ultimately adopted a policy on Afghanistan that was "pretty close to Joe Biden's". Oddly enough, specifically said "I was in agreement with Vice-President Biden on most issues, including the raid against Bin Laden and as to President Mubarak and the Arab Spring".
As to his comment in his book discussing Biden, when asked about it he said "well I was really referring to the 70s and 90s', and really the only major disagreement was the aid package for the South Vietnamese when we were withdrawing."
Smoke and mirrors my man 😆Mark Milton...Wow, very impressive. Sounds as if you know what you are talking about.
Come to the Cooler more often.
Highly respect Gates in spite of his being old (80 years) and what these days is disparagingly referred to as an "elite" (CIA Director, Secretary of State, and worse of all, College President).
I am prepared for people to find his attack underwhelming, even if it nukes Tehran. And to be honest, I expect to be underwhelmed. But I'm not feeling the compulsive need to soften the ground by rending my clothes BEFORE we retaliate. It is now a race to show outrage before something happens and it is wrong.
Gates is right.Highly respect Gates in spite of his being old (80 years) and what these days is disparagingly referred to as an "elite" (CIA Director, Secretary of State, and worse of all, College President).
This is why you don't telegraph things. And more importantly, why you don't wait. We are going to strike a bunch of empty bases?
You really think they never expected a US response until Biden said something. "We will attack and kill Americans and they will never strike back" was their plan?
Had a response come quickly, there would have been a good chance of damage and casualties. You really think waiting days gives us any hope to actually hit something with the people and equipment we want?
They’re long into hiding already.
Mark Milton...Wow, very impressive. Sounds as if you know what you are talking about.
Come to the Cooler more often.
Romani ite DomumGood. A revolutionary army hiding under their beds is the best kind of revolutionary army. We have degraded their capability 100%, something we never could have done with an immediate strike.
In that area, there are dozens of splinter groups (remember Monty Python's Life of Brian and the Judean People's Front). Hitting the wrong group wasn't going to be much of a deterrence. We had to make sure to hit the correct group. That usually doesn't come 30 seconds after.
We will hit them at the time and place of OUR choosing, that's what I would sell as Biden. If that's 6 months from now, that's 6 months from now. Same as with Afghanistan long ago. We could have launched cruise missiles on 9/11, we didn't. This group will want to get back out into the field sooner rather than later. We will have opportunities. Our play is the long game.
Good. A revolutionary army hiding under their beds is the best kind of revolutionary army. We have degraded their capability 100%, something we never could have done with an immediate strike.
In that area, there are dozens of splinter groups (remember Monty Python's Life of Brian and the Judean People's Front). Hitting the wrong group wasn't going to be much of a deterrence. We had to make sure to hit the correct group. That usually doesn't come 30 seconds after.
We will hit them at the time and place of OUR choosing, that's what I would sell as Biden. If that's 6 months from now, that's 6 months from now. Same as with Afghanistan long ago. We could have launched cruise missiles on 9/11, we didn't. This group will want to get back out into the field sooner rather than later. We will have opportunities. Our play is the long game.
I was a huge fan of Bill Casey as a young man (Gates' boss). In theory, during the dark times of the Cold War, Casey could have been revered forever. OSS experience, knew how the game was played, BUT..... Iran Contra happened. It is a shame, super smart guy who made a mess out of things at the very end.
Sometimes there is a tendency to make an immediate rash observation/judgment/conclusion. There are many things that are said and done on both sides that are political gamesmanship that are likely far different than what is really happening. I would surmise over the years that what information people are getting in classified briefings would likely be in stark contrast to what is being chirped about on the various news shows. I'm willing to be patient.That could be interesting, but only if: A) their factions actually stay in hiding and don’t launch additional attacks (Houthis already launched multiple since) and B) we actually make significant, proportional strikes.
months is a long time to wait to make retaliatory strikes. How do you think others will view the response if we wait several months?
I think the Ollie North wounds still run deep for some. He admitted to violating the Boland Amendment, admitted to shredding documents (although did so he claimed at the direction of Robert McFarlane), etc. All this after Carter and Reagan convinced congress to scale back the Church Amendments on CIA/Government interference with a foreign nation. Communism may have justified a lot of actions/responses, but wasn't sufficient an excuse to break the clear pronouncements of the Boland Amendment, which was pretty bipartisan if I remember correctlyMM, had forgotten about Bill Casey and Oliver North.
Had a friend who was a staunch former Marine and a Democrat. He was shown on television appearing on the Circle in Indianapolis obtaining petition signatures supporting Ollie North during the Iran/Contra controversy.
Word among Democrats about this spread fast, and his bid to be County Chair for his party completely collapsed.
Asked him about this episode and he replied, "Guess I am more of a Marine than a Democrat".
months is a long time to wait to make retaliatory strikes. How do you think others will view the response if we wait several months?
Sometimes there is a tendency to make an immediate rash observation/judgment/conclusion. There are many things that are said and done on both sides that are political gamesmanship that are likely far different than what is really happening. I would surmise over the years that what information people are getting in classified briefings would like in stark contrast to what is being chirped about on the various news shows. I'm willing to be patient.
doesn't this have everything to do with the burn pits?there is no way of knowing if he is lying or telling the truth:
And among post-9/11 veterans who deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, glioblastoma occurs at a rate 26% higher than that found in the general population, according to calculations based on Department of Veterans Affairs and National Institutes of Health data.
Weird, I am patient except when it comes to football recruiting. I want the commits NOW!Fair and well reasoned points Mark. Patience is a virtue, but one that I never acquired.
As I understand it, mostly. There is some conflicting ideas on depleted uranium for veterans. It seems civilians who have been exposed far longer are more likely to have DU issues.doesn't this have everything to do with the burn pits?
And Beau Biden was likely nowhere near burn pits or DU.As I understand it, mostly. There is some conflicting ideas on depleted uranium for veterans. It seems civilians who have been exposed far longer are more likely to have DU issues.
You are probably right on that. But the death has given Biden the impetus to push for better treatment of veterans with cancer, and that's good. My brother had a son with Spina Bifida, my brother had been in Vietnam. For a long time, the government refused all blame for Agent Orange. We need to get better at recognizing it. So I am sympathetic to anything that helps out veterans with conditions caused by their service.And Beau Biden was likely nowhere near burn pits or DU.
actually, he was. He served in Iraq for much of 2009 at Camp Victory in Baghdad and Balad Air Force Base Both bases used large burn pits.And Beau Biden was likely nowhere near burn pits or DU.
Good. A revolutionary army hiding under their beds is the best kind of revolutionary army. We have degraded their capability 100%, something we never could have done with an immediate strike.
In that area, there are dozens of splinter groups (remember Monty Python's Life of Brian and the Judean People's Front). Hitting the wrong group wasn't going to be much of a deterrence. We had to make sure to hit the correct group. That usually doesn't come 30 seconds after.
We will hit them at the time and place of OUR choosing, that's what I would sell as Biden. If that's 6 months from now, that's 6 months from now. Same as with Afghanistan long ago. We could have launched cruise missiles on 9/11, we didn't. This group will want to get back out into the field sooner rather than later. We will have opportunities. Our play is the long game.
I agree with almost everything you say. But I’m going to be a little harsher on him. Saying he should be careful is something you’re saying more of a “he’s probably wrong on root cause” perspective.You are probably right on that. But the death has given Biden the impetus to push for better treatment of veterans with cancer, and that's good. My brother had a son with Spina Bifida, my brother had been in Vietnam. For a long time, the government refused all blame for Agent Orange. We need to get better at recognizing it. So I am sympathetic to anything that helps out veterans with conditions caused by their service.
There is a very good probability that Biden's cancer was NOT caused by military service, even if he was exposed it would be far from certain. Believe me, due to my brother's experience with PST and AO, I am very sympathetic to anyone's claims. Biden should be more careful, but I know I can't prove the AO and the PST came from Vietnam for Brent but I am certain it did. I'm not claiming any impartiality here. He should be more careful, but I'm not going to blast him for it.
Every FOB or base I was on used burn pits. But the JAG officers were nowhere near them. That’s my point. Burn pits are objectively stupid, and using soldiers to have to manually feed burn pits and stir flaming shit should be a criminal offense. I’m pretty sure Beau Biden didn’t have to do that.actually, he was. He served in Iraq for much of 2009 at Camp Victory in Baghdad and Balad Air Force Base Both bases used large burn pits.
Whether there is a causation link, no clue, but he definitely was near them