You knew it was going to happen....

Mark Levin says Trump should immediately file for dismissal of the charges because of the leak.

The original source had the recording and Trump's team has the recording. Either of them or the prosecution or someone with the special prosecutor. That's a lot of possibilities but Levin's statement is why it's very possible Trump's team leaked it. They could have leaked it so they could claim the prosecution did it and ask for a dismissal. It won't work.
Could be. It also shows that Trump was working with the National Archives to turn over classified documents at the time the subpoena was issued. The FBI was there previously and told them to put another lock on the door, which was done.

This entire situation is sparked by the coming election in 2022 and the heat being turned up on Hunter as more evidence is exposed. And why wasn't Trump's lawyer allowed to accompany the FBI during their raid. Were they scared the woman would overpower them and make off with documents?

The entire thing stinks to high heaven and, with the lack of interesting in Hillary, Joe, and Mike having classified docs illegally shows what a joke it is.
They weren't all behind a locked door. Remember some boxes were on a stage in a public area and some were in an unlocked bathroom.

Notice that MAL looks like a dump with all those boxes stacked in various places?
No. You've got it backwards. The institutions haven't "tarnished themselves for Trump." You and the other Trump sycophants have. You're disgracefully smearing, slamming and slandering federal law enforcement which is exactly what Trump wants you to do. He'll tear the whole thing down, with the help of people like you, in an effort to save his sorry, fat ass.

Comey was a terrible leader. He's gone and his successor, hand-picked by Trump (one of his few good hires who actually stuck around) has restored integrity to the Bureau.

The DOJ is "highly selective" with Trump prosecutions? I'm not sure what that means other than a recognition that Trump's conduct has been so egregious and he's broken so many laws that it's probably a challenge for Justice in determining what to charge him with next, and where.
Boom! Correct.
Most rational people understand that a document Trump was waving around at his club in NJ, would not be part of the cache of documents the FBI/DOJ seized in Florida. IIRC there were some confiscations at Bedminster as well, but this indictment only deals with documents obtained from MAL.

Smith likely has the relevant info related to that incident, but chose to hold it in reserve for the possibility of seeking a seperate indictment in NJ if the situation warrants. Again the key takeaway here,and in MAL as well, is that people within Trump's inner circle (or at least relatively close) have provided the FBI/DOJ with evidence. IIRC, the toilet shot from MAL was not from the raid itself, but rather a pic a Trump staffer took and turned over to the Govt...

Not all MAGA types are ultra cultists who will tolerate any abuse of the system by Trump. He lost a ton of true believers like Barr, Mulvaney, Betsy Devoss and others because of Jan 6. Clearly not everyone at MAL was on board with him hoarding classified documents...
Calling DeVos and Dark State all-star Robert Johnson true believers illustrates either your mendacity or your ignorance.

Or both; you choose.
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They weren't all behind a locked door. Remember some boxes were on a stage in a public area and some were in an unlocked bathroom.

Notice that MAL looks like a dump with all those boxes stacked in various places?
Not with hanging chandeliers in a bathroom-that is the absolute height of "classy".
Over/under on hours until danc returns with a series of six or eight posts "defending" his thread - - and his man crush: 5.5
It’s not amazing at all. I don’t care if trump is prosecuted or found guilty. But I do care a lot about how that is done. The Democrats turned the impeachment process into a sham. The intelligence officials disgraced themselves with that laptop letter. The media trashed itself with its Trump coverage and Biden coverups. TheFBI lied to theFISA court to get Trump. Comey broke the law and protocol with his nonsense. Now it appears the DOJ is highly selective with Trump prosecutions

In summary, all the institutions that should be national and world gold standards have tarnished themselves just for Trump. Maybe you think that is okay. But not me. And you disgrace yourself by thinking me pointing this out is defending Trump
You have got to read something beside wing nut BS. So you want to pretend the Dems "turned the impeachment process into a sham"? Is that the non-sham Impeachment process that indicted Bill Clinton? Because I'd say replacing Fiske with Starr in Aug 1994 and then Starr impeaching Clinton for offenses that supposedly occurred POST 1994, is the very definition of a sham process.

I still want someone to explain to me how a minor "lie" by an FBI attorney to justify surveillance on Carter Page in Oct 2016 constitutes "getting Trump". Was the Trump campaign lying?

"Trump announced Page as a foreign policy adviser in his campaign on March 21, 2016.[36] On September 23, 2016, Yahoo News reported U.S. intelligence officials investigated alleged contacts between Page and Russian officials subject to U.S. sanctions, including Igor Sechin, the president of state-run Russian oil conglomerate Rosneft.[4] Page promptly left the Trump campaign.[1][37] Upon his departure, Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period." Another campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, stated, "we are not aware of any of his activities, past or present." [38]

Shortly after Page left the Trump campaign, the Federal Bureau of Investigation obtained another warrant from the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in October 2016 to surveil Page's communications and read his saved emails.[39][40] To issue the warrant, a federal judge concluded there was probable cause to believe that Page was a foreign agent knowingly engaging in clandestine intelligence for the Russian government.[41] "

The FBI wasn't interested in Page primarily because he was involved with Trump. Page had a history including previous relationships with GRU agents dating back to 2013 or earlier. He had always been interested in maximizing his personal profit thru his contacts with the Russian energy industry. That's why the GRU agents the FBI secretly wiretapped in 2013 were referring to Page as a "useful idiot"...

Page would have been an FBI target irregardless of whether he was part of Trump's camapign or not. He attended a conference in Moscow that summer which was basically people protesting US sanctions on Russian Energy which were enacted aafter the Russians invaded Crimea. So a sketchy dude with previous interractions with GRU agents attends a conference in Moscow opposing official US policy filled with Putin lackeys and you don't think the FBI should be suspicious?

Why do you think the FISA warrant specified that they'd have access to his emails going back as far as 2010 ? To get Trump? LOL...

Trump's people brought this all on themselves when they hired a war criminal like Manafort and a suspected "useful idiot" like Page in April 2016. That was two or three months prior to Page's trip to Moscow, which was going to make him suspicious whether Trump was part of the equation or not...

Trump's camapign was a perfect storm, since they advocated against the energy sanctions, possibly to cull favor with Putin. Page in turn stood to make a ton of money off his stock holdings in Gazprom, who he once claimed to be an informal advisor for...So he probably wasn't a Putin lackey, but rather just a greedy bastard...
Hold your breath too!
Notice you didn't address the point I raised. And I even edited my response from calling you as stupid and uneducated as DANC for seemingly not realizing that Trump was POTUS in 2017. Seems like no good deed goes unpunished... ;)
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Calling DeVos and Dark State all-star Robert Johnson true believers illustrates either your mendacity or your ignorance.

Or both; you choose.
Ummmm….you believe there are lizard people running the world.
Calling DeVos and Dark State all-star Robert Johnson true believers illustrates either your mendacity or your ignorance.

Or both; you choose.
Who is Robert Johnson- is that a nickname for Barr? In what normal world would a buffoon like Devos be considered an expert on education, much less fill the role in a Presidential Cabinet?

Appears she went from the cult of Amway (where she was relatively harmless) to the cult of Trump whre she attempted to destroy Public Education. That qualifies as a "true believer", though likely not the level of crazy you embrace...
You evidently have had your head in the sand. According to the transcripts, Hunter said Joe was sitting beside him when he was shaking down his Chinese contact for $5 million.

It does concern our national security and you couldn't care less. That's sad.
That’s what he said. Was he?

Believe me, when I see actual evidence that it might have harmed national security, I’ll be all over it. So far it’s really all about Hunter and I’m not yet concerned about that.
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1) They filed a document saying that the documents were returned. I guess you could make the argument that they did know that the classified documents still existed, knew that they had been moved / removed, created the document to the National Archives anyways, and now that they have been caught, are throwing Donald under the bus (and Donald did not have any knowledge of the boxes and didn't order Nauto to move them). That's ALOT to prove considering you've got witness testimony and the lawyers notes that indicate otherwise.

2) Why take the chance? The search team is going to be going through dozens of boxes, opening each file folder (it was noted that in the documents that were returned in January that some of the classified documents were interspersed with regular documents, haphazardly). They would not be able to watch her the entire time. Their noses are going to be buried in papers. Remember, we're talking about national security level information here. They are absolutely not going to leave any possibility of someone tampering with the evidence gathering process.

3) There are witness statements that the boxes were moved. Is that not evidence?

Something to bear in mind is that everything Trump says to the media will be used in the trial. Trump has a ...less than stellar reputation with regards to telling the truth, even if specifically limited to statements made about this case alone. His word alone is not going to be sufficient to prove that he was not trying to obstruct the process. He is going to need witnesses and documents that counter the narrative that has been set in the indictment.
I agree he's often his own worst enemy. It's not like Biden is held to the same standard, though, is it?
That’s what he said. Was he?

Believe me, when I see actual evidence that it might have harmed national security, I’ll be all over it. So far it’s really all about Hunter and I’m not yet concerned about that.
Well, GPS has put him at the same location Joe was at the time.

Now, I realize you don't think geo-locating is a real thing, but most others do.

Evidently the person Hunter was talking to believed him, because the money showed up soon after in Hunter's account.

So, Hunter flies with Joe on AF2 on to China and Joe meets multiple times with Hunter's business partners and you don't see a nexus there? My, my......
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It’s not amazing at all. I don’t care if trump is prosecuted or found guilty. But I do care a lot about how that is done. The Democrats turned the impeachment process into a sham. The intelligence officials disgraced themselves with that laptop letter. The media trashed itself with its Trump coverage and Biden coverups. TheFBI lied to theFISA court to get Trump. Comey broke the law and protocol with his nonsense. Now it appears the DOJ is highly selective with Trump prosecutions

In summary, all the institutions that should be national and world gold standards have tarnished themselves just for Trump. Maybe you think that is okay. But not me. And you disgrace yourself by thinking me pointing this out is defending Trump
It's OK to do all the because, well..... Trump. The fact this could happen to any citizen should horrify them, but hey, if it meets their goals of getting rid of him, well, it's all good.

The subject of Trump really separates the wheat from the chaff, when it comes to supporting a Constitutional Republic.

And spare me the 'Yeah, you are the chaff' retorts. It's typical of the juvenile responses to me.
Dude the supposed conversation occurred in fall 2017. If Joe Biden was there, he was a private citizen. In fact IIRC most of his activity at the time centered around his lecturing at the Penn Biden Center, essentially being a college professor.

How in the world is any of that criminal, much less a threat to national security as you maintained with your usual hyperbole?
So, you're saying the conversation did occur.

Good, let's start there.
What Govt job did Biden hold in 2017? I'll hang up and wait for an answer...
Joe said he never knew anything about Hunter's business and yet there's this conversation, Hunter flying to China with him on AF2, and met with Hunter's business partners often.

Doesn't that mean Joe lied? I'll hang up and wait for an answer.
(Not that I don't believe you, I just seriously hadn't heard that yet).
Tenney: “All we need to prove is that Joe Biden was in the room and he’s part of this. And we have other evidence showing that Joe Biden was in the room from various witnesses who were involved in the Biden scheme. Joe was there to show Hunter had the connections…”

“…So that WhatsApp message, we found evidence that Joe Biden and the whole family were in Wilmington on the night of the phone call, the WhatsApp message, when it happened. That was July 30, 2017 and Joe Biden was a private citizen, but this is a continuation of the tax evasion, money laundering and what was going on to get that money through Hunter to Joe Biden and his family.”

Tenney also said the communist Chinese gave the Bidens a cellphone that they tracked the information on, but she did not elaborate on that allegation or whether the phone was given to Joe or Hunter, “Now the Chinese have data, they have a phone that was issued to him by the Chinese Communist Party.”

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I agree he's often his own worst enemy. It's not like Biden is held to the same standard, though, is it?
Trumps attitude has always been somewhat off-putting. For better or worse, Trump does not "Play Nice". Sometimes that is a good thing because it is what it takes to get things done. Sometimes it ends up making enemies.
Frankly, his constant attacks of the media (sometimes earned, sometimes not) IMO, has been a mistake. He alienated too many sources of media that have a larger influence on society than Donald does directly. Now those same media sources are going to revel in his downfall, regarding it as karmic justice.

That's where Joe gets the benefit of the doubt. He's going to get more leeway because he's not going scorched Earth on them. It's not particularly fair, but that's the world we live in.
Trumps attitude has always been somewhat off-putting. For better or worse, Trump does not "Play Nice". Sometimes that is a good thing because it is what it takes to get things done. Sometimes it ends up making enemies.
Frankly, his constant attacks of the media (sometimes earned, sometimes not) IMO, has been a mistake. He alienated too many sources of media that have a larger influence on society than Donald does directly. Now those same media sources are going to revel in his downfall, regarding it as karmic justice.

That's where Joe gets the benefit of the doubt. He's going to get more leeway because he's not going scorched Earth on them. It's not particularly fair, but that's the world we live in.
I think Trump's personality has always been an issue, but the false charges of him and 'Russian Collusion' embittered him and made him super-defensive. He naturally strikes back at anyone attacking him, and the false charges have made him very sensitive to any criticism.

Joe and Democrats always get the benefit of the doubt because the media is mostly Democrat. Any objective look at Biden's career will show him to be a liar and empty suit, willing to go whatever way the political wind blows to stay in power.
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Tenney: “All we need to prove is that Joe Biden was in the room and he’s part of this. And we have other evidence showing that Joe Biden was in the room from various witnesses who were involved in the Biden scheme. Joe was there to show Hunter had the connections…”

“…So that WhatsApp message, we found evidence that Joe Biden and the whole family were in Wilmington on the night of the phone call, the WhatsApp message, when it happened. That was July 30, 2017 and Joe Biden was a private citizen, but this is a continuation of the tax evasion, money laundering and what was going on to get that money through Hunter to Joe Biden and his family.”

Tenney also said the communist Chinese gave the Bidens a cellphone that they tracked the information on, but she did not elaborate on that allegation or whether the phone was given to Joe or Hunter, “Now the Chinese have data, they have a phone that was issued to him by the Chinese Communist Party.”

The Gateway Pundit again, danc? Stop wasting everyone's time with this bullshit.

"We have other evidence showing that Joe was in the room from various witnesses..." Who are the witnesses? Where's the evidence?

"We found evidence that Joe Biden and the whole family were in Wilmington on the night of the phone call." What phone call? Where's the evidence? Also, Wilmington is 17 square miles. Joe could have been anywhere. Yes, the unverified WhatsApp message (the screenshot of the message reflects no time, no internet provider and no cell phone data provider) from crack addict Hunter claims Joe was in the room. That's not the kind of evidence that's going to hold up in court, danc.

"Tenney said the communist Chinese gave the Bidens a cell phone that they tracked the information on, but she did not elaborate on that allegation or whether the phone was given to Joe or Hunter." Lol. Translation: This is "proof" of nothing.

"Now the Chinese have data, they have a phone that was issued to him by the Chinese Communist Party." Which "him?"

This is lame, dank, and I'm being kind. But I wouldn't expect anything more from the Gateway Pundit. You're a fool if you believe anything they publish. You need some new sources.

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Who do you think gave it to CNN? Good Lord, you're worse than Hickory.
YAWN. You're predictable. Your Post No. 7 said the government leaked it, not CNN.

Next time, pick a good one. Disable your auto-post and think a bit,
The reporting totally leaves out the context. Trump said about those documents on the recording: “ this totally wins my case”. What do you suppose he was talking about? At that time, Trump must have been accused of doing something wrong besides taking documents. Trump is accused of doing something wrong on a daily basis. The documents had to do with that.

Miley prepared the document. Was Trump’s statement during the time Miley was shooting off his mouth about warning world leaders about an unhinged Trump going to war and doing that behind Trump’s back? I dunno.

Trump mixed up his tenses when he spoke of the documents. He never said the documents were not declassified. To make that conclusion, you have to correct Trump’s grammar.

If it turns out the DOJ leaked this, that could be a get out of jail free card. SCOTUS ( or maybe the CA) whacked DOJ lawyers for similar conduct in the New Orleans cop murder cases 10 years, or so, ago.

Edit: I just heard that Trump is not charged with keeping the document that he was talking about on the tape. Interesting. Why not? Why the leak?
"The reporting totally leaves out the context. Trump said about those documents on the recording: “ this totally wins my case”. What do you suppose he was talking about? At that time, Trump must have been accused of doing something wrong besides taking documents. Trump is accused of doing something wrong on a daily basis. The documents had to do with that."

His "case" refers to his counter claim to what Milley had said. The whole reason he was intent on implying what the document was, is that his ego demanded he counter what Milley said. With his staffer egging him on, Trump was basically asserting that the classified document that he was waving around "proved his case" and in this case that basically meant contradicting Milley...

The incident cuts to the heart of why Trump stole the documents in the first place. He saw them as a way to counter what he perceived as a false narrative surrounding his administration...He's a self centered egomaniac and he's obsessed with his legacy and how history will view it...

"Trump mixed up his tenses when he spoke of the documents. He never said the documents were not declassified. To make that conclusion, you have to correct Trump’s grammar."

Here is the problem to both that argument as well as Trump's new defense that he was holding "newspaper clippings". The fact that the DOJ was made aware of the existence of the meeting itself as well as the tape is devastating to whatever defense Trump tries to advocate, and I don't just mean the contents of the tape itself...

Initially I assumed that this exhibition took place at one table, and was reported by someone who watched the spectacle from afar and was disturbed...

But as this analysis from NBC makes clear, that wasn't the case...

"Chief among the examples prosecutors lay out in the indictment of Trump sharing classified intelligence with unauthorized individuals took place during a July 2021 sit-down he had with an author and a publisher for an upcoming book on his presidency. Two Trump staffers without proper clearances were also in the room for the discussion."

Imho this makes it abundantly clear that the recording itself and the fact that the DOJ were made aware of both the meeting and taped conversation means that one of the 4 people other than Trump who were in the meeting notified the FBI/DOJ. That means a witness who will likely testify, and also a person who likely personally saw that Trump was not waving around newspaper articles.

My guess (and it's only a guess) is that it was the author or publisher of the proposed book on Meadows, who likely was recording the conversation for accuracy, but had no idea that he/she was going to catch Trump in the act of committing a felony. I don't know how secret Federal GJ sessions are conducted, but I have a feeling that somebody testified before the GJ to cooroborate the details of the incident and that's why it's included within the scope of the indictment. It basically exposes Trump as a liar, with regards to some of the defenses he's tried to put out there...

I'm thinking the transcript/tape came as a huge shock to Team Trump because they likely never even considered the possibility of an event in NJ having any consequence for a case in S FL. It likely wasn't even on the radar as something they needed to prepare for, and that's why they're scrambling incoherently to provide an explanation.

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Well, GPS has put him at the same location Joe was at the time.

Now, I realize you don't think geo-locating is a real thing, but most others do.

Evidently the person Hunter was talking to believed him, because the money showed up soon after in Hunter's account.

So, Hunter flies with Joe on AF2 on to China and Joe meets multiple times with Hunter's business partners and you don't see a nexus there? My, my......
Link it. First I heard about any GPS information. Also explain how this happening in 2017 adds up. The VP in 2017 was Pence, not Biden. Also, Geolocation is a thing, but commercial GPS is not as precise as your very stupid 2000 Mules movie suggests it is. It can show that someone is in the vicinity of someone else though. Second, link the stuff about Hunter flying to China on AF2 and about these supposed meetings. I've not seen this anywhere. Also, do not link any ridiculous unverified tweet from a Trumpster Twitter twit - they're constantly wrong about everything.

I'm more than willing to start caring about the Biden thing if I see some actual believable evidence that Joe Biden is involved in anything criminal.

It remains 100 percent irrelevant to the Trump case.
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I'm thinking the transcript/tape came as a huge shock to Team Trump because they likely never even considered the possibility of an event in NJ having any consequence for a case in S FL. It likely wasn't even on the radar as something they needed to prepare for, and that's why they're scrambling incoherently to provide an explanation.
Smith has surveillance camera footage from Bedminster per today's New York Times.

This could get even more interesting.
Tenney: “All we need to prove is that Joe Biden was in the room and he’s part of this. And we have other evidence showing that Joe Biden was in the room from various witnesses who were involved in the Biden scheme. Joe was there to show Hunter had the connections…”

“…So that WhatsApp message, we found evidence that Joe Biden and the whole family were in Wilmington on the night of the phone call, the WhatsApp message, when it happened. That was July 30, 2017 and Joe Biden was a private citizen, but this is a continuation of the tax evasion, money laundering and what was going on to get that money through Hunter to Joe Biden and his family.”

Tenney also said the communist Chinese gave the Bidens a cellphone that they tracked the information on, but she did not elaborate on that allegation or whether the phone was given to Joe or Hunter, “Now the Chinese have data, they have a phone that was issued to him by the Chinese Communist Party.”

OK. Now I see, you don't have any actual credible evidence. You have a Trumpster supporting politician SAYING this happened.

I'm also disappointed in The Gateway Pundit. When he started he was a sane conservative Republican. I don't know if it's the same guy or new people, but whoever it is might as well be a full-blown Trump cult member these days. Trump makes his supporters dumb and crazy.
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Well, isn't that interesting. So Trump is allegedly showing a classified document to his friends and he's not even being charged with having the document?

Oh, and all those boxes that were shown in the bathroom and other places? Well, there were less than 100 classified docs. So, once again, the prosecutor is telling a false story with his leaks and pictures.

You don't know that, not at all.

All of those documents he kept were property of the U.S. government, whether classified or non-classified.

Possible exceptions might be his lingerie orders for Melania's and Stormy's Valentine's Day presents and his scorecard from St. Andrews showing he really was 10-under par for 18 holes, without provable cheating or gimmes.

All the charges you presently know about can be modified at any time, including during trial, based on new evidence that comes to light and is admitted during trial. So, don't rejoice that you think they haven't been charged yet.

So long as Trump's mouth keeps making noise, there's an excellent chance he will face more charges.

Nonetheless, your post admits you agree Trump illegally possessed "less than 100 classified docs" as you put it. Yet you defend Trump's illegal possession of these documents for more than 1 1/2 years.
Smith has surveillance camera footage from Bedminster per today's New York Times.

This could get even more interesting.
Trump's latest defense is basically, "hey, I'm a liar. I didn't really have any classified documents when I was recorded. I was just saying I did. You know, to show off a little. You can believe all my other lies . . . I mean everything else I said was true. Unless it's not, and I'll say something else."
Well, GPS has put him at the same location Joe was at the time.

Now, I realize you don't think geo-locating is a real thing, but most others do.

Evidently the person Hunter was talking to believed him, because the money showed up soon after in Hunter's account.

So, Hunter flies with Joe on AF2 on to China and Joe meets multiple times with Hunter's business partners and you don't see a nexus there? My, my......
You're as ridiculous and clueless as Bartiromo and this stupid Tenn Congressmen in this moronic exchange...

Watch the clip. They start discussing a Whats Ap messaage from AUG 2017, and make nonsense comments regarding "influence peddling"... The message is on screen barely 13 secs in to the video...

In Aug 2017 both Joe and Hunter Biden were PRIVATE CITIZENS, so your point about them being in the same room is pointless. Influence peddling does not exist unless someone is involved in Govt, and in Aug 2017 there is no crime inherent in anything referred to in that message.

Hunter may have issued vague threats and attempted to do the type of tough negotiating that business types engage in. But that's just Capitalism, there was no access to Govt by Joe Biden in Aug 2017. Moreover, Joe had declined to run for President in 2016 and was essentially retired from politics at that point in time...
Trump's latest defense is basically, "hey, I'm a liar. I didn't really have any classified documents when I was recorded. I was just saying I did. You know, to show off a little. You can believe all my other lies . . . I mean everything else I said was true. Unless it's not, and I'll say something else."
There's some serious gaslighting going on, and the Trump worshipers haven't a clue.
You don't know that, not at all.

All of those documents he kept were property of the U.S. government, whether classified or non-classified.

Possible exceptions might be his lingerie orders for Melania's and Stormy's Valentine's Day presents and his scorecard from St. Andrews showing he really was 10-under par for 18 holes, without provable cheating or gimmes.

All the charges you presently know about can be modified at any time, including during trial, based on new evidence that comes to light and is admitted during trial. So, don't rejoice that you think they haven't been charged yet.

So long as Trump's mouth keeps making noise, there's an excellent chance he will face more charges.

Nonetheless, your post admits you agree Trump illegally possessed "less than 100 classified docs" as you put it. Yet you defend Trump's illegal possession of these documents for more than 1 1/2 years.
I guess it's progress that Trump and the Trumpsters no longer claim Trump declassified everything (always obviously false) so he had NO classified documents.
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Could be. It also shows that Trump was working with the National Archives to turn over classified documents at the time the subpoena was issued. The FBI was there previously and told them to put another lock on the door, which was done.

This entire situation is sparked by the coming election in 2022 and the heat being turned up on Hunter as more evidence is exposed. And why wasn't Trump's lawyer allowed to accompany the FBI during their raid. Were they scared the woman would overpower them and make off with documents?

The entire thing stinks to high heaven and, with the lack of interesting in Hillary, Joe, and Mike having classified docs illegally shows what a joke it is.
"Working with the National Archives," you wrote.

Was this before or after Trump told his lawyer to falsely tell the National Archives that he had already returned all the documents?

Sounds like you think "working with" the National Archives includes lying to the National Archives.

Why don't you just wait until all the actual evidence is introduced in court filings and trial before acting your faux outrage? Don't worry -- Trump will have many more opportunities to dream up more ridiculous excuses for whatever he foolishly admits that he did. You'll be just fine.
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I think Trump's personality has always been an issue, but the false charges of him and 'Russian Collusion' embittered him and made him super-defensive. He naturally strikes back at anyone attacking him, and the false charges have made him very sensitive to any criticism.

Joe and Democrats always get the benefit of the doubt because the media is mostly Democrat. Any objective look at Biden's career will show him to be a liar and empty suit, willing to go whatever way the political wind blows to stay in power.
He's such a victim, right? So are Trumpsters. This pessimistic cult of victimhood has never been the Republican way.
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It's being used for public opinion. That's all.

In a trial, it's his word - and evidently a witness that was present - against the government's as far as was what he said is credible evidence or not.
Not really -- every word of Trump's that was recorded on any media is fair game for trial, even without a witness saying anything more than I recorded it and that's Trump's voice or just that it sounds like Trump's voice,

Trump's "word" as you put it will never be heard unless he sits for a deposition or takes the stand at trial. This will never happen because Trump doesn't dare say anything under oath more than "Fifth Amendment Fifth Amendment"!

Once Trump says anything more, he will be testifying for days about everything in his life reflecting on either the govt's present case or on Trump's dubious credibility (i.e. past lies). No practical limits.
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He's such a victim, right? So are Trumpsters. This pessimistic cult of victimhood has never been the Republican way.
Because the legacy Republicans had an active role in the slime for their own personal and only their personal gain. That is why one should NEVER vote for party, vote for the person/ policies. The Republican party that some still hold hope to return, is dead. Yes it is sad, but it's true. The sad part, we are shoeboxed into a system that if you aint D, you must be an R and they both mean the exact same damn thing. Wall street wins again.
Bow tie Mitt aint walking through that door admiral. notice every republican running for 2024 and a couple of the Dem's. They are all running on Trumps platform. The ship is deporting, better jump on. quick.
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