
There is little doubt that we have a war on the issue of race, and both sides have adherents who want to fire early and often. And we see it in every case like this. I don't deny that is a big problem, but it is a simple fact that getting a narrative out early makes a difference and everyone knows that (including our Russian friends who are doubtlessly helping us out with pushing a narrative).

Going back a couple posts, we can't let racism become something that prevents people from trying to succeed at the same point we have to take racism seriously as a threat to our nation for the reasons we are seeing. At this moment, I believe we have dealt with racism for nearly 250 years so it is time we worry about it more. But I admit that there are times I am concerned with the backlash. But we have tolerated 250 years of racism so we can tolerate some misplaced backlash. I'd rather we not of course, but for now ending racism is my priority.
i hate millennials only slightly less than celebrities. they whine, don't realize how easy they have things, want instant gratification, are lousy hires, and on and on, but that generation and the generation after it will end racism. gen x will be the last generation where racism is a prominent thing imo. to their immense credit millennials don't see race like the older generations. my daughter's best friend is black. she's turning ten. a few weeks ago we were outside starbucks and she ran into a kid she knew from one of the other neighborhood schools. my daughter described her best friend to her as "darker skinned." when we left i said hey what kid were you talking about. and when she answered i go why didn't you just say she's black? she looked at me like was nutty and said we don't say that anymore. it's a bit snow-flakey for my far right wing fascist preferences but once again enlightening. in just 20 short years i don't think our country will look anything like it does today when it comes to racism - to the credit of millennials and the kids after.
i hate millennials only slightly less than celebrities. they whine, don't realize how easy they have things, want instant gratification, are lousy hires, and on and on,

Time to dust off a classic...

While I get this concern, can’t we all acknowledge that this happened to the GOP already? The GOP is the radical party. Wringing our hands about what Biden might do sometime in the future seems to miss the point.
Wait, aren't you scared that Biden might damage the economy while at the same time he totally mishandles a pandemic and social upheaval? :rolleyes:
All the protesters have to do is go home before dark. It's just smart. Too many outside agitators including white supremacist militias want to agitate and commit actions that will be blamed on protesters.

Come out in force during the day protest all you wish .. at night.. quit being cover for rioters, criminals, opportunists and Nazis. Makes the protest more relevant, allows police to contain rioting easier, and most importantly they wouldn't be giving camouflage to idiot white supremacist groups wanting to start a race war.
Other than I think you glossed over gangs way too quickly and dismissively, I agree with everything you’ve said here. Capone gangs weren’t equivalent to modern gangs. The five points gangs a bit closer but still not the same.

We’re talking about gangs being substitutes for parents and rearing and brainwashing youths into becoming child soldiers. That’s a very very bad thing.
Maybe this is the disruption of the nuclear family they have in their Mission Statement .
While I get this concern, can’t we all acknowledge that this happened to the GOP already? The GOP is the radical party. Wringing our hands about what Biden might do sometime in the future seems to miss the point.

I don't disagree with that, McCain, Romney, etc. were basically pushed out of power. To be clear, I didn't say I am voting for Donald. I'm just struggling to vote for Biden as he is forced to play more of a progressive puppet the far left is trying to push for.
I don't disagree with that, McCain, Romney, etc. were basically pushed out of power. To be clear, I didn't say I am voting for Donald. I'm just struggling to vote for Biden as he is forced to play more of a progressive puppet the far left is trying to push for.

Biden shot down defund the police and has a long history as a moderate. Trump legitimized QAnon during a WH presser. That’s the stuff I’m talking about.
Wait, aren't you scared that Biden might damage the economy while at the same time he totally mishandles a pandemic and social upheaval? :rolleyes:

That’s what I find so wild about this platform. America is in shambles and I’ve been POTUS for the last 4 years. So you need me Re-elect me to get things fixed. It’s bizarre and makes zero sense.
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That’s what I find so wild about this platform. America is in shambles and I’ve been POTUS for the last 4 years. So you need me Re-elect me to get things fixed. It’s bizarre and makes zero sense.
One of the many reasons i want Trump to lose is so he can write a book about his power to deflect blame. Honestly, it is amazing. He has inteligent people believing this dystopia is Biden's doing.
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I hope President Trump wins re-election so all these freaks and weirdos don’t take over and destroy America and make us like Greece!
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That’s what I find so wild about this platform. America is in shambles and I’ve been POTUS for the last 4 years. So you need me Re-elect me to get things fixed. It’s bizarre and makes zero sense.

Yeah, I struggle with the "If I don't get four more years, America will look like it looks while I'm President."

Meanwhile, remember that chart that some of our conservative brethren pointed to claiming Kamala Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders. It shows that Biden is the moderate/centrist from the party that has more moderate/centrists and a more even spread along the left side of the political spectrum. The fear of wacko extremists argument should net more support for Biden, not less.
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There will be a lot of backlash if stuff like this continues. This is really unacceptable. I say this as a guy who cannot stand Trump and plans to vote for Biden - protesters and riots and the apparent lack of desire by Democrats to get either under control might make my vote for Biden worthless.

You're a really reasonable guy... Do you really think that people are going to be more upset at isolated BLM protestors haranguing diners than they are at Trump basically turning the WH into the scene of a week-long circle-jerking of praise and back-patting? Hey, I've exacerbated racial strife and basically been responsible for thousands of needless deaths that other countries somehow managed to avoid- but you need to re-elect me because BLM protestors yell at people trying to eat?

I think people may need to stop and think why all of this is happening in "Trump's America", and then seriously think about if you think re-electing that idiot is going to suddenly make all this turmoil go away? I see an election where Trump's only chance is to somehow win a few battleground states and steal enough EVs to deprive the candidate who wins by 5 Million plus votes of victory.

I just don't see the same patience from the majority of voters occurring in 2020 that ensued in 2016 when a minority of voters basically thwarted the will of the majority, because of 70,000 votes in 3 states. I think if people feel that Trump "stole" this election then violent protest will be much more of a factor than it has been up to this point. He's the least popular POTUS in history.

People on the right always claim to be the majority, but somehow the GOP has managed to secure the popular vote exactly one time in this Century. As well as at any point in the last 32 yrs.

The EC may technically "elect" the POTUS. However, unless it's combined with a popular vote victory (which the Dems somehow always manage to achieve) it really amounts to government by the minority and really doesn't accurately reflect the wishes of the voting public. I think if that occurs in 2020, people who thought they were voting for "law and order" may be in for a rude shock.
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Brandon Marshall, NFL player, just moved to his new home near Ft. Lauderdale.

Security guards called the cops, calling him suspicious.

Ths stuff happens all of the freakin' time

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Brandon Marshall, NFL player, just moved to his new home near Ft. Lauderdale.

Security guards called the cops, calling him suspicious.

Ths stuff happens all of the freakin' time

so is it weston florida or is it fort lauderdale? fort lauderdale is probably 1/3 black; weston probably had a black person drive through it once. shouldn't happen anywhere but a big difference.
You're a really reasonable guy... Do you really think that people are going to be more upset at isolated BLM protestors haranguing diners than they are at Trump basically turning the WH into the scene of a week-long circle-jerking of praise and back-patting? Hey, I've exacerbated racial strife and basically been responsible for thousands of needless deaths that other countries somehow managed to avoid- but you need to re-elect me because BLM protestors yell at people trying to eat?

I think people may need to stop and think why all of this is happening in "Trump's America", and then seriously think about if you think re-electing that idiot is going to suddenly make all this turmoil go away? I see an election where Trump's only chance is to somehow win a few battleground states and steal enough EVs to deprive the candidate who wins by 5 Million plus votes of victory.

I just don't see the same patience from the majority of voters occurring in 2020 that ensued in 2016 when a minority of voters basically thwarted the will of the majority, because of 70,000 votes in 3 states. I think if people feel that Trump "stole" this election then violent protest will be much more of a factor than it has been up to this point. He's the least popular POTUS in history.

People on the right always claim to be the majority, but somehow the GOP has managed to secure the popular vote exactly one time in this Century. As well as at any point in the last 32 yrs.

The EC may technically "elect" the POTUS. However, unless it's combined with a popular vote victory (which the Dems somehow always manage to achieve) it really amounts to government by the minority and really doesn't accurately reflect the wishes of the voting public. I think if that occurs in 2020, people who thought they were voting for "law and order" may be in for a rude shock.
I'd be furious if some protestors harangued me like that. I'd refuse to do what they asked me to do even if they were asking me to do something I normally do - like drink my beer. It infuriated me to see them do it to the lady in the video - who, by the way, claims to have attended BLM protests. I'm sure it infuriated others too. In fact you can see that it did just looking at that twitter feed (or whatever they call that thing on Twitter). Actions like that and misbehavior at the protests themselves will quickly cost BLM some percentage of those that have been sympathetic to the cause. I seriously do think it could cost Biden some votes too.

I'm not voting for Trump, but there are things happening surrounding these protests and Democratic politicians are apparently afraid to remark on them. It makes me less enthusiastic for voting for Biden. I still plan to, but I'd prefer to smile when I do it. ;)
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i hate millennials only slightly less than celebrities.
Same thing was said about Gen x by Boomers. The greatest generation said the same of Boomers. Millennials say the same of Zoomers ... getting the picture yet?

Rinse repeat .. back to the beginning of recorded history. I'm sure you've read Socrates' description of youth. If any of it were actually detrimental society would never have advanced this far.

I think it's just the young being and acting young and the old being and acting old. There's no stereotype that can cover a whole generation and each of the attributes you stated above can be said of a person of every generation. Might as well believe in horoscopes.. probably more valid.
Same thing was said about Gen x by Boomers. The greatest generation said the same of Boomers. Millennials say the same of Zoomers ... getting the picture yet?

Rinse repeat .. back to the beginning of recorded history. I'm sure you've read Socrates' description of youth. If any of it were actually detrimental society would never have advanced this far.

I think it's just the young being and acting young and the old being and acting old. There's no stereotype that can cover a whole generation and each of the attributes you stated above can be said of a person of every generation. Might as well believe in horoscopes.. probably more valid.
Probably so.
so is it weston florida or is it fort lauderdale? fort lauderdale is probably 1/3 black; weston probably had a black person drive through it once. shouldn't happen anywhere but a big difference.
It's Weston. It isn't too far west of Ft. Lauderdale, and I figured people not from FL wouldn't know where Weston is.

The only part of Weston I have been to is near Cleveland Clinic Florida. It seemed nice, but it wasn't the island of Palm Beach level white & posh or anything.
It's Weston. It isn't too far west of Ft. Lauderdale, and I figured people not from FL wouldn't know where Weston is.

The only part of Weston I have been to is near Cleveland Clinic Florida. It seemed nice, but it wasn't the island of Palm Beach level white & posh or anything.
yeah i guess it's a new hot spot kind of like wellington once was. way west. closer to gators than people lol. I would have been surprised if that incident occurred in Fort Lauderdale.
You're a really reasonable guy... Do you really think that people are going to be more upset at isolated BLM protestors haranguing diners than they are at Trump basically turning the WH into the scene of a week-long circle-jerking of praise and back-patting? Hey, I've exacerbated racial strife and basically been responsible for thousands of needless deaths that other countries somehow managed to avoid- but you need to re-elect me because BLM protestors yell at people trying to eat?

I think people may need to stop and think why all of this is happening in "Trump's America", and then seriously think about if you think re-electing that idiot is going to suddenly make all this turmoil go away? I see an election where Trump's only chance is to somehow win a few battleground states and steal enough EVs to deprive the candidate who wins by 5 Million plus votes of victory.

I just don't see the same patience from the majority of voters occurring in 2020 that ensued in 2016 when a minority of voters basically thwarted the will of the majority, because of 70,000 votes in 3 states. I think if people feel that Trump "stole" this election then violent protest will be much more of a factor than it has been up to this point. He's the least popular POTUS in history.

People on the right always claim to be the majority, but somehow the GOP has managed to secure the popular vote exactly one time in this Century. As well as at any point in the last 32 yrs.

The EC may technically "elect" the POTUS. However, unless it's combined with a popular vote victory (which the Dems somehow always manage to achieve) it really amounts to government by the minority and really doesn't accurately reflect the wishes of the voting public. I think if that occurs in 2020, people who thought they were voting for "law and order" may be in for a rude shock.
One minor point on your popular vote analysis - Bill Clinton didn't the majority of all votes in either of his elections. He won 43% in '92 and '49% in '96. His election in '92 was the final nail in the coffin for my registration as a Democrat. I was definitely not a fan. ;)
Brandon Marshall, NFL player, just moved to his new home near Ft. Lauderdale.

Security guards called the cops, calling him suspicious.

Ths stuff happens all of the freakin' time

Ok let’s take a breath here. He should have edited out the part about how his name wasn’t on the list - that affects the Narrative. What is security supposed to do, outside shooter? Just let him in?

Where is the common sense? Does security have a daily updated list of who owns homes in the neighborhood?

BM was one of my fave players on the Bears when he was there. Had magic hands. Also has a severe case of Borderline Personality Disorder.

But you keep keeping on with the Narrative. We (Americans) are going down when a scientist can’t see through bias.
Same thing was said about Gen x by Boomers. The greatest generation said the same of Boomers. Millennials say the same of Zoomers ... getting the picture yet?

Rinse repeat .. back to the beginning of recorded history. I'm sure you've read Socrates' description of youth. If any of it were actually detrimental society would never have advanced this far.

I think it's just the young being and acting young and the old being and acting old. There's no stereotype that can cover a whole generation and each of the attributes you stated above can be said of a person of every generation. Might as well believe in horoscopes.. probably more valid.

Totes agree. I'm actually incredibly impressed by most of the millennials and Zoomers I come across. While everybody has their plusses and minuses, I compare what I was dealing with at their age to what they do and I'm amazed by their poise and insight. I would not have made it through if I was a teenager now.
Totes agree. I'm actually incredibly impressed by most of the millennials and Zoomers I come across. While everybody has their plusses and minuses, I compare what I was dealing with at their age to what they do and I'm amazed by their poise and insight. I would not have made it through if I was a teenager now.
I wouldn’t have made it through college if I had a cell phone and memes. I’d get nothing done but try to be Lord of the Memes.
Ok let’s take a breath here. He should have edited out the part about how his name wasn’t on the list - that affects the Narrative. What is security supposed to do, outside shooter? Just let him in?

Where is the common sense? Does security have a daily updated list of who owns homes in the neighborhood?

BM was one of my fave players on the Bears when he was there. Had magic hands. Also has a severe case of Borderline Personality Disorder.

But you keep keeping on with the Narrative. We (Americans) are going down when a scientist can’t see through bias. about a guy committed to a "Narrative".

You don't ask any sincere questions. You don't wonder why they identified Brandon Marshall and his kids as "suspicious". You don't ask why the police were called. You don't ask how security became involved. You just plow forward with your "Narrative" that African-Americans are unjustified in feeling persecuted and imagining it all. I don't know why you do it, but you're doing pretty much the bizarro world version of what you accuse shooter of doing.
Totes agree. I'm actually incredibly impressed by most of the millennials and Zoomers I come across. While everybody has their plusses and minuses, I compare what I was dealing with at their age to what they do and I'm amazed by their poise and insight. I would not have made it through if I was a teenager now.
I don’t know hoosboot. My dad at 22 was out of Vietnam had a wife and a kid and a house and worked two jobs. These kids today ive worked with want instant gratification and have a sense of entitlement that shocks me. But who knows. Maybe I’m getting crabbier as I get older. Regardless it will be interesting to see what long term impact technology (cell phones computers) has on folks. I’ve read kids are having a harder time taking bar exams bc they aren’t used to sitting and reading that long. My own kid just talks into her phone for every message. It eliminates so much of the education we had. They will be a little different.
Just got through this thread and it played out exactly as I would have expected by exactly the posters I would have expected after reading the title.

I can save you fine folks a ton of time by playing it out for you in advance. about a guy committed to a "Narrative".

You don't ask any sincere questions. You don't wonder why they identified Brandon Marshall and his kids as "suspicious". You don't ask why the police were called. You don't ask how security became involved. You just plow forward with your "Narrative" that African-Americans are unjustified in feeling persecuted and imagining it all. I don't know why you do it, but you're doing pretty much the bizarro world version of what you accuse shooter of doing.
That’s a completely wrong read of what I said, hoosboot. Shame.

Like most of these videos, it starts once the situation is in full escalation. We get none of the precipitating actions. We have Marshall shouting at some befuddled security guards that don’t look like the sharpest end of the stick.

Marshall accidentally lets slip that his name isn’t on the security list. Oh shit, now we have an issue here don’t we, hoosboot? Is that security’s fault his name isn’t on the list? It may be. It may be the HOA it may be his realtor.

Did he demand entry into the neighborhood?Did he threaten the guards? I don’t know. It’s not on the video. Did the guards start instantly yelling at him and called the cops? I don’t know, it’s not on the video. Do you honestly think that security didn’t let a guy into the neighborhood because his name want on the list AND because he’s an African american? I hope you don’t believe that if that was Cooper Krupp they’d let him straight in. That’s some pretzel twisting logic isn’t it?

What should have happened is he should have calmly called his realtor to explain the situation and get it remedied. Did that happen?I don’t know, we don’t see it.

I’m sure beyond the shadow of a doubt that real racism exists. The problem is that when one views everything through a lens of being a victim of racism then everything is obviously racism - except it’s not and now we have the Narrative again.

Im here to try to bring reason and critical thinking - I’m not here arguing against racism. That’s all. Maybe I’m done.
Just got through this thread and it played out exactly as I would have expected by exactly the posters I would have expected after reading the title.

I can save you fine folks a ton of time by playing it out for you in advance.
This genuinely made me laugh out loud. Insert new topic and rinse repeat.
Im here to try to bring reason and critical thinking

If you were, you'd engage in more of it. There are a lot of "I don't know"s in your post and it's probably best to stick with that. The calm, reasonable, critical thinker would stick with "I don't know the details of what happened here. I can understand Marshall's frustration, especially in the current climate, but it's quite possible that the Security Guard's had good reason to express concern, identify him as suspicious, and call the police. I'm interested in learning more about the story before passing judgement".

The "he was a great player for my Bears, but..." thing isn't the best look.
If you were, you'd engage in more of it. There are a lot of "I don't know"s in your post and it's probably best to stick with that. The calm, reasonable, critical thinker would stick with "I don't know the details of what happened here. I can understand Marshall's frustration, especially in the current climate, but it's quite possible that the Security Guard's had good reason to express concern, identify him as suspicious, and call the police. I'm interested in learning more about the story before passing judgement".

The "he was a great player for my Bears, but..." thing isn't the best look.
Security guard? Gates? Whaaaaaaaaat? outside hitter? comic con? are you guys seeing this? WTF? why the hell would he want a security guard and gates? it's soooooooooooooo weird. how will protesters get in?
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. What is security supposed to do, outside shooter? Just let him in?

Maybe they ask a few questions. Maybe they call the property manager. Maybe they ask to see that he has keys to the property. Maybe they get his ID and license plate number.

They don't freakin' call the cops. They 100% would not if it was me, a non-scary looking WHITE GUY.

Think more. Post better.
Maybe they ask a few questions. Maybe they call the property manager. Maybe they ask to see that he has keys to the property. Maybe they get his ID and license plate number.

They don't freakin' call the cops. They 100% would not if it was me, a non-scary looking WHITE GUY.

Think more. Post better.
But wait why is he moving into a gated neighborhood with security guards? What if there’s protestors? How will they get in? I guess he’ll likely petition the hoa to remove that wall and security stat! about a guy committed to a "Narrative".

You don't ask any sincere questions. You don't wonder why they identified Brandon Marshall and his kids as "suspicious". You don't ask why the police were called. You don't ask how security became involved. You just plow forward with your "Narrative" that African-Americans are unjustified in feeling persecuted and imagining it all. I don't know why you do it, but you're doing pretty much the bizarro world version of what you accuse shooter of doing.
This is possibly the worst reply you’ve ever levied against me. It’s probably time we stop. I must suck at communicating because you’ve missed everything I’m trying to say.

on edit: I don’t even know what you’re trying to say other than “I refuse to believe this is anything other than security guards weaponizing their whiteness”.

That you’d take a video started in mid-incident filmed by a guy with BPD and not factor anything else in speaks volumes about where this conversation Is headed.
Maybe they ask a few questions. Maybe they call the property manager. Maybe they ask to see that he has keys to the property. Maybe they get his ID and license plate number.

They don't freakin' call the cops. They 100% would not if it was me, a non-scary looking WHITE GUY.

Think more. Post better.
This is dumb. Even from a hugely biased guy like yourself. You have no idea what happened before the tape started rolling - but you know in your bleeding, biased heart that #15 is a victim of racism because he couldn’t get into a gated neighborhood without being on the list.

I hope you’re better at science than you are at critical thinking. Because you abjectly suck at it.