Who, on the Dem side, is a solid candidate that would certainly beat Trump?


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2002
The combination of Biden being the President, and there not being much of any talk about anyone primarying him...along with me not usually paying a ton of attention to the Dem's field anyways... leaves me with limited knowledge of who they could run that's:

1. A solid candidate (weird ask, I know)
2. Would assuredly beat Trump
3. Would be open to working with Progressives, but would be much closer to the center on most issues.

I don't think Harris fits these things, at all. I don't think Buttigieg fits these things. Who else is out there?

I'm at a point where I've pretty much given up on the GOP moving away from Trump. So I'm shifting my hopes towards a "last minute" pitching change on the Dems side.

And I think swearing in a competent, well intentioned, forward thinking human being for POTUS in January 2025, would probably be the best thing thats happened for this country in decades. Conversely, swearing in either of the diaper wearers, would be one of the worst things, possibly ever, to happen for this country.
The combination of Biden being the President, and there not being much of any talk about anyone primarying him...along with me not usually paying a ton of attention to the Dem's field anyways... leaves me with limited knowledge of who they could run that's:

1. A solid candidate (weird ask, I know)
2. Would assuredly beat Trump
3. Would be open to working with Progressives, but would be much closer to the center on most issues.

I don't think Harris fits these things, at all. I don't think Buttigieg fits these things. Who else is out there?

I'm at a point where I've pretty much given up on the GOP moving away from Trump. So I'm shifting my hopes towards a "last minute" pitching change on the Dems side.

And I think swearing in a competent, well intentioned, forward thinking human being for POTUS in January 2025, would probably be the best thing thats happened for this country in decades. Conversely, swearing in either of the diaper wearers, would be one of the worst things, possibly ever, to happen for this country.
the dem party is a total disaster. what the trumpers did to the pubs the woke cult did to the dems. biden is horrible. a dumb 50 year gov cadaver who is an ahole and likely as dirty as trump but has the media running interference for him. harris is a vapid virtue signaling race-baiting moron. stay at home pete evidenced his incompetence and lack of experience on top of his endless virtue signaling bs. who is left? whitmer? bwahahahaha clown show. her draconian covid bs are a hard pass. who is left? do the dems have anyone? oh newsom bwahahahaha. clown. do i as i say not as i do douchebag. cities in calif are a trainwreck. homelessness. crime. housing unaffordable. population stagnant for the first time in what a century. people in the rest of the country hear calif and think hard pass. insert pritzker. same drill. totally worthless liberal. as i said the dem party is a complete trainwreck of garbage. do they have anyone? anyone at all? OH WAIT!!! HOLD ON!!!!!!

JOSH SHAPIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50. Sweet spot for president. Gtown law. born in kc with those midwest values. Center left dem who is biz friendly and cutting through gov red tape. easier to get teaching certs, medicaid providers, you know he'll make gov work FOR US! Crime? Tough! Common sense. Taxation? Reasonable!! Spending? Reasonable!!!! that's a candidate who would absolutely shred trump in a debate and is the type of president who would bring our country back to a sense of normalcy.
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The combination of Biden being the President, and there not being much of any talk about anyone primarying him...along with me not usually paying a ton of attention to the Dem's field anyways... leaves me with limited knowledge of who they could run that's:

1. A solid candidate (weird ask, I know)
2. Would assuredly beat Trump
3. Would be open to working with Progressives, but would be much closer to the center on most issues.

I don't think Harris fits these things, at all. I don't think Buttigieg fits these things. Who else is out there?

I'm at a point where I've pretty much given up on the GOP moving away from Trump. So I'm shifting my hopes towards a "last minute" pitching change on the Dems side.

And I think swearing in a competent, well intentioned, forward thinking human being for POTUS in January 2025, would probably be the best thing thats happened for this country in decades. Conversely, swearing in either of the diaper wearers, would be one of the worst things, possibly ever, to happen for this country.
Whitmer, Kelly, Klobuchar all from a more centrist side. On the progressive side, Khanna seems really capable but he is probably 4-8 years away.
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I still think Klobuchar was a decent candidate. She is a moderate. Decently respected. Decently smart (as far as I was able to tell from interviews). She just doesn't have the "it" factor of presence.
As I mentioned in another thread, while having gravitas is certainly helpful for a president, it's pretty low on my list of priorities if the candidate is able to get things done.
The only question would be how well she could handle herself in a debate with Trump. That's a tall order for any candidate for sure, but it would come down to how much Trump would try to talk over her and how she responded.
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the dem party is a total disaster. what the trumpers did to the pubs the woke cult did to the dems. biden is horrible. a dumb 50 year gov cadaver who is likely as dirty as trump but has the media running interference for him. harris is a vapid virtue signaling race-baiting moron. stay at home pete evidenced his incompetence and lack of experience on top of his endless virtue signaling bs. who is left? whitmer? bwahahahaha clown show. her draconian covid bs are a hard pass. who is left? do the dems have anyone? oh newsom bwahahahaha. clown. do i as i say not as i do douchebag. cities in calif are a trainwreck. homelessness. crime. housing unaffordable. population stagnant for the first time in what a century. people in the rest of the country hear calif and think hard pass. insert pritzker. same drill. totally worthless liberal. as i said the dem party is a complete trainwreck of garbage. do they have anyone? anyone at all? OH WAIT!!! HOLD ON!!!!!!

JOSH SHAPIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50. Sweet spot for president. Gtown law. born in kc with those midwest values. Center left dem who is biz friendly and cutting through gov red tape. easier to get teaching certs, medicaid providers, you know he'll make gov work FOR US! Crime? Tough! Common sense. Taxation? Reasonable!! Spending? Reasonable!!!! that's a candidate who would absolutely shred trump in a debate and is the type of president who would bring our country back to a sense of normalcy.
thanks for the reasonable response. Totally agree on the first paragraph cast of characters not being viable...though I would say a couple of them would be markedly better than either Trump or Biden. But I think everyone in your first paragraph would be very beatable for Trump. Not saying he'd definitely beat any of them, just that he'd have a legitimate chance. I want Biden out of the picture. AND I want someone running in his place that will 100% beat Trump.

I'll have to read up, follow, Shapiro a little more.
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Whitmer, Kelly, Klobuchar all from a more centrist side. On the progressive side, Khanna seems really capable but he is probably 4-8 years away.
I still think we need a more centrist POTUS. From either side. I thought of Klobuchar...but would she 100 percent beat Trump? I could see that race getting the better of her, for some reason.
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thanks for the reasonable response. Totally agree on the first paragraph cast of characters not being viable...though I would say a couple of them would be markedly better than either Trump or Biden. But I think everyone in your first paragraph would be very beatable for Trump. Not saying he'd definitely beat any of them, just that he'd have a legitimate chance. I want Biden out of the picture. AND I want someone running in his place that will 100% beat Trump.

I'll have to read up, follow, Shapiro a little more.
from what i've read on shapiro and heard he just presents as a smart, well-spoken, normal center left guy with common sense. i'd vote for him.
The combination of Biden being the President, and there not being much of any talk about anyone primarying him...along with me not usually paying a ton of attention to the Dem's field anyways... leaves me with limited knowledge of who they could run that's:

1. A solid candidate (weird ask, I know)
2. Would assuredly beat Trump
3. Would be open to working with Progressives, but would be much closer to the center on most issues.

I don't think Harris fits these things, at all. I don't think Buttigieg fits these things. Who else is out there?

I'm at a point where I've pretty much given up on the GOP moving away from Trump. So I'm shifting my hopes towards a "last minute" pitching change on the Dems side.

And I think swearing in a competent, well intentioned, forward thinking human being for POTUS in January 2025, would probably be the best thing thats happened for this country in decades. Conversely, swearing in either of the diaper wearers, would be one of the worst things, possibly ever, to happen for this country.

I would hope most any dem would beat Trump but I could be wrong. I think Trump is the only candidate Biden could probably beat. I think most other dems would fair even better than Biden.

I think Buttigieg is actually a pretty good fit politically to your #3. His issue will be overcoming being gay given some would hold that against him.

I'm not as down on Harris as most but agree that she is not a good option (not a very likeable personality).

Newsom seems well positioned if Biden gets out of the way.

Here is a list from washington post -

The worst case for dems is Trump getting taken out of the race and Biden deciding to go forward.
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The combination of Biden being the President, and there not being much of any talk about anyone primarying him...along with me not usually paying a ton of attention to the Dem's field anyways... leaves me with limited knowledge of who they could run that's:

1. A solid candidate (weird ask, I know)
2. Would assuredly beat Trump
3. Would be open to working with Progressives, but would be much closer to the center on most issues.

I don't think Harris fits these things, at all. I don't think Buttigieg fits these things. Who else is out there?

I'm at a point where I've pretty much given up on the GOP moving away from Trump. So I'm shifting my hopes towards a "last minute" pitching change on the Dems side.

And I think swearing in a competent, well intentioned, forward thinking human being for POTUS in January 2025, would probably be the best thing thats happened for this country in decades. Conversely, swearing in either of the diaper wearers, would be one of the worst things, possibly ever, to happen for this country.
4. Has a demonstrated record of competency.
The combination of Biden being the President, and there not being much of any talk about anyone primarying him...along with me not usually paying a ton of attention to the Dem's field anyways... leaves me with limited knowledge of who they could run that's:

1. A solid candidate (weird ask, I know)
2. Would assuredly beat Trump
3. Would be open to working with Progressives, but would be much closer to the center on most issues.

I don't think Harris fits these things, at all. I don't think Buttigieg fits these things. Who else is out there?

I'm at a point where I've pretty much given up on the GOP moving away from Trump. So I'm shifting my hopes towards a "last minute" pitching change on the Dems side.

And I think swearing in a competent, well intentioned, forward thinking human being for POTUS in January 2025, would probably be the best thing thats happened for this country in decades. Conversely, swearing in either of the diaper wearers, would be one of the worst things, possibly ever, to happen for this country.
James Mattis.

When our government seems rudderless, incompetent, and dysfunctional, a solid military guy would right the ship. Yeah, he’s older, but as far as I know, he still has a lot in the ball. ,
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James Mattis.

When our government seems rudderless, incompetent, and dysfunctional, a solid military guy would right the ship. Yeah, he’s older, but as far as I know, he still has a lot in the ball. ,
I don't think he qualifies as a democrat.
from what i've read on shapiro and heard he just presents as a smart, well-spoken, normal center left guy with common sense. i'd vote for him.
He copies Obama's speech patterns, but that's def not a dealbreaker. Maybe slightly annoying, and he'll get made fun of on SNL but who cares.
I thought of Klobuchar...but would she 100 percent beat Trump? I could see that race getting the better of her, for some reason.
Let's look at the electoral map from 2016.

There were essentially 6 toss-up states. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Ohio, and Florida. There would potentially be some additional toss-up states in 2024 (Arizona, Georgia), but assuming a worst-case scenario, let's say all those other states follow the 2016 results (and I can't really see any of the states that he lost in 2016 flipping, certainly not Minnesota and I think Nevada would be unlikely).

I think Ohio, Florida, and Iowa would still be safe Trump bets. So it would all come down to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Those three states together would swing the election though (If Klobuchar got all three, she would win with 276 votes).

Of those three, Wisconsin was the only one that was close in 2020 (Trump lost by 20,000 votes there). I suspect that if Klobuchar was able to win Wisconsin, she'd probably be able to pull it off.

Something also to remember is that Gary Johnson ran in 2016. The roughly 3% that he pulled in all three of those states would have easily made the difference in Hillary winning those states (assuming that those votes went to her instead, which is obviously not true, but should also be considered as a factor).
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I still think we need a more centrist POTUS. From either side. I thought of Klobuchar...but would she 100 percent beat Trump? I could see that race getting the better of her, for some reason.

No one is 100%. Look how close Biden came to losing given there were several states 1% or less.

He also is too old, but the most Trump proof probably is Bernie. Bernie attracts the same "they are evil and out to get us" voter. If one wants to screw the elite, Bernie has a track record.

But he is ancient.

But all this is why there needs to be someone in the primary. Nate Silver said that a Mitch Connell moment will sink Biden. Someone needs to be ready to pick up the banner.
No one is 100%. Look how close Biden came to losing given there were several states 1% or less.

He also is too old, but the most Trump proof probably is Bernie. Bernie attracts the same "they are evil and out to get us" voter. If one wants to screw the elite, Bernie has a track record.

But he is ancient.

But all this is why there needs to be someone in the primary. Nate Silver said that a Mitch Connell moment will sink Biden. Someone needs to be ready to pick up the banner.
Why in the world would Nate say that? There has been nothing to indicate that. And Nate has been wrong on a lot of things since his claim to fame in Obama election. The same could be said of Trump or Bernie, for that matter. But I agree no one is 100%, but I’d be putting my money on someone younger.
Why in the world would Nate say that? There has been nothing to indicate that. And Nate has been wrong on a lot of things since his claim to fame in Obama election. The same could be said of Trump or Bernie, for that matter. But I agree no one is 100%, but I’d be putting my money on someone younger.
People are very concerned about Biden's age. Trump is only marginally younger, I guess Biden "seems" older.

The combination of Biden being the President, and there not being much of any talk about anyone primarying him...along with me not usually paying a ton of attention to the Dem's field anyways... leaves me with limited knowledge of who they could run that's:

1. A solid candidate (weird ask, I know)
2. Would assuredly beat Trump
3. Would be open to working with Progressives, but would be much closer to the center on most issues.

I don't think Harris fits these things, at all. I don't think Buttigieg fits these things. Who else is out there?

I'm at a point where I've pretty much given up on the GOP moving away from Trump. So I'm shifting my hopes towards a "last minute" pitching change on the Dems side.

And I think swearing in a competent, well intentioned, forward thinking human being for POTUS in January 2025, would probably be the best thing thats happened for this country in decades. Conversely, swearing in either of the diaper wearers, would be one of the worst things, possibly ever, to happen for this country.
I agree with you on Harris. She was underwhelming as a candidate, and I don't feel like has had much impact in her role. Jill Biden has been more impactful.

Buttigieg would be interesting. The question would be, how many Alpha Bros voted for Biden (maybe none, just right there) who would not for vote or even vote against a homosexual. Then again, his presence, assuming he would get traction with his policies, could motivate a lot of dormant voters.

I like Beto O'Roarke. I liked him over Biden, definitely more so than Sanders and Warren. Sanders would've been a disaster.
I agree with you on Harris. She was underwhelming as a candidate, and I don't feel like has had much impact in her role. Jill Biden has been more impactful.

Buttigieg would be interesting. The question would be, how many Alpha Bros voted for Biden (maybe none, just right there) who would not for vote or even vote against a homosexual. Then again, his presence, assuming he would get traction with his policies, could motivate a lot of dormant voters.

I like Beto O'Roarke. I liked him over Biden, definitely more so than Sanders and Warren. Sanders would've been a disaster.
I could get behind Beto O'Roarke. I think there are some people who think Gavin Newsome is waiting in the wings. I can't remember where I saw it, but a year or so ago I saw something that suggested we could eventually see DeSantis vs Newsome in a general election.

I don't think DeSantis has a shot at this point...but '28 is a long way off.
I could get behind Beto O'Roarke. I think there are some people who think Gavin Newsome is waiting in the wings. I can't remember where I saw it, but a year or so ago I saw something that suggested we could eventually see DeSantis vs Newsome in a general election.

I don't think DeSantis has a shot at this point...but '28 is a long way off.
i really don't think newsome and desantis are what most of america wants. they kind of represent the extremes. with newsome we see these calif cities with smash and grabs and homelessness and rot and lockdowns and the untenable cost of living and say no way. guy is way too left and exactly what we do not want for america. the polar is same for desantis. culture warrior. attacking individual rights way too loose on covid on and on
No one is 100%. Look how close Biden came to losing given there were several states 1% or less.

He also is too old, but the most Trump proof probably is Bernie. Bernie attracts the same "they are evil and out to get us" voter. If one wants to screw the elite, Bernie has a track record.

But he is ancient.

But all this is why there needs to be someone in the primary. Nate Silver said that a Mitch Connell moment will sink Biden. Someone needs to be ready to pick up the banner.
100% wasn't a great're right. If the last couple elections prove anything, its that really anything can happen, and can change very quickly at a moments notice.

Not sure I'd agree that Bernie is the most Trump proof. Obviously he'd energize the far right, not sure how much he'd energize independents and center left voters, though. Which I still think is necessary to ensure a victory over Trump.
I could get behind Beto O'Roarke. I think there are some people who think Gavin Newsome is waiting in the wings. I can't remember where I saw it, but a year or so ago I saw something that suggested we could eventually see DeSantis vs Newsome in a general election.

I don't think DeSantis has a shot at this point...but '28 is a long way off.
Any of these names are better than the current likely choices...but damn, why can't we do better? Like, WHY? Damn it!!!!
i think trump is going to be bumped from a bunch of ballots across the country
I don't know why I'm so cynical on that...but he's been discounted sooo many times now...I'll just have to believe it when I see it. I don't think the GOP will prepare for that, though, so if that happens, it'd basically gift whatever candidate the Dems run, the Presidency.

Can't say I want it to happen that way that could lead to someone like Harris as our next President. Still probably better than Trump/Biden...but man...surely not the solution we need.
I don't know why I'm so cynical on that...but he's been discounted sooo many times now...I'll just have to believe it when I see it. I don't think the GOP will prepare for that, though, so if that happens, it'd basically gift whatever candidate the Dems run, the Presidency.

Can't say I want it to happen that way that could lead to someone like Harris as our next President. Still probably better than Trump/Biden...but man...surely not the solution we need.
i was too indelicate in my wording with my wording. may instead of is going and some instead of bunch. but if things come out from these trials i could certainly see it happening in some places
I would hope most any dem would beat Trump but I could be wrong. I think Trump is the only candidate Biden could probably beat. I think most other dems would fair even better than Biden.

I think Buttigieg is actually a pretty good fit politically to your #3. His issue will be overcoming being gay given some would hold that against him.

I'm not as down on Harris as most but agree that she is not a good option (not a very likeable personality).

Newsom seems well positioned if Biden gets out of the way.

Here is a list from washington post -

The worst case for dems is Trump getting taken out of the race and Biden deciding to go forward.
Per your last sentence...please, please, please let that happen! As long as the GOP replacement is someone like Haley or Scott. But I'll believe Trump being taken out when I see it. He's going to be GOP's yolk, basically until he dies.
100% wasn't a great're right. If the last couple elections prove anything, its that really anything can happen, and can change very quickly at a moments notice.

Not sure I'd agree that Bernie is the most Trump proof. Obviously he'd energize the far right, not sure how much he'd energize independents and center left voters, though. Which I still think is necessary to ensure a victory over Trump.

He can't run as the Dems would lose a Senate seat, but Sherrod Brown has been someone I think should run. In 2022 his job approval was +8, in a state that is 12 points Republican.
Per your last sentence...please, please, please let that happen! As long as the GOP replacement is someone like Haley or Scott. But I'll believe Trump being taken out when I see it. He's going to be GOP's yolk, basically until he dies.

If Trump gets taken out, they will likely find someone just as crazy but with less baggage.
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I agree with you on Harris. She was underwhelming as a candidate, and I don't feel like has had much impact in her role. Jill Biden has been more impactful.

Buttigieg would be interesting. The question would be, how many Alpha Bros voted for Biden (maybe none, just right there) who would not for vote or even vote against a homosexual. Then again, his presence, assuming he would get traction with his policies, could motivate a lot of dormant voters.

I like Beto O'Roarke. I liked him over Biden, definitely more so than Sanders and Warren. Sanders would've been a disaster.
Not a huge fan of Beto...but markedly better than Trump/Biden.

I think Buttigieg will struggle, probably a lot, on a few fronts. 1...his sexual orientation will turn him off to large voting segments. Hopefully that number is getting smaller every day. But its still a factor. 2. His record in South Bend, and then his record as Transportation Secretary, is uneven at best. It gives a political war machine like Trumps tons of ammunition. 3. I'm not sure he connects with enough demographics. He didn't with minorities in his primary run, and I'm not sure he would with average independent voters.

We're starting to get a reasonable field identified...O'Rourke, Shapiro, Klobuchar...make this happen, sooner rather than later, Democratic leaders...
Any of these names are better than the current likely choices...but damn, why can't we do better? Like, WHY? Damn it!!!!

You have to be a specific type of person to want to be president. Not many people would submit themselves to such a torture, and that removes most of the competent ones.

Trump and Biden are both equally old and likely to kick the bucket. I’d like to see Buteigieg, but I don’t think his “lifestyle” will appeal to half this nation. It may not be this election, but I believe Gavin Newsome will be president one day. If Biden becomes unavailable for this next election, I suspect Newsome steps in and wins.
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Better question: Does it matter?

It’s cute that Democrats still believe there is any kind of ideological diversity in their party.

A Bernie is an AOC is a Buttigieg is a Shapiro for all intents and purposes when it comes to the major political issues of the day.

After watching the Democrats on this board try and diagnose the GOP primary debate, I wouldn’t even hazard a guess as to who I think most democrats would like.

And to the OP. Biden does have a major primary challenge. It’s RFK and he’s polling at 15-20% with higher favorables than Biden nationwide.

What is the shame in having them debate if Democrats think Biden a weak candidate?

I will go back to my point about ideological diversity. Not allowed, and Democrats know it.
now do the party of white old men lol...oops i mean GOP
Neither does Sanders

According to wiki, Mattis has never registered as a member of any party.

That would be like me saying Mattis should be the Republican nominee. Then at least I'm guaranteed a dem or an independent.

He doesn't seem like one to enter politics anyway.
He can't run as the Dems would lose a Senate seat, but Sherrod Brown has been someone I think should run. In 2022 his job approval was +8, in a state that is 12 points Republican.
I could get behind Brown. I am an Ohio resident and I work in an office that is 90% Republican. I can't remember anyone here ever complaining about the guy (while they have certainly complained about Biden and others a decent amount).
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Any of these names are better than the current likely choices...but damn, why can't we do better? Like, WHY? Damn it!!!!
More so now than ever, it seems presidents are just upfront mouthpieces spewing teleprompter material generated behind the scene in the hidden machine of politics, if you will. The back room is a war room of strategic planning. The President just needs to look the part and relate to the masses and process stamina. I think the Indian fellow will be it sometime, but probably not in my lifetime. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Michelle Obama join someone’s ticket. It’s gotten to that point, hasn’t it. She’d make a good sideshow as VP.
People are very concerned about Biden's age. Trump is only marginally younger, I guess Biden "seems" older.

Yeah I guess but physically Biden is in much better shape than Trump.
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People are very concerned about Biden's age. Trump is only marginally younger, I guess Biden "seems" older.

It’s not the age. It’s about cognitive ability.
Yeah I’m guess but physically Biden is in much better shape than Trump.
I would disagree. If I were a betting man I suspect trump has way more years left in him than Biden. Fat doesn’t mean balance, coordination etc. I suspect Biden’s both physical and mental decline are significantly greater than trump.

I’ll tell you who is amazing is fauci. Guy will be 83 this dec
I would disagree. If I were a betting man I suspect trump has way more years left in him than Biden. Fat doesn’t mean balance, coordination etc. I suspect Biden’s both physical and mental decline are significantly greater than trump.

I’ll tell you who is amazing is fauci. Guy will be 83 this dec
Agree on Fauci, disagree on Trump/ Biden. Although Trump may be a cockroach. It’s hard to tell about mental decline since Trump has always been stupid and spoke in word salad. But I imagine his diet and obesity will catch up with him.