What will happen to many of the Deep State Operatives if there is no evidence? Link

I think the thread title is a better question to answer. If there is no evidence of deep state agents, do they exist?

Only in the minds of these former John Birch Society members, like Green Teeth. For some reason it has become socially acceptable for conservatives to become lunatic fringe Birchers. Many of them wanted MacArthur or Taft. Taft opposed collective security agreements like NATO. Ike offered to stay out if Taft issued a statement supporting NATO.

Trump is amazingly like Mac, scarily so. I suspect most of our Trump supporters drink the Mac kool-aid. Where have you gone, Dwight David Eisenhower, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
I think the thread title is a better question to answer. If there is no evidence of deep state agents, do they exist?

Only in the minds of these former John Birch Society members, like Green Teeth. For some reason it has become socially acceptable for conservatives to become lunatic fringe Birchers. Many of them wanted MacArthur or Taft. Taft opposed collective security agreements like NATO. Ike offered to stay out if Taft issued a statement supporting NATO.

Trump is amazingly like Mac, scarily so. I suspect most of our Trump supporters drink the Mac kool-aid. Where have you gone, Dwight David Eisenhower, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

I think Occam's razor is put into test here. Is Trump telling the truth with his convoluted tweets, or do the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc know exactly what they are talking about, tried telling Trump this, but he knew that was true already so all he has at this point is to pit the media and the American people against each-other.
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I think Occam's razor is put into test here. Is Trump telling the truth with his convoluted tweets, or do the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc know exactly what they are talking about, tried telling Trump this, but he knew that was true already so all he has at this point is to pit the media and the American people against each-other.

It appears Rudy may have let the cat out of the bag this morning,admitting it was basically a PR stunt to influence public opinion.As an aside to the Trump fans here-how does it make you feel to realize that Rudy (Goebbels) G and the Trumpster are basically playing you for suckers?Talk about the "Big Lie" in practice...

"Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Sunday that his repeated imputations of a supposed scandal at the heart of the Robert Mueller investigation – which Donald Trump calls “Spygate” – amounted to a tactic to sway public opinion and limit the risk of the president being impeached.

“Of course we have to do it to defend the president,” Trump’s lawyer told CNN State of the Union host Dana Bash, who accused him of being part of a campaign to undermine the Mueller investigation. Trump has repeatedly called the special counsel’s work a “witch hunt”, despite its producing five guilty pleas, including by three former Trump aides, and evidence of Russian tampering in US elections.

“It is for public opinion,” Giuliani said of his public campaign of dissimulation. “Because eventually the decision here is going to be impeach or not impeach. Members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, are going to be informed a lot by their constituents. And so our jury – and it should be – is the American people." (Doesn't Rudy know "jury tampering" is a criminal offense)? Not to mention taking advantage of the less informed...
It appears Rudy may have let the cat out of the bag this morning,admitting it was basically a PR stunt to influence public opinion.As an aside to the Trump fans here-how does it make you feel to realize that Rudy (Goebbels) G and the Trumpster are basically playing you for suckers?Talk about the "Big Lie" in practice...

"Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Sunday that his repeated imputations of a supposed scandal at the heart of the Robert Mueller investigation – which Donald Trump calls “Spygate” – amounted to a tactic to sway public opinion and limit the risk of the president being impeached.

“Of course we have to do it to defend the president,” Trump’s lawyer told CNN State of the Union host Dana Bash, who accused him of being part of a campaign to undermine the Mueller investigation. Trump has repeatedly called the special counsel’s work a “witch hunt”, despite its producing five guilty pleas, including by three former Trump aides, and evidence of Russian tampering in US elections.

“It is for public opinion,” Giuliani said of his public campaign of dissimulation. “Because eventually the decision here is going to be impeach or not impeach. Members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, are going to be informed a lot by their constituents. And so our jury – and it should be – is the American people." (Doesn't Rudy know "jury tampering" is a criminal offense)? Not to mention taking advantage of the less informed...

Donald Trump and Rudy Guliani are as deep state propoganda as one can get. Trump's tweets reak of someone getting the public behind him because he knows the voltures are circling .
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I think the thread title is a better question to answer. If there is no evidence of deep state agents, do they exist?

Only in the minds of these former John Birch Society members, like Green Teeth. For some reason it has become socially acceptable for conservatives to become lunatic fringe Birchers. Many of them wanted MacArthur or Taft. Taft opposed collective security agreements like NATO. Ike offered to stay out if Taft issued a statement supporting NATO.

Trump is amazingly like Mac, scarily so. I suspect most of our Trump supporters drink the Mac kool-aid. Where have you gone, Dwight David Eisenhower, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

They are getting their base into a frenzy through fear and nonexistent boogeyman. Oh, and it is working.
Donald and Rudy are more like dip state/stick than anything else. Subtle as a brick.

I really hope there will be a solution to this in the form of new amendments or some sort of bill that dissolves the systemic amount of buying our politicians (and president). Law schools deserve to understand one of the largest corruptuons if not the largest corruption in U.S. history.
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Downer, it seems, asked to meet Papadopoulos to jerk a knot in his butt for his comments about David Cameron. There was a conversation in which Papadopoulos opined that the Russians were going to drop "damaging" material on Hillary at some point. Downer dutifully reported the meeting and conversation. Unless Downer is lying, there is nothing here that warranted the FBI using it as the main reason for opening an investigation. In fact, if this is the standard for opening a counterintelligence investigation on a presidential campaign, then there are, in fact, no standards whatsoever.
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Downer, it seems, asked to meet Papadopoulos to jerk a knot in his butt for his comments about David Cameron. There was a conversation in which Papadopoulos opined that the Russians were going to drop "damaging" material on Hillary at some point. Downer dutifully reported the meeting and conversation. Unless Downer is lying, there is nothing here that warranted the FBI using it as the main reason for opening an investigation. In fact, if this is the standard for opening a counterintelligence investigation on a presidential campaign, then there are, in fact,no standards whatsoever.

It would be really helpful if you would link to an article you discuss,so that we could read it for ourselves.As it is,I don't know the gist of what you're posting here.I do know that the Australian Govt alerted the FBI,after the hacked emails began to appear and they felt the FBI needed to know what Papadopoulos had revealed to Downer 3 weeks earlier...

But here is what you need to know.The FBI focussed their investigation on 3 people-Pap,Page and Manafort,because these were the 3 people known to have questionable ties to Russia and Putin.And the investigation was launched in response to a number of moves that alarmed people within the Intelligence Community.

None of this occurred in a vacuum,and it wasn't (like you seemingly want to maintain) a case of the FBI just deciding to pick on poor trumpie.He (for whatever reason) chose to surround himself with questionable people who had repeatedly drawn (negative) attention from the FBI and Intelligence Community.

In March 2016,Team Trump for inexplicable reasons chose to announce the addition of Manafort and Page to the campaign staff.Remember,Trump is the man who called for "extreme vetting",yet he doesn't seem to have applied that to his own hires...

"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was interviewed by the FBI twice while he was working as a political consultant for a Ukrainian political party — several years before he was named a top adviser to Donald Trump, newly filed court documents revealed.

The documents filed late Monday by prosecutors in the office of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign, show that the FBI had interviewed Manafort in March 2013 and again in July 2014. Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, who also held a top role with Trump’s campaign, was interviewed by the FBI in July 2014, the documents show.

The information raises fresh questions about how closely the Trump campaign vetted staff members and whether Manafort and Gates told officials about their interactions with the FBI."

The Post is being kind to Manafort here.The truth is he worked for a despot who raped the Ukraine to the tune of Millions as head of a pro-Putin puppet govt established by pro Russian separatists with backing from the Kremlin.

It was a NYT report in Aug 2016 that detailed the fact that Manafort made $12 Million working with Yanukovych that eventually led to Manafort resigning.And to tie in the Steele investigation here,it was a report from Steele on Aug 22,that discussed an Aug 15 meeting between Putin and Yanukovych,where the latter assured Putin there was no paper trail linking him and Manafort together... Oops...

Why is this significant? Because the reason the BO Admin levied sanctions vs Russia was in response to Putin's actions in Ukraine,which Manafort profited immensely off of.And the sanctions the US levied were directed at the Russian Energy sector,which brings us to the 2nd questionable hire from March 2016-Carter Page...Again from the April 24 WAPO article linked above...

"In all, three Trump associates are known to have been interviewed by the FBI about their interactions with people from the former Soviet Union before joining the Trump campaign.

The FBI also interviewed campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page about his interactions with a man the FBI alleged was a Russian intelligence agent. The interviews occurred in 2013 and in March 2016 — the same month Page was named a volunteer adviser to Trump’s campaign.

Page has said that he did nothing wrong and that he assisted the FBI in its investigation of a New York-based Russian spy ring."

The problem with Page's claim that he "assisted" the FBI,is that he was NOT the person who reported the contact.The truth is the agents were overheard discussing him,and he was either complicit (like the Russians claimed) or remarkably naive.The FBI gave him the benefit of the doubt and he was allowed to escape prosecution by providing "assistance",but there is no indication he would ever have turned the agents in on his own.

And the fact that the FBI re-interviewed him in March 2016 is a result of the fact that he remained outspoken in his opposition to the sanctions.Again a key takeaway here is the fact that the sanctions were levied against ENERGY concerns-which was Page's bread and butter.

As a shareholder in several Russian Energy concerns Page stood to profit personally from a lifting of the sanctions.So in March 2016 the Trump Campaign hired 2 seperate people with vested interest in the Ukraine,who likely stood to profit if sanctions vs Russia were lifted.This in addition to Trump's fixer Cohen who had made a small personal fortune thru business interests in the Ukraine as well.

More coincidences? How about Trump's attacks on NATO in March 2016,which frightened not only US Intelligence,but the Intelligence services of NATO Allies.Like Britain,for example.And what is Britain's MAIN Intelligence Service? MI-6.And who is connected to MI-6 in this saga? Chris Steele,who like his counterparts in US Intelligence was alarmed by Trump's attacks on NATO and cozying up to Putin.

Again,while Steele's operatives were keeping tabs on Page during his trip to Moscow in July 2016,and Steele was compiling reports and filing them with Simpson/Fusion Trump was sending shockwaves thru Western Intelligence agencies by attacking NATO allies in a July 21 speech.

It was a blatant attempt to play to the nationalist elements of his base and his America First clarion call,but it further heightened suspicions and distrust among people in the Intelligence service who felt he was being co-opted by Putin.And against this backdrop you have the steady drip of hacked emails and public praise from Trump for Putin,along with pathetic public pleas urging Russia to release even more emails.

Again-the FBI investigation in the summer of 2016 seemed to focus on people with ties to Russia who coincidentally enough joined a campaign that seemed to focus on cozying up to Russia.Many of us feel the FBI was doing their due diligence,and would have in fact been negligent if they hadn't checked into some pretty suspicious events.

It still amazes me that trump defenders leap to the aid of Carter Page,who is far from the innocent victim some of you try to make him out to be.Not only was it justifiable for the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to allow them to surveil him,but they didn't even apply for the warrant till after he had left Team Trump.

That indicates to me that their interest was centered on keeping tabs on him,rather than trying to undermine trump.The fact that other people connected to trump may have ended up incriminating themselves is on them.Page left the campaign under a cloud surrounding his trip to Moscow.Imo,that should have been a pretty obvious warning to others to stay away.They chose to ignore that warning at their own risk...
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It appears Rudy may have let the cat out of the bag this morning,admitting it was basically a PR stunt to influence public opinion.As an aside to the Trump fans here-how does it make you feel to realize that Rudy (Goebbels) G and the Trumpster are basically playing you for suckers?Talk about the "Big Lie" in practice...

"Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Sunday that his repeated imputations of a supposed scandal at the heart of the Robert Mueller investigation – which Donald Trump calls “Spygate” – amounted to a tactic to sway public opinion and limit the risk of the president being impeached.

“Of course we have to do it to defend the president,” Trump’s lawyer told CNN State of the Union host Dana Bash, who accused him of being part of a campaign to undermine the Mueller investigation. Trump has repeatedly called the special counsel’s work a “witch hunt”, despite its producing five guilty pleas, including by three former Trump aides, and evidence of Russian tampering in US elections.

“It is for public opinion,” Giuliani said of his public campaign of dissimulation. “Because eventually the decision here is going to be impeach or not impeach. Members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, are going to be informed a lot by their constituents. And so our jury – and it should be – is the American people." (Doesn't Rudy know "jury tampering" is a criminal offense)? Not to mention taking advantage of the less informed...


Trump = Hitler

Giuliani = Goebbels

And they are the ones who have lost all sense of reality. Not you.
It would be really helpful if you would link to an article you discuss,so that we could read it for ourselves.As it is,I don't know the gist of what you're posting here.I do know that the Australian Govt alerted the FBI,after the hacked emails began to appear and they felt the FBI needed to know what Papadopoulos had revealed to Downer 3 weeks earlier...

But here is what you need to know.The FBI focussed their investigation on 3 people-Pap,Page and Manafort,because these were the 3 people known to have questionable ties to Russia and Putin.And the investigation was launched in response to a number of moves that alarmed people within the Intelligence Community.

None of this occurred in a vacuum,and it wasn't (like you seemingly want to maintain) a case of the FBI just deciding to pick on poor trumpie.He (for whatever reason) chose to surround himself with questionable people who had repeatedly drawn (negative) attention from the FBI and Intelligence Community.

In March 2016,Team Trump for inexplicable reasons chose to announce the addition of Manafort and Page to the campaign staff.Remember,Trump is the man who called for "extreme vetting",yet he doesn't seem to have applied that to his own hires...

"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was interviewed by the FBI twice while he was working as a political consultant for a Ukrainian political party — several years before he was named a top adviser to Donald Trump, newly filed court documents revealed.

The documents filed late Monday by prosecutors in the office of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign, show that the FBI had interviewed Manafort in March 2013 and again in July 2014. Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, who also held a top role with Trump’s campaign, was interviewed by the FBI in July 2014, the documents show.

The information raises fresh questions about how closely the Trump campaign vetted staff members and whether Manafort and Gates told officials about their interactions with the FBI."

The Post is being kind to Manafort here.The truth is he worked for a despot who raped the Ukraine to the tune of Millions as head of a pro-Putin puppet govt established by pro Russian separatists with backing from the Kremlin.

It was a NYT report in Aug 2016 that detailed the fact that Manafort made $12 Million working with Yanukovych that eventually led to Manafort resigning.And to tie in the Steele investigation here,it was a report from Steele on Aug 22,that discussed an Aug 15 meeting between Putin and Yanukovych,where the latter assured Putin there was no paper trail linking him and Manafort together... Oops...

Why is this significant? Because the reason the BO Admin levied sanctions vs Russia was in response to Putin's actions in Ukraine,which Manafort profited immensely off of.And the sanctions the US levied were directed at the Russian Energy sector,which brings us to the 2nd questionable hire from March 2016-Carter Page...Again from the April 24 WAPO article linked above...

"In all, three Trump associates are known to have been interviewed by the FBI about their interactions with people from the former Soviet Union before joining the Trump campaign.

The FBI also interviewed campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page about his interactions with a man the FBI alleged was a Russian intelligence agent. The interviews occurred in 2013 and in March 2016 — the same month Page was named a volunteer adviser to Trump’s campaign.

Page has said that he did nothing wrong and that he assisted the FBI in its investigation of a New York-based Russian spy ring."

The problem with Page's claim that he "assisted" the FBI,is that he was NOT the person who reported the contact.The truth is the agents were overheard discussing him,and he was either complicit (like the Russians claimed) or remarkably naive.The FBI gave him the benefit of the doubt and he was allowed to escape prosecution by providing "assistance",but there is no indication he would ever have turned the agents in on his own.

And the fact that the FBI re-interviewed him in March 2016 is a result of the fact that he remained outspoken in his opposition to the sanctions.Again a key takeaway here is the fact that the sanctions were levied against ENERGY concerns-which was Page's bread and butter.

As a shareholder in several Russian Energy concerns Page stood to profit personally from a lifting of the sanctions.So in March 2016 the Trump Campaign hired 2 seperate people with vested interest in the Ukraine,who likely stood to profit if sanctions vs Russia were lifted.This in addition to Trump's fixer Cohen who had made a small personal fortune thru business interests in the Ukraine as well.

More coincidences? How about Trump's attacks on NATO in March 2016,which frightened not only US Intelligence,but the Intelligence services of NATO Allies.Like Britain,for example.And what is Britain's MAIN Intelligence Service? MI-6.And who is connected to MI-6 in this saga? Chris Steele,who like his counterparts in US Intelligence was alarmed by Trump's attacks on NATO and cozying up to Putin.

Again,while Steele's operatives were keeping tabs on Page during his trip to Moscow in July 2016,and Steele was compiling reports and filing them with Simpson/Fusion Trump was sending shockwaves thru Western Intelligence agencies by attacking NATO allies in a July 21 speech.

It was a blatant attempt to play to the nationalist elements of his base and his America First clarion call,but it further heightened suspicions and distrust among people in the Intelligence service who felt he was being co-opted by Putin.And against this backdrop you have the steady drip of hacked emails and public praise from Trump for Putin,along with pathetic public pleas urging Russia to release even more emails.

Again-the FBI investigation in the summer of 2016 seemed to focus on people with ties to Russia who coincidentally enough joined a campaign that seemed to focus on cozying up to Russia.Many of us feel the FBI was doing their due diligence,and would have in fact been negligent if they hadn't checked into some pretty suspicious events.

It still amazes me that trump defenders leap to the aid of Carter Page,who is far from the innocent victim some of you try to make him out to be.Not only was it justifiable for the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to allow them to surveil him,but they didn't even apply for the warrant till after he had left Team Trump.

That indicates to me that their interest was centered on keeping tabs on him,rather than trying to undermine trump.The fact that other people connected to trump may have ended up incriminating themselves is on them.Page left the campaign under a cloud surrounding his trip to Moscow.Imo,that should have been a pretty obvious warning to others to stay away.They chose to ignore that warning at their own risk...

That can’t be true!!! This is all based on a fake dossier!!! A fake dossier paid for by the demuhkrat pawty!!!

Anyways, Mueller is likely (and should be) months ahead of us in the information department. Whatever information we find out this summer I bet Mueller has known since last least. Like we just found out about the meeting with the UAE people but I would bet anything Mueller has known about that for quite a while.

Trump = Hitler

Giuliani = Goebbels

And they are the ones who have lost all sense of reality. Not you.

I didn't refer to Trump as "Hitler" and the reference to Goebbels was due to Rudy's (self admitted) utilization of the "Big Lie" formula.Your attempt to evoke "Godwin's law" is a figment of your own imagination...
I didn't refer to Trump as "Hitler" and the reference to Goebbels was due to Rudy's (self admitted) utilization of the "Big Lie" formula.Your attempt to evoke "Godwin's law" is a figment of your own imagination...
Trump isn't Hitler like, Hitler was literate, and politically competent, which is very far from Trump-like. He's more Mussolini, an incompetent self absorbed egomaniac. Il-dooouche'
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Trump isn't Hitler like, Hitler was literate, and politically competent, which is very far from Trump-like. He's more Mussolini, an incompetent self absorbed egomaniac. Il-dooouche'
That can’t be true!!! This is all based on a fake dossier!!! A fake dossier paid for by the demuhkrat pawty!!!

Anyways, Mueller is likely (and should be) months ahead of us in the information department. Whatever information we find out this summer I bet Mueller has known since last least. Like we just found out about the meeting with the UAE people but I would bet anything Mueller has known about that for quite a while.

The wiretaps from Spanish police were shared with the FBI 2 mos ago,and we just learned of them on Fri.Also there were reports 2 mos or so ago that Mueller had evidence of Cohen travelling to Prague via a country (likely Germany) within the Schengen corridor (which Cohen denies).

If he did so,you can bet Mueller has the goods.And it ties in nicely with the Steele report alleging a Cohen meeting in Prague with pro-Putin hackers to coordinate their efforts... Tick Tock...
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Reincarnation anyone?
It's a photoshop of Il Duce' with Il Doouche' hair.

But they are similar looking, especially how they posture themselves and lift their chins in public. Like some sociopathic egomaniacal douchebag.
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With all those actual photo comparisons, you chose the obviously photoshopped one. What’s up with that? :)
It took me a few seconds to recognize it. So, it may make the point better than using Trump's real (lol is anything about him real?) face.
The wiretaps from Spanish police were shared with the FBI 2 mos ago,and we just learned of them on Fri.Also there were reports 2 mos or so ago that Mueller had evidence of Cohen travelling to Prague via a country (likely Germany) within the Schengen corridor (which Cohen denies).

If he did so,you can bet Mueller has the goods.And it ties in nicely with the Steele report alleging a Cohen meeting in Prague with pro-Putin hackers to coordinate their efforts... Tick Tock...

Cohen will flip.
Downer, it seems, asked to meet Papadopoulos to jerk a knot in his butt for his comments about David Cameron. There was a conversation in which Papadopoulos opined that the Russians were going to drop "damaging" material on Hillary at some point. Downer dutifully reported the meeting and conversation. Unless Downer is lying, there is nothing here that warranted the FBI using it as the main reason for opening an investigation. In fact, if this is the standard for opening a counterintelligence investigation on a presidential campaign, then there are, in fact, no standards whatsoever.
LOL. Even when it comes to the most basic facts, you can't keep them straight.
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TinFoilers v Deep Stater:

Republicans turning onto themselves.

The deconstruction of the administrative state is well underway.
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Excellent post.

It would be really helpful if you would link to an article you discuss,so that we could read it for ourselves.As it is,I don't know the gist of what you're posting here.I do know that the Australian Govt alerted the FBI,after the hacked emails began to appear and they felt the FBI needed to know what Papadopoulos had revealed to Downer 3 weeks earlier...

But here is what you need to know.The FBI focussed their investigation on 3 people-Pap,Page and Manafort,because these were the 3 people known to have questionable ties to Russia and Putin.And the investigation was launched in response to a number of moves that alarmed people within the Intelligence Community.

None of this occurred in a vacuum,and it wasn't (like you seemingly want to maintain) a case of the FBI just deciding to pick on poor trumpie.He (for whatever reason) chose to surround himself with questionable people who had repeatedly drawn (negative) attention from the FBI and Intelligence Community.

In March 2016,Team Trump for inexplicable reasons chose to announce the addition of Manafort and Page to the campaign staff.Remember,Trump is the man who called for "extreme vetting",yet he doesn't seem to have applied that to his own hires...

"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was interviewed by the FBI twice while he was working as a political consultant for a Ukrainian political party — several years before he was named a top adviser to Donald Trump, newly filed court documents revealed.

The documents filed late Monday by prosecutors in the office of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign, show that the FBI had interviewed Manafort in March 2013 and again in July 2014. Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, who also held a top role with Trump’s campaign, was interviewed by the FBI in July 2014, the documents show.

The information raises fresh questions about how closely the Trump campaign vetted staff members and whether Manafort and Gates told officials about their interactions with the FBI."

The Post is being kind to Manafort here.The truth is he worked for a despot who raped the Ukraine to the tune of Millions as head of a pro-Putin puppet govt established by pro Russian separatists with backing from the Kremlin.

It was a NYT report in Aug 2016 that detailed the fact that Manafort made $12 Million working with Yanukovych that eventually led to Manafort resigning.And to tie in the Steele investigation here,it was a report from Steele on Aug 22,that discussed an Aug 15 meeting between Putin and Yanukovych,where the latter assured Putin there was no paper trail linking him and Manafort together... Oops...

Why is this significant? Because the reason the BO Admin levied sanctions vs Russia was in response to Putin's actions in Ukraine,which Manafort profited immensely off of.And the sanctions the US levied were directed at the Russian Energy sector,which brings us to the 2nd questionable hire from March 2016-Carter Page...Again from the April 24 WAPO article linked above...

"In all, three Trump associates are known to have been interviewed by the FBI about their interactions with people from the former Soviet Union before joining the Trump campaign.

The FBI also interviewed campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page about his interactions with a man the FBI alleged was a Russian intelligence agent. The interviews occurred in 2013 and in March 2016 — the same month Page was named a volunteer adviser to Trump’s campaign.

Page has said that he did nothing wrong and that he assisted the FBI in its investigation of a New York-based Russian spy ring."

The problem with Page's claim that he "assisted" the FBI,is that he was NOT the person who reported the contact.The truth is the agents were overheard discussing him,and he was either complicit (like the Russians claimed) or remarkably naive.The FBI gave him the benefit of the doubt and he was allowed to escape prosecution by providing "assistance",but there is no indication he would ever have turned the agents in on his own.

And the fact that the FBI re-interviewed him in March 2016 is a result of the fact that he remained outspoken in his opposition to the sanctions.Again a key takeaway here is the fact that the sanctions were levied against ENERGY concerns-which was Page's bread and butter.

As a shareholder in several Russian Energy concerns Page stood to profit personally from a lifting of the sanctions.So in March 2016 the Trump Campaign hired 2 seperate people with vested interest in the Ukraine,who likely stood to profit if sanctions vs Russia were lifted.This in addition to Trump's fixer Cohen who had made a small personal fortune thru business interests in the Ukraine as well.

More coincidences? How about Trump's attacks on NATO in March 2016,which frightened not only US Intelligence,but the Intelligence services of NATO Allies.Like Britain,for example.And what is Britain's MAIN Intelligence Service? MI-6.And who is connected to MI-6 in this saga? Chris Steele,who like his counterparts in US Intelligence was alarmed by Trump's attacks on NATO and cozying up to Putin.

Again,while Steele's operatives were keeping tabs on Page during his trip to Moscow in July 2016,and Steele was compiling reports and filing them with Simpson/Fusion Trump was sending shockwaves thru Western Intelligence agencies by attacking NATO allies in a July 21 speech.

It was a blatant attempt to play to the nationalist elements of his base and his America First clarion call,but it further heightened suspicions and distrust among people in the Intelligence service who felt he was being co-opted by Putin.And against this backdrop you have the steady drip of hacked emails and public praise from Trump for Putin,along with pathetic public pleas urging Russia to release even more emails.

Again-the FBI investigation in the summer of 2016 seemed to focus on people with ties to Russia who coincidentally enough joined a campaign that seemed to focus on cozying up to Russia.Many of us feel the FBI was doing their due diligence,and would have in fact been negligent if they hadn't checked into some pretty suspicious events.

It still amazes me that trump defenders leap to the aid of Carter Page,who is far from the innocent victim some of you try to make him out to be.Not only was it justifiable for the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to allow them to surveil him,but they didn't even apply for the warrant till after he had left Team Trump.

That indicates to me that their interest was centered on keeping tabs on him,rather than trying to undermine trump.The fact that other people connected to trump may have ended up incriminating themselves is on them.Page left the campaign under a cloud surrounding his trip to Moscow.Imo,that should have been a pretty obvious warning to others to stay away.They chose to ignore that warning at their own risk...