“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming."

They literally just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop into evidence yesterday after 51 deep state operatives lied under oath in 2020 by stating it was Russian disinformation which almost certainly cost Trump the election. This is after they tried to rig the 2016 election and almost did with the cooked up Russian collusion hoax which hampered Trump's first administration. Now they are trying to throw him in prison on made up charges that no one in the history of the world has ever been charged with before. After a rigged trial by a judge who donates to Biden and has a daughter who worked for Kamala and is one of the Dems top fundraisers.

Now watch them preach to us about threats to our democracy 🙄
Cam't have Democracy if you guys won't let Congress have a meeting.
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whackjob ...
I think he bought a tinfoil hat, not realizing that it's really aluminum foil.

That space laser radiation probably wouldn't have harmed him if he had been protected by genuine tin foil.
What are all of you Trumpers going to do to commemorate D-day?

You know, remembering the people who died, those thousands of brave heroes (in my opinion), but the guys Trump considers "a bunch of suckers"?

The ones that didn't have the smarts to muster up a bone spur problem?

That attitude more than any other tells you what a loser your fool is.

“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.”

Guys....I mean GUYS....what in the heck is this?

You guys seriously going to drive off the cliff w this dude?

Remember back to a time when our presidential candidates didn't accuse their opponents of public torture and attempted murder?

I guess I need to re-read the Federalist Papers to understand intellectual conservatism's deep dive into the abyss of Trump's black hole of a personality cult?

And you're lost zeke. You follow a narrative that already had a hearing and the federal government was proven to be up to no good. How many f*cking times does this need brought up??? You guys are more dense than a box of rocks.

Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger who were at one time liberal hero's, vaunted liberal heroes, but now that they saw the crimes, and testified, then intimidated by the IRS, they are vilified by the left and anyone else who doesn't get in line with the MSM. WTF is wrong with you people???

How in the hell are you so GD blind? What in the hell is it going to take? Jesus Christ, it's in your face and you continue to turn a blind eye. See Spot! See spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail. Facepalm.
You’re an unhinged loon from crazy town. Wow. 😂
You’re an unhinged loon from crazy town. Wow. 😂
I know that testimony is too much for you to handle. As was the IRS showing up to intimidate Taibbi. There is a time to shut up and quit looking like a fool and while that time has long past with you its best to just zip it. I guess in your mind all that never happened.


And Now...

It's all a LIE, ALL a LIE. The left is just a LIE. One, after another, after another, after another. It never ends. Its a vicious circle
I know that testimony is too much for you to handle. As was the IRS showing up to intimidate Taibbi. There is a time to shut up and quit looking like a fool and while that time has long past with you its best to just zip it. I guess in your mind all that never happened.


And Now...

It's all a LIE, ALL a LIE. The left is just a LIE. One, after another, after another, after another. It never ends. Its a vicious circle
You should heed your advice. You’re an actual unhinged loon.
Like Trump’s being convicted as a felon on 34 counts and losing about half a billion bucks in two civil courts?
Predictable and also stupid. Thats part of the weaponization, learn to read and work on comprehension! All he had to do was ride off into the sunset and NONE of ANY of this would be happening, BUT here we are and this is the sick mind, sick party, and sickening agenda you voted for and are siding.
Predictable and also stupid. Thats part of the weaponization, learn to read and work on comprehension! All he had to do was ride off into the sunset and NONE of ANY of this would be happening, BUT here we are and this is the sick mind, sick party, and sickening agenda you voted for and are siding.
You bought into stupidity.
You bought into stupidity.
I can't help it the hearings are taking place OR have taken place and the testimony has already come out? Is that stupidity? If they weren't worried about what was going to be exposed why did the IRS raid Taibbi's home? It is what it is. I can't help it this is all coming out at Hunters trial either. Don't kill me I'm only the messenger.
No. He. Is. Not.
Sean Hannity referred to the "Biden Crime Family" today but then said he didn't know whether Hunter Biden's defense to the federal prosecution would work and didn't know whether Joe Biden was implicated in whatever Hunter may or may not have done.

Nonetheless, the asshole still referred to a crime family.
Because I think they both suck I’m a BA artist?
no. Not because what you think.

But because what you posted right out there in public.
Anyone who supports a felon for president shouldn't have access to the internet to spew their idiocy to others

Some republicans (not all) are racists. Some dems are as well based on odds but not nearly as many. Kkk and white supremacists are mostly in your party. If I had to choose between a party that sometimes falsely accuses others of racism vs the party that includes them, I will take the former
What is my party? Seems you are using those Democrat methods to label people.

KKK and white Supremist. Are we living in the 2020's or 1920's or 1950s.

Once again you have to buy into Democrat BS. I don't think Trump is anymore or less a racist than Mr. I don't want my kids in those racial jungles guy. Do you have stats on what Dems are racist and what Reps are racist.
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I can't help it the hearings are taking place OR have taken place and the testimony has already come out? Is that stupidity? If they weren't worried about what was going to be exposed why did the IRS raid Taibbi's home? It is what it is. I can't help it this is all coming out at Hunters trial either. Don't kill me I'm only the messenger.
You don’t understand anything from any hearings. You aren’t capable. I also don’t care about the Hunter Biden trial. Why would I? You’ve bought into every stupid lie Trump has told.
I know that testimony is too much for you to handle. As was the IRS showing up to intimidate Taibbi. There is a time to shut up and quit looking like a fool and while that time has long past with you its best to just zip it. I guess in your mind all that never happened.


And Now...

It's all a LIE, ALL a LIE. The left is just a LIE. One, after another, after another, after another. It never ends. Its a vicious circle
So, do you think Biden should go ahead with his plan to tighten up the borders now (6-5-24) or not?
Predictable and also stupid. Thats part of the weaponization, learn to read and work on comprehension! All he had to do was ride off into the sunset and NONE of ANY of this would be happening, BUT here we are and this is the sick mind, sick party, and sickening agenda you voted for and are siding.
B-b-b-u-t-t, Trump did not ride into the sunset. It's stupid to act like he even considered that.

He doubled down on his lies and now you guys will have to pay the price.
I can't help it the hearings are taking place OR have taken place and the testimony has already come out? Is that stupidity? If they weren't worried about what was going to be exposed why did the IRS raid Taibbi's home? It is what it is. I can't help it this is all coming out at Hunters trial either. Don't kill me I'm only the messenger.

Asking "why" the IRS may have done something does not prove that somebody else supposedly was "worried."
And you're lost zeke. You follow a narrative that already had a hearing and the federal government was proven to be up to no good. How many f*cking times does this need brought up??? You guys are more dense than a box of rocks.

Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger who were at one time liberal hero's, vaunted liberal heroes, but now that they saw the crimes, and testified, then intimidated by the IRS, they are vilified by the left and anyone else who doesn't get in line with the MSM. WTF is wrong with you people???

How in the hell are you so GD blind? What in the hell is it going to take? Jesus Christ, it's in your face and you continue to turn a blind eye. See Spot! See spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail. Facepalm.
Bless your heart. None so blind as those who will not see.
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And you're lost zeke. You follow a narrative that already had a hearing and the federal government was proven to be up to no good. How many f*cking times does this need brought up??? You guys are more dense than a box of rocks.

Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger who were at one time liberal hero's, vaunted liberal heroes, but now that they saw the crimes, and testified, then intimidated by the IRS, they are vilified by the left and anyone else who doesn't get in line with the MSM. WTF is wrong with you people???

How in the hell are you so GD blind? What in the hell is it going to take? Jesus Christ, it's in your face and you continue to turn a blind eye. See Spot! See spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail, see spot chase tail. Facepalm.
The only reason Trump hasn’t been convicted before is because he buys his way out of trouble. He’s been involved in hundreds of lawsuits and he has enough money he can usually wait them out. Remember his fake school? Remember being told he had to stop running a fake charity? Everyone was right to be concerned when he decided to run. They would have been remiss NOT to check his Saudi ties, his Russian ties, etc. He had those long before he ran for office.
  • Haha
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Anyone who supports a felon for president shouldn't have access to the internet to spew their idiocy to others

Some republicans (not all) are racists. Some dems are as well based on odds but not nearly as many. Kkk and white supremacists are mostly in your party. If I had to choose between a party that sometimes falsely accuses others of racism vs the party that includes them, I will take the former
Whack job…
Sean Hannity referred to the "Biden Crime Family" today but then said he didn't know whether Hunter Biden's defense to the federal prosecution would work and didn't know whether Joe Biden was implicated in whatever Hunter may or may not have done.

Nonetheless, the asshole still referred to a crime family.

no. Not because what you think.

But because what you posted right out there in public.
What about it was wrong? Do tell
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Well this entire Democracy is at risk thing is all BS for starters.
Thankfully our system SHOULD prevent anyone from circumventing the constitution. Many have tried and will continue to try. I don’t think DJT is above this. His love of self far exceeds love of country. However, a majority of the entire Democratic Party would love to turn us into a 100% welfare state. Of course like all autocrats they will keep their pile of gold while they use the citizens’ gold to fund the socialist state. I truly hate them all but will likely hold my nose and vote Republican for now