What’s wrong with people?

They will deny it until the day is gone because it isn't acceptable at the moment, just like they denied we would be where we are at now 10 years ago. All it will take is for a big social push like the transgender got when everyone got locked in their homes (and apparently lost their minds) and we will be there. All they need is the right sob story. There is a too large subset of this country that are suckers for "oppression" stories.
Ya’ll are cuckoo.
You may be right but I’ve only seen the Nashville one. Can you link the others?
It’s not the last four. It’s probably four total. In recent years. Gay club in Colorado. Denver school shooting. Maryland warehouse. Now this one. I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume trans people have some mental health issues. Not sure they should be armed. I suspect their percentage of crazy is higher than the general pop. Shit. Look at the vanderpump crew. The craziest and angriest one is by far the tranny. And that’s in a world with Kirsten and jax
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Can you name who are the Dems trying to sexualize children? What are your thoughts on beauty pageants for children, which have been going on for decades? Teachers do not have goals to supercede parents, they are trying to save kids. Hate to tell you, but kids are going to grow up and be who they want to be AND love who they want to love, no matter how hard you try to keep them from the world. Satan and the unwitting Dems? Oh my…. Oh and the next step is to allow child/ adult relationships? What is it about you guys constantly yelling about pedophiles? The main political person I remember who was a pedophile was on your side, and you made him Speaker. Where do this nonsense come from? I bet you believed Hillary was using the pizza place. What is sick and disgusting is people like you coming up with this ridiculous rubbish.
Well this is just great. I love how this thread is going. Carry On.
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Aren’t Progressives currently having a conniption because people are objecting to grown men in dresses and makeup with assless chaps reading stories to children?

How far a jump is it from that to pedophilia really?

The people that peddle this nonsense break down into roughly three groups.

True Believers: This is the smallest group. These are your cultural marxists, your sexual freaks, pedos. People that six or seven decades ago would’ve been killed or jailed before they reached middle adulthood.

Opportunists: This is most D politicians. They don’t necessarily believe the crap, but it’s useful ritualism and make for good wedge issues. Plus anything you cram under the banner of “discrimination” makes for a good opportunity for government power grabs.

Followers/ Lemmings: This is the largest group. Think your Hickory’s, Zeke’s, Outside Shooters. They don’t have much individual thought, have never said anything that they didn’t hear someone else say previously. But they lack community and purpose and this offers them a semblance of that.
Aren’t Progressives currently having a conniption because people are objecting to grown men in dresses and makeup with assless chaps reading stories to children?

How far a jump is it from that to pedophilia really?

The people that peddle this nonsense break down into roughly three groups.

True Believers: This is the smallest group. These are your cultural marxists, your sexual freaks, pedos. People that six or seven decades ago would’ve been killed or jailed before they reached middle adulthood.

Opportunists: This is most D politicians. They don’t necessarily believe the crap, but it’s useful ritualism and make for good wedge issues. Plus anything you cram under the banner of “discrimination” makes for a good opportunity for government power grabs.

Followers/ Lemmings: This is the largest group. Think your Hickory’s, Zeke’s, Outside Shooters. They don’t have much individual thought, have never said anything that they didn’t hear someone else say previously. But they lack community and purpose and this offers them a semblance of that.
Now do conservatives....oh wait, you're too hyper partisan for that
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Trump can line up a whole room of pornstars to bang them all, one by one, with his tiny tool, and he can pay them all off. Nobody cares.

For the umpteenth time. He's not charged with banging porn stars or even with paying them off.

He is charged with business fraud, tax evasion, conspiracy, election law violations, etc. all related to MONEY LAUNDERING, through a lackey who already was convicted and went to jail for much of the same stuff, following orders of DJT, the orange messiah of GiggetyGoo.

is this hard?

Aren’t Progressives currently having a conniption because people are objecting to grown men in dresses and makeup with assless chaps reading stories to children?

How far a jump is it from that to pedophilia really?

The people that peddle this nonsense break down into roughly three groups.

True Believers: This is the smallest group. These are your cultural marxists, your sexual freaks, pedos. People that six or seven decades ago would’ve been killed or jailed before they reached middle adulthood.

Opportunists: This is most D politicians. They don’t necessarily believe the crap, but it’s useful ritualism and make for good wedge issues. Plus anything you cram under the banner of “discrimination” makes for a good opportunity for government power grabs.

Followers/ Lemmings: This is the largest group. Think your Hickory’s, Zeke’s, Outside Shooters. They don’t have much individual thought, have never said anything that they didn’t hear someone else say previously. But they lack community and purpose and this offers them a semblance of that.
Man are you sure you aren’t 100 years ole, get off my lawn guy Living in Bums**** nowhere? Drag show story time is not remotely close to pedophilia.
It is where this is headed Van. Remember this all started as “what two consenting adults wish to do in the privacy of their bedroom is no one else’s businesses”

It’s not a slippery slope fallacy when it’s happening in front of your face.

Should have crushed those queers when we had the chance.
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Man are you sure you aren’t 100 years ole, get off my lawn guy Living in Bums**** nowhere? Drag show story time is not remotely close to pedophilia.
That’s me, the caveman. Millions of years of the sexual dichotomy can be thrown out the window, because why? Because we’re the smartest people who ever lived. Everyone who came before was ignorant.

What value is there in the man/ woman binary anyway? Are children really that important?
Trump can line up a whole room of pornstars to bang them all, one by one, with his tiny tool, and he can pay them all off. Nobody cares.

For the umpteenth time. He's not charged with banging porn stars or even with paying them off.

He is charged with business fraud, tax evasion, conspiracy, election law violations, etc. all related to MONEY LAUNDERING, through a lackey who already was convicted and went to jail for much of the same stuff, following orders of DJT, the orange messiah of GiggetyGoo.

is this hard?

Sounds like alot of people I used to hang out with including me. They hate "da man" stick it to "da man" and make alot of people happy. Never follow the rules. Make a ton of money, work hard play hard and buy for everybody. Whats wrong with that? That's why they get all the good tang shooter.

Yes I've changed but it's nice to reminisce and realize there is a better way.
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How far a jump is it from that to pedophilia really?
It's actually really far based on the profile.

Pedos are overwhelmingly males and it's more driven by power and dominance vs physical attraction. Which is why if you're really serious about catching the pedos, look for dudes who have and use power over kids (pastors, coaches, scout leaders, politicians, etc).

A trans male is literally trying to express their feminism, which is the literal opposite of the common pedo profile. It's not about sex, it's not about domination, it's about expression.

I'm pretty sure there is no data that supports the claim that Trans are wannabe pedos cuz lord knows you and others leading this anti-trans crusade would be screaming about it.

If you do I apologize but, I've never seen anything other than assumptions and false associations.
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A trans male is literally trying to express their feminism, which is the literal opposite of the common pedo profile. It's not about sex, it's not about domination, it's about expression.

I'm pretty sure there is no data that supports the claim that Trans are wannabe pedos cuz lord knows you and others leading this anti-trans crusade would be screaming about it.
There is a book that explains it well. It's called a Bible. It explains the downward spiral of sin and unless you realize you need help it's just gonna spin out of control and get worse. If you read daily according to God's commandment you can break free and control those desires. Flesh wants to sin. The Bible helps you control that. Jus sayin.
It's actually really far based on the profile.

Pedos are overwhelmingly males and it's more driven by power and dominance vs physical attraction. Which is why if you're really serious about catching the pedos, look for dudes who have and use power over kids (pastors, coaches, scout leaders, politicians, etc).

A trans male is literally trying to express their feminism, which is the literal opposite of the common pedo profile. It's not about sex, it's not about domination, it's about expression.

I'm pretty sure there is no data that supports the claim that Trans are wannabe pedos cuz lord knows you and others leading this anti-trans crusade would be screaming about it.

If you do I apologize but, I've never seen anything other than assumptions and false associations.
IIRC, I don’t believe priests/clergy abuse kids at a higher rate than the general population.

90 percent of child abuse is done by a family member.
Holcomb signed a bill today banning all gender-transition treatments for minors, even with parental consent. Not much he could have done, since a veto would have easily been overridden. But taken in the context of what people are saying in this thread and elsewhere, I think one thing we can all do is just drop the canard that any of this is about protecting parental rights. Most of one party think that trans people are gross and icky and wrong, and they don't want to allow it, no matter what doctors or parents say.

History may even prove them right, but let's at least be honest about what's happening.
Can you explain the Democrats are pedophiles nonsense your side is peddling then? Just trying to figure out where they come up with their conspiracy theories.
I know you know but It's from the fascist propaganda playbook.

It's Us vs Them and faux victimhood.

Us uses the typical heavy nationalism verbiage ('real Americans', 'real patriots', 'this is MY country!!' etc) and Them being the scary monsters and super freaks.

An Us vs Them is easy to understand and the only qualifier to be in the 'us' group are easily identifiable in general.

The former gets people pissed off and paranoid while the latter is used to justify the behavior that follows to remedy the 'problem'.

Calling someone a pedo is accusing a person of the absolute worst behavior in the world so it's effective as a triggering insult and for triggering an emotional response out of the pissed off and paranoid.

A large majority of strongmen fascists play the pedo card on their enemies.

Always have, always will.

This is Jewish collecting Christian baby blood.

This is Jewish mutilating Christian children propaganda.

Same shit tactics, different decade.
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Holcomb signed a bill today banning all gender-transition treatments for minors, even with parental consent. Not much he could have done, since a veto would have easily been overridden. But taken in the context of what people are saying in this thread and elsewhere, I think one thing we can all do is just drop the canard that any of this is about protecting parental rights. Most of one party think that trans people are gross and icky and wrong, and they don't want to allow it, no matter what doctors or parents say.

History may even prove them right, but let's at least be honest about what's happening.
Almost like you pretending to understand what’s best for a child.🙂
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I know you know but It's from the fascist propaganda playbook.

It's Us vs Them and faux victimhood.

Us uses the typical heavy nationalism verbiage ('real Americans', 'real patriots', 'this is MY country!!' etc) and Them being the scary monsters and super freaks.

An Us vs Them is easy to understand and the only qualifier to be in the 'us' group are easily identifiable in general.

The former gets people pissed off and paranoid while the latter is used to justify the behavior that follows to remedy the 'problem'.

Calling someone a pedo is accusing a person of the absolute worst behavior in the world so it's effective as a triggering insult and for triggering an emotional response out of the pissed off and paranoid.

A large majority of strongmen fascists play the pedo card on their enemies.

Always have, always will.

This is Jewish collecting Christian baby blood.

This is Jewish mutilating Christian children propaganda.

Same shit tactics, different decade.
Straight outta the recent Dem playbook. RACISTS!!!
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Holcomb signed a bill today banning all gender-transition treatments for minors, even with parental consent. Not much he could have done, since a veto would have easily been overridden.

I was disappointed he signed it. He had vetoed the trans athlete bill, after all. I suppose he thought it would shore up his base support if he decides to run for Senate next year.
There is a book that explains it well. It's called a Bible. It explains the downward spiral of sin and unless you realize you need help it's just gonna spin out of control and get worse. If you read daily according to God's commandment you can break free and control those desires. Flesh wants to sin. The Bible helps you control that. Jus sayin.
To borrow from a concerned parent in Utah....

Is that the same porn book that features and has visuals that feature infanticide, incest, rape, beastiality, genital mutilation, dildos, fellatio, sodomy, etc ?

And to borrow from a meme....

'The belief that a celestial Jewish baby is also his own father, born from a virgin mother, died for three days so he could ascend on a cloud to heaven and then make you live forever only if you symbiotically eat his flesh and drink his blood. Then you must telepathically tell him you accept him as your lord and master so he can remove an evil force from your spiritual being that is present in all humanity because a dumb, immoral woman (of course, amirite?) made from a man's rib was hoodwinked by a talking reptile possessed by a malicious angel to secretly eat forbidden fruit from a magical tree?

Yeah that sounds pretty plausible'.

You do you but I'm going to pass.
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Maybe? I'm having a hard time seeing a political future for Holcomb, to be honest.

Odd. I would think he'd be a shoo-in for the Braun seat if he wanted it. I like the guy. He may not be my ideal, but he's the closest to my ideal Republican I've seen in a long long time.
Odd. I would think he'd be a shoo-in for the Braun seat if he wanted it. I like the guy. He may not be my ideal, but he's the closest to my ideal Republican I've seen in a long long time.
I don't think your ideal Republican has much of a future in this state. I hope I'm wrong. He'd be a fine Senator, as far as Indiana is concerned.
IIRC, I don’t believe priests/clergy abuse kids at a higher rate than the general population.

90 percent of child abuse is done by a family member.
Yeah that makes sense that it largely comes from within the family when looked at as a whole, including significant others.

It's definitely male dominated. I should have started with fathers, step father's, uncles and boyfriends.

My backing on it came from a girl who was going into child psychology who lit me up like a Roman candle for making a pedo joke at a college party which was to the effect of 'I don't get the allure. I like curves' where she again ripped my ass about how it's about power, not sex.

Edit: Now that it's coming back the joke included how the only nice thing
would be that it made my d#$k look huge.

She wasn't a fan and I don't blame her. Lol
Sounds like alot of people I used to hang out with including me. They hate "da man" stick it to "da man" and make alot of people happy. Never follow the rules. Make a ton of money, work hard play hard and buy for everybody. Whats wrong with that? That's why they get all the good tang shooter.

Yes I've changed but it's nice to reminisce and realize there is a better way.
Please. "Alot" is not a word, you're looking for "a lot."
Holcomb signed a bill today banning all gender-transition treatments for minors, even with parental consent. Not much he could have done, since a veto would have easily been overridden. But taken in the context of what people are saying in this thread and elsewhere, I think one thing we can all do is just drop the canard that any of this is about protecting parental rights. Most of one party think that trans people are gross and icky and wrong, and they don't want to allow it, no matter what doctors or parents say.

History may even prove them right, but let's at least be honest about what's happening.
The data suggest something like 4/5 minors grow out of it by 18. I would support that bill just as I would support a bill the prohibits children chopping off limbs with parental consent. It’s malpractice imo.

I don’t care what legal adults want to do.

The treatment is most often irreversible despite the protestation that puberty blockers are harmless.
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Holcomb signed a bill today banning all gender-transition treatments for minors, even with parental consent. Not much he could have done, since a veto would have easily been overridden. But taken in the context of what people are saying in this thread and elsewhere, I think one thing we can all do is just drop the canard that any of this is about protecting parental rights. Most of one party think that trans people are gross and icky and wrong, and they don't want to allow it, no matter what doctors or parents say.

History may even prove them right, but let's at least be honest about what's happening.
What if I think the parents should be allowed to have the autonomy to “treat” their children with “gender-transition treatment”? But with one caveat…they waive access to any and all state and federal healthcare entitlements until they are age 65.
What if I think the parents should be allowed to have the autonomy to “treat” their children with “gender-transition treatment”? But with one caveat…they waive access to any and all state and federal healthcare entitlements until they are age 65.
That sounds silly. What would be the justification for that?
The data suggest something like 4/5 minors grow out of it by 18. I would support that bill just as I would support a bill the prohibits children chopping off limbs with parental consent. It’s malpractice imo.

I don’t care what legal adults want to do.

The treatment is most often irreversible despite the protestation that puberty blockers are harmless.
And that's fine, if that's you're opinion. Just don't fall back on "parental rights" on any other related issues. Because it's clearly not about parental rights.