I literally don't know one person who has called anyone an IT. I think maybe you are listening to too much anti Christian propaganda. I will say this. The trans who killed those six people in Nashville didn't think of them as people. She thought of them as its. And if it wasn't for the two police officers who took her out then a lot more of ITS would have died.Maybe they kill themselves in part because they are not considered precious at all by so-called Christians who call them an "it" and will never accept them as human beings. You will accept them only if they conform to your vision of what you think they should be and look like.
POINT: You are at the very center of the problem.
Here are the names of the dead who were considered as non human.
Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9
Mike Hill, 61
William Kinney, 9
Katherine Koonce, 60
Cynthia Peak, 61
Hallie Scruggs, 9
One interesting this is you say we don't accept them as human beings. That is the furthest thing from the truth. We just don't believe they are right in what they say. No person can change their sex or gender. This doesn't mean we hate anyone or consider them non human. We just believe they are wrong because God did not make but two sexes or genders.