We have a verdict -- Guilty on ALL counts

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I firmly believe in equal justice under the law.

Certainly Trump was to some degree singled out, more than you or I would be.

Do you think you or I could...

-violate a gag order over a dozen times, criticizing jurors, court employees, & witnesses
-outside of a gag order, regularly criticizing the judge and the entire judicial system
-afford elite counsel

No, no, and no.

Trump got the kid glove treatment, but I can live with a bit of coddling, when the jury of his peers was still able to do its job.
It would be no different than the IRS singling out the bigger fish when it comes to audits.

I would rather public officials face more scrutiny as opposed to less scrutiny. Corruption thrives in the latter.
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Hundreds, maybe thousands, of students and faculty threatened and intimidated Jews, created hostile environments, and prevented class attendance with blockades and blunt reference to Hitler and ovens. I’ll bet you a six pack none of them will get 2 years in a penitentiary.

We need the same strike zone for everybody.
Well the difference is the FACE Act. 1994 federal law overwhelmingly approved by both parties.
We’re even then. Biden is more unfit. If Communist Cable News plays fair Trump will destroy Biden in the debate. That’s how bad Biden is. I am pretty sure anyone on this board could destroy Biden.
And I am pretty sure anyone could destroy Trump. Like Biden did last time and likely will again.
Well the difference is the FACE Act. 1994 federal law overwhelmingly approved by both parties.
Understood. It’s also against federal law for two or more to conspire to violate the civil rights of another. I haven’t heard of the feds going after the pro-Hamas protesters who kept Jews from accessing classes, libraries, etc.
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They are both unfit.

Harris is unfit.

Haley is not unfit.

The bigger issue is that the people that trump surrounds himself with will be a revolving door and a stairway to prison and they too are unfit.

It is a ****ing mess
Haley is not unfit and would be the choice by a vast majority of Americans and would probably tip the scales in Trump’s favor in November, but there’s no way Trump would pick someone who would upstage him. Therefore, he’ll likely pick someone who is unfit, too.
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Understood. It’s also against federal law for two or more to conspire to violate the civil rights of another. I haven’t heard of the feds going after the pro-Hamas protesters who kept Jews from accessing classes, libraries, etc.

There have been something like 3000 pro Palestinian protestors arrested at the state level. My hunch is that many will be prosecuted to the extent their actions constituted hate speech, etc.
99.9999999999999999999% of bookkeepers are going to post to legal. No way in hell Trump is directing the bookkeeper where to post an invoice.
Not honest ones. They weren't legal expenses. Even if you don't know how to create new QuickBooks accounts, there are several default accounts that are better options. Off the top of my head, I'd go with "loan repayment." Hell, even "other expenses" would have been safer. But classifying them as legal expenses was flatly dishonest, and that's what got him in trouble.
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Do you attend the corrupt CPA Anonymous meetings?
Stoll has been very successful and wealthy in his career. Unlike you.

He's even given BB tickets to people here who he disagrees with politically - your chances of getting any is nil.
Almost half of Americans want Trump to drop out of race after his conviction.

Wow, this comes as a surprise to me. Do wonder how the poll was conducted and how much the public actually knows about the case.

The 37% who don't think Trump should drop out is similar to figures I've seem which represents Trump's base support.

Plenty of time for Trump to attract the 14% who don't know and make inroads on the 49% who think he should drop out.
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Pointing out the 2 different standards of justice, i.e. hypocrisy, is not whataboutism.
It’s pure whataboutism. So do you renounce threats against the jurors AND USSC Justices. I do. Your turn.
Pointing out the 2 different standards of justice, i.e. hypocrisy, is not whataboutism.
yea, defending your side for doing shit that isn't appropriate is hypocrisy.

Good call.

Any doxxing is wrong. it's not that hard.
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Wow, this comes as a surprise to me. Do wonder how the poll was conducted and how much the public actually knows about the case.

The 37% who don't think Trump should drop out is similar to figures I've seem which represents Trump's base support.

Plenty of time for Trump to attract the 14% who don't know and make inroads on the 49% who think he should drop out.
The poll question were;
Do you think Trump should back out now that he’s been convicted?
1) yes
2) no ( if you answer no, we will dox you and make your address and phone # public)
It’s pure whataboutism. So do you renounce threats against the jurors AND USSC Justices. I do. Your turn.
Of course I'm against threats to jurors and SC justices (that was my point originally).

I don't know why pointing out the SC justices were doxed is whataboutism.
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Of course I'm against threats to jurors and SC justices (that was my point originally).

I don't know why pointing out the SC justices were doxed is whataboutism.
Great. There’s one reasonable Trumpster. On this subject. 😉
Finally some justice. Do the crime you do the time, right Dems? One system of justice!

Meanwhile the Epstein Island child sodomists roam free.

Careful with that kind of talk and topic...You know the maddening dem world that never makes sense. That gets you threatened and or banned. ;)
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The poll question were;
Do you think Trump should back out now that he’s been convicted?
1) yes
2) no ( if you answer no, we will dox you and make your address and phone # public)
Baris talked about it today. It's completely absurd polling with loaded questions. We saw much worse polling for Trump after the Access Hollywood tape. It's like asking voters "would you vote for a candidate who molested his daughter and possibly raped her and who has taken 10s of millions in bribes from foreign countries?"

The only question to ask...will the country be better off with 4 more years of Trump or 4 more years of Biden? That's it.
Sure, right after the people who doxed the SC justices stand trial.
Doxed Supreme Court Justices? Uh I think people know them. And if you are talking about addresses, that’s obviously available.
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