We have a verdict -- Guilty on ALL counts

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You’re going after my erogenous zones with Douglas Murray. Love watching him school foolish people.

He’s an excellent rhetorician, however I believe he frequently argues in bad faith and is pursuing “the win” more than truth most of the time.
I can't disagree with you on that point. Very valid. There were times Hitch was wrong as well. Two examples: (1) his belief that Reagan stole the 1980 election with the October Surprise with Bill Casey and others meeting with the Iranians and intermediaries-I think that has been debunked; and (2) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. He simply wouldn't give up the ghost on those two points.

You can't be right all the time--and sometimes both Hitch and Murray were and/are prisoners of their own opinions and did not heed the advise they gave out. Nevertheless, if the 3 of us went out to dinner in 2009 when Hitch was still around, they would likely introduce me as their special needs cousin......
What are you thoughts on Trump taking out a sharpie and redrawing a weather map rather than admit he made a mistake? Or actually his first day in office lying about the crowds? So easily proven wrong. So stupid to lie about. His mind is peas. Like I said, I’ll get his last speech and find a dozen lies for you later today. But the Trumpers will still find excuses for it. Why? It’s a cult.
Biden lies every time he opens his mouth. Are the people who support him in a cult?
We can give credit to pols such as a GOP Congress in 1994, but the economy in 1994, or any year, does have a life of it's own beyond the marginal influence of government.
True, but you brought up the budget and that is 100% under the influence of the government.
I can't disagree with you on that point. Very valid. There were times Hitch was wrong as well. Two examples: (1) his belief that Reagan stole the 1980 election with the October Surprise with Bill Casey and others meeting with the Iranians and intermediaries-I think that has been debunked; and (2) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. He simply wouldn't give up the ghost on those two points.

You can't be right all the time--and sometimes both Hitch and Murray were and/are prisoners of their own opinions and did not heed the advise they gave out. Nevertheless, if the 3 of us went out to dinner in 2009 when Hitch was still around, they would likely introduce me as their special needs cousin......
meg ryan orgasm GIF
Biden lies every time he opens his mouth. Are the people who support him in a cult?

No, that would be Trump but your politics blinds you.

But it's quite ironic that your post is a lie ;)
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Well since you've repeated all of the talking points verbatim, this might be a good time to post this expanation of both the crime and New York law by someone who has practiced in New York for 30 yrs...

The difference between the "mistake" of the drop down menu mistaking "legal expenses" for what was a reimbursement is that legal expenses are a legitimate business loss deduction. Reimbursing your attorney for a payment that the attorney made to pay off a pornstar is not illegal. Unless you try and take it as a business expense and claim the deductions...

That's why the paper trail was so damaging. Weisselberg's note indicated that they would disguise the reimbursement as a "legal expense" and they even incorporated Cohen's tax liability. Then they proceeded to pay him $35,000 every month in 2017 for a "legal expense" they wrote off for 2016.

The fact that they put "legal expense" on every check they wrote to Cohen in 2017, proves that they knew it wasn't a legitimate legal expense. You can't take a 2016 business loss deduction for 2016 and then make illegal payments to repay that expense in 2017. So they had to pretend that was money Cohen earned in 2017, which is part of the reason he went to jail for 3 yrs...

Had they just been honest and not cooked the books there would be no legal issue. Just paying Cohen back wasn't illegal. But it would have been very problematic in the wake of the Access Hollywood tape for Trump to have to admit to having sex with Stormy. So they had to engage in a coverup.

I doubt than any of it will get thru your MAGA fog. But hopefully this video may help others to get a better grasp of the situation with regards to New York law...

Cos, given your experience could it be said that a lesser high profile New York firm might have gotten away with a similar tax evasion scheme.

In other words, Trump and his business organization is subject to a higher degree of scrutiny especially in a state such as New York.
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Finally some justice. Do the crime you do the time, right Dems? One system of justice!

Meanwhile the Epstein Island child sodomists roam free.

Your pathetic whining about this is something to behold. The jury found him guilty of specific crimes. He’s a convicted felon. Move on with your life.
No. The Jury did not make that finding. The jury was instructed that a specific crime occurred because Cohen pleaded to it. Then the judge allowed the attorney misconduct to be imputed to the client. Cohen’s testimony that Trump instructed him ( The devil made me do it) was exposed as a lie The prosecution did not establish that necessary element of the offense, The judge essentially said that element didn’t need to be proven.
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Silly. I repeated what the judge said yesterday. It wasn’t that, but either way, that is one person. Those closest to Biden say he is fine and still sharp. Of course he is aging and showing signs of it. Those closest to Trump say he is and always had been unfit. Have you watched any of Trump’s speeches lately? Word salad upon word salad, cannot finish a thought. Saw Biden riding his bike this weekend. I’d love to see Trump try that.
The judge didn’t say anything about Biden’s documents case. A judge wasn’t involved. Maybe correct your post?
Cos, given your experience could it be said that a lesser high profile New York firm might have gotten away with a similar tax evasion scheme.

In other words, Trump and his business organization is subject to a higher degree of scrutiny especially in a state such as New York.
Does that matter to you? I can't say it generates any sympathy in my mind for him at all. A politician convicted of tax evasion is on par with an accountant convicted of embezzlement. I'll keep looking for someone else.
No. The Jury did not make that finding. The jury was instructed that a specific crime occurred because Cohen pleaded to it. Then the judge allowed the attorney misconduct to be imputed to the client. Cohen’s testimony that Trump instructed him ( The devil made me do it) was exposed as a lie The prosecution did not establish that necessary element of the offense, The judge essentially said that element didn’t need to be proven.
I'm not the judge or jury. Looks to me that they followed their instructions and I linked an article explaining what the conviction was pretty clearly. Again, I don't think the case should have been brought, but it was and the case resulted in Trump being a convicted felon.
Finally some justice. Do the crime you do the time, right Dems? One system of justice!

Meanwhile the Epstein Island child sodomists roam free.

Hate to tell you again that your Twitter sources are wrong again.

The FACE Act. Overwhelming approved by both houses.

She wasn't praying......and the jury didn't buy that either.
No. The Jury did not make that finding. The jury was instructed that a specific crime occurred because Cohen pleaded to it. Then the judge allowed the attorney misconduct to be imputed to the client. Cohen’s testimony that Trump instructed him ( The devil made me do it) was exposed as a lie The prosecution did not establish that necessary element of the offense, The judge essentially said that element didn’t need to be proven.
It took you four full days to come up with this gross distortion of what happened at trial. You're slipping.

The jury was properly instructed that they couldn't convict on Cohen's testimony alone; there had to be corroborating evidence. And there was.

Your bullshit knows no bounds.
Well since you've repeated all of the talking points verbatim, this might be a good time to post this expanation of both the crime and New York law by someone who has practiced in New York for 30 yrs...

The difference between the "mistake" of the drop down menu mistaking "legal expenses" for what was a reimbursement is that legal expenses are a legitimate business loss deduction. Reimbursing your attorney for a payment that the attorney made to pay off a pornstar is not illegal. Unless you try and take it as a business expense and claim the deductions...

That's why the paper trail was so damaging. Weisselberg's note indicated that they would disguise the reimbursement as a "legal expense" and they even incorporated Cohen's tax liability. Then they proceeded to pay him $35,000 every month in 2017 for a "legal expense" they wrote off for 2016.

The fact that they put "legal expense" on every check they wrote to Cohen in 2017, proves that they knew it wasn't a legitimate legal expense. You can't take a 2016 business loss deduction for 2016 and then make illegal payments to repay that expense in 2017. So they had to pretend that was money Cohen earned in 2017, which is part of the reason he went to jail for 3 yrs...

Had they just been honest and not cooked the books there would be no legal issue. Just paying Cohen back wasn't illegal. But it would have been very problematic in the wake of the Access Hollywood tape for Trump to have to admit to having sex with Stormy. So they had to engage in a coverup.

I doubt than any of it will get thru your MAGA fog. But hopefully this video may help others to get a better grasp of the situation with regards to New York law...

Even if you are right with these facts, you are still wrong with the result.

Look at it with this analogy.

Under many three strikes laws, a defendant can be sent to prion for life with a fourth felony. What if a defendant with no priors is charged with being an habitual and the state offers three women who testify the defendant beat them up to establish the underlying 3 felonies. No court would approve of that. Likewise here. There were no underlying crimes established upon which the falsified business record must rest to support a felony. Instead the judge instructed the jury Cohens plea proved the underlying crime and/ or allowed them to find other conduct was a crime with no investigation, no trial, no conviction, or no scintilla of due process that we always use to establish criminal conduct. In the case of Cohens plea, the judge wouldn’t allow Trumps expert to testify no crime occurred.
We’re even then. Biden is more unfit. If Communist Cable News plays fair Trump will destroy Biden in the debate. That’s how bad Biden is. I am pretty sure anyone on this board could destroy Biden.
which one is the felon?

Anyone who thinks Biden is more unfit is incompetent themselves.
There is a person running for President who I think is totally unfit for office. That's all.
He's already undermined public confidence in the cornerstone of democracy - - our election system. Now he's taking a wrecking ball to the justice system. And this (below) is the kind of reckless, irresponsible and dangerous shit he continues to foment.

He's unfit alright. Except for maybe a padded cell.

We’re even then. Biden is more unfit. If Communist Cable News plays fair Trump will destroy Biden in the debate. That’s how bad Biden is. I am pretty sure anyone on this board could destroy Biden.
We disagree. That's OK.
Oh, ok, I think I get your point. If it's that Hillary is more devious and a better planner on covering her tracks, I agree.

What actions of Trump are you talking about?
yes That’s it. The silent part out loud, if a politician can cheat, lie and steal without getting caught, they are fit for office and admired as successful politicians. Well, to those who are carrying the water for the swamp donkeys anyway. It’s their preferred overlords. I’m envisioning the three monkeys with their ears, eyes and mouths covered.
3 monkeys party vrs MAGA.
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which one is the felon?

Anyone who thinks Biden is more unfit is incompetent themselves.
They are both unfit.

Harris is unfit.

Haley is not unfit.

The bigger issue is that the people that trump surrounds himself with will be a revolving door and a stairway to prison and they too are unfit.

It is a ****ing mess
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? When you enter a bill to pay or directly pay an expense you get a drop down window to pick where to post. Legal or Professional fees are generally one of those options. I’ve seen paying off a whore in the drop down window.
Well I was just making a joke, but you are an accountant. You should know what the "add account" function in the drop down box does.
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Even if you are right with these facts, you are still wrong with the result.

Look at it with this analogy.

Under many three strikes laws, a defendant can be sent to prion for life with a fourth felony. What if a defendant with no priors is charged with being an habitual and the state offers three women who testify the defendant beat them up to establish the underlying 3 felonies. No court would approve of that. Likewise here. There were no underlying crimes established upon which the falsified business record must rest to support a felony. Instead the judge instructed the jury Cohens plea proved the underlying crime and/ or allowed them to find other conduct was a crime with no investigation, no trial, no conviction, or no scintilla of due process that we always use to establish criminal conduct. In the case of Cohens plea, the judge wouldn’t allow Trumps expert to testify no crime occurred.
More nonsense from you. Under New York law, the jury does not have to agree as to the predicate crime, nor do the elements of the predicate crime(s) have to be proven.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
More nonsense from you. Under New York law, the jury does not have to agree as to the predicate crime, nor do the elements of the predicate crime(s) have to be proven.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Yes. That is how the Judge instructed the Jury.

In your haste to call my post nonsense, you missed the whole f*cking point.
Oh so you can just ignore laws you don’t like? Can you also interfere with elections when you don’t like the results? Can you hide documents? Lie about it? Move them after you’ve been asked for them? Those witch-hunts too?
I water my yard on Tuesday but the watering days are Wednesday and Saturday. I often drive 80 mph on the way home from work. I shoot off fireworks like all the other neighbor people when there are signs up everywhere.

So to answer your question Yes. Witch hunts. Once again you have to believe that crap matters and it apparently doesn't other getting headlines out there. Blackballing people from participation in elections and debates has been going on forever by the duopoly and far worse than any crap these idiots are making trying to smear the other.
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Finally some justice. Do the crime you do the time, right Dems? One system of justice!

Meanwhile the Epstein Island child sodomists roam free.

They broke into an abortion clinic and blockaded it for a while despite being told to leave by police.

She got less than what she deserved because of her age.

Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.
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They broke into an abortion clinic and blockaded it for a while despite being told to leave by police.

She got less than what she deserved because of her age.

Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.
Hundreds, maybe thousands, of students and faculty threatened and intimidated Jews, created hostile environments, and prevented class attendance with blockades and blunt reference to Hitler and ovens. I’ll bet you a six pack none of them will get 2 years in a penitentiary.

We need the same strike zone for everybody.
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I firmly believe in equal justice under the law.

Certainly Trump was to some degree singled out, more than you or I would be.

Do you think you or I could...

-violate a gag order over a dozen times, criticizing jurors, court employees, & witnesses
-outside of a gag order, regularly criticizing the judge and the entire judicial system
-afford elite counsel

No, no, and no.

Trump got the kid glove treatment, but I can live with a bit of coddling, when the jury of his peers was still able to do its job.
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