Walz’s for Trump

So sorry for your loss Ohio. Really glad you posted this because it connected some dots for me. There was a thread previously discussing your brother's situation on the Peegs Premie board on 247. They discussed a former IU student manager suffering from ALS, but I never made the connection to you.

The thread came from someone who knew or knew of your brother, but I think it was more of a friend than a relative. Anyway I had no idea that it involved a close relative of someone I interract with on nearly a daily basis. ALS is a horrible disease- **** ALS...
Thanks man. I really appreciate you posting this.

Something Andy and I started to raise awareness and funding to research and fight ALS is really starting to take off, which is great. Hoops4ALS had a good first year with Pitt and Duke hosting our first ever games. We’re getting ready to announce this year’s slate of games and each one will be accompanied by a pre-game get together at a local brewery.

I’ll post more about this later, but there will definitely be games in Muncie and Bloomington.
Again. Only one candidate is acting cowardly when it comes to these debates. Come to the real world.
Neither is acting cowardly in this case. Trump was beaten in the debates by Biden 2020. Trump's stream of consciousness nonsense speaking style these days indicate that the mental decline that comes with old age is coming for him too (plus he's not mentally stable in the first place). I wouldn't be so certain that Trump doesn't get waxed in the first debate and he tries to get out of the second. Trump is a cowardly bully at heart.
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Neither is acting cowardly in this case. Trump was beaten in the debates by Biden 2020. Trump's stream of consciousness nonsense speaking style these days indicate that the mental decline that comes with old age are coming for him too (plus he's not mentally stable in the first place). I wouldn't be so certain that Trump doesn't get waxed in the first debate and he tries to get out of the second. Trump is a cowardly bully at heart.
at first blush i thought it important that harris do multiple debates but in retrospect, having listened to her, walz, and trump the debate will just be an endless stream of lies from both sides. what's the point.

i had the strongest economy in the history of the world and she's a communist
he's for project 2025 and wants a national ban on abortion

at first blush i thought it important that harris do multiple debates but in retrospect, having listened to her, walz, and trump the debate will just be an endless stream of lies from both sides. what's the point
That's also possible.
Saying it’s rigged before it occurs isn’t cowardly at all.
Dana Walden Co-Chair of Disney entertainment and long time friend of Harris and Emhoff. Very possibly next Disney CEO.

Another fun one for you. Dana Bash, who has done the only Harris interview to date is married to Jeremy Bash. Who is Jeremy Bash you might ask?

You might know him from the list of 51 intelligence officials who lied about Hunter’s laptop.

When you pull back the covers and see just how incestuous the Democratic Party and the corporate media are, it’s really quite stomach turning.
Thanks man. I really appreciate you posting this.

Something Andy and I started to raise awareness and funding to research and fight ALS is really starting to take off, which is great. Hoops4ALS had a good first year with Pitt and Duke hosting our first ever games. We’re getting ready to announce this year’s slate of games and each one will be accompanied by a pre-game get together at a local brewery.

I’ll post more about this later, but there will definitely be games in Muncie and Bloomington.

That's awesome.

Congratulations on the work you and everyone involved have gotten done.
You're all about favorability ratings. The left is shallow as hell.
Just catching up on this thread...

This is hilarious considering all it took to make Trump completely implode and make a complete ass out of himself in front of the millions of debate watchers was a single reference to bored people leaving his rallies. He's never been the same since, and contiues to fixate on "crowd size"...

I believe it was yesteerday in front of a pretty small crowd in Prarie du Chien WI (a town of 5500 or so) that Trump claimed there were "40 or 50,000 people waiting outside" wanting to get in. I also think that was where he started to talk about how beautiful his body was. So I defitinitely don't blame those folks,I'd be leaving too...

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Dana Walden Co-Chair of Disney entertainment and long time friend of Harris and Emhoff. Very possibly next Disney CEO.

Another fun one for you. Dana Bash, who has done the only Harris interview to date is married to Jeremy Bash. Who is Jeremy Bash you might ask?

You might know him from the list of 51 intelligence officials who lied about Hunter’s laptop.

When you pull back the covers and see just how incestuous the Democratic Party and the corporate media are, it’s really quite stomach turning.
We've currently got an admitted Russian agent sitting in jail awaiting trial for lying to Trump's FBI. Among the facts he's admitted to was that he invented the story of Biden accepting bribes in the Shokin case at the behest of Russian Military intelligence...

And why were DOJ officials like Barr and the FBI's Wray skeptical of his claims? Because in 2020 he came forward with the notion that in 2015 or 16 he had lunch with Burisma officials that revealed they had bribed Biden to get Shokin fired...

But two major issues... The FBI determined the lunch never happened. And perhaps even more damning to Smirnov was that after multiple occasions providing info to his FBI handler over the years from 2015-2020, it wasn't till the runup to the 2020 election that Smirnov suddenly recalled the alleged bribe, which he also said he found out in 2015. He also made accusations against Hunter, strangely enough around the time the infamous "laptop" surfaced...

All the earmarks of an organized Russian plot and disinformation campaign which already had Trump's FBI suspicious. So a bi-partisan group of former Intelligence officials sort of put two and two together and decided a "trsuted informant" suddenly coming forward with serious accusations against Biden some 5 yrs or so after that same source claimed he "discovered" them initially, reaked of a Russian counterintelligence operation.

You seem to be whining because they went with their gut instinct and years of experience, instead of just taking everything at face value in the middle of a heated election campaign? Seems kind of bizaare to me, esp in light of what Smirnov has subsequently admitted to...

Again you guys seem to have this memory lapse when you somehow think Biden was the POTUS and that all of these folks who had interactions with Smirnov for the previous 4 yrs were Biden appointees, not people hired by Trump. The bi-partisan group of veteran intelligence officials signed off on warning it sounded like Russian disinformation, but the initial distrust and suspicion regarding Smirnov's claims and reliability started at the top with Barr and Wray. Trump appointees...

Again. Only one candidate is acting cowardly when it comes to these debates. Come to the real world.
This comment didn't age particularly well. At least according to Brett Baier...

"Now, his reasoning, don't know," Baier continued. "I always thought that it would be like a bug zapper in the backyard for the former President in that he couldn't get away from the light of 70 million viewers and that he would have to eventually, just knowing him, do it if it was on Fox and something he could agree to."

Baier said he believed the Harris campaign would agree to a debate on his channel and that it was the Trump campaign that was the "hold up".

The day after the last debate, Trump told Fox & Friends that he would not want to debate Harris if it was moderated by Baier and fellow host Martha MacCallum, instead offering up Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters and Laura Ingraham." (Hell why not Steve Bannon or Alex Jones)?
President Trump brought this up in Harrisburg. I couldn't get away to attend this town hall which is in my backyard. The town hall was in place of a debate because Vice President Harris refused to debate him there.
So you're commenting on something you didn't witness firsthand.

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