Please try to not rip directly from twitter. It's okay if you aren't clever, own it. But don't pass others humor off as your own.MAGA posiition: "I oppose abortion in all cases, unless it's to save the political life of the father"
The Walker thing does raise an interesting question though. If you are a hypothetical single issue, pro-life voter in Georgia, who do you support? It certainly isn't Warnock. Walker's alleged hypocrisy might be a bridge too far for you, but I would think you would feel more comfortable with him in Washington than the alternative if you are deciding not to stay home.
It's the same reason Democrats will pull the lever for a deadbeat vegetable to go to the Senate in Pennsylvania rather than the clearly more competent Oz. We all view elected representatives as tools to manifest our preferred policy, not as role models. Which is the way it should be.
Of course if we acknowledged this fact, we would contain our political disagreements to policy discussions and not petty back and forth character assassination's.
"Your guy is a badder guy than my guy!" Childish. But carry on.