Just when I thought the democrats couldn’t be more disgusting . . .

Yes, and the warning of consequences for attorneys who initiate frivolous litigation, particularly with respect to something so critically important as our election system, also serves an important purpose.

Lawsuits can be a particularly powerful forum for spreading misleading information. Public officials sometimes won’t speak publicly about pending legal matters, leaving facts in an initial complaint or petition to go unchallenged in public discourse. It can be weeks before a response is filed or a hearing is held, long after a flood of initial headlines repeating the allegations in the suit. By the time a case gets thrown out, it may not get as much attention as the initial filing.

As someone else said, "A lawsuit without provable facts showing a statutory or constitutional violation is just a tweet with a filing fee." But with legalese, lawyer's signatures and a filing stamp, it has the immediate appearance of legitimacy. Good for anyone who is warning Trump's lawyers not to pull this shit again.
The problem with your argument is the assumption that issues like misinformation, lies, and frivolity can and should be decided by those who have the biggest mouth.
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Trump is on the receiving end of abuse of the legal system more than any public figure in memory. All the perps who abuse the system have immunity, and they act like it.
He’s rightly charged in both federal cases. His deliberate mishandling of highly classified information deserves punishment. This one is personal to me as I no doubt would already be in Fort Leavenworth prison for doing what he did. He absolutely couldn’t be granted a clearance after what he did but a large percentage of Americans want to re-elect the cretin and let him have access again. It’s incredible.
The problem with your argument is the assumption that issues like misinformation, lies, and frivolity can and should be decided by those who have the biggest mouth.
You're lost. My argument is not premised on that assumption.

we need to change the thread title to

"just when I thought that lawyers couldn't be more disgusting..."
He’s a POS.

These are the type of “people” you get with a Harris administration. Center for American Progress and ACLU weasels. They’ll all be climbing out from under their rocks after the election should Harris win.
Exactly what we will get. On Day One she will go back to her sh!t lib self.
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The problem with your argument is the assumption that issues like misinformation, lies, and frivolity can and should be decided by those who have the biggest mouth.
So when Trump lies and says that 2000+ ballots in Lancaster Co were "fraudulent", is he lying or just so stupid that he doesn't honestly know the difference between ballots and voter registration applications? And when he fails to mention that the individuals involved were working in Red Lancaster Co to register Republicans is that a simple omission or just an honest mistake?
What’s disgusting is how Trump and his team have destroyed faith in our elections. Possibly permanently. I’m a strongly against voter fraud and have argued for measures to prevent it for years, but I’ve not argued that it’s so prevalent that it has changed the results of Presidential elections because it hasn’t in my voting lifetime. Trump claims he lost 2020 due to voter fraud to this day. He knows that’s a lie, but a large percentage of Republicans believe his lie. That’s our moron faction, but they’re loud about it. This is 100 percent unforgivable for me and one of the reasons I’m convinced Trump is unfit for office. The top reason remains that I’m convinced Trump is mentally unstable.
Now you are going off the deep end. In 2020, many states changed the voting procedures under their Covid emergency authority. When legislatures tried to clean up the mess they were met with law suits and threats of lawsuits from Garland’s DOJ. “Jim Criw on Steroids” became a common liberal exclamation.

Almost all states have moved to a mail system and that opens up the process to mischief. That should be undeniable. Colorado put in a mail system years before Covid and it’s as good as a mail system can be. Other states like Pennsylvania not so much.

We do a pretty good job with post election tabulating and auditing of results. But ballot management and voting is a different story. There is a reason why Democrats OPPOSE EVERY SINGLE BALLOT SECURITY MEASURE. You are naive to think their motive is the make sure all eligible voters vote.

Our post election legal apparatus is not designed to litigate ballot issues. That must be done pre-election. There is an investigation going on in Pennsylvania as I write this. But this kind of election mischief is almost impossible to discover, particularly with same day registration and mail and early voting.
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One thing I'm keeping an eye on is Florida. Should Harris win the EC 270-268 expect Florida (possibly along with Texas) to file suit arguing their voters are being disenfranchised due to the massive electoral vote underrepresentation stemming from the 2020 census. The Census Bureau has come out in their own words and acknowledged that the apportionment is incorrect and Florida along with other GOP states should be apportioned more Electors and House seats than they currently have.
No. Shapiro is wrong. It won't work.
The problem is, it doesn't end with the dismissal. It never ends.

I don't have the slightest problem with punishing lawyers, within the system, who warrant punishment. There are ethics codes that should be enforced.

I very much do have a problem with threatening it preemptively. Threatening their livelihood? For representing a client?
Now you are going off the deep end. In 2020, many states changed the voting procedures under their Covid emergency authority. When legislatures tried to clean up the mess they were met with law suits and threats of lawsuits from Garland’s DOJ. “Jim Criw on Steroids” became a common liberal exclamation.

Almost all states have moved to a mail system and that opens up the process to mischief. That should be undeniable. Colorado put in a mail system years before Covid and it’s as good as a mail system can be. Other states like Pennsylvania not so much.

We do a pretty good job with post election tabulating and auditing of results. But ballot management and voting is a different story. There is a reason why Democrats OPPOSE EVERY SINGLE BALLOT SECURITY MEASURE. You are naive to think their motive is the make sure all eligible voters vote.

Our post election legal apparatus is not designed to litigate ballot issues. That must be done pre-election. There is an investigation going on in Pennsylvania as I write this. But this kind of election mischief is almost impossible to discover, particularly with same day registration and mail and early voting.
Not at all. Both sides dealt with the same voting changes. Trump lost.

Only morons think Trump lost to voter fraud. You're not a moron. That Trump didn't lose due to voter fraud, as he claims and his moronic minions believe, is the one and only point here.

Edit to add that I voted by mail this year. It is a very secure method of voting. I'm on the voter rolls as a US and Ohio citizen. I had to request the ballot. I had to provide the appropriate information proving who I am, and I voted. I really like this method.
No. Shapiro is wrong. It won't work.
I'd say you're probably right. They can't go back and do this retroactively. Were there lawsuits over this when the errors were discovered and reported?

Hopefully, viz today's election, we don't get a 270-268 result that renders the error meaningful in the EC.
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Because Gina Raimondo is not doing her job.

Wasn't it all sealed up and certified prior to 2021? I thought I read that it was -- but it's been a while since I paid any attention to the issue. Given the effect a census has on states (beyond the electoral votes), I'm surprised there weren't court challenges to it back when it was discovered....or, if there were, that weren't successful.
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Not at all. Both sides dealt with the same voting changes. Trump lost.

Only morons think Trump lost to voter fraud. You're not a moron. That Trump didn't lose due to voter fraud, as he claims and his moronic minions believe, is the one and only point here.

Edit to add that I voted by mail this year. It is a very secure method of voting. I'm on the voter rolls as a US and Ohio citizen. I had to request the ballot. I had to provide the appropriate information proving who I am, and I voted. I really like this method.
Does ever state only mail, mail in ballots to those who request them? I don’t think so. See below for 2020.

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Does ever state only mail, mail in ballots to those who request them? I don’t think so. See below for 2020.

Oregon sends a ballot to every registered voter in the state. They have been doing if for a long time.
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Oregon sends a ballot to every registered voter in the state. They have been doing if for a long time.
What happens to ballots where the registered voter moves out of state or died?
I would assume an illegal immigrant gets the ballot and votes.
You avoided my question because you know the answer.

I assume in PA Illegals would get mail in ballots based on what Garland wanted done.
You avoided my question because you know the answer.

I assume in PA Illegals would get mail in ballots based on what Garland wanted done.
What is the answer? Do you have Google? Look it up.

And why do you “assume” that about PA? Seems like a conspiracy theory to me.
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Does ever state only mail, mail in ballots to those who request them? I don’t think so. See below for 2020.

I see no problem with that. Ohio sends the request for a mail in ballot to me because I'm a registered voter. I send it back with the appropriate identification information if I want to vote by mail. If I do that, they send the ballot with the identity envelope back to me so I can fill it out and provide the identification information again. It's super convenient. If you're not doing it, I recommend it. Unless you like hanging out in the line at the voting station. My wife prefers that though and she just voted. Since it wasn't at the beginning of the day or end of the day she didn't have a long wait.
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You avoided my question because you know the answer.

I assume in PA Illegals would get mail in ballots based on what Garland wanted done.
Unlikely and if it happened and they voted, they're committing a felony crime. Any illegal alien is highly unlikely to want to commit a felony to get deported.
No when people move their mail gets forwarded for period of time.
That's true for a period of time, and when I moved from state to state or country to country, I wouldn't have even considered committing a felony by voting where I wasn't permitted to vote.
That's true for a period of time, and when I moved from state to state or country to country, I wouldn't have even considered committing a felony by voting where I wasn't permitted to vote.
You aren’t everyone.
Despite what you have been told, voting fraud almost never happens. There are numerous studies out there if you care to learn. Otherwise you are just being played by the leader of a cult of personality.
I learned about election fraud studying the Chicago Daley Machine. Long time ago.
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Despite what you have been told, voting fraud almost never happens. There are numerous studies out there if you care to learn. Otherwise you are just being played by the leader of a cult of personality.
I'm of the mind that we just don't know how much happens.

I'd guess that its incidence is "not as much as some people think" -- but I'm not sure I'd go with "almost never happens", either. And all a study can tell us about is the absence of evidence -- which, as we know, is not the equivalent of evidence of absence.

In any event, I've never heard a good argument against having reasonable safeguards against voter fraud.
I'd say you're probably right. They can't go back and do this retroactively. Were there lawsuits over this when the errors were discovered and reported?

Hopefully, viz today's election, we don't get a 270-268 result that renders the error meaningful in the EC.
It's an argument to sow dissent. It operates from the same logical error as those who think eliminating the EC would mean Dems win every election. Had the EC map been different, the candidates would have acted differently--Harris would have promised more or done different things to get those other votes, not sit idly by and say "oh well." You can't unring that bell.

This is the Trump version of Raskin's statements about the SCt decision on the Colorado decision. I'd bet my entire net worth on my statement. Let's go DBM.
I'm of the mind that we just don't know how much happens.

I'd guess that its incidence is "not as much as some people think" -- but I'm not sure I'd go with "almost never happens", either. And all a study can tell us about is the absence of evidence -- which, as we know, is not the equivalent of evidence of absence.

In any event, I've never heard a good argument against having reasonable safeguards against voter fraud.
I would never argue against safeguards including government issued ID. I’m pushing back on unsubstantiated claims that there is rampant fraud. There is absolutely zero evidence of that.
He’s rightly charged in both federal cases. His deliberate mishandling of highly classified information deserves punishment. This one is personal to me as I no doubt would already be in Fort Leavenworth prison for doing what he did. He absolutely couldn’t be granted a clearance after what he did but a large percentage of Americans want to re-elect the cretin and let him have access again. It’s incredible.
But biden having classified documents in his Delaware garage is OK?

People get frustrated by the unequal application of the law. Seems dems get away with a lot more.
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