Just when I thought the democrats couldn’t be more disgusting . . .

One thing I'm keeping an eye on is Florida. Should Harris win the EC 270-268 expect Florida (possibly along with Texas) to file suit arguing their voters are being disenfranchised due to the massive electoral vote underrepresentation stemming from the 2020 census. The Census Bureau has come out in their own words and acknowledged that the apportionment is incorrect and Florida along with other GOP states should be apportioned more Electors and House seats than they currently have.
That's silly.

If Florida had any real concern that "their voters are being disenfranchised due to the massive electoral vote underrepresentation", Florida should have already filed suit to protect its citizens -- not wait and see whether Trump wins or not.
Not at all. Both sides dealt with the same voting changes. Trump lost.

Only morons think Trump lost to voter fraud. You're not a moron. That Trump didn't lose due to voter fraud, as he claims and his moronic minions believe, is the one and only point here.

Edit to add that I voted by mail this year. It is a very secure method of voting. I'm on the voter rolls as a US and Ohio citizen. I had to request the ballot. I had to provide the appropriate information proving who I am, and I voted. I really like this method.
Did you wish you had waited until you saw those last minute endorsements by Joe Rogan and Harrison Ford before mailing in your ballot?
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I'm of the mind that we just don't know how much happens.

I'd guess that its incidence is "not as much as some people think" -- but I'm not sure I'd go with "almost never happens", either. And all a study can tell us about is the absence of evidence -- which, as we know, is not the equivalent of evidence of absence.

In any event, I've never heard a good argument against having reasonable safeguards against voter fraud.
Nor is absence of evidence the equivalent of evidence that something actually happened.
I can't imagine how you think they are different, with the exception that all of your opinion comes from 1) the swamp 2) Cnn.. (although that is totally redundant).
Nothing "IN THE BOOK"... awesome way to totally obscure that the classified doc's were given to someone else without a clearance while he illegally retained those doc's, and then the recipient illegally obtained classified intel, and then officials were allowed to scrub that intel from the book and STILL didn't recover the GD illegal documents that joe IN FACT used for someone else to write his damn book.
Parse all the legal ease for your MIC that you want. JOE WAS A SENATOR THAT STOLE DOCUMENTS FROM THE SC(k)IF! ! and held them for 40+ years in multiple locations and swamp monsters under his payroll covered his ass. Don't reply. This is unquestionable!
The gig is up. MAGA knows what you all do. It's over, but it will take us a while to tear down your MIC wall. But it's coming and total transparency will follow it.
Maybe not you exactly, but many need to find a cottage in South America to live out their human lives. Much like past Germans.
We’re done. You are being super stupid. I had, and still have, a Top Secret clearance and I’ve been a Security Officer. You know zip about this subject and you’ve wasted my time. Carry on.

You need to stop drinking tonight too.
We’re done. You are being super stupid. I had, and still have, a Top Secret clearance and I’ve been a Security Officer. You know zip about this subject and you’ve wasted my time. Carry on.

You need to stop drinking tonight too.
Your clearance should be pulled if you allow Hillary, Joe , Mike and just with those 3 names, there can EASILY be assumed that 100's of others have be allowed to do exactly what you want to hang Trump for. You seem to be part of the problem that has created MAGA. Your people can be "oh shucks, it was an accident for 40+ years" while your political enemy (a fellow AMERICAN) must hang because he isn't on your team. Not sorry dude but this is exactly why MAGA is going to own you for 4 more years. Equal is Equal.
You are relieved and will stand down. I have the exact same clearance here as you do. That is all.
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Your clearance should be pulled if you allow Hillary, Joe , Mike and just with those 3 names, there can EASILY be assumed that 100's of others have be allowed to do exactly what you want to hang Trump for. You seem to be part of the problem that has created MAGA. Your people can be "oh shucks, it was an accident for 40+ years" while your political enemy (a fellow AMERICAN) must hang because he isn't on your team. Not sorry dude but this is exactly why MAGA is going to own you for 4 more years. Equal is Equal.
You are relieved and will stand down. I have the exact same clearance here as you do. That is all.
You are being as dumb as dbm. You’re still totally wrong. You have no clue what you’re talking about but keep talking. You really should stop.
You are being as dumb as dbm. You’re still totally wrong. You have no clue what you’re talking about but keep talking. You really should stop.
Listen Skipper, obviously you have played with more secure doc's than I. Zero question.
But they all work for me (us). We all either know or are in the process of learning, that laws have words placed in certain places so that they can be specifically used for or against specific cases that either benefit or harm the Swamp. Good old Joe that the swamp, and ALL of it's military offiliates work for good old joe and he doesn't get to play by those BS rules (since those who work FOR HIM make the rules, what an eff'd up role reversal there).
Anyway, Natural law and honesty. "don't take doc's". No Nuance. Jail them all or follow ALL Precedent in the history of the USA.
OH, all of your bloviating about Trump having more volume of doc's has been proven total BS. You need to find better sources.
Listen Skipper, obviously you have played with more secure doc's than I. Zero question.
But they all work for me (us). We all either know or are in the process of learning, that laws have words placed in certain places so that they can be specifically used for or against specific cases that either benefit or harm the Swamp. Good old Joe that the swamp, and ALL of it's military offiliates work for good old joe and he doesn't get to play by those BS rules (since those who work FOR HIM make the rules, what an eff'd up role reversal there).
Anyway, Natural law and honesty. "don't take doc's". No Nuance. Jail them all or follow ALL Precedent in the history of the USA.
OH, all of your bloviating about Trump having more volume of doc's has been proven total BS. You need to find better sources.
What I’ve posted is fact. You could read the indictment yourself.
This one is personal to me as I no doubt would already be in Fort Leavenworth prison for doing what he did.
With Biden, Pence, and Trump as cellmates. 🤣

Edit to add that I voted by mail this year. It is a very secure method of voting.
I did too but you'll never convince me in a 1000 years that it's as secure as having to go in and show an ID, Apparently most countries think the same way because the last I read a lot don't allow it like we do.

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