Trump Trial - New York

What do you think is the most likely outcome in the New York trial?

  • A guilty verdict on some or all of the counts

  • An acquittal ("total exoneration!")

  • A hung jury (jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and a mistrial is declared)

  • Trump pleads guilty to something prior to a verdict being rendered

  • Other (for example, a mistrial based on something other than a hung jury)

Results are only viewable after voting.
What? I've said all along a guilty verdict was the most likely outcome. This is NYC they are completely corrupt. With any remotely sane judge yes this would've been dismissed immediately. But here we have a foreign born Marxist judge.
You're echoing Trump's bigoted talking point, "Take a look at where he comes from."

He was born in Colombia and emigrated to the US at the age of six.

You're a bigoted fool.
You're echoing Trump's bigoted talking point, "Take a look at where he comes from."

He was born in Colombia and emigrated to the US at the age of six.

You're a bigoted fool.
It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me.

Also @UncleMark, in my view, calling.a fellow poster a bigot is worse than calling Biden a pedo. Although, to be clear, i wouldn’t support banning either.

Just seems like you picked a term to ban because you don’t like it.
It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me.

Also @UncleMark, in my view, calling.a fellow poster a bigot is worse than calling Biden a pedo. Although, to be clear, i wouldn’t support banning either.

Just seems like you picked a term to ban because you don’t like it.
Bc it was associated with Biden.
It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me.

Also @UncleMark, in my view, calling.a fellow poster a bigot is worse than calling Biden a pedo. Although, to be clear, i wouldn’t support banning either.

Just seems like you picked a term to ban because you don’t like it.
"Foreign born Marxist judge?" Blatant bigotry.

And there you go whining again about a mod on an anonymous message board. Get a life.
"Foreign born Marxist judge?" Blatant bigotry.

And there you go whining again about a mod on an anonymous message board. Get a life.
So what do you think of another Mod making a gigantic post trying to get another Mod fired?

Before you slam me, remember I acknowledged your explanation yesterday about the judge’s schedule. 😊
It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me.

Also @UncleMark, in my view, calling.a fellow poster a bigot is worse than calling Biden a pedo. Although, to be clear, i wouldn’t support banning either.

Just seems like you picked a term to ban because you don’t like it.
"It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me."

Except that's not exactly what Biden said. And he was talking to Charlamagne (who at the time was undecided), not to the Black Community as a whole. Context is important...

Biden told Char he had to cut short the interview, and Char responded with something to the effect that politicians always do that to Black media

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that “we’ve got more questions

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Charlamagne responded, “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community.”

“Take a look at my record, man!” Biden shot back.

It's cute that all the outraged righties took a comment Biden made to Charlamagne out of context. But Char endorsed Biden in the 2020 election (despite the exchange) and has actively endorsed him again...

Btw Biden apologized and characterized his remark as "cavalier"...

Now let's compare that to Trump saying Jews that vote Democrat "hate Israel" and hate their religion...

You made a point of calling out of context remarks (for which Biden apologized) from FOUR years ago "bigoted". BUT i don't recall you being upset with these remarks (which Trump doubled down on) from just TWO months ago...

Trump has also slandered all of the Prosecutors and Judges in all his other cases (except MAL) and for many of them insulted their race/heritage. Should we get into the instances over the years where Trump expressed his aversion to having Black accountants or Black employees visible on his casino floor?
So what do you think of another Mod making a gigantic post trying to get another Mod fired?

Before you slam me, remember I acknowledged your explanation yesterday about the judge’s schedule. 😊
What did the other mod allegedly do that warranted the call for firing?

I honestly don't know how any of this works. How is someone deemed qualified to be a mod? How do they go about getting mod status? Is there compensation in the form of payment, free premium membership or something else? And a final serious question - - why on earth would anyone want to do it?!
"It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me."

Except that's not exactly what Biden said. And he was talking to Charlamagne (who at the time was undecided), not to the Black Community as a whole. Context is important...

Biden told Char he had to cut short the interview, and Char responded with something to the effect that politicians always do that to Black media

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that “we’ve got more questions

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Charlamagne responded, “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community.”

“Take a look at my record, man!” Biden shot back.

It's cute that all the outraged righties took a comment Biden made to Charlamagne out of context. But Char endorsed Biden in the 2020 election (despite the exchange) and has actively endorsed him again...

Btw Biden apologized and characterized his remark as "cavalier"...

Now let's compare that to Trump saying Jews that vote Democrat "hate Israel" and hate their religion...

You made a point of calling out of context remarks (for which Biden apologized) from FOUR years ago "bigoted". BUT i don't recall you being upset with these remarks (which Trump doubled down on) from just TWO months ago...

Trump has also slandered all of the Prosecutors and Judges in all his other cases (except MAL) and for many of them insulted their race/heritage. Should we get into the instances over the years where Trump expressed his aversion to having Black accountants or Black employees visible on his casino floor?

Is the breakfast club still a thing?
What did the other mod allegedly do that warranted the call for firing?

I honestly don't know how any of this works. How is someone deemed qualified to be a mod? How do they go about getting mod status? Is there compensation in the form of payment, free premium membership or something else? And a final serious question - - why on earth would anyone want to do it?!
Ego/power trip, ability to post whatever you want, some wild thought that you need to even out the political sides of the mods
"It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me."

Except that's not exactly what Biden said. And he was talking to Charlamagne (who at the time was undecided), not to the Black Community as a whole. Context is important...

Biden told Char he had to cut short the interview, and Char responded with something to the effect that politicians always do that to Black media

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that “we’ve got more questions

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Charlamagne responded, “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community.”

“Take a look at my record, man!” Biden shot back.

It's cute that all the outraged righties took a comment Biden made to Charlamagne out of context. But Char endorsed Biden in the 2020 election (despite the exchange) and has actively endorsed him again...

Btw Biden apologized and characterized his remark as "cavalier"...

Man, this is lame, even for you. Your “context” changes nothing. It’s a racist thing to say whether he’s talking to one black guy or ALL black people. That he’s addressing Charlemagne alone has no bearing on whether what he said was racist or not.

But gaslighting is what you do here so it’s not surprising.
Now let's compare that to Trump saying Jews that vote Democrat "hate Israel" and hate their religion...

You made a point of calling out of context remarks (for which Biden apologized) from FOUR years ago "bigoted". BUT i don't recall you being upset with these remarks (which Trump doubled down on) from just TWO months ago...

Trump has also slandered all of the Prosecutors and Judges in all his other cases (except MAL) and for many of them insulted their race/heritage. Should we get into the instances over the years where Trump expressed his aversion to having Black accountants or Black employees visible on his casino floor?
Once again, I’m not interested in your scorekeeping. I don’t think either one of them are legitimately racist. I think it’s just something partisan hacks like you say to score political points.
He is a moderate. Just looks left because you're so far to the crazy right ;)

Most countries see democrats as being conservative when compared to their parties.

Lunch pail Joe, to the extent he ever existed, was 50 years ago. He lived in Scranton until he was 11.

Sure got a lot of mileage out of that childhood home though.

Transformative with the largest social safety net in history. Cradle to grave benefits. Yeah that’s a moderate. Your feed is all propaganda
What did the other mod allegedly do that warranted the call for firing?

I honestly don't know how any of this works. How is someone deemed qualified to be a mod? How do they go about getting mod status? Is there compensation in the form of payment, free premium membership or something else? And a final serious question - - why on earth would anyone want to do it?!
There’s no compensation. There’s no freebies that I know of. I wanted a position as Mod because I felt there was not balance among the Mods.

I think being a Mod could be easy.

1-no personal insults of any other poster.

2-no racist statements.

Have at it.
There’s no compensation. There’s no freebies that I know of. I wanted a position as Mod because I felt there was not balance among the Mods.

I think being a Mod could be easy.

1-no personal insults of any other poster.

2-no racist statements.

Have at it.
I think you guys do a decent job under difficult circumstances. First, we're living in a highly polarized, tribal society. The off-the-charts divisiveness is being stoked by powerful people and other "influencers." The shitshow known as social media, which is destroying brains and lives, is a contributing factor. There's a lot of emotion and people seem generally pissed off. That's tough to moderate.

Next, you're dealing with people who post while drunk, on some other substance(s) and/or who are dealing with mental health issues. That's a lot to manage.

How do you stop personal insults? Is "what a fvcking stupid thing to say" okay, but "you're fvcking stupid" off limits? Maybe someone could come up with a list of words you can never say on the Cooler, a la George Carlin.

I think a line should be drawn at threats of physical violence. One guy not long ago threatened to track down another poster and beat the shit out of him. He got a timeout that lasted about half a day. That kind of unhinged shit should result in a lengthy suspension.

A blanket ban on racist statements would be next to impossible to enforce for a lot of reasons, including the fact that there can be legitimate disagreement as to what constitutes a racist statement.

Finally, I disagree with Mark that certain topics as they pertain to public figures (e.g. pedo Biden) should be off limits. I mean, if talk about hookers pissing on Trump in a hotel room is fair game, it's tough to make a compelling argument that other topics, as they pertain to public figures, are taboo. If someone believes a claim is nonsense, they can respond with a substantive explanation.
I think you guys do a decent job under difficult circumstances. First, we're living in a highly polarized, tribal society. The off-the-charts divisiveness is being stoked by powerful people and other "influencers." The shitshow known as social media, which is destroying brains and lives, is a contributing factor. There's a lot of emotion and people seem generally pissed off. That's tough to moderate.

Next, you're dealing with people who post while drunk, on some other substance(s) and/or who are dealing with mental health issues. That's a lot to manage.

How do you stop personal insults? Is "what a fvcking stupid thing to say" okay, but "you're fvcking stupid" off limits? Maybe someone could come up with a list of words you can never say on the Cooler, a la George Carlin.

I think a line should be drawn at threats of physical violence. One guy not long ago threatened to track down another poster and beat the shit out of him. He got a timeout that lasted about half a day. That kind of unhinged shit should result in a lengthy suspension.

A blanket ban on racist statements would be next to impossible to enforce for a lot of reasons, including the fact that there can be legitimate disagreement as to what constitutes a racist statement.

Finally, I disagree with Mark that certain topics as they pertain to public figures (e.g. pedo Biden) should be off limits. I mean, if talk about hookers pissing on Trump in a hotel room is fair game, it's tough to make a compelling argument that other topics, as they pertain to public figures, are taboo. If someone believes a claim is nonsense, they can respond with a substantive explanation.
I think you guys do a decent job under difficult circumstances. First, we're living in a highly polarized, tribal society. The off-the-charts divisiveness is being stoked by powerful people and other "influencers." The shitshow known as social media, which is destroying brains and lives, is a contributing factor. There's a lot of emotion and people seem generally pissed off. That's tough to moderate.

Next, you're dealing with people who post while drunk, on some other substance(s) and/or who are dealing with mental health issues. That's a lot to manage.

How do you stop personal insults? Is "what a fvcking stupid thing to say" okay, but "you're fvcking stupid" off limits? Maybe someone could come up with a list of words you can never say on the Cooler, a la George Carlin.

I think a line should be drawn at threats of physical violence. One guy not long ago threatened to track down another poster and beat the shit out of him. He got a timeout that lasted about half a day. That kind of unhinged shit should result in a lengthy suspension.

A blanket ban on racist statements would be next to impossible to enforce for a lot of reasons, including the fact that there can be legitimate disagreement as to what constitutes a racist statement.

Finally, I disagree with Mark that certain topics as they pertain to public figures (e.g. pedo Biden) should be off limits. I mean, if talk about hookers pissing on Trump in a hotel room is fair game, it's tough to make a compelling argument that other topics, as they pertain to public figures, are taboo. If someone believes a claim is nonsense, they can respond with a substantive explanation.
At least he didn't make a joke about Michelle Obama. Then the mods would've really brought the hammer.
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You don’t joke. You believe every ridiculous, silly and laughable thing you post.
Wow look at all this criminal activity Aloha. What a threat to society. Lock him up!

See that's what happens when you believe the Marxist media. Everything they tell you is a lie. The whole docs case was a giant set up.

Wow look at all this criminal activity Aloha. What a threat to society. Lock him up!

See that's what happens when you believe the Marxist media. Everything they tell you is a lie. The whole docs case was a giant set up.

  • Haha
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What? I've said all along a guilty verdict was the most likely outcome. This is NYC they are completely corrupt. With any remotely sane judge yes this would've been dismissed immediately. But here we have a foreign born Marxist judge.
A foreign born Marxist judge. You are fully and officially off your rocker.
It’s not as bigoted as saying you ain’t really black if you don’t vote for me.

Also @UncleMark, in my view, calling.a fellow poster a bigot is worse than calling Biden a pedo. Although, to be clear, i wouldn’t support banning either.

Just seems like you picked a term to ban because you don’t like it.
The difference is when someone on here says something bigoted, like dmb just did, it’s helpful to point it out. Perhaps that person can learn a lesson. Trump has said the same thing about Jewish people multiple times. How much does that bother you?
There’s no compensation. There’s no freebies that I know of. I wanted a position as Mod because I felt there was not balance among the Mods.

I think being a Mod could be easy.

1-no personal insults of any other poster.

2-no racist statements.

Have at it.
No racist statements…. So would you ban DBM for calling the judge foreign born and Marxist ?
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The difference is when someone on here says something bigoted, like dmb just did, it’s helpful to point it out. Perhaps that person can learn a lesson. Trump has said the same thing about Jewish people multiple times. How much does that bother you?
How is calling Merchan a “foreign born Marxist” bigoted?

It is documented fact that he has donated to such groups as “the progressive turnout” project and a subsidiary of that group called “stop republicans.”

Yes, that’s correct, the judge presiding over the trial of the republican candidate for president donated to a group called “stop republicans.”

I’m not sure it’s fair to call him a Marxist but it’s sure as hell fair to question his impartiality. There’s nothing bigoted about that.

I’d say it’s pretty reasonable under the circumstances.

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A foreign born Marxist judge. You are fully and officially off your rocker.

How is calling Merchan a “foreign born Marxist” bigoted?

It is documented fact that he has donated to such groups as “the progressive turnout” project and a subsidiary of that group called “stop republicans.”

Yes, that’s correct, the judge presiding over the trial of the republican candidate for president donated to a group called “stop republicans.”

I’m not sure it’s fair to call him a Marxist but it’s sure as hell fair to question his impartiality. There’s nothing bigoted about that.

I’d say it’s pretty reasonable under the circumstances.

Listen to Dersch and Bondi here who were in the court room and tell me this guy isn't a radical/Marxist judge. It's unreal what this clown is doing.

Listen to Dersch and Bondi here who were in the court room and tell me this guy isn't a radical/Marxist judge. It's unreal what this clown is doing.

He limited the scope of Brad Smith's potential testimony so as to make it essentially pointless. But he did allow Michael Cohen to go at length on election law and how Trump violated it.

Ergo. The jury is getting it's understanding of election law and how Trump may or may not have violated it from Michael Cohen. And not the former FEC chair.

Merchan is a complete piece of shit. But you have to understand the vast majority of progressives in the law are complete pieces of shit. my view, calling a fellow poster a bigot is worse than calling Biden a pedo. Although, to be clear, i wouldn’t support banning either.
Wait, so if I claim that a guy

1) used the N word,
2) raped children

You are more bothered by accusation #1?
Wait, so if I claim that a guy

1) used the N word,
2) raped children

You are more bothered by accusation #1?
Joe Biden is the president. He’s a public figure. He’ll be alright. He won’t even know it happened.

Joe Blow from Kokomo could face serious consequences if he’s labeled a racist. Could lose his job, etc.

I recognize this is an anonymous message board and there’s a 99.9 percent chance that would never happen but there is a chance. There is no chance it would affect Biden.

Besides, what was written was not bigoted, in my opinion.
Judge Merchan donated to this group.

This is on their about page.

“Stop Republicans, an accountability campaign of Progressive Turnout Project, is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy.”

Merchan literally donated money to a group whose stated purpose is stopping Donald Trump.

How in the HELL is that not a MASSIVE conflict of interest?
Judge Merchan donated to this group.

This is on their about page.

“Stop Republicans, an accountability campaign of Progressive Turnout Project, is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy.”

Merchan literally donated money to a group whose stated purpose is stopping Donald Trump.

How in the HELL is that not a MASSIVE conflict of interest?
IT's called election interference.
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IT's called election interference.
What's this called? Birds (indicted criminals) of a feather flocking together?

If you've never heard of Shef G and Sleepy Hallow they are an example of the kind of people Trump could soon be shring a cell with. Guess he figured a productive use of his time on a day he wasn't in court, was to hang out with some like minded individuals in a Park in the Bronx.

Trump has more indictments than any other former POTUS, but these two with 140 between them make Trump look like an amateur. Nice to see a "law and order" candidate sharing the stage with a couple of dudes who have been indicted for murder.

And they are from Brooklyn. What, he couldn't round up any accused felons who are actually from the Bronyx?
Appears he's cornered the gangbanger vote...

What's this called? Birds (indicted criminals) of a feather flocking together?

If you've never heard of Shef G and Sleepy Hallow they are an example of the kind of people Trump could soon be shring a cell with. Guess he figured a productive use of his time on a day he wasn't in court, was to hang out with some like minded individuals in a Park in the Bronx.

Trump has more indictments than any other former POTUS, but these two with 140 between them make Trump look like an amateur. Nice to see a "law and order" candidate sharing the stage with a couple of dudes who have been indicted for murder.

And they are from Brooklyn. What, he couldn't round up any accused felons who are actually from the Bronyx?
Appears he's cornered the gangbanger vote...

Americas President!!

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