Trump Trial - New York

What do you think is the most likely outcome in the New York trial?

  • A guilty verdict on some or all of the counts

  • An acquittal ("total exoneration!")

  • A hung jury (jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and a mistrial is declared)

  • Trump pleads guilty to something prior to a verdict being rendered

  • Other (for example, a mistrial based on something other than a hung jury)

Results are only viewable after voting.
There’s still time to eat a cyanide pill before our 2024 DOJ come for you. Save yourselves, now!!
The Biden spacecraft is coming in, only cyanide gets you a ticket to communist nirvana. Alllll abaoooooord.
Got your ticket yet Mark?
You've been crazy for a while, but you're getting out of line again. Promoting suicide? Even as a joke, this goes too far.
Game over. Or at least it would be with a remotely sane jury.

Is it possible that you don't actually know that the "so-called legal analyst" quoted here (Tim Parlatore) is Trump's former lawyer? To try and pretend he speaks for CNN is laughably disingenuous.

As for your other tweet quoting Eric Herschman, and characterizing him as someone who "previously worked" in Bragg's office... Again not exactly an impartial observer...

"Eric Herschmann (born May 7, 1962) is an American political advisor and attorney who served as a senior advisor to former President Donald Trump."

So I'm just now getting a chance to catch up on today's festivities.

Cohen admitted skimming a big chunk of money when he was playing bag man for Trump. And he denied to his lawyer that Trump was involved in the Stormy payoff... like he did to everyone else before he got charged and Trump kicked him to the curb.

Does that sum it up?

And while it throws another big credibility hit on Cohen, does it have any impact on the facts of the case or the law?
Some argue that Cohen admitting he took the money he felt he was owed actually hurts the Defense's case. Blanche said in his opening statement and has maintained all along that the payments to Cohen were for "services rendered". They claim there was no "reimbursement"...

What do you mean? The charges haven't been dismissed. Surely you aren't admitting that this is purely election interference to try and get a conviction before the election. Why do you care if it goes to trial next year?
Because if Trump were to be elected he could escape justice by forcing the DOJ to drop the case.

Again nobody expects this case to go in 2024, Cannon has no idea what she's doing and allowed several CIPA timelines to pass while still falsely claiming the case would go in May 2024. There are strict guidelines for completing numerous CIPA requirements in a timely manner, which she has repeatedly ignored...
😅 😅 😅 can you imagine melania. at home. on the couch. watching this. thinking, motherfcker this guy is going to be home in the next hour. how much more of this can i possibly listen to
in a freezing cold ice box. hahahaha
because i've been gaggged hahaha
we'll bring it back to an american car. cadillac lol
oops i can't say that one. because i have a gag order.
buck sexton. exact same thing. dying lol
@BradStevens make sure you watch this video. hilarious
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😅 😅 😅 can you imagine melania. at home. on the couch. watching this. thinking, motherfcker this guy is going to be home in the next hour. how much more of this can i possibly listen to
in a freezing cold ice box. hahahaha
From a legal/ethical standpoint he absolutely has to dismiss but I don't see how he can. It would completely solidify Trump's argument on witch hunt, election interference, etc which Trump will hammer until the election. Bidens entire "democracy" pitch completely obliterated. He has to dismiss but he won't. His reputation is already completely destroyed anyway.
Lower than sewage…. Libs, please understand what damage that you’ve created with your “feelz”.
MAGA is trying to keep you from chains, that you continually keep begging for all of us.
If you don’t aggressively beg for forgiveness one day soon, and I mean totally beg on both knees, you will be held accountable .
We are tired of your…….. attempts to steal from us and change what makes America great, to what makes America Russia.
Consider yourself warned.
  • Haha
Reactions: outside shooter
From a legal/ethical standpoint he absolutely has to dismiss but I don't see how he can. It would completely solidify Trump's argument on witch hunt, election interference, etc which Trump will hammer until the election. Bidens entire "democracy" pitch completely obliterated. He has to dismiss but he won't. His reputation is already completely destroyed anyway.
Exactly the thing that our system of justice are supposed to pay attention to…. Right???

Bloodbath is ok with me!
Or it is because she is a fraud, a complete dunce who can only think in conspiracy theories without a lick of a critical thought and rivals even the most ardent internent dummy for insane clown writings. Being conservative has nothing to do with it--being a moron does. There are plenty of conservative commentators and authors I like--Douglas Murray is one. I would doubt very much that Murray would spend even one second in a room with that oaf. Julie Kelly makes Laura Loomer look like Plato.
I've never even heard of her until today. Read the article and the comments. Kind of confirms a lot of what has already been found out, but was unaware there were going to be hearings over it. Anyways calm down, that got your dander up. Next time I'll try and find a Rachel Maddow take for ya. LOL
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You've been crazy for a while, but you're getting out of line again. Promoting suicide? Even as a joke, this goes too far.
Only as an option, it’s not just a left option. It’s been in existence since…… well, since the first two single cells married.
You’ve got a problem with it now?
That you’re loosing your facade?
Do what ever is your lessor fate, since you seem to double down on “ruining” what made this great country.
Ohhh your still pissectgat your loans aren’t actually forgiven. If it helps your feelz any, I’ve had 1- student loan and 3 mortgages that weren’t forgiven either.
Paid them all off as I agreed to, as a man!
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Reactions: DDE-6-20-23
We clowned him constantly on the OTF. You guys made him feel welcome here and this is what you get ... the incessant drivel of bottle born frontier wisdom. .
You still janitor at the well drilling rig company?
Dont forget to wash your feet when you leave the restroom.
Because if Trump were to be elected he could escape justice by forcing the DOJ to drop the case.

Again nobody expects this case to go in 2024, Cannon has no idea what she's doing and allowed several CIPA timelines to pass while still falsely claiming the case would go in May 2024. There are strict guidelines for completing numerous CIPA requirements in a timely manner, which she has repeatedly ignored...
Oh when it all comes down….
Tsunamis of tears. Y’all have moved us backwards 100 yrs .
Why the runts in the farm have forever markers. They were also loved, but served no purpose to the herd.
Only as an option, it’s not just a left option. It’s been in existence since…… well, since the first two single cells married.
You’ve got a problem with it now?
That you’re loosing your facade?
Do what ever is your lessor fate, since you seem to double down on “ruining” what made this great country.
Ohhh your still pissectgat your loans aren’t actually forgiven. If it helps your feelz any, I’ve had 1- student loan and 3 mortgages that weren’t forgiven either.
Paid them all off as I agreed to, as a man!
You are making no sense now.

Just, please, start acting like an adult. Thanks.
Hasn't he gone through quite a bit lately? Is that what I read? Not making excuses just asking.
Wait, I’ve been through a lot lately? I’m a victim and didn’t know it?
What did I miss that I could have filled for Dem relief?
Ohhhh it’s that 12” brown spot in my yard that has me traumatized . Yep that should qualify for some type of federal relief. I’m now Dem for life, again!!
Thanks DDE!!
You are making no sense now.

Just, please, start acting like an adult. Thanks.
I’ve learned, through 56 years of adulting. When someone says “act like an adult”, it means I’ve opened their eyes to adulting level, they just are not ready for quite yet.
Been there, have the t shirts in hand made frames!

I’m almost done with my little celebration lap. The only question is, if I get done first, or you ban hammer me Putin style.
I think I’m upside down on the odds, but I’ll be back again and again and again.
You clearly haven't.

You're not doing a celebration lap. You're running around naked in the yard like an idiot.

But feel free to continue. I'm threatening no mod actions at all. I'm just sad for you.
Wait, that's not how your neighborhood celebrates?

Obviously my celebration is WAY early, and when your side totally destroy our system, you may have the last laugh. I understand that I will have to take my lumps, as that is a REAL possibility.
Today is my naked dance, playing the outside odds.
You can do it later, maybe.
Wait, that's not how your neighborhood celebrates?

Obviously my celebration is WAY early, and when your side totally destroy our system, you may have the last laugh. I understand that I will have to take my lumps, as that is a REAL possibility.
Today is my naked dance, playing the outside odds.
You can do it later, maybe.
I no longer even understand why you're naked. Forget adulting or anything else I said you were lacking. I think what you really need is just to proofread your own posts for clarity.
I no longer even understand why you're naked. Forget adulting or anything else I said you were lacking. I think what you really need is just to proofread your own posts for clarity.
Ok now that, we are in total agreement on (not the naked part). Since I am well aware that I am not a novelist, with perfect (or even close) grammar. I've come to a point of acceptance, that I am just a great folk lore type poet. Some have compared me to Twain. Many actually. The greatest white dude since Twain, I have heard.
I once was testifying in court, in a way that would have pissed you off and you would have objected... the judge...


Jonathan Turley on Michael Cohen......

"I am out of the courtroom. It was quite a morning to have someone admit to stealing money from his client and then confirm that he wants to run for Congress. It will be a novel campaign: people usually wait to get into Congress before they commit major felonies..."

"...Committing major larceny is not a particularly appealing pitch for taking an office with the power over the purse. Then again, Cohen can claim that Congress cannot possibly corrupt him . . . he was corrupt before he went to Congress."


Jonathan Turley on Michael Cohen......

"I am out of the courtroom. It was quite a morning to have someone admit to stealing money from his client and then confirm that he wants to run for Congress. It will be a novel campaign: people usually wait to get into Congress before they commit major felonies..."

"...Committing major larceny is not a particularly appealing pitch for taking an office with the power over the purse. Then again, Cohen can claim that Congress cannot possibly corrupt him . . . he was corrupt before he went to Congress."


Cohen also testified that he told the DA about this. It doesn't just raise issues of Cohen's credibility in the eyes of the jury, it raises questions of the prosecutor's credibility. They will wonder, why did the prosecutor try to hide this from us? What else are they hiding?
Prosecutor credibility isn’t an issue. They have none.

They’re trying a former president for actions that, not only did the DOJ decline to pursue, the FEC reviewed and didn’t even seek to fine him for.

They did fine the Clinton campaign however.

And he will still be convicted because its New York.

This trial is an absolute disgrace.
Prosecutor credibility isn’t an issue. They have none.

They’re trying a former president for actions that, not only did the DOJ decline to pursue, the FEC reviewed and didn’t even seek to fine him for.

They did fine the Clinton campaign however.

And he will still be convicted because its New York.

This trial is an absolute disgrace.
It is very much an issue for the jury, which presumably isn't made up of 12 hyper-partisans from an internet message board.
Prosecutor credibility isn’t an issue. They have none.

They’re trying a former president for actions that, not only did the DOJ decline to pursue, the FEC reviewed and didn’t even seek to fine him for.

They did fine the Clinton campaign however.

And he will still be convicted because its New York.

This trial is an absolute disgrace.
I assume you're reading the daily transcripts.

How exactly has the judge erred? What do you believe are the best grounds for appeal?
What do you mean? The charges haven't been dismissed. Surely you aren't admitting that this is purely election interference to try and get a conviction before the election. Why do you care if it goes to trial next year?
The judge is letting motions sit on her desk for months slow playing the trial so that if trump gets elected, he can pardon himself.

Judges aren't supposed to be biased for the defendent.
Now the judge giving jurors 7 days to go home and listen to NY hate Trump 24/7.
I'm sure that was the plan lmao.

You really think any juror's opinion on trump will change at this point? All of our opinions on the chump is pretty much set in stone at this point. 7 days, 7 one is changing their opinon.

You'll claim victimhood over anything.

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