Trump Trial - New York

What do you think is the most likely outcome in the New York trial?

  • A guilty verdict on some or all of the counts

  • An acquittal ("total exoneration!")

  • A hung jury (jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and a mistrial is declared)

  • Trump pleads guilty to something prior to a verdict being rendered

  • Other (for example, a mistrial based on something other than a hung jury)

Results are only viewable after voting.
That’s a moronic take on Joe Biden, a devout family man. Do better Farva. You’re veering into DBM territory.
You come on this board and you lie, lie, LIE some more. STOP! That is a major malfunction.

Do devout family men refuse to acknowledge their granddaughters existence? Because it is politically inexpedient? She's not even allowed to have the Biden last name, Joe has never met her.

That is absolutely evil. Surely you agree. Or will you actually have the temerity to try and deflect from this?
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It’s a mockery of the judicial system. The sorry ass corrupt judge and DA which stands for Dumb Asshole have not proved a dam thing but he still gets found guilty. Those two should be disbarred and never allowed to try a court case again. New York is a shit hole.
It is not going as they expected the polls have not changed in the least
Trump can win California. Lol. Sure thing. Want to bet?
Nope, but people are coming out of the STUPID CHILDISH WHACKED LIBERAL points of view which have no end! It's a God Damned sickness that screws everything up! People want normal again! My kids who are in their 20's and have good jobs go to the store call me constantly and ask why in the hell does a few things at the store cost so much! Its nonstop! People around the world are PISSED at this nonsense! F*ck these wars, F*ck this inflation, F*ck this crime, FJB, and F*ck liberals. You understand??? Liberals destroy everything!

Now come back with your stupid reply and IDC you are anomaly and nobody wants it ANYMORE!!! Move, go away, get lost, go to an island and worship your pronouns, go live with filth and crime, just leave already. We want our country back!!!
Nope, but people are coming out of the STUPID CHILDISH WHACKED LIBERAL points of view which have no end! It's a God Damned sickness that screws everything up! People want normal again! My kids who are in their 20's and have good jobs go to the store call me constantly and ask why in the hell does a few things at the store cost so much! Its nonstop! People around the world are PISSED at this nonsense! F*ck these wars, F*ck this inflation, F*ck this crime, FJB, and F*ck liberals. You understand??? Liberals destroy everything!

Now come back with your stupid reply and IDC you are anomaly and nobody wants it ANYMORE!!! Move, go away, get lost, go to an island and worship your pronouns, go live with filth and crime, just leave already. We want our country back!!!
What wars are liberals responsible for?

Liberals didn't cause worldwide inflation.

Red states suffer from just as much crime

Fvck redneck maga idiots that drag down the iq of the entire country
What wars are liberals responsible for?

Liberals didn't cause worldwide inflation.

Red states suffer from just as much crime

Fvck redneck maga idiots that drag down the iq of the entire country
Libs exacerbated our inflation with excessive stimulus. This isn’t opinion it’s established. Crime is municipal. Progressive policies don’t work with crime.

You’re incapable of education
Well I'll be damned. California speaks. I'm sure Gavin was in the crowd somewhere wondering wtf. LOLOLOL

Here's one you forgot...

Are we supposed to be impressed that Trump held a rally in Orange Co? It's historically a GOP stronghold...

In fact in 2020 Trump again made history, when he became the first GOP candidate to LOSE Orange County in about 85 yrs.

Donald Trump, losing every election since 2016...
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Does it strike you as odd that the Associate Attorney General, 3rd in line at the entire DOJ, would step down from that role to prosecute a New York State falsification of business records case?

How long are you willing to suspend disbelief exactly? When it pertains to Trump, forever apparently.
Why would it? He’s been associated with Bragg for years and knows about Trump’s corruption. I don’t have to suspend belief to see that there is no smoking gun here.
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Does it strike you as odd that the Associate Attorney General, 3rd in line at the entire DOJ, would step down from that role to prosecute a New York State falsification of business records case?

Why would it? He’s been associated with Bragg for years and knows about Trump’s corruption. I don’t have to suspend belief to see that there is no smoking gun here.

For all we know, the NYC position might be "better", depending on what one is looking for professionally. He might just want to go home. It might have a better workplace environment. He might have family reasons to return there. Hell, it might even pay better.
For all we know, the NYC position might be "better", depending on what one is looking for professionally. He might just want to go home. It might have a better workplace environment. He might have family reasons to return there. Hell, it might even pay better.
Uh huh. We have visitor logs of the Fulton County DA’s office at the White House. You and Aloha please spare me this pretense that Biden DOJ has put up a complete firewall around the state cases. That’s complete horseshit.
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Uh huh. We have visitor logs of the Fulton County DA’s office at the White House. You and Aloha please spare me this pretense that Biden DOJ has put up a complete firewall around the state cases. That’s complete horseshit.
You have zero evidence that the DOJ has anything at all to do with the state cases, you just badly want that to be the case. That’s it. It’s my guess that it’s far more likely DOJ would prefer that nether state case was brought. They have two solid cases they’d prefer would go forward.
You have zero evidence that the DOJ has anything at all to do with the state cases, you just badly want that to be the case. That’s it. It’s my guess that it’s far more likely DOJ would prefer that nether state case was brought. They have two solid cases they’d prefer would go forward.

I think there were concerns early on that the state cases would interfere with the federal cases. Between Cannon, the Supremes, and the GA Pubs (and Willis' stoopidity), that's been taken care of.
You have zero evidence that the DOJ has anything at all to do with the state cases, you just badly want that to be the case. That’s it. It’s my guess that it’s far more likely DOJ would prefer that nether state case was brought. They have two solid cases they’d prefer would go forward.
No I do have evidence. The visitor logs. Colangelo leaving to help with the indictment.

The word you’re looking for is “proof”. But there’s plenty of evidence.
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You have very weak evidence at best, and no proof at all.
Fwiw, I don’t really care. It’s not like there needed to be extensive instruction or oversight from the DOJ to bring these crap state cases. I don’t believe there was honestly.

All it would take is a “you know what would be nice Fani….” Or “Hey Mathew, why don’t you go see if Alvin needs any help over there” and they’re off and running. I don’t think Bragg or Willis would need much encouragement if any. Nothing will ever be proven. Garland is vile, but he’s not that dumb.
Fwiw, I don’t really care. It’s not like there needed to be extensive instruction or oversight from the DOJ to bring these crap state cases.

All it would take is a “you know what would be nice Fani….” Or “Hey Mathew, why don’t you go see if Alvin needs any help over there” and they’re off and running. Nothing will ever be proven. Garland is vile, but he’s not that dumb.
I’ve said neither of the state cases should have been brought. The Georgia case is redundant. Both partisan political origins.
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