Trump Trial - New York

What do you think is the most likely outcome in the New York trial?

  • A guilty verdict on some or all of the counts

  • An acquittal ("total exoneration!")

  • A hung jury (jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and a mistrial is declared)

  • Trump pleads guilty to something prior to a verdict being rendered

  • Other (for example, a mistrial based on something other than a hung jury)

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Anyone who ever cheated on a wife. A girlfriend. Paid cash so the credit card bill didn’t show where you were
My wife and I have had separate checking accounts and credit cards since we got married. It was necessary at the time because it would take weeks for mail to catch up to the ship when out to sea. I've seen too many Sailors with joint accounts bounce checks or otherwise run into financial problems. Never happened to us. It's just natural for us this way. Her money is her money and my money is our money. ;)
Yeah and if there are issues you have to make sure objections etc are timely/properly preserved etc. instructions are common basis for appeal in crim
I figured it would have to be like a civil trial with each party presenting their legal authority for a proposed special instruction, objections to same and a hearing on objections
Why can't the jury have full transcripts of court testimony to review, and a full transcript of the judge's instructions?

All of this is provided to the press but not to the jurors. They are just supposed to remember it all, perfectly.

I know that the court reporter's initial transcript can have errors and needs to be reviewed by legal teams on both sides. I have heard that as the reason for not giving it to the jury. But now they are basically reading back portions of that transcript to them.

These rules seem pretty goofy. Any lawyer care to explain?
dbm you should know by now...If it's not what the tds damaged seals thinks is correct, ITS WRONG. Their opinion is the only opinion that matters. They are "right" (cough cough cough) about everything. This entire thing is already backfiring horribly. Most people with brains can see right through it and are starting to snap out off it. Look at some of the latest support coming from places you would not think. Jeezuz even some msm channels, (MSM channels) are doing a wtf is happening here. You're posting in an infestation of rampant TDS, which is hilariously drooling over all of this, and the incompetence is glaring. The worse it gets the more the light switch gets turned on. Unfortunately there are severe cases here which are terminal. LOL. Relax man.

100 percent wrong. Every one of you devout deranged Trumpsters lack logic and reason.
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Kind of interesting though that we have parallels to 2016. Hillary was accused of a dozen different wrong-doings (Benghazi, Deleted Emails, having people killed who were investigating, etc.) and most of those items were non-actionable, but it didn't stop Trump from declaring at every rally about how she was corrupt and would be prosecuted when he got into office.
Hillary just seems to have been better at hiding / deleting / organizing things to the point where there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. Regardless of whether she was guilty or not though, Trump tapped into that uncertainty and used it to paint a narrative that ultimately made him victorious.
It’s not that Hilary was better at hiding things wrt funding the Steele dossier. It’s just that she didn’t have an Alvin Bragg campaigning and being elected on the promise of taking her down looking into it. And the state of New York would have had a much better case against her. But it wasn’t pursued and we all know why.
At the end of the day though, it is all political theater.
Yeah, it is.
You might believe that the results of this trial will ultimately not matter, but you need to bear in mind that the people here on this board are probably much more in-tune with the political landscape. For every person as-invested in politics that you can find here and amongst your friends, there's probably 3x that who just don't give a darn. They are the ones that, unfortunately, decide elections. There's probably a good 5% of actual voters who don't know / care who they are going to vote for up until about a week before the election. And when the margins in some states are going to be 1%, getting that 5% to go one way or the other is crucial. Having a narrative that one candidate is a law breaker is a powerful tool. It's been used by Trump and Biden is using it himself now that the tables have flipped to the other side.
Trump never weaponized the justice system to the point it is now in New York.

And that 5 percent is what Biden is working on. It’s why he has Bobby Deniro stumping for him in front of the courthouse and why he’s going to give a speech there after the trial.

Why can't the jury have full transcripts of court testimony to review, and a full transcript of the judge's instructions?

All of this is provided to the press but not to the jurors. They are just supposed to remember it all, perfectly.

I know that the court reporter's initial transcript can have errors and needs to be reviewed by legal teams on both sides. I have heard that as the reason for not giving it to the jury. But now they are basically reading back portions of that transcript to them.

These rules seem pretty goofy. Any lawyer care to explain?
It is a somewhat antiquated practice. I would guess that over the last 10 years, about 60% of this stiff is all digitized for the jury. And they get to keep an exhibit book.
I don't get why you say that. He posts a wide variety, CNN, Fox and others. I rarely see you post a "source" just your opinion. If its someones opinion its one thing, everyone has an opinion. If its a well sourced piece or a video from a news correspondent its right in front of you either watch, read it, or don't, BUT take it for what its worth and move on. Unfortunately the msm is so full of sh!t nobody believes anything anymore so we laugh and call names, because if it doesn't agree with "me" you're full of shit (just pointing out the way this board goes). According to many here, including me, we all have sources in which we believe more than others and thats where the arguing starts. DBM has has his good and bad we all do.

Nobody has ever changed anyones mind on this board, therefore we all chase our tails here all day long. Its stupid. The problem is the mom and dad mods. They are the worst. LOL
I say it because it's true. Of course, the percentage is just a SWAG, but I'd bet it's accurate within plus or minus 5 percent. The overwhelming majority of the tweets he links are those of deranged Trumpster Twitter Twits who or either dishonest, stupid, or liars. He's destroyed his own credibility by credulously linking them.
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Well, the irony of your comment certainly isn't lost on me... the guy you are supporting is a fraud, a sexual assault perpetrator, a narcissist, etc, etc, who talks a far better game than he plays. Now this:

As for the "sick bastard" who will do anything to stay in power--I agree--you've just identified Donald Trump. He proved that for over a year.
Unless there is an actual recording, I can't give this much credibility. If there is a recording of him using the N word in that manner it won't matter one iota to any of the hard core Trumpsters here, but it might be the thing that loses Trump enough of the black vote to destroy any chance he has of winning.
I say it because it's true. Of course, the percentage is just a SWAG, but I'd bet it's accurate within plus or minus 5 percent. The overwhelming majority of the tweets his links are those of deranged Trumpster Twitter Twits who or either dishonest, stupid, or liars. He's destroyed his own credibility by credulously linking them.
But there are the other side of newscasters who have TDS so bad they can't let out a sentence without spewing the same garbage the other way, dishonest, stupid, and liars. So then nobody is credible.
Why can't the jury have full transcripts of court testimony to review, and a full transcript of the judge's instructions?

All of this is provided to the press but not to the jurors. They are just supposed to remember it all, perfectly.

I know that the court reporter's initial transcript can have errors and needs to be reviewed by legal teams on both sides. I have heard that as the reason for not giving it to the jury. But now they are basically reading back portions of that transcript to them.

These rules seem pretty goofy. Any lawyer care to explain?
According to what I've heard from the legal beagles on the radio, the transcripts haven't yet been certified as accurate. Apparently the court recorders often make mistakes and those are corrected before the transcripts are certified. The defense and prosecution review the sections of the testimony that the jury wants to hear again and once they agree those sections are accurate it is read to the jury.
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It’s not that Hilary was better at hiding things wrt funding the Steele dossier. It’s just that she didn’t have an Alvin Bragg campaigning and being elected on the promise of taking her down looking into it. And the state of New York would have had a much better case against her. But it wasn’t pursued and we all know why.

Yeah, it is.

Trump never weaponized the justice system to the point it is now in New York.

And that 5 percent is what Biden is working on. It’s why he has Bobby Deniro stumping for him in front of the courthouse and why he’s going to give a speech there after the trial.

It was pursued. Trump's FEC fined the DNC and HRC $113,000 for funding the Steele Dossier with campaign funding and not accurately categorizing the spending. Once the FEC acts it's over so no legal case to be had.
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But there are the other side of newscasters who have TDS so bad they can't let out a sentence without spewing the same garbage the other way, dishonest, stupid, and liars. So then nobody is credible.
Don't be weak minded. Look into what these people say. It's not hard to detect the dishonest and stupid.
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According to what I've heard from the legal beagles on the radio, the transcripts haven't yet been certified as accurate yet. Apparently the court recorders often make mistakes and those are corrected before the transcripts are certified. The defense and prosecution review the sections of the testimony that the jury wants to hear again and once they agree those sections are accurate it is read to the jury.
Understood, and it is consistent with my experience. Lawyers have asked me to review the transcripts of my own testimony for accuracy, and sometimes there are errors. It's amazing how well the court reporters usually do, though. It also odd that the press gets copies of the uncertified transcripts, usually on the same day.
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msnbc wow.

Is the set leaning left or is this a take from an old batman show. just asking
Well, I don't know shhh about fudge on law so I have mostly avoided this, but the fact that people who have shown a bias in the past around this topic are saying, "That's odd", is enough for me to believe that something is fishy here (and that is just beyond the charges themselves.)

In a broader sense, this looks Banana Republic to me and should the accused win in November, given his disposition, things are really going to hit the fan. I don't see any planet where the DOJ isn't stocked with hard core Trump supporters who will be more than happy to be the grind for his ax. This is like the nuclear option on judicial nominees. The likelihood of this blowing up is very high. This whole sham of a trial was dumb.
Don't be weak minded. Look into what these people say. It's not hard to detect the dishonest and stupid.
To be weak minded is to continue and discuss Trumps carnival of court cases to a 45 page thread. Meanwhile there is this which gets buried.

But Trump right? What a pitiful excuse for a country we live in. We deserve whatever fate is headed our way!
This is why you have zero credibility. Biden was reading a quote from the nominee he was questioning at a hearing.

If there is an actual recording, in context, of Trump using the word, you will defend him the same as you defend him for every thing else.
I figured it would have to be like a civil trial with each party presenting their legal authority for a proposed special instruction, objections to same and a hearing on objections
right and if there are pattern that's hard to f with but to the extent they can object in writing, object at trial, propose alternative etc. sometimes the judge doesn't see how the instruction is bad until it plays out. as you know they are pure law so really one of the few good areas for appeal
DDE, when you click on the supposed link to the Tribune page, this is what you get:

The page you tried was not found. You may have used an outdated link or may have typed the web address incorrectly.
To be weak minded is to continue and discuss Trumps carnival of court cases to a 45 page thread. Meanwhile there is this which gets buried.

But Trump right? What a pitiful excuse for a country we live in. We deserve whatever fate is headed our way!
Your link has nothing to do with Trump so why "but Trump?" Who supports letting abusers abuse? Sure as hell not me.
Well, I don't know shhh about fudge on law so I have mostly avoided this, but the fact that people who have shown a bias in the past around this topic are saying, "That's odd", is enough for me to believe that something is fishy here (and that is just beyond the charges themselves.)

In a broader sense, this looks Banana Republic to me and should the accused win in November, given his disposition, things are really going to hit the fan. I don't see any planet where the DOJ isn't stocked with hard core Trump supporters who will be more than happy to be the grind for his ax. This is like the nuclear option on judicial nominees. The likelihood of this blowing up is very high. This whole sham of a trial was dumb.
Like that would be a bad thing. BTW, you ever watch those nature documentaries on the cable?

It’s not that Hilary was better at hiding things wrt funding the Steele dossier. It’s just that she didn’t have an Alvin Bragg campaigning and being elected on the promise of taking her down looking into it.
Trump stated in his debate with Hillary Clinton that he was going to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her. That's the parallel I am pointing out. He "campaigned" on the promise of taking her down.

Trump never weaponized the justice system to the point it is now in New York.
At the end of the day, there are either two possibilities here: A) Either Trump tried to go after Hillary and found out he couldn't (either because he did not have the authority or was told that there was insufficient evidence to do so) or B) Decided to not go after her.
Knowing Trump and his personality, which of those two options seems more likely? And bear in mind, this was just a short period of time before he was sending Rudy over to pressure Ukraine into starting an investigation into Hunter. One could say that Trump was attempting to weaponize the Ukraine justice system.

And that 5 percent is what Biden is working on. It’s why he has Bobby Deniro stumping for him in front of the courthouse and why he’s going to give a speech there after the trial.
Absolutely. Trump has his rallies. Biden has his Hollywood elites. The only way to get the 5% is to flood them with ads / propaganda in places that are the most likely to be seen. There's a reason that political parties spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising. Seriously, you could take half the money from political ad spending in this country and put it to food and housing programs and probably cut homelessness in this country by 80%
Fully, but who said lip synced. That wasn't lip synced. And he said it. Biden has a known racial problem with black people.
The sound does not appear to be in synch with the lip movements.

There may be different reasons for that, some even innocent, but it is a red flag.

But thanks, Aloha, for describing what really was going on there. Facts should always be welcomed here.
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Yes, we’ve established that.

Now show me where that precludes a state taking action.
Why? They didn't. If you think I'm a fan of this Trump trial, I'm on record saying that it shouldn't have been brought even if he's 100 percent guilty. The document and January 6 trials are the ones that should be happening right now. The documents trial is the one I'm most interested in because I detest mishandling of highly classified information. Guilty or not in that case (and I see no way he's not guilty), I want that to go to trial.
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You and OS need to do better too. Biden did actually say that (not a dubbed video), but the video was taken out of context because he was reading a quote attributed to the nominee he was questioning in a hearing.
I don't really trust anything he posts because it is mostly either complete bs or merely misleading. And since the audio didn't seem to line up with the lips moving, I assumed wrongly that it was the former.

Sorry I didn't bother to verify accuracy but not shocked it was out of context
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Yes, Biden was quoting the guy in the hearing. You do understand that, right?
Even after you pointed that out earlier, DDE doubled down on the lie that these were Biden's words.

This is a classic example of what unthinking, social media-obsessed people do. The algorithms feed them shit that perpetuates their confirmation bias, and they grab the headline and re-post it without reading, thinking or verification. This is a big contributor to the dumbing down of America which, of course, Trump and his sycophants love.
Yes, we’ve established that.

Now show me where that precludes a state taking action.

I think this is a terrible case, even if guilty it is the equivalent of driving 36 in a 35. But Hillary isn't an apples-to-apples comparison. The only thing they have here is that the corporation was involved, without that this wouldn't be a felony and I think there is no way they would have pushed only a misdemeanor case.

So I don't know what the state could have pursued with Clinton that is similar.
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Why? They didn't. If you think I'm a fan of this Trump trial, I'm on record saying that it shouldn't have been brought even if he's 100 percent guilty. The document and January 6 trials are the ones that should be happening right now. The documents trial is the one I'm most interested in because I detest mishandling of highly classified information. Guilty or not in that case (and I see no way he's not guilty), I want that to go to trial.
You said “Once the FEC acts it’s over so no legal case to be had.”

What did you mean by that?