Trump Trial - New York

What do you think is the most likely outcome in the New York trial?

  • A guilty verdict on some or all of the counts

  • An acquittal ("total exoneration!")

  • A hung jury (jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and a mistrial is declared)

  • Trump pleads guilty to something prior to a verdict being rendered

  • Other (for example, a mistrial based on something other than a hung jury)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well then...Meanwhile

  • come home to roost idiom 1 used of person's past actions that are causing him or her to experience problems in the present Her bad decisions are coming home to roost. 2 used of a person's past actions that caused problems for others in the past that are like the problems that person is experiencing in the present › dictionary › come%20home%20to%20roost
Come home to roost Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
So I'm just now getting a chance to catch up on today's festivities.

Cohen admitted skimming a big chunk of money when he was playing bag man for Trump. And he denied to his lawyer that Trump was involved in the Stormy payoff... like he did to everyone else before he got charged and Trump kicked him to the curb.

Does that sum it up?

And while it throws another big credibility hit on Cohen, does it have any impact on the facts of the case or the law?
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That’s flat out wrong. Texas Senators Cruz and Cornyn opposed. They care deeply about the border.

The fact that your bullshit about this being a “good deal” didn’t fly is a you problem.

You need to open your mind to other sources of information. Because you’re getting really dumb.
Ted Cruz hopes to use "the Border" to assist his re-election campaign vs Allred. It's disingenuous for Pubs to pretend they have an oppty to ever get a "better" deal, since they will not have 60 Senate seats in my lifetime.
You are wrong. It was a shit bill. From National Review to the Trumpian Populists.

Any Republican worth their salt despised the bill.

You my friend, have never been a conservative. Instead a go along to get along sally. A coward.
Quit trying to equate "MAGA Trumpers" and GOP Conservatives as if they are one and the same. Plenty of long time Conservatives like Aloha, and other "Conservative voices" are opposed to the way MAGA has hijacked the GOP.

How can "any Republican worth their salt" despise the bill when one of the most conservative GOP Senators (Langford) is a long time advocate of the Right's border views and co-authored the bill. The fact that Trump was unwilling to allow the GOP House majority to even vote on the bill, tells you all you need to know about how plenty of "Republicans worth their salt" detested the bill...

We already know that the special election for Santos seat in NY turned on the GOP's killing of the bill. Along with abortion, these will be the types of issues that cost the GOP the House in 2024. Along with the undoing of gerrymandering in certain districts which will cost the Pubs seats...
Well then...Meanwhile

Julie Kelly huh? High quality narrative there. The unabomber's manifesto was less insane...

LOL. I couldn't make it past the first few paragraphs.

Over the next several weeks, prosecutors will be forced to publicly counter defense motions that accuse the DOJ of selective and vindictive prosecution; insist the appointment of Smith is illegal; and claim that several parties, including Joe Biden’s White House, colluded behind the scenes as early as May 2021 to concoct the unprecedented case.

IANAL, but isn't all that stuff called "lawyering"?
Exactly. The Democrats don’t think Biden/Mayorkas border and immigration policy hurts the country. The failed bill cannot hurt the USA.
Why didn't MAGA when they controlled all 3 branches from 2016-18 "fix" the border? The Foxbots, Newsmax and the rest all whined incessantly about the "caravans" leading up to the 2018 midterms. Yet that rhetoric only worked in Red states. And I'm not sure who they were tring to blame for the "crisis", since they had a legislative majority for 2 yrs and didn't pass any border-related laws...
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Why didn't MAGA when they controlled all 3 branches from 2016-18 "fix" the border? The Foxbots, Newsmax and the rest all whined incessantly about the "caravans" leading up to the 2018 midterms. Yet that rhetoric only worked in Red states. And I'm not sure who they were tring to blame for the "crisis", since they had a legislative majority for 2 yrs and didn't pass any border-related laws...

Wait for it...

"Senate Democrats blocked it."

Maybe they should have given the job to Langford then.
I actually think I've heard of a total of 4 of those people. And one of those 4 (Kerick) has been indicted multiple times, served 3 yrs in prison and was most recently pardoned by Trump for his Federal crimes in 2000.

And Patel's a real class act as well.He's basically an unindicted co-conspirator that the DOJ granted immunity in order to secure his testimony before the MAL Grand Jury. He also paid the "FBI whistleblowers" who for some reason Comer Pyle thought would solidify the ridiculous attempt to impeach Biden.

You know that sort of operation is doomed to fail when your key piece of "evidence" is a fabricated FBI report submitted by a Russian spy who has admitted it was all a Russian MI operation...
So I'm just now getting a chance to catch up on today's festivities.

Cohen admitted skimming a big chunk of money when he was playing bag man for Trump. And he denied to his lawyer that Trump was involved in the Stormy payoff... like he did to everyone else before he got charged and Trump kicked him to the curb.

Does that sum it up?

And while it throws another big credibility hit on Cohen, does it have any impact on the facts of the case or the law?
Is there anyway we can get a big hug emoji? I feel bad for people who have invested their total Emotional capacity, into throwing away the US constitution , our form of justice and all sense moral right and wrong, simply so their political party wins. AT ALL COST, simply to hide the fact that they are conducting a quiet, long term coupe, over 360 million Americans and the greatest country ever organized.
Since we totally understand that their lives live in perpetual uterine bleed conditions, they just need a really big hug. They aren’t inherently stupid, they’re simply anemic.
Others could say feminine, I wouldn’t, but others will. That just seems sexist, true but these aren’t exactly the type people who care about facts.
They’ve just bought in that they love Putin and communism . Because … vaginal bleeding. Their head just ain’t straight. They just don’t want Trump as their communist leader. Kim jong il, they are cool with, just not Democrat kill um Trump.
That’s interesting. Is there really such a thing as really good incompetence?
No, but there's less bad incompetence. I'm not even a trial lawyer, and even I saw how stupid this was immediately. It's next level incompetence.

@UncleMark Trump is going to get off on everything, and you can blame judges all you want, but the prosecutors will be a big reason why.

Not only will he be our next president, he won't even need to pardon himself.
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Ok, hear me out.
If I’m Trumps PR guy, ( not saying that I am or I am not (nda)).
I’m spending major $$$$ to have a victory type WW2 victory parade, in lower manhattan , ticker tape streamers, and everything, for when Trump walks out of court, vindicated!!!
I hope some Long Island rednecks bring trucks and tanks!!
Liberals will create a new super hero, Splat man ( not gender specific). They jump out of 30th floor windows, with trash bags, as their last stand of the coupe. Splat.
@UncleMark Trump is going to get off on everything, and you can blame judges all you want, but the prosecutors will be a big reason why.

I can see how Bragg and Willis may have screwed the pooch, but I'm not clear how Smith has blown his cases. And while I think Cannon is in the bag for Trump, I haven't had any reason to be upset with the others.
Ok, hear me out.
If I’m Trumps PR guy, ( not saying that I am or I am not (nda)).
I’m spending major $$$$ to have a victory type WW2 victory parade, in lower manhattan , ticker tape streamers, and everything, for when Trump walks out of court, vindicated!!!
I hope some Long Island rednecks bring trucks and tanks!!
Liberals will create a new super hero, Splat man ( not gender specific). They jump out of 30th floor windows, with trash bags, as their last stand of the coupe. Splat.
Why in the world would you respond with a stunt that only appeals to the assholes who already support you? He should walk out and calmly thank the justice system for working as it's intended, state that he's personally satisfied to be vindicated in this serious matter, and assure voters he's ready to move immediately past it and get himself positioned to once again lead this great nation.

This isn't difficult. PR 101.
He was. Merchan was quite restrained. Costello could have spent the night in lockup for that.
I’ll give you kudos on trying to be even handed in your comments in this thread.

What’s your thoughts on lawyer high up in Justice Department quitting to join this abomination of a prosecution?
I still think in spite of everything, the best Trump can hope for is a hung jury.
I still think in spite of everything, the best Trump can hope for is a hung jury.

Agreed. There's enough evidence to convict, even if it's only on the included lesser misdemeanor offenses (and that's will depend on whether the jury is even allowed to do that vs. all or nothing).

Regardless, Trump and Fox and dbm and the like will all proclaim "Total Exoneration!!!"
Not much. Cannon and Alito are doing their damndest to run out the clock.
What do you mean? The charges haven't been dismissed. Surely you aren't admitting that this is purely election interference to try and get a conviction before the election. Why do you care if it goes to trial next year?
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I can see how Bragg and Willis may have screwed the pooch, but I'm not clear how Smith has blown his cases. And while I think Cannon is in the bag for Trump, I haven't had any reason to be upset with the others.

Until it’s your cost to pay, after you’re exposed.

Oh this gonna be EPPOPPPPIC.
Trump bankrupts NY. Muahahaha .
What do you mean? The charges haven't been dismissed. Surely you aren't admitting that this is purely election interference to try and get a conviction before the election. Why do you care if it goes to trial next year?

Because if Trump wins, it won't.
Julie Kelly huh? High quality narrative there. The unabomber's manifesto was less insane...
Oh ohhhh. I detect a little hostility. Perhaps you two fellow Chicagoans have bumped heads OR is it just a conservative journalist angering you in that liberal hellhole everyone is moving from and impacting my area now. :)
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There’s still time to eat a cyanide pill before our 2024 DOJ come for you. Save yourselves, now!!
The Biden spacecraft is coming in, only cyanide gets you a ticket to communist nirvana. Alllll abaoooooord.
Got your ticket yet Mark?
Oh ohhhh. I detect a little hostility. Perhaps you two fellow Chicagoans have bumped heads OR is it just a conservative journalist angering you in that liberal hellhole everyone is moving from and impacting my area now. :)
Or it is because she is a fraud, a complete dunce who can only think in conspiracy theories without a lick of a critical thought and rivals even the most ardent internent dummy for insane clown writings. Being conservative has nothing to do with it--being a moron does. There are plenty of conservative commentators and authors I like--Douglas Murray is one. I would doubt very much that Murray would spend even one second in a room with that oaf. Julie Kelly makes Laura Loomer look like Plato.
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