Can you explain the significance of this "huge revelation" as it pertains to whether the jury in NYC will find Trump guilty or not? Has Monica Crowley done a deep dive on the judge in the MAL case that was unexpectedly appointed to the bench by Trump at the 11th hour, has done everything in her power to sabotage the case and is likely angling for a SCOTUS appointment should Trump be elected?
Surely that is more of a factor worth investigating than the fact that a Judge's daughter, who is a Dem political consultant is paid by Dems for (I assume) legal consultations? I haven't really been paying that much attention since it strikes me as a nothingburger, but IIRC she lives in Chicago (or maybe works in Chicago and lives in DC).
But Judge Merchan (who does not decide the case) has nothing to do with his daughter's business. I doubt very seriously she has achieved any of her wealth and "fame" based on his name. It's her career choice and her Dad's been a trial judge for over 20+ yrs. Is it your position that over those 20+ yrs and hundreds of cases he has been "unfair"? My guess is the only reason you've ever heard of him is that he happened to be the Judge assigned to the Trump trial.
If he was viewed as incompetent or biased, it seems there would be a myriad of complaints filed against him over the years. Do you have any evidence of that? Is he known for a bias in favor of Dem defendants and bias against GOP criminal defendants? If you're going to whine about the way he conducts his courtroom, then I can assure you there were lots of concerns about how the judge in the Rittenhouse case conducted aspects of his trial.. That's kind of what Judges do, run their courtroom in the manner they see fit.
Judges don't bring charges, they aren't advocates. That's the role of Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys. Judges are assigned to cases randomly and if you don't have a problem with the way Judge Merchan treats every other criminal defendant in his courtroom (which I've never noticed you commenting on) then you can't really make the case he is biased against defendants. Most people feel that he has been far more lenient to Trump with the gag order violations and other shenanigans Trump has pulled, than he would have been to any other defendant.
The problem is YOU think Trump is special, and he's not. He's just another criminal defendant in NY facing the same exact judges and jury pool that any other criminal defendant in NY faces.
No doubt if Trump is convicted we'll see a plethora of posts bemoaning "unfair" NY juries. But NY juries convict or aquit defendants on a weekly basis, and I'm not aware of you posting about how tough NY juries are on any other criminal defendants.
I think there is a high % Trump will be convicted, with a slim possibility there will be a holdout and result in a hung jury. I think the odds of Trump being aquitted are nil, because the evidence is overwhelming. We may get an answer as early as this week...