Trump Trial - New York

What do you think is the most likely outcome in the New York trial?

  • A guilty verdict on some or all of the counts

  • An acquittal ("total exoneration!")

  • A hung jury (jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and a mistrial is declared)

  • Trump pleads guilty to something prior to a verdict being rendered

  • Other (for example, a mistrial based on something other than a hung jury)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Judge Merchan donated to this group.

This is on their about page.

“Stop Republicans, an accountability campaign of Progressive Turnout Project, is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy.”

Merchan literally donated money to a group whose stated purpose is stopping Donald Trump.

How in the HELL is that not a MASSIVE conflict of interest?
So what? Maybe you’ve heard of Clarence Thomas or Alito? Anyone with half a brain wants to keep Trump as far away from the presidency as possible. And how does that make him a Marxist again? And what does being from another country have to do with anything at all?
So what? Maybe you’ve heard of Clarence Thomas or Alito?

Ok? Are they presiding over the criminal trial of the republican presidential nominee?
Anyone with half a brain wants to keep Trump as far away from the presidency as possible.

Opinion. And mine is that even though he’s a douchebag, he was a better president than sleepy Joe.
And how does that make him a Marxist again? And what does being from another country have to do with anything at all?
I don’t know. I asked how that’s bigoted. Which I can’t help but notice hasn’t been answered.
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Jail Trump for Life? Hyperbole much?

Most of the folks on CNN and MSNBC that think Trump will be convicted are pretty convinced Merchan has no interest in even sentencing Trump to jail. Merchan bent over backwards not to jail Trump for violating the gag order (multiple times), where any other accused felon pulling the stunts Trump did would likely already have seen the inside of a jail cell...

You retweet some really stupid people...

edit... I didn't even realize when I initially posted this that it came from Miller. Now that I know which Trump syncophant posted such nonsense, I think I'd amend from stupid to ****ing stupid...
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Jail Trump for Life? Hyperbole much?

Most of the folks on CNN and MSNBC that think Trump will be convicted are pretty convinced Merchan has no interest in even sentencing Trump to jail. Merchan bent over backwards not to jail Trump for violating the gag order (multiple times), where any other accused felon pulling the stunts Trump did would likely already have seen the inside of a jail cell...

You retweet some really stupid people...

edit... I didn't even realize when I initially posted this that it came from Miller. Now that I know which Trump syncophant posted such nonsense, I think I'd amend from stupid to ****ing stupid...
There are millions like dbm. The algorithms feed them this shit 24/7 so it’s a steady diet of Don the Con propaganda. These people have no interest in thinking critically and independently and, thanks to trash on social media, they don’t have to.
Jail Trump for Life? Hyperbole much?

Most of the folks on CNN and MSNBC that think Trump will be convicted are pretty convinced Merchan has no interest in even sentencing Trump to jail. Merchan bent over backwards not to jail Trump for violating the gag order (multiple times), where any other accused felon pulling the stunts Trump did would likely already have seen the inside of a jail cell...

You retweet some really stupid people...

edit... I didn't even realize when I initially posted this that it came from Miller. Now that I know which Trump syncophant posted such nonsense, I think I'd amend from stupid to ****ing stupid...
For his life in that he’s an old slob who won’t last. Not a life sentence I’m sure
There are millions like dbm. The algorithms feed them this shit 24/7 so it’s a steady diet of Don the Con propaganda. These people have no interest in thinking critically and independently and, thanks to trash on social media, they don’t have to.
This is ntresting, and since it’s obvious that you have achieved level expert intelligence, could you please link this algorithm? Mmm no don’t link, please publish it in your own work.
This is fascinating and I’d love to read more of your work. How many followers do you have?
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There are millions like dbm. The algorithms feed them this shit 24/7 so it’s a steady diet of Don the Con propaganda. These people have no interest in thinking critically and independently and, thanks to trash on social media, they don’t have to.

This is the guy who thought Trump was speaking in the Bronx at 11:00pm in broad daylight.
You could find an image of Hitler acting human too. Doesn't change anything
Oy vey. With the Hitler stuff again.

Even Hillary Clinton conceded that it's clear Trump loves his family and they love him back and they've all turned out to be great kids. Do you disagree?

I think you can tell a lot about someone from the quality of their children. Trumps character is probably most appropriately represented by the Ivanka Trump and Biden's character is probably most appropriately represented by Hunter Biden.
Ok? Are they presiding over the criminal trial of the republican presidential nominee?

Opinion. And mine is that even though he’s a douchebag, he was a better president than sleepy Joe.

I don’t know. I asked how that’s bigoted. Which I can’t help but notice hasn’t been answered.
You don’t? Why do you think he mentioned he was from a foreign country? How is that pertinent? Because he’s bigoted, as is Trump. Prejudice against a person on the basis of their membership in a certain group, ie being a foreigner.
Yours is a horrible opinion. And it’s one that nearly everyone who has worked with Trump and actually knows him disagrees with. But I’m pretty sure you do know better. Yes, indeed.
Oy vey. With the Hitler stuff again.

Even Hillary Clinton conceded that it's clear Trump loves his family and they love him back and they've all turned out to be great kids. Do you disagree?

I think you can tell a lot about someone from the quality of their children. Trumps character is probably most appropriately represented by the Ivanka Trump and Biden's character is probably most appropriately represented by Hunter Biden.
Haha. She said that when she HAD to say something nice about Trump in the debates. Of course, Trump couldn’t do the same with Hillary. I’m not sure Trump loves any of them except for Ivanka. He’s been awful to Jr and Eric. Not sure he knows Barron and Tiffany. Their mothers have done a good job of keeping them away from him. That’s a moronic take on Joe Biden, a devout family man. Do better Farva. You’re veering into DBM territory.
Haha. She said that when she HAD to say something nice about Trump in the debates. Of course, Trump couldn’t do the same with Hillary. I’m not sure Trump loves any of them except for Ivanka. He’s been awful to Jr and Eric. Not sure he knows Barron and Tiffany. Their mothers have done a good job of keeping them away from him. That’s a moronic take on Joe Biden, a devout family man. Do better Farva. You’re veering into DBM territory.

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Haha. She said that when she HAD to say something nice about Trump in the debates. Of course, Trump couldn’t do the same with Hillary. I’m not sure Trump loves any of them except for Ivanka. He’s been awful to Jr and Eric. Not sure he knows Barron and Tiffany. Their mothers have done a good job of keeping them away from him. That’s a moronic take on Joe Biden, a devout family man. Do better Farva. You’re veering into DBM territory.
Barron just graduated HS.

What a proud papa! Look at how livid Melania is, clearly hates Donald.

Barron seems like a wonderful young man. Why you must tear down this loving family speaks to a true darkness within you. Something sick and insidious.
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Barron just graduated HS.

What a proud papa! Look at how livid Melania is, clearly hates Donald.

Barron seems like a wonderful young man. Why you must tear down this loving family speaks to a true darkness within you. Something sick and insidious.
Haha. She said that when she HAD to say something nice about Trump in the debates. Of course, Trump couldn’t do the same with Hillary. I’m not sure Trump loves any of them except for Ivanka. He’s been awful to Jr and Eric. Not sure he knows Barron and Tiffany. Their mothers have done a good job of keeping them away from him. That’s a moronic take on Joe Biden, a devout family man. Do better Farva. You’re veering into DBM territory.
Barron just graduated HS.

"What a proud papa! Look at how livid Melania is, clearly hates Donald."

I don't even see Melania in this pic, certainly not her face. And to claim it's a "great picture" of Trump seems to be stretching it quite a bit. Just looks like a hefty man in a blue suit with lousy hair standing up and waving. You can't really even see his face, so how can you know if it's great or not?

No quibble with your comment that Barron seems like a fine young man. So Trump has one son (out of 3) that aren't sleazy.Let's just agree that Hunter, Jr and Eric are all sleazy and Barron and Beau are fine young men.

The Biden family is just as loving of a family unit as you believe the Trump's to be. Hunter is a party animal and both Eric and Jr were involved in ripping off students of Trump U and stealing money from a children's cancer charity. So they pretty much cancel each other out and prove that families can have "black sheep"...

I will say that if the roles were reversed and it had been someone from Biden's family graduating that Biden would have managed his time more diligently. I don't think Biden would have scheduled a fundraising event for the same day halfway across the country and cut short the time spent with family. I don't know that for sure but considering Biden essentially retired from politics in the course of grieving for Beau I doubt he'd want to cut into family time on a special day...

If it was a previous commitment and the graduation was an addition to the schedule- that's a different story. But the reason Trump requested the day off (ostensibly) was to attend Barron's graduation and then he cut short his "family day" to fly to Minnesota for a fundraiser. Which he likely was only able to attend because he had the day off from court to attend Barron's graduation.

Hunter,Beau and Joe all graduated from the same Catholic high school in Delaware, where all 3 were raised. Likely because Joe couldn't bear the thought of packing his kids off to Boarding school. We know Joe made the daily commute by Amtrak from DC to Delaware while his kids were growing up, so I'd say he puts a high priority on spending time with family.
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