Trump should not visit Springfield, Ohio

For the better part of the last week or so, Trump has been promising to visit Springfield, Ohio.

This is a monumentally bad idea.

Both the Republican governor of Ohio and mayor of Springfield have asked him not to come. Springfield’s resources are already overburdened and they’ve been relying on state high patrol to fill in gaps for every day police work. Couple that with recent failings of his secret service detail and it’s a recipe for one giant shit show. I really hope he stays away.

On top of all those concerns, Ohio isn’t a battleground state. His campaign could be better served by spending time elsewhere.

That said, as dumb and ill advised it is to go there, I fully expect him to do it. If, God forbid, something crazy happens when he’s there it won’t be because of some far left secret plan. He and his campaign fully know what the situation is.
Hopefully, he goes there and it helps him get elected so other poor Americans don’t get treated like shit. F#ck DeWine. He’s an a#%.
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What do you think Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy and tariffs are going to do?
I already know what Trump’s tax cut did. They helped everyone out. Tax receipts went up. Corporate profits went up. Corporations are now more competitive globally. Wages went up. Everyone who was paying income taxes saw an increase in their take home pay.
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I already know what Trump’s tax cut did. They helped everyone out. Tax receipts went up. Corporate profits went up. Corporations are now more competitive globally. Wages went up. Everyone who was paying income taxes saw an increase in their take home pay.

Bueller, Bueller. Voodoo economics.
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Does anyone think he gives a shit about how this will effect anyone or anything besides his own political ends?
You are not this stupid mark. Kick off the blinders, look at the actually evidence and not your hatred. It takes a big man to admit that he's been bamboozled, be that man. You can even say that you hate him, but just effing stop. You should be better than this.
Remember The Dream Team - public service is our mission. We’re creating a record. Don’t worry
You are wasting energy on the court doing stupid shit against stupid trolls. It's not a PSA. That is the troll hole that catches ya.
This is like using the Bird years Celtics against a mouthy blind school of 3 year olds.
That one kentucky inbred needs to be gone, but you keep baiting it. Get back on track coach.
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You are not this stupid mark. Kick off the blinders, look at the actually evidence and not your hatred. It takes a big man to admit that he's been bamboozled, be that man. You can even say that you hate him, but just effing stop. You should be better than this.
We hate him because he’s a horrifically bad human being. I’m ok admitting that

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