Trump CNN round table thread

No one on the Left consider CNN "leftist". Do you even know that Kaitlin Collins got her journalism start as a reporter for the Daily Caller, including being their WH correspondent during Trump's reign of terror. She's no raging "leftie", in fact I came upon a story discussing the Log Cabin Republicans exposing some homophobic tweets she sent when she was a student at Alabama (where she's from)...

Beyond that, you seem to have adopted the DANC tactic of resorting to a laugh emoji when you're confronted with facts that you can't really counter. I asked you a simple question, and basically wanted you to explain your (imho)ridiculous claim that Trump appearing on CNN in front of a pro-Trump crowd in New Hampshire somehow exemplified "courage". I presented facts to back up my opinion, and you pulled a DANC and chose to refuse to engage...

Feel free to dispute my facts and tell me what I got wrong about how the audience was filled with pro-Trump supporters. There were people who had served in his administration posing as "audience members". Several Trump advocacy groups in the area had sent out calls for their members to show up in force to support him and I'm not aware of a single person even asking him a confrontational question.

I didn't watch (just like I didn't watch the Pete and Bernie townhalls on Fox that I referenced) because I don't as a rule watch town halls,debates or even speeches. But I've seen clips, so feel free to point out which of my statements regarding the composition of the crowd were erroneous. In a way it's perfectly fine for a crowd at a GOP primary season event to be exclusively Republican, so I don't begrudge him that.

My issue was with your ridiculous assertion that (seemingly) just ecause it was hosted on CNN it represented some sort of Red Badge of Courage moment from Trump. Obviously you can't really defend your asssertion with any sort of facts, so you resort to the DANC emoji and insert the red herring of CNN somehow being a bastion of liberalism. Maybe we should call you DANC junior?
No sensible person believes cnn is centrist
You will never get through to this crowd Stoll. The guy went out there in a hostile environment without a script. What democrat would ever even consider that? Biden and Hillary had softballs lobbed at them. IDC what anyone says Trump has brass cohoonas.
The crowd was full of Trumpsters, it was anything but a hostile environment. I think he’s a thin skinned wimp.
But as twenty and others have said it wasn't hostile. Now I'll give the crowd kudos. But all she did was act like the same press since he took office hostile and aggresive. Too bad it couldn't have been more productive. But it was funny. I only saw bits and pieces.

The best part was twitter this morning. The scathing hate from the left had me lol.

The other "best part" was Byron Donald who put the entire cnn panel in their place and rightfully so. We need more guys like him.
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The crowd was full of Trumpsters, it was anything but a hostile environment. I think he’s a thin skinned wimp.
Your just another hater aloha. I'm not supporting Trump right now as a candidate but I will get his back for all the crap he's had thrown at him.

Most people on this board want him roasted, not for what he did as a president, but because he's Trump. He runs his business as he chooses and that has NOTHING to do with him in politics. The things politically that they came after him for were from the dems camp that they made up which has already been proven.

Now take Hillary and Biden. All they have is a complete dirty POLITICAL history which the left conveniently ignores. BIG DIFFERENCE.

I take his side for other reasons. Say someone like you runs for the office of president with no political history. Do I want you to get the same treatment as Trump? What do you think.? The latest...a 30 year old case. Cmon man. The system is rigged. The common man is put in a corner and doesn't stand a chance.

Whether you think that's OK or not. I don't want it to happen again, Idc what party you're from.
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Your just another hater aloha. I'm not supporting Trump right now as a candidate but I will get his back for all the crap he's had thrown at him.

Most people on this board want him roasted, not for what he did as a president, but because he's Trump. He runs his business as he chooses and that has NOTHING to do with him in politics. The things politically that they came after him for were from the dems camp that they made up which has already been proven.

Now take Hillary and Biden. All they have is a complete dirty POLITICAL history which the left conveniently ignores. BIG DIFFERENCE.

I take his side for other reasons. Say someone like you runs for the office of president with no political history. Do I want you to get the same treatment as Trump? What do you think.? The latest...a 30 year old case. Cmon man. The system is rigged. The common man is put in a corner and doesn't stand a chance.

Whether you think that's OK or not. I don't want it to happen again, Idc what party you're from.
I honestly believe he’s a wimp. It’s boo hoo, woe is me all the time. I became a Republican mostly because of Reagan and his legacy (along with my growing disgust with Democrats and Bill Clinton). Can you imagine Reagan or either Bush crying and whining constantly like Trump does? He’s a wimp.
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The other "best part" was Byron Donald who put the entire cnn panel in their place and rightfully so. We need more guys like him.

Yeh, he lied. Go back and look at the testimony.

“To be crystal clear, there was no direct order from President Trump to put 10,000 troops ‘to be on the ready’ for January 6th, correct?” said an unnamed interviewer in the video clip, referring back to a February 2021 Fox News segment when Mr Miller had stated that Trump had ordered “as many as 10,000 National Guard troops … to be on the ready”.​
“That’s correct. There was no direct, there was no order from the President.”​
“We obviously had plans for activating more folks, but that was not anything more than contingency planning,” Mr Miller added, before conceding that there had been no “no official message traffic or anything of that nature”.​

Trump DID say they would need 10,000 guardsmen, but never ordered anyone to deploy guardsmen.
I honestly believe he’s a wimp. It’s boo hoo, woe is me all the time. I became a Republican mostly because of Reagan and his legacy (along with my growing disgust with Democrats and Bill Clinton. Can you imagine any Reagan or either Bush crying and whining constantly like Trump does? He’s a wimp.
I see that went right over your head.

Wimps don't go tell NATO pay up something that Reagan or Bush, or Clinton or Obama, or diaper britches never did. Wimps don't show up to the WEF and say America first something that Reagan backed, but Bush was all in for the WEF and pushed his dumb agenda. Wimps don't go to North Korea, visit Kim and keep him at bay. When someone steps up, either party, with that kind of moxie, they'll get my vote.
I see that went right over your head.

Wimps don't go tell NATO pay up something that Reagan or Bush, or Clinton or Obama, or diaper britches never did. Wimps don't show up to the WEF and say America first something that Reagan backed, but Bush was all in for the WEF and pushed his dumb agenda. Wimps don't go to North Korea, visit Kim and keep him at bay. When someone steps up, either party, with that kind of moxie, they'll get my vote.
He called Kim a "great leader", hardly a lot of moxie in that. Even after Russia invaded Ukraine, he called Putin "Smart" and "Savvy". Hardly a tough line to Putin on that. If it is moxie you are after, look at Bolton:

I see that went right over your head.

Wimps don't go tell NATO pay up something that Reagan or Bush, or Clinton or Obama, or diaper britches never did. Wimps don't show up to the WEF and say America first something that Reagan backed, but Bush was all in for the WEF and pushed his dumb agenda. Wimps don't go to North Korea, visit Kim and keep him at bay. When someone steps up, either party, with that kind of moxie, they'll get my vote.
Absolute wimp. He pretends to be tough and uses his power (first as spoiled rich guy who started out with his father’s millions, and then the office of President) like all cowardly bullies do.

Haven’t you ever encountered bullies. I took on two in my youth (rough neighborhoods) and made them stop being bullies. Trump reminds me of those guys. Big talking wimps.
Yeh, he lied. Go back and look at the testimony.

“To be crystal clear, there was no direct order from President Trump to put 10,000 troops ‘to be on the ready’ for January 6th, correct?” said an unnamed interviewer in the video clip, referring back to a February 2021 Fox News segment when Mr Miller had stated that Trump had ordered “as many as 10,000 National Guard troops … to be on the ready”.​
“That’s correct. There was no direct, there was no order from the President.”​
“We obviously had plans for activating more folks, but that was not anything more than contingency planning,” Mr Miller added, before conceding that there had been no “no official message traffic or anything of that nature”.​

Trump DID say they would need 10,000 guardsmen, but never ordered anyone to deploy guardsmen.
Whats your point? Byron Donald sits on the oversight committee and said there was sworn testimony in the oversight committee that Trump authorized NG on Jan 4th and then followed up on a call with the Secretary of Defense on Jan 5th trying to find out where the deployment was. The only one refusing to testify was the Capitol police chief . Hmmmm. It matters not to me another in a long list of attempts...It's a sickening joke at this point.
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Absolute wimp. He pretends to be tough and uses his power (first as spoiled rich guy who started out with his father’s millions, and then the office of President) like all cowardly bullies do.

Haven’t you ever encountered bullies. I have taken on two in my youth (rough neighborhoods) and made them stop being bullies. Trump reminds me of those guys. Big talking wimps.
Good for you Aloha...I've been in more fights than I care to count and did time for defending an innocent girl back in the day and I would do it again.

You've lost sight of what an armed government can become and that make me sick. You're just as DANC said duped.
Good for you Aloha...I've been in more fights than I care to count and did time for defending an innocent girl back in the day and I would do it again.

You've lost sight of what an armed government can become and that make me sick. You're just as DANC said duped.
Second dupe to say I’m duped today. You dupes are on a roll.
You ever played Fall guys?
Nope. Good? A couple of years ago I got addicted to NBA2K. Damn I was good. I would always get Magic and post him up. I love big guards who abuse people in the post. Whiny 12 year olds "wah, wah, wah that's a cheat code". Suck it kids.
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Second dupe to say I’m duped today. You dupes are on a roll.
Then get your head out of your rear end. Are you really that blind? You CANNOT be a pub. It's impossible. I think it's a charade.

Those Reagans you wish for? Gone. Those JFK's? Gone. Guess what...It doesn't matter.

I overheard DR. Phil going at it with Bill Maher the other day. Heres what Phil said and he's right.

"It's not politics that determine the outcome of society, it's culture," McGraw shot back. "I don't care about politics . You go back to the beginning… Democrats and Republicans have been in control about 50-50. They've had control of the House and Senate while they were in control the presidency about 50-50, they've had it not in control 50-50. And look where we are. They both come up about the same place. I don't care about that. I care about our culture."

And its only gonna get worse. Good Luck.
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No sensible person believes cnn is centrist
CNN is most centrist of democrat based TV, and Fox is most centrist of the Republican channels. If you need to check that claim check out MSNBC and OAN- incidentally I am pretty certain I’m not the norm on this board as I watch both CNN and Fox
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Whats your point? Byron Donald sits on the oversight committee and said there was sworn testimony in the oversight committee that Trump authorized NG on Jan 4th and then followed up on a call with the Secretary of Defense on Jan 5th trying to find out where the deployment was. The only one refusing to testify was the Capitol police chief . Hmmmm. It matters not to me another in a long list of attempts...It's a sickening joke at this point.
He specifically said Miller told the Committee that. It is not in the video of what Miller told the committee. So specificially, who told the committee that Trump authorized it? Miller was the Acting Secretary of Defense, so if Trump called him and told him to activate the guard, Miller committed perjury.

The alternative is that the president ordered the NG activated and no one did it. He doesn't need Pelosi's approval, he can activate and deploy the guard (and regular army) based on the Insurrection Act of 1807. If he ordered it to happen, it would have happened.

Rather he tried to suggest it to use for cover if things didn't work his way.

If he ordered it, it would have happened. Or I guess the US military is deep state? But is it deep state to NOT stop a rebellion against the guy fighting to kill the deep state?
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If he ordered it, it would have happened. Or I guess the US military is deep state? But is it deep state to NOT stop a rebellion against the guy fighting to kill the deep state?
Therein lies the problem. I'm right back where I started when I left home and moved to Reno Nevada years ago. Rule 1 Don't trust anyone.
Then get your head out of your rear end. Are you really that blind? You CANNOT be a pub. It's impossible. I think it's a charade.

Those Reagans you wish for? Gone. Those JFK's? Gone. Guess what...It doesn't matter.

I overheard DR. Phil going at it with Bill Maher the other day. Heres what Phil said and he's right.

"It's not politics that determine the outcome of society, it's culture," McGraw shot back. "I don't care about politics . You go back to the beginning… Democrats and Republicans have been in control about 50-50. They've had control of the House and Senate while they were in control the presidency about 50-50, they've had it not in control 50-50. And look where we are. They both come up about the same place. I don't care about that. I care about our culture."

And its only gonna get worse. Good Luck.
Reagan and the Bushes weren’t whining, crying losers. Trump is.
Therein lies the problem. I'm right back where I started when I left home and moved to Reno Nevada years ago. Rule 1 Don't trust anyone.

So it appears the new factions are duped vs paranoids. Not as fun as lemmings vs moles but we gotta go with what we have today.
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