Trump CNN round table thread

what DANC and Trump left out, was that Trump authorized 10,000 national guard troops just by thinking it to himself.

he had that power you know.
No, he instructed his people in the meeting, with the authority to prepare to deploy. At that point, they were prep'd and authorized once Peolsi or the capitol police requested the reinforcements. Standard leadership steps, since minus marshal law, he didn't have to authority to send them in on his own. All steps were cleared in the event that they were requested, to the best of his knowledge.
Stop being partisan, stop obfuscating.
The poster is either lying to push his narrative or clueless. Neither is good.
No, I think in their hate for Trump and desire to see him destroyed, they make up narratives and stick to them, no matter what.

The narrative is Trump did nothing to stop Jan 6 and then, when he refutes it with his actions and is backed up by Congressmen on the oversight committee, they start grasping for straws.

It's always been that way with Trump. The hysteria comes nowhere near matching reality.

Just like "Oh, Don Jr. met with Russians. That's illegal!". Meanwhile, Hunter acts as a foreign agent for years, doesn't register as a foreign agent, and..... zip. Nada. Nothing. While Manafort goes to jail for not registering as a foreign agent.

All this bullshit about 'well, if he's guilty, charge him'.... yeah like Biden's DOJ is going to touch it. Trump's AG assigned a Special Prosecutor on far less, and yet there's no mention of that by his detractors.

It's all such bullshit.
The poster is either lying to push his narrative or clueless. Neither is good.
The left spent 1 million $$ to find a loop hole of "order vrs authorize" so they could send their daily memo out to MSM. And all conscious people just laid back a allowed it to happen to us. Step up now, or be prepared to shoot soon.
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All he's saying with clarity is that there was no order from the President. Well, no shit. He doesn't give the order. He authorizes.

Miller dances around the questions asked him, but when asked directly about an 'order', he responds clearly. And no one has claimed Trump gave an 'order'.

You're failing to understand how authorizations work.

He has to tell someone to do it. Miller lacks the authority.

Here is a breakdown of the insurrection act. Get back to me when you read it. The secretary of defense can't just decide to do this on his own.

If Trump meant to order it he was as bad as Lee with "take the hill if practicable."

What sort of government do you want? In previous discussions you wanted the president able to declassify by thinking it, without telling anyone. Now you want the swc of defense to commit military forces domestically without a clear order.
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He has to tell someone to do it. Miller lacks the authority.

Here is a breakdown of the insurrection act. Get back to me when you read it. The secretary of defense can't just decide to do this on his own.

If Trump meant to order it he was as bad as Lee with "take the hill if practicable."

What sort of government do you want? In previous discussions you wanted the president able to declassify by thinking it, without telling anyone. Now you want the swc of defense to commit military forces domestically without a clear order.
Triple down on wrong.
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He has to tell someone to do it. Miller lacks the authority.

Here is a breakdown of the insurrection act. Get back to me when you read it. The secretary of defense can't just decide to do this on his own.

If Trump meant to order it he was as bad as Lee with "take the hill if practicable."

What sort of government do you want? In previous discussions you wanted the president able to declassify by thinking it, without telling anyone. Now you want the swc of defense to commit military forces domestically without a clear order.
Look - get the word 'order' out of here. The Prez doesn't 'order' NG troops into the Capitol. He AUTHORIZES it, which he did, according to sworn testimony.

Case closed..
Trump on 1/6 doing all he can to quell the insurrection and save lives.

a pic IS worth a thousand words

Look - get the word 'order' out of here. The Prez doesn't 'order' NG troops into the Capitol. He AUTHORIZES it, which he did, according to sworn testimony.

Case closed..
If practicable. If you want something done, tell someone. The Sec of the Army at the time said there was no plans. Just joking "you will need 10,000" is not an order or an authorization.

Are you telling me Kennedy did not say he wanted troops in Little Rock, he just told DoD "if you want to send people, do it, it is up to you".

I thought Trump was a strong leader. He is so strong and forceful neither the sec of defense nor army felt they needed to call up anything.

Find me the quote where Trump says, "I authorize...".
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No, I think in their hate for Trump and desire to see him destroyed, they make up narratives and stick to them, no matter what.

The narrative is Trump did nothing to stop Jan 6 and then, when he refutes it with his actions and is backed up by Congressmen on the oversight committee, they start grasping for straws.

It's always been that way with Trump. The hysteria comes nowhere near matching reality.

Just like "Oh, Don Jr. met with Russians. That's illegal!". Meanwhile, Hunter acts as a foreign agent for years, doesn't register as a foreign agent, and..... zip. Nada. Nothing. While Manafort goes to jail for not registering as a foreign agent.

All this bullshit about 'well, if he's guilty, charge him'.... yeah like Biden's DOJ is going to touch it. Trump's AG assigned a Special Prosecutor on far less, and yet there's no mention of that by his detractors.

It's all such bullshit.
Here’s their next bullshit plan when he wins next year.

I'll worry about climate change when rich libs start selling their beachfront properties.
FYI: Higher high tides regularly flooding streets that never flooded with salt water before are decreasing property values in many beachside areas in and around Miami. If you don't have a good-sized dune, you don't buy there, already.
FYI: Higher high tides regularly flooding streets that never flooded with salt water before are decreasing property values in many beachside areas in and around Miami. If you don't have a good-sized dune, you don't buy there, already.
Al gore.. Miami will be 12' under water by 2012.

The results are in. ....
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If practicable. If you want something done, tell someone. The Sec of the Army at the time said there was no plans. Just joking "you will need 10,000" is not an order or an authorization.

Are you telling me Kennedy did not say he wanted troops in Little Rock, he just told DoD "if you want to send people, do it, it is up to you".

I thought Trump was a strong leader. He is so strong and forceful neither the sec of defense nor army felt they needed to call up anything.

Find me the quote where Trump says, "I authorize...".
DC was not under martial law. I can imagine your head exploding if he had. You would have claimed he was staging a coup - guaranteed.

In fact, you all were apoplectic when Trump threatened to send in the NG to Portland.

Spare me your second guessing.
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Listen carefully to what he says. He says that Trump authorized use on Jan 4, followed up on how they would be used on Jan 5. He is definitely talking about the 250 activated for traffic control. Certainly if he meant to have 10,000 to crush a rebellion it would have come up in any discussion of how they would be used. At the moment he was told the 250 would be on traffic control he would have known there wasn't a plan to oppose a riot
Dude has just totally f*cking lost it. This town hall was an informercial for psychiatric therapy.
The threat Trump represents is his easily being duped/honeydicked/swooned by dictators. The big threat globally right now are revanchist land grabbing dictators like Putin and Xi. Trump would force Ukraine to cede land to Russia, giving Putin a win and letting him rearm/threaten Europe later. Likewise, I think he would sit on his hands when Xi gives the go ahead for Taiwan.

The main threat these two represent are resource control/supply chains. Allowing this new axis free reign in Europe and Asia essentially seals off the resource rich Central Asia, and would allow them to become more powerful. Likewise, our economy and that of our Allies like Europe, Japan, etc. would have to shift to heavy defense spending for the inevitable showdown.

Given the historical precedent of appeasing/rewarding Hitler and letting imperial Japan run amok in Asia/Pacific, the world was soon plunged into 6 years of hell. Trump for whatever reason doesn’t realize or willfully ignores this. Putin and Xi will never be our friends. They are our century’s Hitler and Tojo.

The ideal scenario for global security/economic health/peace is to do everything to help Ukraine kick Russias teeth in, let the regime collapse, and then focus on deterring China (who I think won’t be gung-ho about starting a war as Putin was). For this reason, Trump is essentially the WWIII candidate in the same way that peacenik Neville Chamberlain effectively ushered in WWII by rewarding Hitler with annexing Austria and Czechia
The threat Trump represents is his easily being duped/honeydicked/swooned by dictators. The big threat globally right now are revanchist land grabbing dictators like Putin and Xi. Trump would force Ukraine to cede land to Russia, giving Putin a win and letting him rearm/threaten Europe later. Likewise, I think he would sit on his hands when Xi gives the go ahead for Taiwan.

The main threat these two represent are resource control/supply chains. Allowing this new axis free reign in Europe and Asia essentially seals off the resource rich Central Asia, and would allow them to become more powerful. Likewise, our economy and that of our Allies like Europe, Japan, etc. would have to shift to heavy defense spending for the inevitable showdown.

Given the historical precedent of appeasing/rewarding Hitler and letting imperial Japan run amok in Asia/Pacific, the world was soon plunged into 6 years of hell. Trump for whatever reason doesn’t realize or willfully ignores this. Putin and Xi will never be our friends. They are our century’s Hitler and Tojo.

The ideal scenario for global security/economic health/peace is to do everything to help Ukraine kick Russias teeth in, let the regime collapse, and then focus on deterring China (who I think won’t be gung-ho about starting a war as Putin was). For this reason, Trump is essentially the WWIII candidate in the same way that peacenik Neville Chamberlain effectively ushered in WWII by rewarding Hitler with annexing Austria and Czechia
What a load of bollocs. Yeah, Trump is all for appeasement when he called for a strengthened NATO and less European reliance on Russian energy and stopping Nord Stream 2.

What a load of bollocs. Yeah, Trump is all for appeasement when he called for a strengthened NATO and less European reliance on Russian energy and stopping Nord Stream 2.

He didn't call for a strengthened NATO. He called for America to pull out of NATO. Jesus.
The threat Trump represents is his easily being duped/honeydicked/swooned by dictators. The big threat globally right now are revanchist land grabbing dictators like Putin and Xi. Trump would force Ukraine to cede land to Russia, giving Putin a win and letting him rearm/threaten Europe later. Likewise, I think he would sit on his hands when Xi gives the go ahead for Taiwan.

The main threat these two represent are resource control/supply chains. Allowing this new axis free reign in Europe and Asia essentially seals off the resource rich Central Asia, and would allow them to become more powerful. Likewise, our economy and that of our Allies like Europe, Japan, etc. would have to shift to heavy defense spending for the inevitable showdown.

Given the historical precedent of appeasing/rewarding Hitler and letting imperial Japan run amok in Asia/Pacific, the world was soon plunged into 6 years of hell. Trump for whatever reason doesn’t realize or willfully ignores this. Putin and Xi will never be our friends. They are our century’s Hitler and Tojo.

The ideal scenario for global security/economic health/peace is to do everything to help Ukraine kick Russias teeth in, let the regime collapse, and then focus on deterring China (who I think won’t be gung-ho about starting a war as Putin was). For this reason, Trump is essentially the WWIII candidate in the same way that peacenik Neville Chamberlain effectively ushered in WWII by rewarding Hitler with annexing Austria and Czechia
Geopolitics really give this next election a unique spin.
He didn't call for a strengthened NATO. He called for America to pull out of NATO. Jesus.
You are clueless. He threatened to leave NATO if the other countries didn't pony up their designated share. And a damn good thing he did or NATO would have been caught flat-footed when Ukraine was invaded.

If you don't understand statesmanship, it's best to just stop commenting on it.
He has to tell someone to do it. Miller lacks the authority.

Here is a breakdown of the insurrection act. Get back to me when you read it. The secretary of defense can't just decide to do this on his own.

If Trump meant to order it he was as bad as Lee with "take the hill if practicable."

What sort of government do you want? In previous discussions you wanted the president able to declassify by thinking it, without telling anyone. Now you want the swc of defense to commit military forces domestically without a clear order.
You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. You should let it go.
Youre Welcome GIF by BayWa AG
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If practicable. If you want something done, tell someone. The Sec of the Army at the time said there was no plans. Just joking "you will need 10,000" is not an order or an authorization.

Are you telling me Kennedy did not say he wanted troops in Little Rock, he just told DoD "if you want to send people, do it, it is up to you".

I thought Trump was a strong leader. He is so strong and forceful neither the sec of defense nor army felt they needed to call up anything.

Find me the quote where Trump says, "I authorize...".
You are clueless.
That was a master class. Trump understands something that others in the field don’t. Kaitlin Collins doesn’t matter. Her interjections don’t matter. CNN doesn’t matter. You’re not speaking to them or addressing them. They’re not there in good faith anyway, they don’t have open ears. Those gatekeepers do not matter anymore.

He told his side of the story, at length, for the first time in a while. On 1/6 he completely clowned them, running down the list of directives he gave on how to orderly and peacefully approach the Capitol.

He will win the nom, and maybe just my vote back.
You should be ashamed. The man is a pathological liar and a sociopath.
You are clueless. He threatened to leave NATO if the other countries didn't pony up their designated share. And a damn good thing he did or NATO would have been caught flat-footed when Ukraine was invaded.

If you don't understand statesmanship, it's best to just stop commenting on it.
They're all brainwashed. It's really sad to see.
He can't order the NG - that's up to local government officials.

He can only authorize.
Wrong, naturally.

"The Governors of the states and the three territories with National Guards have control over their National Guards, but the President has the authority to federalize them."

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You are clueless. He threatened to leave NATO if the other countries didn't pony up their designated share. And a damn good thing he did or NATO would have been caught flat-footed when Ukraine was invaded.

If you don't understand statesmanship, it's best to just stop commenting on it.
You really have only an amateur understanding of geopolitics, if that, so please stop acting like an expert.