Trump CNN round table thread

Vagina the cat! Not sure if that’s a low or high!?
I still can't get over that stomach-churning story about meeting eyes with Carroll at Bergdorf Goodman and being mutually attracted and then having "hanky panky" in the dressing room, and then repeating that he never met her and didn't know who she was. That was just painfully uncomfortable.
Even better quote: He WILL end the Russia Ukraine war in one day. I think regardless of party affiliation let’s all remember this if he wins.
I see he dropped the softball question “do you want Ukraine to win the war?” Refused to answer and again claimed he alone can end it in 24h.

This is the issue he finally lost some people with last year
I still can't get over that stomach-churning story about meeting eyes with Carroll at Bergdorf Goodman and being mutually attracted and then having "hanky panky" in the dressing room, and then repeating that he never met her and didn't know who she was. That was just painfully uncomfortable.
I imagine the audience was uncomfortable too. At first I wasn’t sure where the hell he was going with that.
Dude has just totally f*cking lost it. This town hall was an informercial for psychiatric therapy.

Can you force yourself to step back and judge whether or not you think he helped himself or harmed himself? When he came straight out of the gate with the fire hose of election lies I couldn't continue watching.
Can you force yourself to step back and judge whether or not you think he helped himself or harmed himself? When he came straight out of the gate with the fire hose of election lies I couldn't continue watching.
I don't think he hurt or helped himself. I think he sounded like him, which means he gave his supporters what they expected, and gave his haters what they expected. At least as far as the general. For the primary, he might have helped himself a bit.
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I still can't get over that stomach-churning story about meeting eyes with Carroll at Bergdorf Goodman and being mutually attracted and then having "hanky panky" in the dressing room, and then repeating that he never met her and didn't know who she was. That was just painfully uncomfortable.
Really? I didn’t see all of it and definitely didn’t see that part.
I'm no Trump fan. But stoll is right. He was NOT giving his version of the incident.
Amazing we have qualify ourselves as antiTrump before we can make any statement about Trump.

Damn it, anyone without TDS knows he wasn’t saying what actually happened.
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That was a master class. Trump understands something that others in the field don’t. Kaitlin Collins doesn’t matter. Her interjections don’t matter. CNN doesn’t matter. You’re not speaking to them or addressing them. They’re not there in good faith anyway, they don’t have open ears. Those gatekeepers do not matter anymore.

He told his side of the story, at length, for the first time in a while. On 1/6 he completely clowned them, running down the list of directives he gave on how to orderly and peacefully approach the Capitol.

He will win the nom, and maybe just my vote back.
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Amazing we have qualify ourselves as antiTrump before we can make any statement about Trump.

Damn it, anyone without TDS knows he wasn’t saying what actually happened.
You will never get through to this crowd Stoll. The guy went out there in a hostile environment without a script. What democrat would ever even consider that? Biden and Hillary had softballs lobbed at them. IDC what anyone says Trump has brass cohoonas.
You will never get through to this crowd Stoll. The guy went out there in a hostile environment without a script. What democrat would ever even consider that? Biden and Hillary had softballs lobbed at them. IDC what anyone says Trump has brass cohoonas.
The president we have can’t go in front of a friendly media with cheat cards.
The president we have can’t go in front of a friendly media with cheat cards.
There is a very tiny % of people that would attempt what Trump just did. I could name a couple, but would get laughed at. Not one democrat I know and prolly a large portion of pubs. Isn't that what you want in a candidate though?
He’s doing a rally now. LOL.

A town hall and then an hour rally back to back.

While our current POTUS trips over Chinese names and can’t keep his eyes open.

He’s just rubbing it in. Making a statement on energy level and mental fitness for office.
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Even better quote: He WILL end the Russia Ukraine war in one day. I think regardless of party affiliation let’s all remember this if he wins.
Clearly his solution will be to build a wall between Russia and Ukraine - and Mexico will pay for it!

I could not get through 2 minutes of CNN highlight. Hopefully there will be a sanitized transcript to follow. It was far too painful to watch.
There is a very tiny % of people that would attempt what Trump just did. I could name a couple, but would get laughed at. Not one democrat I know and prolly a large portion of pubs. Isn't that what you want in a candidate though?
Look, all politicians are liars but most have some pride. Trump is a liar on the next level. That gift is why he is comfortable in these settings.

No matter what the question or how many times he's corrected, he just tells his version of the story.

He's like a little kid you catch eating the entire bag of cookies. Even with a face and shirt smeared in chocolate, Trump would deny and spin. There are few people who have so little self respect for themselves that could do what he did tonight.

And to call that brave officer a thug for shooting the real thug on January 6. Despicable.
There is a very tiny % of people that would attempt what Trump just did. I could name a couple, but would get laughed at. Not one democrat I know and prolly a large portion of pubs. Isn't that what you want in a candidate though?
I haven't watched a single clip, but my understanding was that the crowd was very pro-Trump. So how does that compute to some act of bravery that no one else would attempt? He goes on a centrist network in front of a supportive crowd and that's somehow earth shattering?

Didn't Mayor Pete and also Bernie as well both appear on Fox in town halls among typical Fox crowds? What exactly would set off what Trump did tonight, compared to the precedent they both set?
The only unknown in this election is whether or not Biden can keep it together at his age. All other cards have been on the table for two years.

Sad our country is going to choose between crazy and diapers… again.

I would say the current crop of politicians needs to retire asap, but then it’s AOC and Co. for the next 35+ years.

Our political system better evolve asap.
There is a very tiny % of people that would attempt what Trump just did. I could name a couple, but would get laughed at. Not one democrat I know and prolly a large portion of pubs. Isn't that what you want in a candidate though?
Correct. Very few politicians would attempt to overthrow our government, but Trump did. Aren’t you proud of him? What a guy!

Anyone who supports Trump after all he has done is truly an idiot.
That was a master class. Trump understands something that others in the field don’t. Kaitlin Collins doesn’t matter. Her interjections don’t matter. CNN doesn’t matter. You’re not speaking to them or addressing them. They’re not there in good faith anyway, they don’t have open ears. Those gatekeepers do not matter anymore.

He told his side of the story, at length, for the first time in a while. On 1/6 he completely clowned them, running down the list of directives he gave on how to orderly and peacefully approach the Capitol.

He will win the nom, and maybe just my vote back.
He does. He understands how to relate to his minions, those who don’t care that he lies constantly . He can fabricate anything and they don’t care. He understood that early on with his Fifth Avenue remark.
He’s doing a rally now. LOL.

A town hall and then an hour rally back to back.

While our current POTUS trips over Chinese names and can’t keep his eyes open.

He’s just rubbing it in. Making a statement on energy level and mental fitness for office.
Mental fitness? Surely you jest. Anyone that can watch a minute of Trump speak and think he is showing mental fitness is beyond help. Just ask anyone who has worked with him. It’s embarrassing that people think they know him better than those who told us he has the mental capacity of a fifth grader.
Look, all politicians are liars but most have some pride. Trump is a liar on the next level. That gift is why he is comfortable in these settings.

No matter what the question or how many times he's corrected, he just tells his version of the story.

He's like a little kid you catch eating the entire bag of cookies. Even with a face and shirt smeared in chocolate, Trump would deny and spin. There are few people who have so little self respect for themselves that could do what he did tonight.

And to call that brave officer a thug for shooting the real thug on January 6. Despicable.
But back the blue baby, back the blue.

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