Trump CNN round table thread

Even better, he just won re-election last year so trump can’t do anything about him.

Huge props to Young on this one. Where many bent the knee out of either fear or stupidity (the Boeberts/MTGs), young is showing himself to be a leader and able to think strategically.

This from someone who has not always agreed with Young
Interesting your reply to my post has nothing to do with what I posted.

I can understand your need to deflect.
You must REALLY despise Trump then.

Almost 8 trillion in Federal debt added in 4 years, while neglecting infrastructure. 24K in new federal debt for every person in the country. The third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

Top 2 were George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, who oversaw the larger relative increases in deficits, Trump did not launch two foreign conflicts or have to pay for a civil war.

And it wasn't just COVID. There was absolutely no change from the big spending of the prior 10 years, before getting even worse in 2020.

Really nice graph … the inflection practically proves the rate of spending needs to change.
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Yeah, I'm nothing when compared to your expert understanding of geopolitics.
I take it back. The Ukraine thread is evidence enough that you can speak intelligently on these topics. I think you just lose that ability when it becomes about Trump. You're too reflexively defensive of him.
Wrong on both points. News flash - Trump actually was the president. And second, Europe is so fragmented one cannot even call it one cannot even call it a society. Remember that England was okay with Germany only taking over Poland at the beginning of world war II. France fought with the Germans before they didn't. Italy fought with the Germans before they did it. Ireland was neutral for the whole war. Same with Switzerland. Same with Sweden. Same with Denmark. Same with Norway. NATO is kind of like taxes. Everybody is for unless they have to pay for it. But somebody has to pay for it.

Language is still a big barrier in Europe. NATO could crumble if the US was out.
You really are a moron. The United Kingdom - not 'England' - declared war on Germany BECAUSE it invaded Poland.

You are historically ignorant, which explains why your posts are so laughable.

Here's a primer for you, although I doubt you'll read it. Your mind is so full of mush, nothing will get through.

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I take it back. The Ukraine thread is evidence enough that you can speak intelligently on these topics. I think you just lose that ability when it becomes about Trump. You're too reflexively defensive of him.
I'm just telling you what happened. You know - facts. You get upset when they don't fit your narrative.
There is a discussion about the president ordering or authorizing. In sending troops to Bama, Kennedy signed Executive ORDER 11111 which says "authorized AND directed".

WHEREAS on June 11, 1963, I issued Proclamation No. 3542, pursuant in part to the provisions of section 334 of Title 10, United States Code; and​
WHEREAS the commands contained in that Proclamation have not been obeyed, and the unlawful obstructions of justice and combinations referred to therein continue:​
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, including Chapter 15 of Title 10 of the United States Code, particularly sections 332, 333 and 334 thereof, and section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:​

Section 1. ​

The Secretary of Defense is authorized and directed to take all appropriate steps to remove obstructions of justice in the State of Alabama, to enforce the laws of the United States within that State, including the orders of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama referred to in the said Proclamation, and to suppress unlawful assemblies, combinations, conspiracies and domestic violence which oppose or obstruct the execution of the laws of the United States or impede the course of justice under those laws within that State.​

Sec. 2. ​

In furtherance of the authorization and direction contained in section 1 hereof, the Secretary of Defense is authorized to use such of the Armed Forces of the United States as he may deem necessary.​

Sec. 3. ​

I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of Defense to call into the active military service of the United States, as he may deem appropriate to carry out the purposes of this order, any or all of the units of the Army National Guard and of the Air National Guard of the State of Alabama to serve in the active military service of the United States for an indefinite period and until relieved by appropriate orders. In carrying out the provisions of section 1, the Secretary of Defense is authorized to use the units, and members thereof, called into the active military service of the United States pursuant to this section.​

Sec. 4. ​

The Secretary of Defense is authorized to delegate to the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force, or both, any of the authority conferred upon him by this order.​

Authorization is telling someone they CAN do something, they don't have to do anything.

But if Trump wanted them there, when he had the phone call on Jan 5 and plans for Jan 6 were discussed, why did he not question that only 340 were called up and assigned to traffic control, crowd control, and logistics. Even assuming 200 were called to crowd control (they weren't), 200 unarmed guardsmen wouldn't be nearly enough against a much larger, determined force. The media was told in advance what was happening:

Here is another article from Jan 5 that specifically says 340 guardsmen and lists their duties.

Approximately 340 personnel will support the city government Jan. 5 to 7 by providing crowd control at several Metro stations and assist police with street closures at multiple intersections to provide safety in and around pedestrian areas.​
Notice that 340 was requested by the Mayor specifically.

How did these sites know that 340 guardsmen were all that was appearing but not Trump? Heck, ABC even knew they were unarmed:

If Trump wanted the guard there, when he was told they weren't there why did he not order them there? Pence did:

The statements were backed up with testimony from Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, who said that Pence told Pentagon leaders to “get the Guard down here, put down this situation."​

Notice the wording, Pence didn't just say "you can go if you want". He said to get down there. That is much more an order than an authorization.

Pence was forced to make the call even after McCarthy called screaming at the President. Again, if Trump wanted the guard there, why wasn't he finding out why his demands were not being followed?

To believe Trump, he wanted the Guard there, but somehow missed ALL THE SIGNALS that only 340 unarmed guard for traffic control were going to be sent. On Jan 6, he somehow didn't know the Capitol was under attack and breached or he never bothered to call anyone to find out where his 10,000 guardsmen were. But he managed to tell McCarthy those people just cared more about the election than McCarthy.

His supporters say he was a strong president, if so, wouldn't he be calling people to find out why his demands were not followed? Hours wouldn't have went by under the watch of a strong president who wanted the situation contained to begin with. Instead, at 2:24 he tweeted about Mike Pence not having courage. 24 minutes after the Capitol was breached. Seriously, no one by that time had told him what was happening? He had no news on the TV, or reading news websites?
Why is it Trump's responsibility to plan for crowd control for DC?
Because there's no cause and effect between climate and weather. (sarcasm)

So you would rather spend the billions dealing with flooding... reactive over proactive. got it.
Oh my God, it's so cute when Hickory predicts climate catastrophe. It's like he's been listening to Gore videos from the 80s.
Britain was OK with Czeckloslavakia being taken. Poland was the bright line, they declared war 56 hours or so after the invasion after delivering an ultimatum about 48 hours after. That's not bad for any sort of democracy. It takes time to get the wheels moving.
Sudetenland. Not 'Czeckloslavakia'.
You really are a moron. The United Kingdom - not 'England' - declared war on Germany BECAUSE it invaded Poland.

You are historically ignorant, which explains why your posts are so laughable.

Here's a primer for you, although I doubt you'll read it. Your mind is so full of mush, nothing will get through.
I'm just telling you what happened. You know - facts. You get upset when they don't fit your narrative.
You know if you took the way you post in the Ukraine thread and applied it elsewhere, it would really improve the level of conversation you experience here.
You have some real a$$holes on your team. We have some on my team too but they aren't turning on others on our team. :cool:
That's true. You guys back each other no matter how much stupid shit you say.
You know if you took the way you post in the Ukraine thread and applied it elsewhere, it would really improve the level of conversation you experience here.
You only say that because you agree with me on Ukraine.

If you expect me to take shit from your side and not respond in kind, you're living in la-la land.
You only say that because you agree with me on Ukraine.

If you expect me to take shit from your side and not respond in kind, you're living in la-la land.
Too often, you don't respond in kind. Too often, you throw the first fireball.

Case in point, this topic we're discussing here. All I said was that Trump didn't want to make NATO stronger, he wanted to pull out of NATO. You could have simply disagreed with me. But instead, you disagreed with me, and then told me I didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
Easy money, but we’re not gonna fight. I also think DANC is way older so I’d feel bad about hurting him. Besides, despite his nastiness, I think he actually likes me.
I won't take the first punch, like you like to do. I just take the last one.
No. Not sure how that equates.

How can you take someone who preaches reducing your carbon footprint but lives lavishly seriously?
When it comes to the wealthy it does not matter if they're liberal or conservative. They are out for themselves. Do as I say not as I do.
Too often, you don't respond in kind. Too often, you throw the first fireball.

Case in point, this topic we're discussing here. All I said was that Trump didn't want to make NATO stronger, he wanted to pull out of NATO. You could have simply disagreed with me. But instead, you disagreed with me, and then told me I didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
Are you serious? I gave you a specific example where he strengthened NATO by demanding they up their defense spending. Then you attack me with some claim about being an amateur in geopolitics. Which had nothing to do with what I posted. I know what I read in the news and have never claimed to be an 'expert'.

You just don't like anyone disagreeing with you, even when they give specific examples where you're wrong.

It gets very frustrating, giving examples of situations that are well know - like Trump's stand on NATO and Putin. I shouldn't have said you don't have a clue, but goddam it - why do you ignore the reality of the situation?
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When all of the ice is gone, Miami will be 9% bigger than it is now, not smaller

When all of the ice is gone, Miami will be 9% bigger than it is now, not smaller.
Hmmm... When all of the ice is gone it will be because the water is warmer on a global scale. If the water is warmer hurricane season will be longer and hurricanes will be much more intense. (see Coriolis effect).

Also as ice melts sea levels increase. That means that land that was dry is now wet. Sea levels have been rising because water temperatures have been increasing.

Did you get any of your information from the man who asked if we could diffuse hurricanes by dropping a nuclear bomb in the eye of the storm?
With respect to the debt as a % of GDP over time, and assuming this graph is correct, there are several "hockey stick-like growth" periods.

1) WWI (understandable)
2) Depression (understandable)
3) WWII (understandable)
4) Milder rise, but reversing a trend, in the Reagan & GHWB years (big spending, but at least the military spending cracked the Soviet Union)
5) The second GWB term, continuing through the first Obama administration (housing crash, recession)
6) 2019-2022, just before COVID, COVID, COVID recovery


We must at least flatten this out. After all, on the whole and ignoring the WWII spike for the moment, debt was relatively flat, 1934-1981 or so.

I'm glad you agree with Kevin McCarthy and the Republicans! Be sure to urge your senator to vote for the House bill!
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Are you serious? I gave you a specific example where he strengthened NATO by demanding they up their defense spending. Then you attack me with some claim about being an amateur in geopolitics. Which had nothing to do with what I posted. I know what I read in the news and have never claimed to be an 'expert'.

You just don't like anyone disagreeing with you, even when they give specific examples where you're wrong.

It gets very frustrating, giving examples of situations that are well know - like Trump's stand on NATO and Putin. I shouldn't have said you don't have a clue, but goddam it - why do you ignore the reality of the situation?
I do like disagreement. I didn't abide the insult. That's my point. Despite your fight with Aloha here, on this forum, you do often throw the first punch.
I do like disagreement. I didn't abide the insult. That's my point. Despite your fight with Aloha here, on this forum, you do often throw the first punch.
Only if you're not paying attention.

I don't know when you've become the Zen master. When I first started posting on the Cooler, you were one of the ones who jumped on me with both feet.

If you regret doing that, just say so and we can go from there.
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Only if you're not paying attention.

I don't know when you've become the Zen master. When I first started posting on the Cooler, you were one of the ones who jumped on me with both feet.

If you regret doing that, just say so and we can go from there.
I don't remember jumping on you in particular, but if I did, I absolutely regret it. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been the "new" me for quite a while now. I'm finding my visits here much more enjoyable since I made a conscious decision to give up the anger.
I don't remember jumping on you in particular, but if I did, I absolutely regret it. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been the "new" me for quite a while now. I'm finding my visits here much more enjoyable since I made a conscious decision to give up the anger.
Yes, I have noticed, but you still get your zingers in - just more subtle.
Yes, I have noticed, but you still get your zingers in - just more subtle.
Well, I do enjoy being clever. But I think it's been a long, long time since I insulted someone if it wasn't in a direct response to an insult. Maybe I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've been on that wagon for a while.
Sorry, but if the choice is voting for Biden just to vote against Trump that is really dumb. Biden has done more destruction in less than 2 1/2 years than anyone would think possible. Again I'm not asking Trump to be my friend or neighbor ( I hate my neighbor) But I am more concerned about where the country was than whether he pisses people off with his personality.
What we are witnessing is Obamas 3rd term with Biden as the proxy.

The policy results aren't what they expected though.
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Seriously @Aloha Hoosier you need to **** off. You are a willfully blind, pig headed fool that can’t admit their vote was wrong. Danc is right.

Be a man.
You telling anyone to be a man is the ultimate in irony. No one thinks Biden is great. He's just better than that POS Trump you all worship.

Roll out any decent candidate not named Trump and you'd have this independents vote.
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You telling anyone to be a man is the ultimate in irony. No one thinks Biden is great. He's just better than that POS Trump you all worship.

Roll out any decent candidate not named Trump and you'd have this independents vote.
Can you explain why Biden is better?
Hmmm... When all of the ice is gone it will be because the water is warmer on a global scale. If the water is warmer hurricane season will be longer and hurricanes will be much more intense. (see Coriolis effect).

Also as ice melts sea levels increase. That means that land that was dry is now wet. Sea levels have been rising because water temperatures have been increasing.

Did you get any of your information from the man who asked if we could diffuse hurricanes by dropping a nuclear bomb in the eye of the storm?
You assume all the ice will be gone, which it won't be, not during our existence anyway. If all the ice melts hurricanes season won't matter.

The last time the earth was likely ice free was over 60 million years ago.