Yeah, the numbers are from the FBI Annual Report on Crime. I think the FBI knows what a murder is. Take it up with them, since this has been calculated by them since 1960.
Aaaand you're wrong again about Lightfoot defunding the police. The CPD budget has risen for each of the last four year. As for what Mayor Lightfoot thinks:
"Mayor Lightfoot has been clear that she does not support defunding the police, a demand from activists nationwide that gained prominence this summer."
"As for Lightfoot cutting the police budget, The pandemic has put the City of Chicago in a $1.2 billion dollar deficit. Other city departments are facing much steeper cuts than the CPD. Overall, the city’s corporate fund (its general operating budget which funds basic city operations) is projected to shrink by 9% in 2021, but CPD’s allocation from the corporate fund will only drop by about 5%."
"The mayor’s proposed budget includes an $80 million reduction in tax dollars going to CPD, but only about $34 million will come from cuts in vacant positions, according to figures provided by the Mayor’s office to City Bureau and Injustice Watch. The rest will either be offset by grant funding or will be reallocated to the city’s Office of Public Safety Administration to fund clerical jobs once held by cops."
"87% of Chicago residents said more money should be taken from the CPD." “She looked for feedback. She received the feedback. She did not like the feedback and she said, ‘Yeah, but we’re not doing that ...we have to fund police,’ even though we have been funding police at a much higher rate.”
You can't increase a budget when there is no money to do it.
As budget hearings begin, aldermen and advocates say the cuts are a drop in the bucket.