Thanks, GOP & NRA! 231 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 06/20/24)


It's simply a matter of trying first to solve (1) the obvious assault-weapon gun problem that is making shopping malls, July 4 parades, elementary schools, workplaces, and shopping areas dangerous and unusable, before tackling (2) the other, small-caliber-handgun problem that is making back alleys and unlit parking lots unsafe for drug dealers, their associates and other criminals.

Republicans mix the two issues together in an attempt to justify their blind refusal to solve either one of the distinct gun problems ... and to get reelected of course. !! Republicans have repeatedly shown they will tolerate mass public shootings at places like churches, schools and shopping malls in order to get reelected.
You’d step over a dollar to pick up a penny just because a Republican said to pick up the dollar.
In fairness the nra are a bunch of old dinosaurs. They weren’t expecting trans-terrorism. Men were men and women were women. This is a new world order. Trans-terrorism. Trans-terror.

You're paraphrasing the Lake Woebegone show to justify inaction on gun control?

The NRA may have some dinosaurs but it still rules the GOP.
Can you prove that the gun ban does/did? We both have correlative data. One thing I do have is a completely new factor entering the discussion whereas guns have been around for centuries.

Assault weapons with high velocity cartridges and large magazines have absolutely not been available to the public "for centuries."
It is amazing how many people will assert that the Founding Fathers "guaranteed" a right to bear arms, and thus any gun legislation is evil.

The Constitution also originally prohibited women from voting, and blacks could be enslaved, and those slaves were considered 3/5th of a person.

Thanks, GOP!
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The USA has a far different history than the rest of the developed world. We have long believed in individual freedom given to us by God while other developed countries have lived with restriction their entire life. Kids where we have lived in different communities, we haven't lived in but one big city, are fearing they will get blown away - that is a fearmongering comment.
No one I know cares what happens between two consenting adults in their bedroom but do care about what is taught in schools, especially the early grades.

Your post is wrong in so many ways but where you are right is wanting to reduce mass shootings. The problem is we have people deciding to limit law abiding citizens thinking that will create safety. If we had a real discussion with posters that know gun facts and worked to find ways to get criminals to give up their guns, putting limits on legal gun owners won't work.

They are all so-called "law abiding citizens" until they decide to go to their closet in their parents' back bedroom and select one of the many assault weapons they shouldn't have and go to a crowded public place and kill little kids and unarmed citizens. Those are the criminals you knowingly go out of your way to protect -- you know they are out there.

Your idea of a "real discussion" as you put it is just another burst of assault weapon fire with no action to prevent it in the future.
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Again did you actually see any news about this or just feel a need to post your usual BS?
Do you think the GOP is (1) actively trying to reduce gun violence, (2) promoting gun violence, or (3) ignoring gun violence?

I think those are the only three options. When you respond, please don't say "Democrats", "liberals," etc. we'd like to know what you think the GOP should get credit for doing.
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You have mine to just stop.
Thank you for demonstrating how silly it is for the GOP leaders to offer their "thoughts and prayers" and nothing else after every gun massacre but nonetheless claim they are doing something about gun violence.

Republicans only care about "thoughts and prayers" that will get them elected.
Do you think the GOP is (1) actively trying to reduce gun violence, (2) promoting gun violence, or (3) ignoring gun violence?

I think those are the only three options. When you respond, please don't say "Democrats", "liberals," etc. we'd like to know what you think the GOP should get credit for doing.
I think the DOC is actively trying to if not at least promote and capitalize on gun violence 100%

I respond any GD way I choose to, so you can just stuff that down your shot.

Look at the last two incidents . These people and both would seem liberals from their ideaology were out to commit mahem and suicide. They were going to do it some way anyway. Maybe you should look at what Liberal policies are doing to your own.
Thank you for demonstrating how silly it is for the GOP leaders to offer their "thoughts and prayers" and nothing else after every gun massacre but nonetheless claim they are doing something about gun violence.

Republicans only care about "thoughts and prayers" that will get them elected.
Just stop before you look any dumber than you already do and there isn't much further for you to be able to go anyway.
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I think the DOC is actively trying to if not at least promote and capitalize on gun violence 100%

I respond any GD way I choose to, so you can just stuff that down your shot.

Look at the last two incidents . These people and both would seem liberals from their ideaology were out to commit mahem and suicide. They were going to do it some way anyway. Maybe you should look at what Liberal policies are doing to your own.
Everybody see that? Crayfish just refused to say he thinks the GOP is actively trying to reduce gun violence. Instead he chose to attack the post.
Everybody see that? Crayfish just refused to say he thinks the GOP is actively trying to reduce gun violence. Instead he chose to attack the post.
Sound the general alarm! Did everybody see that? Sound the general alarm!

Did you address what I asked you?


Sound the general alarm!
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Just bought 1000rds more of ammo. Payday is Friday. Going to buy another 1000rds. Maybe 2000rds. Also upgrading another handgun with night sights.

The more the left crows for gun control the more I buy just because I know it pisses you people off.
Perfect example of how stupid these gun nuts are. Living paycheck to paycheck but spending their income on something because of some fantasies around owning the enemy.
Do you think the GOP is (1) actively trying to reduce gun violence, (2) promoting gun violence, or (3) ignoring gun violence?

I think those are the only three options. When you respond, please don't say "Democrats", "liberals," etc. we'd like to know what you think the GOP should get credit for doing.

Here in Indy one GOP candidate for mayor is running lots of expensive television ads blaming the gun violence on the Democrat mayor's policies and lack of leadership.

So he is saying with his leadership and policies gun violence will be reduced. Guess we will have to elect him and hope for the best. :)
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It is amazing how many people will assert that the Founding Fathers "guaranteed" a right to bear arms, and thus any gun legislation is evil.

The Constitution also originally prohibited women from voting, and blacks could be enslaved, and those slaves were considered 3/5th of a person.

Thanks, GOP!
That 3/5ths thing again. It was a compromise. The slave holding southern delegates considered slaves mere property yet wanted each one counted as if they were free people for representation purposes. The anti-slavery northern delegates considered them people yet wanted none of them to count for representation purposes if they were enslaved. They compromised in order to get a constitution that could be approved.

Free blacks counted for representation.
Yes. He was sick not that leftist or far right makes a difference but it is a bit unique. I was watching an old Romeo Langford video and this kid(#31) played for Floyd Central. He’s all over that video.
So was he motivated by "politics" or the fact that he was being fired? Reason I ask is because he was a frat boy (AL) who worked as a banker and at least two of his victims were personal friends of the (Democratic) Governor of Kentucky.

How was he a "leftist", and what political calculation was he attempting to make?
The USA has a far different history than the rest of the developed world. We have long believed in individual freedom given to us by God while other developed countries have lived with restriction their entire life. Kids where we have lived in different communities, we haven't lived in but one big city, are fearing they will get blown away - that is a fearmongering comment.
No one I know cares what happens between two consenting adults in their bedroom but do care about what is taught in schools, especially the early grades.

Your post is wrong in so many ways but where you are right is wanting to reduce mass shootings. The problem is we have people deciding to limit law abiding citizens thinking that will create safety. If we had a real discussion with posters that know gun facts and worked to find ways to get criminals to give up their guns, putting limits on legal gun owners won't work.
"That 3/5ths thing again. It was a compromise. The slave holding southern delegates considered slaves mere property yet wanted each one counted as if they were free people for representation purposes. The anti-slavery northern delegates considered them people yet wanted none of them to count for representation purposes if they were enslaved. They compromised in order to get a constitution that could be approved."

Now I agree with Aloha's assesment here...

But I'm wondering how this statement from you...

"The USA has a far different history than the rest of the developed world. We have long believed in individual freedom given to us by God while other developed countries have lived with restriction their entire life"...

Squares with Aloha actually discussing a compromise regarding how other folks (presumably gifted with the same "individual freedom" that you extoll above) were regarded as property and slaves...

There are some flies in the ointment when it comes to your characterization of the "American Experience"... At the very leastI believe we should say that some of the "beliefs" you view this country as being founded on are both subjective and exclusionary when it comes to how concepts like "individual freedom" were defined and applied...
Perfect example of how stupid these gun nuts are. Living paycheck to paycheck but spending their income on something because of some fantasies around owning the enemy.
I save plenty and nearly max my roth and 401k every year. I also save for bulk purchases like this. I'll go through 1000rds in a range trip or two because I enjoy it. How much do people spend on 18 holes of golf or a concert or game tickets every year? No different. It may come as a surprise to you but gun enthusiasts have white collar professional jobs too.

Like mentioned above it's something that retains value. Another way of diversifying. I also reload my own ammo so I buy components too.
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Look at where we are in society. Ammo will be like gold CJ. GOLD. CT is investing wisely.
A guy once told me to buy it cheap and stack it deep. Back in 2007, so I listened. That also applies to silver and gold bullion.

The floor on silver pre 2007 was around $11 an ounce. Since then $20-$22. What happend in 07? The iPhone was released. I think EVs with raise the floor even higher in the future, 5-10% of portfolio in pms.
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So, the NRA convention is this weekend in Indy, and attendees will be allowed to carry their guns around for the event. Their right to bear arms will only be infringed upon today, when Trump, Pence, Noem, and others are scheduled to speak.
Why do these speakers hate our Constitution and America so much?
You see the news this morning. There are several school systems in Indiana on e learning because of bomb threats.

Edit: we just got a call from school. Carmel is ok but there were about 40 threats to schools last night. WOW
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I save plenty and nearly max my roth and 401k every year. I also save for bulk purchases like this. I'll go through 1000rds in a range trip or two because I enjoy it. How much do people spend on 18 holes of golf or a concert or game tickets every year? No different. It may come as a surprise to you but gun enthusiasts have white collar professional jobs too.

Like mentioned above it's something that retains value. Another way of diversifying. I also reload my own ammo so I buy components too.
I spend money on a round of golf because I enjoy it, not because I fantasize it might piss somebody off. Also, if I had to wait until the next paycheck to pay the green fees, I’d make the better choice to not spend that money on golf.
I spend money on a round of golf because I enjoy it, not because I fantasize it might piss somebody off. Also, if I had to wait until the next paycheck to pay the green fees, I’d make the better choice to not spend that money on golf.
Talk to DrHoops. His apparently healthy friend dropped dead of a heart attack with no warning.

Live it up while you can.
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One has to wonder if this guy would be alive if he didn't feel the need to be armed for his personal protection.

Well, as ftw likes to say, "Play stupid games..."
He would be alive if agents of the state didn't show up at his house for no reason and start shooting.
Cool. We are now up to 162 mass shootings after people were killed at a Sweet 16 party.

Thanks, GOP!
I don’t know what all the uproar is about! Mayor Pete was talking with Al Sharpton and stated there were more deaths from road rage and roads though poor neighborhoods that were designed to be racist. Pete said blacks can’t read the road signs. Don’t believe my post. Look up the interview yourself.
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One has to wonder if this guy would be alive if he didn't feel the need to be armed for his personal protection.

And another "accident."

Doesn't qualify as a mass shooting, but I guess you can't pull into a MAGA driveway by accident

Can’t ring a doorbell or pull into the wrong driveway. A paranoid society all ready to shoot is a recipe for disaster. Why does every country but ours understand this?
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