Thanks, GOP & NRA! 231 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 06/20/24)

I do. Does Tennessee? All states should, that’s the point..
No, your point was that Republicans don't pass those laws and you had no idea they were passed by Republicans in their own state.

Nice attempt at moving the goalposts, though.
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Read about a 14 year old kid that committed suicide because other kids were air dropping pictures of his 19 year old sister's OnlyFans pics to him.

Back in the day, the bully would have had to...

1) discover local girl posed for Playboy, Penthouse, whatever.
2) find out how to buy/find issue...potentially backorder.
3) waste a copy physically cutting out pics of the sister.
4) wait to deliver said pics to victim at opportune time to achieve best bully effect.

Lotta trouble. Would definitely cut down the number of school bullying and the resultant suicides and/or mass murders of the bullied.

If it saves one life. How many more have to die before we outlaw social media?
It’ll never be banned as it is intertwined with so much of our existence including business. FB has been fun in keeping up with so many different groups as basically a way to share pics. But now ads have just taken over. It’s made it rotten. Social media is bidness
It’ll never be banned as it is intertwined with so much of our existence including business. FB has been fun in keeping up with so many different groups as basically a way to share pics. But now ads have just taken over. It’s made it rotten. Social media is bidness


You can't outright ban a constitutionally protected "free speech" apparatus even though it's introduction has lead to an increase in social bullying, bullying deaths, and suicides because of social bullying.
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Can you prove that the gun ban does/did? We both have correlative data. One thing I do have is a completely new factor entering the discussion whereas guns have been around for centuries.
You don’t have any numbers, all you have is when things were started, and mental health issues. Nothing about encouraging guns. The numbers on the graph speak for itself.
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The USA has a far different history than the rest of the developed world. We have long believed in individual freedom given to us by God while other developed countries have lived with restriction their entire life. Kids where we have lived in different communities, we haven't lived in but one big city, are fearing they will get blown away - that is a fearmongering comment.
No one I know cares what happens between two consenting adults in their bedroom but do care about what is taught in schools, especially the early grades.

Your post is wrong in so many ways but where you are right is wanting to reduce mass shootings. The problem is we have people deciding to limit law abiding citizens thinking that will create safety. If we had a real discussion with posters that know gun facts and worked to find ways to get criminals to give up their guns, putting limits on legal gun owners won't work.
Do you think God has anything to do with kids being shot in schools? What do you think HE would think about people refusing to try to help those kids because our gun freedoms are too important to certain people. Those same people who care so much about what is being taught in schools don’t appear to care enough to make sure those same kids are alive to learn in school.
You don’t have any numbers, all you have is when things were started, and mental health issues. Nothing about encouraging guns. The numbers on the graph speak for itself.
Which graph? The numbers on the graph we were discussing don't speak to anything except a correlation I already said you had. And to provide a counterpoint, I provided other items that could be used to draw the red line and have the same conclusion.
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Do you think God has anything to do with kids being shot in schools? What do you think HE would think about people refusing to try to help those kids because our gun freedoms are too important to certain people. Those same people who care so much about what is being taught in schools don’t appear to care enough to make sure those same kids are alive to learn in school.
Do you believe in God?
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Those who believe there is a God don't always agree about what God does and/or wants us to do.
No, but I don't need a lecture about God from someone who doesn't believe in Him.

I'm just trying to find out if she's a believer.
Everyone understands what the motivations were for the Bill of Rights, but that was in the 1700s. There is a reason why our Constitution has amendments. I pray that eventually we can have reasonable gun regulation that ends this lunacy.
With the third world crap the dems are pulling nobody is giving up their guns now. Maybe marxist dems should not target political rivals it might chance but until then no.
No, but I don't need a lecture about God from someone who doesn't believe in Him.

I'm just trying to find out if she's a believer.

Believing in God is only part of the equation. When you add Jesus and the other prophets into the equation, the equation really gets complicated.

Nevertheless, there are some common threads among most religions upon which a common consensus can be built.
Believing in God is only part of the equation. When you add Jesus and the other prophets into the equation, the equation really gets complicated.

Nevertheless, there are some common threads among most religions upon which a common consensus can be built.
You notice she hasn't answered the question.
No of course not. Can you prove that any of those things affects mass murders? The chart had some proof that the gun ban worked somewhat successfully. I agree that social media has an impact on mental health, but not sure I’d go as far as impacting gun violence,
Seriously? You can't prove 95% of the BS you spew on here but you are going with this.
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Because you love to bring up God and Christianity when you disagree with others and act like you're the determinant of who is following God's law.
No it’s not when I disagree, it’s when people who claim to be Christians preach against every tenet of Christianity And every thing that Jesus stood for.
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No it’s not when I disagree, it’s when people who claim to be Christians preach against every tenet of Christianity And every thing that Jesus stood for.
And yet Jesus told you not to judge.

Maybe you should re-read that part.
After the Louisville mass shooting, we are now up to 146 mass shootings in the United States so far.

Thank you, GOP!
After the Louisville mass shooting, we are now up to 146 mass shootings in the United States so far.

Thank you, GOP!
Right, so obviously you pd no attention just came on to post your usual lame crap. Thanks Dems for creating the likes of you.
The current tally:

470 children have died because of a mass shooting

107 officers have been killed or injured.

Because they are owned by the corrupt NRA, the GOP continues to do nothing. But at least Republicans continue to offer "thoughts and prayers" for the victims.
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The current tally:

470 children have died because of a mass shooting

107 officers have been killed or injured.

Because they are owned by the corrupt NRA, the GOP continues to do nothing. But at least Republicans continue to offer "thoughts and prayers" for the victims.
Again did you actually see any news about this or just feel a need to post your usual BS?
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After the Louisville mass shooting, we are now up to 146 mass shootings in the United States so far.

Thank you, GOP!
The guy that did it was a leftist. What makes this one a bit different? he was “showing” why we need gun control. He was also an ex Floyd central basketball player. His dad was the coach. The dude was friggin sick.
A leftist banker???
Yes. He was sick not that leftist or far right makes a difference but it is a bit unique. I was watching an old Romeo Langford video and this kid(#31) played for Floyd Central. He’s all over that video.
Right. It's better to stick one's head in the sand and ignore appeals of the majority of Americans who support reasonable gun regulation.
The most effective thing you could do to lower “city gun problems” would be mandatory minimums and tougher sentencing guidelines. I know it seems silly because nowhere in my prescription did I mention the word “gun”. But it’s actually the probably the number one thing you could do to reduce gun deaths overall, yet we never hear it from your ilk after one of these.
Nobody should take a name like "Giggitygoo" seriously. Nor should anyone take a post using "ilk" seriously either. It's neither expressive nor impressive.

Use words that mean something. This isn't a class in American Literature of The Nineteenth Century.
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That is like saying conservatives always love guns more than kids

What is funny though is they still claim to be pro life when it is more accurate to say pro birth
Uh, "pro-conception," actually. That's the limit.

They really don't want their 16-year-old blonde high school daughters, nieces, neighbors etc. to have a birth. They just want to say they are "anti-abortion" and then, of course, get reelected.
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Nobody should take a name like "Giggitygoo" seriously. Nor should anyone take a post using "ilk" seriously either. It's neither expressive nor impressive.

Use words that mean something. This isn't a class in American Literature of The Nineteenth Century.
Are you familiar with the list of liberal posters names? Yeah, I didn't think so but do carry on.
Black lives don't matter unless they can be leveraged for political purposes. Black kids shooting black kids (far and away the biggest driver of gun violence in this country) isn't politically useful.

The government just sent the IRS to Matt Taibi's door on the day he was speaking to Congress about government's cozy relationship with Twitter. During the COVID lockdown, you could compare and contrast the behavior of police organizations in places like Australia and how they handled their populace and places like the U.S. Frankly, I am not of the mind to unilaterally disarm when 2 summers ago the people telling me to disarm were literally arguing that US law enforcement indiscriminately murders people in the street. Do I expect to ever need a weapon because of the government, no. I like the insurance though.

We need to figure out the shootings issue. Say we put guns on the table, what cultural things are you willing to compromise on? If we can regulate the 2nd right why not the 1st or 14th. I can make a huge argument that those two are related to the violence problem in this country as much as the 2nd.
There should be a difference between (1) Republican opposition to the regulation of weapons that leave a three-inch column of damage throughout a human torso (AR-15s and other assault weapons) and (2) Republican opposition to the regulation of small-caliber handguns that leave a relatively little one-half-inch column of damage. But those are not the issues that Republicans care about.

Why? It's obvious.

Republicans claim they are helpless to stop all gun massacres because of the Second Amendment, but they ignore what the Second Anendment actually says.

The sole reason Republicans oppose absolutely all efforts at gun control is because it has become one of the few remaining issues Republicans can use to get reelected.

Republican leaders show their best side below:
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Liberals love to harp on one gun culture while ignoring the other.

It's simply a matter of trying first to solve (1) the obvious assault-weapon gun problem that is making shopping malls, July 4 parades, elementary schools, workplaces, and shopping areas dangerous and unusable, before tackling (2) the other, small-caliber-handgun problem that is making back alleys and unlit parking lots unsafe for drug dealers, their associates and other criminals.

Republicans mix the two issues together in an attempt to justify their blind refusal to solve either one of the distinct gun problems ... and to get reelected of course. !! Republicans have repeatedly shown they will tolerate mass public shootings at places like churches, schools and shopping malls in order to get reelected.

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