Thanks, GOP & NRA! 231 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 06/20/24)

Should we have a list of all Americans that are on antipsychotics publicly available?
Or are you defining mental health check in a different manner?
That would be for doctors and lawyers to figure out. But clearly the mentally unstable should not have access to firearms. Common sense.
For these mass shootings...
1. Reinstitute the assault weapons bans from the 90s. Police unions are begging for it. MAGA!
2. Close all private transfer loop holes.
3. Federal background checks and clearance. Those on terrorist watch list cannot own a gun.
4. Mental health check. No guns for the crazies.

For the city gun problems...
1. Assault weapons ban from the 90s MAGA!
2. End the war on drugs. Didn't work and is the cause of most of the countries gang violence. May not be Cheaper buts it's certainly easier to deal with a few more addicts than it is to deal with dead kids from gang crossfire.
3. Invest heavily in the poorest neighborhoods. Through the schools and big tax incentives to businesses to put up shop in these areas. This is for poor rural areas too.
The most effective thing you could do to lower “city gun problems” would be mandatory minimums and tougher sentencing guidelines. I know it seems silly because nowhere in my prescription did I mention the word “gun”. But it’s actually the probably the number one thing you could do to reduce gun deaths overall, yet we never hear it from your ilk after one of these.
The most effective thing you could do to lower “city gun problems” would be mandatory minimums and tougher sentencing guidelines. I know it seems silly because nowhere in my prescription did I mention the word “gun”. But it’s actually the probably the number one thing you could do to reduce gun deaths overall, yet we never hear it from your ilk after one of these.
Yep. Anything involving a gun throw away the key. Tough thing too bc many of these offenders are kids. 13. 14 years old. But his Ilk indeed makes it hard. Hell they don’t even call them offenders anymore. “Justice-involved”
Yep. Anything involving a gun throw away the key. Tough thing too bc many of these offenders are kids. 13. 14 years old. But his Ilk indeed makes it hard. Hell they don’t even call them offenders anymore. “Justice-involved”
My ilk signed the comprehensive justice reforms in the 90s(negative outweighing the positive is debatable) and sweeping assault weapons bans in the 90s. Your ilk over turned almost all of that and haven't offered any solutions to the issues other than returning to some of the things my ilk already did.

I'm being overly general. I know. I get that.
Now do urban Dem/progressive politicians where deaths are infinitely more frequent. Or are you wearing your blinders again?
Black lives don't matter unless they can be leveraged for political purposes. Black kids shooting black kids (far and away the biggest driver of gun violence in this country) isn't politically useful.

The government just sent the IRS to Matt Taibi's door on the day he was speaking to Congress about government's cozy relationship with Twitter. During the COVID lockdown, you could compare and contrast the behavior of police organizations in places like Australia and how they handled their populace and places like the U.S. Frankly, I am not of the mind to unilaterally disarm when 2 summers ago the people telling me to disarm were literally arguing that US law enforcement indiscriminately murders people in the street. Do I expect to ever need a weapon because of the government, no. I like the insurance though.

We need to figure out the shootings issue. Say we put guns on the table, what cultural things are you willing to compromise on? If we can regulate the 2nd right why not the 1st or 14th. I can make a huge argument that those two are related to the violence problem in this country as much as the 2nd.
My ilk signed the comprehensive justice reforms in the 90s(negative outweighing the positive is debatable) and sweeping assault weapons bans in the 90s. Your ilk over turned almost all of that and haven't offered any solutions to the issues other than returning to some of the things my ilk already did.

I'm being overly general. I know. I get that.
Black lives don't matter unless they can be leveraged for political purposes. Black kids shooting black kids (far and away the biggest driver of gun violence in this country) isn't politically useful.

The government just sent the IRS to Matt Taibi's door on the day he was speaking to Congress about government's cozy relationship with Twitter. During the COVID lockdown, you could compare and contrast the behavior of police organizations in places like Australia and how they handled their populace and places like the U.S. Frankly, I am not of the mind to unilaterally disarm when 2 summers ago the people telling me to disarm were literally arguing that US law enforcement indiscriminately murders people in the street. Do I expect to ever need a weapon because of the government, no. I like the insurance though.

We need to figure out the shootings issue. Say we put guns on the table, what cultural things are you willing to compromise on? If we can regulate the 2nd right why not the 1st or 14th. I can make a huge argument that those two are related to the violence problem in this country as much as the 2nd.
Liberals love to harp on one gun culture while ignoring the other.
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The red line below is the repeal of the assault weapons ban


data from here:
Charts for simpletons.

As if gun laws were the only changes in 20 years.
It's quantifiable evidence. Do you have any to add? I'm not being facetious. Anything you can add to those "changes in the last 20 years" with data would help this conversation.
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It's quantifiable evidence. Do you have any to add? I'm not being facetious. Anything you can add to those "changes in the last 20 years" with data would help this conversation.
The first iPhone was released in 2007. Facebook made available to the general public in 2006. Twitter launched in 2006. All of those would also correlate.
It's quantifiable evidence. Do you have any to add? I'm not being facetious. Anything you can add to those "changes in the last 20 years" with data would help this conversation.
It's not quantifiable if not all factors are considered.

Please tell me you didn't graduate from IU.
That is the problem I believe we have with the "we need laws" argument. We have all sorts of laws already on the books and they are not enforced. They talk about the assault weapons (misnomer) ban in the 90's and its impact on crime while also ignoring the other thing that happened, the crime bill.
Would you like all those laws enforced?
Would you like all those laws enforced?
The ones currently on the books? Yeah, particularly the ones where if you commit a gun crime or a crime with a gun, you don't just get to walk away scot free. Do you believe the laws should be selectively enforced?
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The corrupt NRA owns the GOP, but at least the GOP will always offer thoughts and prayers after the next mass shooting.

That strategy has saved a lot of lives.
The corrupt NRA owns the GOP, but at least the GOP will always offer thoughts and prayers after the next mass shooting.

That strategy has saved a lot of lives.
In fairness the nra are a bunch of old dinosaurs. They weren’t expecting trans-terrorism. Men were men and women were women. This is a new world order. Trans-terrorism. Trans-terror.
Can you prove that? Let’s see it.
Prove what? When they launched? Yes, I spent about 2 minutes on Google to verify that the first Iphone was released in 2007 and that Facebook and Twitter were launched in 2006 (Facebook was actually sooner but that is when it became available to everyone.)

As far as Social Media and mental health, that is also all over but one example:

That points to 2010 being an inflection point. If you view the graph posted earlier things held pretty steady through about 2007 (eyeballing as there are 5 year gaps), there is a slight increase, and then an explosion after 2010. So one could just as easily correlate social media and the rise of constant connectedness to the increase in violence.
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Prove what? When they launched? Yes, I spent about 2 minutes on Google to verify that the first Iphone was released in 2007 and that Facebook and Twitter were launched in 2006 (Facebook was actually sooner but that is when it became available to everyone.)

As far as Social Media and mental health, that is also all over but one example:

That points to 2010 being an inflection point. If you view the graph posted earlier things held pretty steady through about 2007 (eyeballing as there are 5 year gaps), there is a slight increase, and then an explosion after 2010. So one could just as easily correlate social media and the rise of constant connectedness to the increase in violence.
No of course not. Can you prove that any of those things affects mass murders? The chart had some proof that the gun ban worked somewhat successfully. I agree that social media has an impact on mental health, but not sure I’d go as far as impacting gun violence,
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Prove what? When they launched? Yes, I spent about 2 minutes on Google to verify that the first Iphone was released in 2007 and that Facebook and Twitter were launched in 2006 (Facebook was actually sooner but that is when it became available to everyone.)

As far as Social Media and mental health, that is also all over but one example:

That points to 2010 being an inflection point. If you view the graph posted earlier things held pretty steady through about 2007 (eyeballing as there are 5 year gaps), there is a slight increase, and then an explosion after 2010. So one could just as easily correlate social media and the rise of constant connectedness to the increase in violence.


So it could be a combo of both social media and AR availability both increasing at the same time?

Outlaw both. Only fair way.

Think of how many fewer kids a bully could bully before social media.
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So it could be a combo of both social media and AR availability both increasing at the same time?

Outlaw both. Only fair way.

Think of how many fewer kids a bully could bully before social media.
That would be nice. How many kids wouldn’t be bullied. People angry with fomos. Couples still TOGETHER. No more dirty dms. All of it. Ban it.
Prove what? When they launched? Yes, I spent about 2 minutes on Google to verify that the first Iphone was released in 2007 and that Facebook and Twitter were launched in 2006 (Facebook was actually sooner but that is when it became available to everyone.)

As far as Social Media and mental health, that is also all over but one example:

That points to 2010 being an inflection point. If you view the graph posted earlier things held pretty steady through about 2007 (eyeballing as there are 5 year gaps), there is a slight increase, and then an explosion after 2010. So one could just as easily correlate social media and the rise of constant connectedness to the increase in violence.
I read yesterday that school shooting were fairly consistent throughout the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. The average was around 1.5. They started to increase in the late 2000s. I know guns get all the media attention, but smartphones (technology) is our greatest threat to public health. At some point the government needs to address the issue as the public health crisis it is. Especially, with children.
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I read yesterday that school shooting were fairly consistent throughout the 80s, 90s, and early 2000. The average was around 1.5. They started to increase in the late 2000s. I know guns get all the media attention, but smartphones (technology) is our greatest threat to public health. At some point the government needs to address the issue as the public health crisis it is. Especially, with children.
Guns and trannies. I think we all knew this would be our greatest threats
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No of course not. Can you prove that any of those things affects mass murders? The chart had some proof that the gun ban worked somewhat successfully. I agree that social media has an impact on mental health, but not sure I’d go as far as impacting gun violence,
Can you prove that the gun ban does/did? We both have correlative data. One thing I do have is a completely new factor entering the discussion whereas guns have been around for centuries.
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That would be nice. How many kids wouldn’t be bullied. People angry with fomos. Couples still TOGETHER. No more dirty dms. All of it. Ban it.

Read about a 14 year old kid that committed suicide because other kids were air dropping pictures of his 19 year old sister's OnlyFans pics to him.

Back in the day, the bully would have had to...

1) discover local girl posed for Playboy, Penthouse, whatever.
2) find out how to buy/find issue...potentially backorder.
3) waste a copy physically cutting out pics of the sister.
4) wait to deliver said pics to victim at opportune time to achieve best bully effect.

Lotta trouble. Would definitely cut down the number of school bullying and the resultant suicides and/or mass murders of the bullied.

If it saves one life. How many more have to die before we outlaw social media?
Nobody implied that the clear correlation is incontrovertable evidence of causation.

But it would be a reasonable argument to make, in part since the implementation of weapons bans in other developed countries has also had enormous positive impacts, decreasing gun violence. Most countries seeing such benefits don't backtrack, like the USA did
The US leads the developed world in school shootings, mass shootings and firearms homicide rates. We're raising a generation of kids who are afraid they're going to be blown away at school, at the movies, at a concert or at any public gathering. That's beyond fvcked up. It's the sign of a country in decline. But, sure, let's fight those culture wars and obsess about what consenting adults do in the bedroom.
The USA has a far different history than the rest of the developed world. We have long believed in individual freedom given to us by God while other developed countries have lived with restriction their entire life. Kids where we have lived in different communities, we haven't lived in but one big city, are fearing they will get blown away - that is a fearmongering comment.
No one I know cares what happens between two consenting adults in their bedroom but do care about what is taught in schools, especially the early grades.

Your post is wrong in so many ways but where you are right is wanting to reduce mass shootings. The problem is we have people deciding to limit law abiding citizens thinking that will create safety. If we had a real discussion with posters that know gun facts and worked to find ways to get criminals to give up their guns, putting limits on legal gun owners won't work.

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