Thanks, GOP & NRA! 231 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 06/20/24)

Taking guns away is ALWAYS what they mean.
Why is that wrong? Everything is a balance. At what point does it favor greater restrictions to not only keep our kids safe but to protect the psyche of our kids and what should be the inviolability of our kids’ school experience. If school sanctity is gone what do we really have left as a society?
We damn sure didn’t have this problem in the 60s and 70s! Why is that?
Why is that wrong? Everything is a balance. At what point does it favor greater restrictions to not only keep our kids safe but to protect the psyche of our kids and what should be the inviolability of our kids’ school experience. If school sanctity is gone what do we really have left as a society?
I honestly don't know the answer. Obviously I'm not in favor of the UN interjecting itself and confiscating all US citizens' guns, but something more substantial does need to be done.

There is a prevailing and overriding fear among a good portion of the US citizenry that makes them feel like they need guns to feel safe. I don't know why that is. Among first-world nations, it's a uniquely American phenomenon. I wonder if quashing that irrational fear of everyone's proverbial shadows/boogie men is something that needs addressing. It's only compounded by the glorification and perceived manliness of handling a gun.
I honestly don't know the answer. Obviously I'm not in favor of the UN interjecting itself and confiscating all US citizens' guns, but something more substantial does need to be done.

There is a prevailing and overriding fear among a good portion of the US citizenry that makes them feel like they need guns to feel safe. I don't know why that is. Among first-world nations, it's a uniquely American phenomenon. I wonder if quashing that irrational fear of everyone's proverbial shadows/boogie men is something that needs addressing. It's only compounded by the glorification and perceived manliness of handling a gun.
I guess depends where you live. I wouldn’t have a house in the city here without a gun. But I don’t need a high capacity mag etc
I guess depends where you live. I wouldn’t have a house in the city here without a gun. But I don’t need a high capacity mag etc
I can respect that. I guess it's a chicken/egg thing though. At this point there are a lot of 'bad' people who have guns out there that I can't really fault anyone in certain areas for feeling the need to have a gun for protection.

That said, I've lived a lot of places and have never felt the need to own a gun. I can't see a scenario where that would change, but I could be wrong.
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I wish our lawmakers would listen to the public on this matter. The overwhelming majority of the public, including Republicans who own firearms, want some sort of common sense gun laws.
There are common sense laws. Do you live in Indiana?
Why is that wrong? Everything is a balance. At what point does it favor greater restrictions to not only keep our kids safe but to protect the psyche of our kids and what should be the inviolability of our kids’ school experience. If school sanctity is gone what do we really have left as a society?

He doesn't give a fk. Don't waste your effort.
The guy that brought a knife to a gun fight, said I don't need a gun too. May he rest in peace.
I don’t think it’s practical to ask people to give up their guns when crime is as bad as it is in certain areas today. If you live in the city here and your peace of mind is attached to it that’s fine. But I don’t think we need high capacity shit and I think we should make an effort to reduce the number of guns via buybacks etc. measures. And in time maybe we won’t feel insecure.

I joke around about trannies and shit but I mean it when I say that if we can’t keep our kids safe in school, and feeling safe, I’m not sure how we can be anything but a failed society at this point
I don’t think it’s practical to ask people to give up their guns when crime is as bad as it is in certain areas today. If you live in the city here and your peace of mind is attached to it that’s fine. But I don’t think we need high capacity shit and I think we should make an effort to reduce the number of guns via buybacks etc. measures. And in time maybe we won’t feel insecure.

I joke around about trannies and shit but I mean it when I say that if we can’t keep our kids safe in school, and feeling safe, I’m not sure how we can be anything but a failed society at this point
How many years did we spend in Afghanistan disarming the population?
I will never agree that the cure is to remove my ability to protect myself from fvcked up people, let alone a fvcked up government.
Why do we always focus on the wrong problem and never never never remember the unintended consequences? Lather, rinse, repeat.
How many years did we spend in Afghanistan disarming the population?
I will never agree that the cure is to remove my ability to protect myself from fvcked up people, let alone a fvcked up government.
Why do we always focus on the wrong problem and never never never remember the unintended consequences? Lather, rinse, repeat.
No. Your belief that you need to protect yourself with high capacity mags and assault rifles from other people and the gov outweighs the value you place on the sanctity of our kids’ youth. And you think that’s rational? In your 60 years on this earth how many times has the gov come for you that you had to load up to defend yourself? And in your activities of daily living in rural Indiana and a resort town in Alabama how many times have you had the need for an assault rifle?

After you list the occasions please describe each one with specificity.
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No. Your belief that you need to protect yourself with high capacity mags and assault rifles from other people and the gov outweighs the value you place on the sanctity of our kids’ youth. And you think that’s rational? In your 60 years on this earth how many times has the gov come for you that you had to load up to defend yourself? And in your activities of daily living in rural Indiana and a resort town in Alabama how many times have you had the need for an assault rifle?

After you list the occasions please describe each one with specificity.
It seems that I have heard this discussion somewhere before. I'mma tap out now. Good luck in St Louis.
Oh, I aint been here for 60 yrs yet.
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It seems that I have heard this discussion somewhere before. I'mma tap out now. Good luck in St Louis.
Oh, I aint been here for 60 yrs yet.
Tap out bitch!!! I really do appreciate your sentiment Joe. I don’t mind guns. My family would require the jaws of death to remove them from their weapons. For me it really just becomes a question of what’s more impt. Certain types of guns or our kids experiences and safety.
Why is that wrong? Everything is a balance. At what point does it favor greater restrictions to not only keep our kids safe but to protect the psyche of our kids and what should be the inviolability of our kids’ school experience. If school sanctity is gone what do we really have left as a society?
If you want to have a voluntary buyback…I wouldn’t have a problem with that.
Is each school district doing the buying?
Personally….I wouldn’t care if centerfire auto’s were not available.
My worry is we would have people drafting the rules that couldn’t tell the difference between a shotgun and a septic vent.
If you want to have a voluntary buyback…I wouldn’t have a problem with that.
Is each school district doing the buying?
Personally….I wouldn’t care if centerfire auto’s were not available.
My worry is we would have people drafting the rules that couldn’t tell the difference between a shotgun and a septic vent.
Yeah we can’t have inept people doing it. Get military, cops, etc involved
If you want to have a voluntary buyback…I wouldn’t have a problem with that.
Is each school district doing the buying?
Personally….I wouldn’t care if centerfire auto’s were not available.
My worry is we would have people drafting the rules that couldn’t tell the difference between a shotgun and a septic vent.
Wow you really don't give our policymakers much credit....... Oh wait, You may be onto something. lol
No. Your belief that you need to protect yourself with high capacity mags and assault rifles from other people and the gov outweighs the value you place on the sanctity of our kids’ youth. And you think that’s rational? In your 60 years on this earth how many times has the gov come for you that you had to load up to defend yourself? And in your activities of daily living in rural Indiana and a resort town in Alabama how many times have you had the need for an assault rifle?

After you list the occasions please describe each one with specificity.
If I can snap my fingers and remove all AR-15 style rifles from existence tomorrow, what do you, Murt, believe will happen the next time someone goes into a school and kills a dozen children (and we all know there will be a next time) with a hand gun or a different type of semi-automatic rifle?

At that point will we as a society accept we’ve done all we can do to solve this problem wrt regulating the firearms themselves? If your goal is to make these types of shootings less deadly by coming after the rifle that’s fine, there’s logic in that.

But I hate the idea of targeting the rifle as some sort of panacea for mass killings, much less gun deaths.

And if we’re being honest, the targeting of the rifle is an emotional decision, because it is frequently used on innocents, schools and children. If the end goal is to reduce gun deaths, there are a million steps that can and should be taken that would be more effective and practical than going after the rifle.
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If I can snap my fingers and remove all AR-15 style rifles from existence tomorrow, what do you, Murt, believe will happen the next time someone goes into a school and kills a dozen children (and we all know there will be a next time) with a hand gun or a different type of semi-automatic rifle?

Will we as a society at that point accept we’ve done all we can do to solve this problem wrt regulating the firearms themselves? If your goal is to make these shootings less deadly by coming after the rifle that’s fine, there’s logic in that.

But I hate the idea of targeting the rifle as some sort of panacea for mass killings much less gun deaths.

And if we’re being honest, the targeting of the rifle is an emotional decision, because it frequently involves innocents, schools and children. If the end goal is to reduce murders, there are a million steps that can and should be taken that would be more effective than going after the rifle.
I’m for going after all of it in a logical manner, including the million other things. I understand AR has become a totem for the politicians but it’s still a piece of the puzzle
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I’m for going after all of it in a logical manner, including the million other things. I understand AR has become a totem for the politicians but it’s still a piece of the puzzle
The problem is, in fact you are not going about this "logically".

Change this up a little. You are not stupid. How many different ways can you personally think of to kill groups of people who can't defend themselves? Just from your own mind.
Now, do that with the help of a search engine on the webz.
NOW do it with the help of an AI gpt thingy.
NOOOOW do it after talking to a middle eastern person.

Where will you stop banning the things that can be used? Where is the line? Cars? Airplanes? LPG Containers? fertilizer? Diesel fuel? Hydrogen Peroxide? .. How about canisters of freon and matches? Where's the line ? Maybe ban murder?
The problem is, in fact you are not going about this "logically".

Change this up a little. You are not stupid. How many different ways can you personally think of to kill groups of people who can't defend themselves? Just from your own mind.
Now, do that with the help of a search engine on the webz.
NOW do it with the help of an AI gpt thingy.
NOOOOW do it after talking to a middle eastern person.

Where will you stop banning the things that can be used? Where is the line? Cars? Airplanes? LPG Containers? fertilizer? Diesel fuel? Hydrogen Peroxide? .. How about canisters of freon and matches? Where's the line ? Maybe ban murder?
Yeah that’s really silly
GOP dirty tricks play book rule #1: when faced with a majority opinion, resort to fearmongering
The problem is, in fact you are not going about this "logically".

Change this up a little. You are not stupid. How many different ways can you personally think of to kill groups of people who can't defend themselves? Just from your own mind.
Now, do that with the help of a search engine on the webz.
NOW do it with the help of an AI gpt thingy.
NOOOOW do it after talking to a middle eastern person.

Where will you stop banning the things that can be used? Where is the line? Cars? Airplanes? LPG Containers? fertilizer? Diesel fuel? Hydrogen Peroxide? .. How about canisters of freon and matches? Where's the line ? Maybe ban murder?
Ban Murder! That’s your best answer yet.
But the left is okay with 80000 a year fentanyl deaths!
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Ok, I may have assumed too much. Mu bad.
No it’s just a silly argument. The intended purpose is different. The nature of the deaths is different. The importance to our activities of daily living is different. It’s just not a worthwhile comparison. Not to mention the ease of regulation etc
Doing NOTHING is always what you guys mean.
It's worse than that, though.

Republican officeholders invariably say stuff like:

(1) our thoughts and prayers go out to the families;

(2) it's a national tragedy but there's nothing we can do about it;

(3) it's a mental health problem and the states should do something about it.

What Republican officeholders really mean is:

(1) I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected;

(2) I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected;

(3). I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected.

Even when Republican officeholders get shot at their own Congressional baseball practices this is what they say and what they really mean. (Accept no substitutes and reject bullshit.)
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It's worse than that, though.

Republican officeholders invariably say stuff like:

(1) our thoughts and prayers go out to the families;

(2) it's a national tragedy but there's nothing we can do about it;

(3) it's a mental health problem and the states should do something about it.

What Republican officeholders really mean is:

(1) I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected;

(2) I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected;

(3). I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected.

Even when Republican officeholders get shot at their own Congressional baseball practices this is what they say and what they really mean. (Accept no substitutes and reject bullshit.)
Now do urban Dem/progressive politicians where deaths are infinitely more frequent. Or are you wearing your blinders again?
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I honestly don't know the answer. Obviously I'm not in favor of the UN interjecting itself and confiscating all US citizens' guns, but something more substantial does need to be done.

There is a prevailing and overriding fear among a good portion of the US citizenry that makes them feel like they need guns to feel safe. I don't know why that is. Among first-world nations, it's a uniquely American phenomenon. I wonder if quashing that irrational fear of everyone's proverbial shadows/boogie men is something that needs addressing. It's only compounded by the glorification and perceived manliness of handling a gun.
It is solely because Republicans want to get elected and/or reelected. Nothing else matters to them.
It's worse than that, though.

Republican officeholders invariably say stuff like:

(1) our thoughts and prayers go out to the families;

(2) it's a national tragedy but there's nothing we can do about it;

(3) it's a mental health problem and the states should do something about it.

What Republican officeholders really mean is:

(1) I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected;

(2) I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected;

(3). I don't give a shit how many got murdered this time but I want to get reelected.

Even when Republican officeholders get shot at their own Congressional baseball practices this is what they say and what they really mean. (Accept no substitutes and reject bullshit.)
What’s your proposal
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(1) our thoughts and prayers go out to the families;

(2) it's a national tragedy but there's nothing we can do about it;

(3) it's a mental health problem and the states should do something about it.

Multiple Pubs have publicly said 2) above today. I suppose that's progress. At least they weren't saying the teachers should have been armed.