Thanks, GOP & NRA! 231 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 06/20/24)

Now do urban Dem/progressive politicians where deaths are infinitely more frequent. Or are you wearing your blinders again?
When this board was talking about Ferguson, Missouri you claimed to be an irrefutable authority because you were something or other in Missouri (a misdemeanor public defender maybe? I can't remember).

When this board was talking about Trump's claims that he could improve NAFTA, you claimed that you were an irrefutable authority because you were an "international businessman" (though admitting you were doing business somewhere in the world other than Canada or Mexico).

When this board began talking about Desantis, you claimed you were an irrefutable expert because you had become a newby resident of Florida.

Because you've admitted in the past you got screwed in a shitty divorce and posted some things after drinking, many of us are sympathetic to you.

So get off my ass, and accept my support for your future irrefutable opinions about divorce and drinking.
When this board was talking about Ferguson, Missouri you claimed to be an irrefutable authority because you were something or other in Missouri (a misdemeanor public defender maybe? I can't remember).

When this board was talking about Trump's claims that he could improve NAFTA, you claimed that you were an irrefutable authority because you were an "international businessman" (though admitting you were doing business somewhere in the world other than Canada or Mexico).

When this board began talking about Desantis, you claimed you were an irrefutable expert because you had become a newby resident of Florida.

Because you've admitted in the past you got screwed in a shitty divorce and posted some things after drinking, many of us are sympathetic to you.

So get off my ass, and accept my support for your future irrefutable opinions about divorce and drinking.
No you’re the problem. Just quick to pile on to one side while ignoring your own side’s garbage. You are everything that is wrong with this country. And board really. You don’t contribute to discussion. Just vomit partisan crap.

As for my posts. I post only in threads where I know what I’m talking about.

Now. Care to do Dems in cities and crime?
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No you’re the problem. Just quick to pile on to one side while ignoring your own side’s garbage. You are everything that is wrong with this country. And board really. You don’t contribute to discussion. Just vomit partisan crap.

As for my posts. I post only in threads where I know what I’m talking about.

Now. Care to do Dems in cities and crime?
Was this last post of yours due to getting screwed in your divorce or drinking too much?

Get off my ass. Makes no sense. I agree with you a good part of the time.
No it’s just a silly argument. The intended purpose is different. The nature of the deaths is different. The importance to our activities of daily living is different. It’s just not a worthwhile comparison. Not to mention the ease of regulation etc
Unintentionally I think you made my argument for me. It took you 3 sentences to jump right stright to more regulation of the tool not the problem. Just make more laws. Make more reg's. Make bigger gov. Thanks for making my point.
Unintentionally I think you made my argument for me. It took you 3 sentences to jump right stright to more regulation of the tool not the problem. Just make more laws. Make more reg's. Make bigger gov. Thanks for making my point.
banning something doesn’t create more gov

Your point is you want what you want. That’s your only point
You agree with me a good part of the time bc I’m not partisan on every issue. That’s the point
I actually agree that you're not a partisan, as in you're not automatically auto-Republican, auto-Conservative or auto-Trumpist.

Nor am I the contrapositive.
As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.
The Constitution says the 2nd amendment can't be abridged. The "scary" AR15 isn't an automatic and other rifles fire as fast but with more dangerous ammo. Quit taking away guns from Americans except for the criminal people IE gangbangers, gun runners, and steals guns. Women love the AR15 along with men so tread very carefully or voters will vote you out of office. These rifles are assault rifles but guns that fire one round at a time.

We have 6 gun shooters that can fire as fast as machine guns, are they going to be outlawed too. I am guessing they aren't go after the gangs to get their guns and fat chance getting all the AR which is armilite rifle not automatic rifle as you and so many others think.

Many of the people pushing this Bill have never fired a gun and have no idea what it is like. Go and collect the AK 47 that fire so rapidly because it can be fired on automatic but not legal Americans that by guns legally.
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What’s your proposal
Gun/weapon control, as existed throughout history and acknowledged (and then ignored) by SCOTUS in its most recent partisan-Republican ruling.

An amendment that talks about "militias" but says nothing about "personal protection" cannot possibly lead to "textualist" or "originalist" interpretations establishing a person's supposed right to own firearms just because he wants to. Simply put, "personal protection" is not a stated goal of the Second Amendment.

I know I'm right, because the Bruen decision reads as silly as the Dred Scott Decision. It recognizes that many communities restricted ownership of weapons as far back as the 13th century and then acts like the founders did not know about that when they enacted an amendment to foster only "militias," while their Second Amendment said nothing about "personal protection,"

Read it and learn.

The second amendment reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

It says nothing about personal love of guns or even "personal protection," and gun bans were not unusual in communities for several hundred years before the Second Amendment was adopted. The founders certainly knew that many local communities banned guns.

And remember the gun-supporting Republicans never, ever acknowledge that the Second Amendment refers only to "arms" without limitation. Nonetheless, the gun-loving Republicans accept federal bans on private ownership of other "arms" like F-18s, tanks, rocket launchers, land mines and on and on.

Republicans love guns and really don't care how they are used, so long as they get reelected. It's a shame. Republicans used to have family values.
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Gun/weapon control, as existed throughout history and acknowledged (and then ignored) by SCOTUS in its most recent partisan-Republican ruling.

An amendment that talks about "militias" but says nothing about "personal protection" cannot possibly lead to "textualist" or "originalist" interpretations establishing a person's supposed right to own firearms just because he wants to. Simply put, "personal protection" is not a stated goal of the Second Amendment.

I know I'm right, because the Bruen decision reads as silly as the Dred Scott Decision. It recognizes that many communities restricted ownership of weapons as far back as the 13th century and then acts like the founders did not know about that when they enacted an amendment to foster only "militias," while their Second Amendment said nothing about "personal protection,"

Read it and learn.

The second amendment reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

It says nothing about personal love of guns or even "personal protection," and gun bans were not unusual in communities for several hundred years before the Second Amendment was adopted. The founders certainly knew that many local communities banned guns.

And remember the gun-supporting Republicans never, ever acknowledge that the Second Amendment refers only to "arms" without limitation. Nonetheless, the gun-loving Republicans accept federal bans on private ownership of other "arms" like F-18s, tanks, rocket launchers, land mines and on and on.

Republicans love guns and really don't care how they are used, so long as they get reelected. It's a shame. Republicans used to have family values.
That was a lot of words to say nothing.
What’s your proposal?
The Constitution says the 2nd amendment can't be abridged. The "scary" AR15 isn't an automatic and other rifles fire as fast but with more dangerous ammo. Quit taking away guns from Americans except for the criminal people IE gangbangers, gun runners, and steals guns. Women love the AR15 along with men so tread very carefully or voters will vote you out of office. These rifles are assault rifles but guns that fire one round at a time.

We have 6 gun shooters that can fire as fast as machine guns, are they going to be outlawed too. I am guessing they aren't go after the gangs to get their guns and fat chance getting all the AR which is armilite rifle not automatic rifle as you and so many others think.

Many of the people pushing this Bill have never fired a gun and have no idea what it is like. Go and collect the AK 47 that fire so rapidly because it can be fired on automatic but not legal Americans that by guns legally.
Oh yeah women LOVE the AR15. I have no doubt some women do, but you can check multiple polls that most people, not just women, don’t feel like guns like AR15 s are necessary for home use. Oh and many police don’t either. It makes their job harder.
Oh yeah women LOVE the AR15. I have no doubt some women do, but you can check multiple polls that most people, not just women, don’t feel like guns like AR15 s are necessary for home use. Oh and many police don’t either. It makes their job harder.
What’s your proposal?
The Constitution says the 2nd amendment can't be abridged. The "scary" AR15 isn't an automatic and other rifles fire as fast but with more dangerous ammo. Quit taking away guns from Americans except for the criminal people IE gangbangers, gun runners, and steals guns. Women love the AR15 along with men so tread very carefully or voters will vote you out of office. These rifles are assault rifles but guns that fire one round at a time.

We have 6 gun shooters that can fire as fast as machine guns, are they going to be outlawed too. I am guessing they aren't go after the gangs to get their guns and fat chance getting all the AR which is armilite rifle not automatic rifle as you and so many others think.

Many of the people pushing this Bill have never fired a gun and have no idea what it is like. Go and collect the AK 47 that fire so rapidly because it can be fired on automatic but not legal Americans that by guns legally.
Multiple Pubs have publicly said 2) above today. I suppose that's progress. At least they weren't saying the teachers should have been armed.
That's actually the same thing (unless the Republicans have actually interviewed all 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6-grade teachers to find out if (1) they want to be armed, and (2) they have the mental capacity to be armed.

Saying teachers should be armed sounds like just more Republican blabbing, so they can be reelected. Typical Republicans.
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Red flag laws and automatic gun restrictions that were in place ( during which time mass murders dropped) before Republican voted to drop them, tighten up background checks such as at gun shows. To start with. What’s your proposal?
I have no problems with any of those but would need specifics on the red flag laws. I don’t know a soul with an automatic weapon. I’ve never been to a gun show
As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.
One reason people are afraid of "reasonable gun regulation" is because it will never stop. Many are dedicated to incrementally reducing 2d Amendment rights, one by one, until there are no rights left. But the most important reason is because they are mandated by the US Constitution.

And, driving a car is NOT a right since it is not mentioned in the Constitution. Instead, it is considered a "privilege" and it is not afforded the same protection as a constitutional right.
I have no problems with any of those but would need specifics on the red flag laws. I don’t know a soul with an automatic weapon. I’ve never been to a gun show
Ah, OK, that means you have no proposals of your own. Good to know.

People that actually have their own proposals can provide their own "specifics" without lying in the weeds waiting to ambush someone else's proposal.

No worries -- that's a typical Republican/ Gingrich tactic we've all seen before.

Have a good Republican evening!! You won't have any misgivings about anything you proposed, will you?
That's actually the same thing (unless the Republicans have actually interviewed all 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6-grade teachers to find out if (1) they want to be armed, and (2) they have the mental capacity to be armed.

Saying teachers should be armed sounds like just more Republican blabbing, so they can be reelected. Typical Republicans.
Don’t trust teachers to pick out books for your child, but trust them with guns? Make it make sense.
One reason people are afraid of "reasonable gun regulation" is because it will never stop. Many are dedicated to incrementally reducing 2d Amendment rights, one by one, until there are no rights left. But the most important reason is because they are mandated by the US Constitution.

And, driving a car is NOT a right since it is not mentioned in the Constitution. Instead, it is considered a "privilege" and it is not afforded the same protection as a constitutional right.
Oh yeah it would be awful to chip away at gun rights. That would NEVER happen for women’s rights.
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One reason people are afraid of "reasonable gun regulation" is because it will never stop. Many are dedicated to incrementally reducing 2d Amendment rights, one by one, until there are no rights left. But the most important reason is because they are mandated by the US Constitution.

And, driving a car is NOT a right since it is not mentioned in the Constitution. Instead, it is considered a "privilege" and it is not afforded the same protection as a constitutional right.
Do you think anything has changed in this country since the Constitution was written?
One reason people are afraid of "reasonable gun regulation" is because it will never stop. Many are dedicated to incrementally reducing 2d Amendment rights, one by one, until there are no rights left. But the most important reason is because they are mandated by the US Constitution.

And, driving a car is NOT a right since it is not mentioned in the Constitution. Instead, it is considered a "privilege" and it is not afforded the same protection as a constitutional right.
Just like cars, ownership or use of a machinegun or tank or ICBM is not mentioned in the Constitution, thus those are not "mandated" by the Constitution according to your post.

Nonetheless, Republicans seeking reelection vehemently oppose all gun regulation without explaining why their absolutist view of the Second Amendment does not oppose the government from restricting or banning the use of machineguns or tanks or ICBMs ( which Republicans accept). Those are "arms", too.

You and the Republicans cannot explain away such inconsistencies.

Please tell me this: does the Second Amendment block the government from infringing my right to own an atom bomb or not?

Now, now, no cheating! Answer the question!
Don’t trust teachers to pick out books for your child, but trust them with guns? Make it make sense.
It makes sense to Republicans seeking election or reelection. That's all Republicans care about these days.
Red flag laws and automatic gun restrictions that were in place ( during which time mass murders dropped) before Republican voted to drop them, tighten up background checks such as at gun shows. To start with. What’s your proposal?
If you are on an anti-psychotic you are unable to purchase firearms. Or if you’ve ever been on an antipsychotic you are unable to purchase firearms.
If centerfire semi-auto long guns were not available for public purchase…then so be it.
Does it end there?
No it’s just a silly argument. The intended purpose is different. The nature of the deaths is different. The importance to our activities of daily living is different. It’s just not a worthwhile comparison. Not to mention the ease of regulation etc
We get into this kind of discussion over deaths at a school - and rightfully so - and yet don't blink at all when we see the weekend murder totals in our major cities.

We have mass shootings happening all the time - non-AR deaths, but from normal handguns - just not in one place, in our cities. Every day.
Red flag laws and automatic gun restrictions that were in place ( during which time mass murders dropped) before Republican voted to drop them, tighten up background checks such as at gun shows. To start with. What’s your proposal?
You live in a state that has Red Flag laws. Passed by a Republican legislature and government.
The Constitution says the 2nd amendment can't be abridged.

which is why muskets should always be legal for members of our well regulated militia.

that said, rocket launchers aren't legal, and shouldn't be.

officially changing the industry term for rocket launcher to rifle, shouldn't instantly make them legal, as they as would still be no more a musket than an AR 15, and someone deeming himself a member of our militia, if he isn't, doesn't make that so either.
For these mass shootings...
1. Reinstitute the assault weapons bans from the 90s. Police unions are begging for it. MAGA!
2. Close all private transfer loop holes.
3. Federal background checks and clearance. Those on terrorist watch list cannot own a gun.
4. Mental health check. No guns for the crazies.

For the city gun problems...
1. Assault weapons ban from the 90s MAGA!
2. End the war on drugs. Didn't work and is the cause of most of the countries gang violence. May not be Cheaper buts it's certainly easier to deal with a few more addicts than it is to deal with dead kids from gang crossfire.
3. Invest heavily in the poorest neighborhoods. Through the schools and big tax incentives to businesses to put up shop in these areas. This is for poor rural areas too.
For these mass shootings...
1. Reinstitute the assault weapons bans from the 90s. Police unions are begging for it. MAGA!
2. Close all private transfer loop holes.
3. Federal background checks and clearance. Those on terrorist watch list cannot own a gun.
4. Mental health check. No guns for the crazies.

For the city gun problems...
1. Assault weapons ban from the 90s MAGA!
2. End the war on drugs. Didn't work and is the cause of most of the countries gang violence. May not be Cheaper buts it's certainly easier to deal with a few more addicts than it is to deal with dead kids from gang crossfire.
3. Invest heavily in the poorest neighborhoods. Through the schools and big tax incentives to businesses to put up shop in these areas. This is for poor rural areas too.
Should we have a list of all Americans that are on antipsychotics publicly available?
Or are you defining mental health check in a different manner?
As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.

You make some good points.

But I can't take them seriously when you add party to your point, as conversely, Dem open border policy is linked to 10s of thousands of fentanyl deaths.

Both parties are totally worthless, so adding them to an argument doesn't help your point at all.
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