Taylor Swift

I'm surprised that the Trump cultists on here aren't running with the stupid conspiracy theory that Harris had a hidden earpiece and was being fed lines during the debate.

Apparently that's a popular delusion among the dbm twitter twits and truth social morons. Special earrings!
It’s not even original. The moonbats on ths board claimed GWB was given answers through an earpiece for a debate with Kerry. It was pathetically stupid. It’s still pathetically stupid when wingnuts make the claim about Harris.
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Taylor swift would beat trump if she ran. He has no idea what he’s doing.
I don't like that celebrity culture can have such an impact on our politics, but there is no denying that it does. I totally agree with you that she is infinitely more popular and likeable than Trump. At the end of the day, he's supremely jealous that him giving similar endorsements doesn't have the same effect. In fact, there have been candidates he's hurt in recent elections.

I don't doubt he actually hates her, but not simply because she endorsed his Democratic challenger. It eats at him that he'll never reach her level of fame and stardom.
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A lot of people hate Taylor swift.

Not me necessarily.

I liked Fearless.Speak Now, and 22.

When she somehow became a pop sensation shaking her ass on stage the game changed.

Just a complete cynical marketing ploy.

I don’t like people who will sell their soul like that. She doesn’t even like the music she makes now.

Her suburban PA parents who lean right are clinging on to dear life. Mother seems overbearing.
What’s the matter? Jealous she’s a self made billionaire while you are stuck in your trailer? Another thing. She made her money honestly and I’m pretty sure she’s not going to have to file bankruptcy once let alone 6 times. You do understand who pays for those bankruptcies right? We the consumers who pay more fees from the banks who got fleeced.
Orange Jesus couldn’t even condemn the bomb threats in Ohio when asked yesterday to do so. While Biden and Harris condemned the failed attempt on his life immediately That’s what decent people do. And JD said he was making up those stories. Guess that wonderful granny he speaks so fondly of told him that making up hateful stories that inevitably lead to violence are not really lies and don’t hurt anyone. But he and Orange Jesus need not worry. There will be plenty of space in hell for he and his followers like you who spew hate of the other.
Just remember what the real Jesus said. On the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak. I’m thinking it’s a good thing there’s an eternity because God’s going to need it when listening to Trump’s accounting.
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I don't like that celebrity culture can have such an impact on our politics, but there is no denying that it does. I totally agree with you that she is infinitely more popular and likeable than Trump. At the end of the day, he's supremely jealous that him giving similar endorsements doesn't have the same effect. In fact, there have been candidates he's hurt in recent elections.

I don't doubt he actually hates her, but not simply because he endorsed his Democratic challenger. It eats at him that he'll never reach the level of fame and stardom she's at.
I love that celebrity culture has the affect of getting people to vote regardless of who it’s for. Too many Americans get the full advantage of being in this country and then bitch about what they don’t like about it without participating in changing the direction.
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Just remember what the real Jesus said. On the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak. I’m thinking it’s a good thing there’s an eternity because God’s going to need it when listening to Trump’s accounting.
Modern Christian Nationalists/MAGA cultists don't really know or care much about Jesus' teachings. When talking about prayer in school or whatever it is they talk about wanting, they never actually evoke Jesus' teachings. Seriously - no modern politician has ever advocated for a policy or political stance that fits into what Jesus actually taught. Compassion, forgiveness and turning they other cheek aren't exactly red meat for their base.
I love that celebrity culture has the affect of getting people to vote regardless of who it’s for. Too many Americans get the full advantage of being in this country and then bitch about what they don’t like about it without participating in changing the direction.
that's a good point. I don't recall the specific number, but I saw Taylor Swift got in the ballpark of 400,000 people to register to vote after her endorsement. In a close election, that number could be huge.
^^ this is a pastor repeating a debunked racist propaganda trope. At the core of that statement is hatred and lies. Hatred and lies are the work of Satan. You are lost and too f**king dumb to know it.

Jesus approves of this post.

I don’t acknowledge him as a pastor. You can’t just say it and then go against every objective principle it is supposed to represent.
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I don’t acknowledge him as a pastor. You can’t just say it and then go against every objective principle it is supposed to represent.
Never listen to a politician when he's promoting a religion and never listen to a preacher when he's promoting a political party. Sure signs of f*ckery and brain worms...

Add: especially never listen to one that spread lies by repeating bullshit RW racist propaganda.
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Modern Christian Nationalists/MAGA cultists don't really know or care much about Jesus' teachings. When talking about prayer in school or whatever it is they talk about wanting, they never actually evoke Jesus' teachings. Seriously - no modern politician has ever advocated for a policy or political stance that fits into what Jesus actually taught. Compassion, forgiveness and turning they other cheek aren't exactly red meat for their base.
Spot on. And, with respect to your last sentence ....

"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching - - 'turn the other cheek' - - and to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?' Moore said. When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ,' the response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak.'

"When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis."

That’s mother mothering the chiefs!!!! The swifties have gone so nutty they’ve lost my daughter and her crew. I’d prefer they stick with Taylor over the ones they like now. Awful.
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It’s not even original. The moonbats on ths board claimed GWB was given answers through an earpiece for a debate with Kerry. It was pathetically stupid. It’s still pathetically stupid when wingnuts make the claim about Harris.
I bet many in the GOP wish Trump had an earpiece lol

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