Strangest phenomenon you've experienced?


Hall of Famer
Oct 26, 2001
Curious what the strangest phenomenon, natural or unexplained, you've personally experienced is? I really only have 1: when I was a young kid, maybe 8 or 9, i was in the backyard with a neighbor girl who was a year younger and we saw what I think was ball lightning. It was a glowing floating orb about the size of a medicine ball. They are often reported to explode, but this just kind of bounced off in to the trees and out of sight. It was floating near power lines and I know there were storms in the area, but it wasn't storming at the time. Anyone else seen ball lightning? A friend who lived near where we saw this, described something else like ball lightning, but it was inside their house. Both seem fairly consistent with descriptions for ball lightning although there are few "documented" incidence.

I've never had any experience with a ghost or UFO, although I've have good friends who I believe are truly convinced they have seen both. Anyone willing to 'fess up if they have?
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When I was living in Terre Haute, I was lying in bed in the pitch black, when I something banging against my back door, immediately followed by the sound of an animal walking over the kitchen floor. The animal, which sounded like a dog, walked into my room and parked at the foot of my bed and just panted for a while. When I say pitch black, I mean literally pitch black. I didn't even have the glow from an alarm clock. Anyway, needless to say, I was scared shitless. After a few minutes, my visitor ran across the bedroom and through the window (which went all the way to the floor, as it was originally a door before the house was converted to multiple units). At this point, I got up and turned some lights one. Door and window were both closed and undamaged.

I was not chemically altered in any way or asleep at the time. And I don't actually believe in ghosts, but I absolutely cannot explain what happened.
Curious what the strangest phenomenon, natural or unexplained, you've personally experienced is? I really only have 1: when I was a young kid, maybe 8 or 9, i was in the backyard with a neighbor girl who was a year younger and we saw what I think was ball lightning. It was a glowing floating orb about the size of a medicine ball. They are often reported to explode, but this just kind of bounced off in to the trees and out of sight. It was floating near power lines and I know there were storms in the area, but it wasn't storming at the time. Anyone else seen ball lightning? A friend who lived near where we saw this, described something else like ball lightning, but it was inside their house. Both seem fairly consistent with descriptions for ball lightning although there are few "documented" incidence.

I've never had any experience with a ghost or UFO, although I've have good friends who I believe are truly convinced they have seen both. Anyone willing to 'fess up if they have?

All of the lawyers and other self proclaimed intellectuals on the Water Cooler trying to prove who has the biggest dick
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Curious what the strangest phenomenon, natural or unexplained, you've personally experienced is? I really only have 1: when I was a young kid, maybe 8 or 9, i was in the backyard with a neighbor girl who was a year younger and we saw what I think was ball lightning. It was a glowing floating orb about the size of a medicine ball. They are often reported to explode, but this just kind of bounced off in to the trees and out of sight. It was floating near power lines and I know there were storms in the area, but it wasn't storming at the time. Anyone else seen ball lightning? A friend who lived near where we saw this, described something else like ball lightning, but it was inside their house. Both seem fairly consistent with descriptions for ball lightning although there are few "documented" incidence.

I've never had any experience with a ghost or UFO, although I've have good friends who I believe are truly convinced they have seen both. Anyone willing to 'fess up if they have?

I Remember Hearing A Lot Of Strange Noises The Last Time I Was Banging Your mom.
Curious what the strangest phenomenon, natural or unexplained, you've personally experienced is? I really only have 1: when I was a young kid, maybe 8 or 9, i was in the backyard with a neighbor girl who was a year younger and we saw what I think was ball lightning. It was a glowing floating orb about the size of a medicine ball. They are often reported to explode, but this just kind of bounced off in to the trees and out of sight. It was floating near power lines and I know there were storms in the area, but it wasn't storming at the time. Anyone else seen ball lightning? A friend who lived near where we saw this, described something else like ball lightning, but it was inside their house. Both seem fairly consistent with descriptions for ball lightning although there are few "documented" incidence.

I've never had any experience with a ghost or UFO, although I've have good friends who I believe are truly convinced they have seen both. Anyone willing to 'fess up if they have?
I saw ball lightning when I was a kid. I was sitting in our family room watching TV when a lightning strike hit very close. This ball seemed to come through the wall or the floor vent and rolled across the floor into the TV. The TV shut itself off, but we didn't lose power. The TV came back on without damage. Our garage was on the other side off the wall where the TV was located. One garage door opened. The opener was not damaged, but the light that comes on when the door opens would not turn off. I have never seen anything like that since.
I saw ball lightning when I was a kid. I was sitting in our family room watching TV when a lightning strike hit very close. This ball seemed to come through the wall or the floor vent and rolled across the floor into the TV. The TV shut itself off, but we didn't lose power. The TV came back on without damage. Our garage was on the other side off the wall where the TV was located. One garage door opened. The opener was not damaged, but the light that comes on when the door opens would not turn off. I have never seen anything like that since.

That sounds close to what my friend saw. He said it kind of moved around in their house on the floors, walls and ceilings. He thought maybe it was following wiring in the house and said it kind of chased them around.
I Remember Hearing A Lot Of Strange Noises The Last Time I Was Banging Your mom.

I'd have thought you would have gotten used to laughter by now and not think it strange anymore. Glad my Mom's still getting some at 76, she always has been a gamer, but with bad taste in men!
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Curious what the strangest phenomenon, natural or unexplained, you've personally experienced is? I really only have 1: when I was a young kid, maybe 8 or 9, i was in the backyard with a neighbor girl who was a year younger and we saw what I think was ball lightning. It was a glowing floating orb about the size of a medicine ball. They are often reported to explode, but this just kind of bounced off in to the trees and out of sight. It was floating near power lines and I know there were storms in the area, but it wasn't storming at the time. Anyone else seen ball lightning? A friend who lived near where we saw this, described something else like ball lightning, but it was inside their house. Both seem fairly consistent with descriptions for ball lightning although there are few "documented" incidence.

I've never had any experience with a ghost or UFO, although I've have good friends who I believe are truly convinced they have seen both. Anyone willing to 'fess up if they have?

Saw a fish rainbow at Lincoln State Park. Fish jumping out of the water, arcing like a rainbow, and re-entering the water. Hundreds of em. Lasted about 3-4 seconds. Top of the arc was maybe 3 feet above the water. It was maybe 4 feet from the place where they came out of the water and the place they went back in.

Could have been a dream. Could have been real.
Never been able to tell.
One night in early July, about 7 or 8 years ago, I'm driving East on I-70 through Columbus (OH) going about 70 MPH in the middle lane. There is another car in front of us, going the same rate of speed. Out of nowhere, I see a large, black woman in a white nightgown crossing the busy highway, barefoot. She's walking from our left-to-right, looking straight ahead, without any regard of the cross-traffic. By the time I spotted her, she was entering our lane, just as the car in front of us would be running smack into her. I took my foot off the gas pedal and braced for impact, but... nothing. We were already past the point where the lady should have been. I closed my eyes briefly, but when I opened them and looked back, she was gone. I turned to my buddy sitting shotgun to see if he witnessed the same thing and he was whiter than a ghost. We both freaked out, knowing what we just saw.
Curious what the strangest phenomenon, natural or unexplained, you've personally experienced is? I really only have 1: when I was a young kid, maybe 8 or 9, i was in the backyard with a neighbor girl who was a year younger and we saw what I think was ball lightning. It was a glowing floating orb about the size of a medicine ball. They are often reported to explode, but this just kind of bounced off in to the trees and out of sight. It was floating near power lines and I know there were storms in the area, but it wasn't storming at the time. Anyone else seen ball lightning? A friend who lived near where we saw this, described something else like ball lightning, but it was inside their house. Both seem fairly consistent with descriptions for ball lightning although there are few "documented" incidence.

I've never had any experience with a ghost or UFO, although I've have good friends who I believe are truly convinced they have seen both. Anyone willing to 'fess up if they have?
I've had a couple experiences that fall under... WTF. I've had a few "ghostly" experiences (one which I'll highlight here), an earthquake, and something that used to happen way more... dreams that came true. And I don't mean "I feel like I've done this before" I mean "I KNOW I've done this in a dream" or been there.

If you've never had a night terror I don't recommend it. I'm an extremely restless sleeper but its picked up over the past 6-8 years since college. One night my girlfriend, her dog, and I all slept in my bed. Its kind of hard to put into words so I'll explain it the best I can... but as I slept I woke up and felt like someone had pulled the sheets over my head and was attacking me. What I remember, rather vividly, was the feeling like someone was hitting me or trying to restrain me. As I fought my way out front under the cover I woke to a bright halo light around curtains coving the window just above my bed. Just outside the window is my side yard that has a motion sensor light. As I panicked I ripped the curtains off the wall to find my motion sensor light on (very rarely actually turns on). Needless to say my heart was racing and my girlfriend was screaming out my name to wake me up. I remember this all very vividly.
When we talked about what happened the next morning she told me her account of what happened... she said in the middle of the night she woke up to me screaming at the top of my lungs as loud as she's ever heard me. She reached over to touch me to wake me up and I was ice cold. The minute she touched my shoulder I started swinging wildly in the air at her. she curled up in a ball and yelled my name until I woke up. She said I still didn't appear to fully come to for another couple of seconds after I ripped off the curtains.
To this day, I can remember everything about that experience. I don't know how to describe it, even went to the dr. about it and all they said was it must have been a night terror.

I've had a few other night terrors in my life. Usually a few years apart when something emotional has happened and i'm extremely sleep deprived.

I've got a couple other good ones but that one is the one that to this day gives me chills writing out. I didn't sleep in my room for weeks after that. Actually, didn't really stay in there for a few months. Would find ways to not stay at home. All good now, also helps that I got a hotter girlfriend next to me these days
I've had a couple experiences that fall under... WTF. I've had a few "ghostly" experiences (one which I'll highlight here), an earthquake, and something that used to happen way more... dreams that came true. And I don't mean "I feel like I've done this before" I mean "I KNOW I've done this in a dream" or been there.

If you've never had a night terror I don't recommend it. I'm an extremely restless sleeper but its picked up over the past 6-8 years since college. One night my girlfriend, her dog, and I all slept in my bed. Its kind of hard to put into words so I'll explain it the best I can... but as I slept I woke up and felt like someone had pulled the sheets over my head and was attacking me. What I remember, rather vividly, was the feeling like someone was hitting me or trying to restrain me. As I fought my way out front under the cover I woke to a bright halo light around curtains coving the window just above my bed. Just outside the window is my side yard that has a motion sensor light. As I panicked I ripped the curtains off the wall to find my motion sensor light on (very rarely actually turns on). Needless to say my heart was racing and my girlfriend was screaming out my name to wake me up. I remember this all very vividly.
When we talked about what happened the next morning she told me her account of what happened... she said in the middle of the night she woke up to me screaming at the top of my lungs as loud as she's ever heard me. She reached over to touch me to wake me up and I was ice cold. The minute she touched my shoulder I started swinging wildly in the air at her. she curled up in a ball and yelled my name until I woke up. She said I still didn't appear to fully come to for another couple of seconds after I ripped off the curtains.
To this day, I can remember everything about that experience. I don't know how to describe it, even went to the dr. about it and all they said was it must have been a night terror.

I've had a few other night terrors in my life. Usually a few years apart when something emotional has happened and i'm extremely sleep deprived.

I've got a couple other good ones but that one is the one that to this day gives me chills writing out. I didn't sleep in my room for weeks after that. Actually, didn't really stay in there for a few months. Would find ways to not stay at home. All good now, also helps that I got a hotter girlfriend next to me these days

I've had a couple of living nightmares like you described. One when I was little, maybe 10 we were staying at my Grandpa's house, I was sleeping on the floor while my mom and dad were sleeping in the bed. All of a sudden my dad gets up and he chops my mom into pieces. I freak out and run into the closet (yeah, brave kid right?) and my dad then goes into my grandparents room and chops them up then into the room where my two sisters were and all I hear is him chopping them up. Then he starts screaming my name with an axe in his hand (like from the Shining) and he finally finds my hiding in the closet. He rips open the door, reaches out to strangle me and then.....out of nowhere he starts shaking me and telling me to wake up.

The reality was I was making all kinds of F'd up noises and my dad simply reached down from the bed to try to wake me up.

The other one I remember was I had a national softball tournament in California and I was sharing a room with my best friend and his wife. Sounds cool I know. We're sleeping on one bed (again, hell yeah and she was a hottie) when all of a sudden her dead, rotten corpse falls on top of me. I freak out and push it off and then she turns back into normal again...she was trying to wake me up.

It's F'd up but I remember them vividly.
That sounds close to what my friend saw. He said it kind of moved around in their house on the floors, walls and ceilings. He thought maybe it was following wiring in the house and said it kind of chased them around.
We wondered if it was launched in a random direction and happened to hit the TV or if it was attracted to the TV. The garage door opener that was damaged was in a straight line with the path it took. The opener on the other garage door was undamaged and did not open.
I've had a couple experiences that fall under... WTF. I've had a few "ghostly" experiences (one which I'll highlight here), an earthquake, and something that used to happen way more... dreams that came true. And I don't mean "I feel like I've done this before" I mean "I KNOW I've done this in a dream" or been there.

If you've never had a night terror I don't recommend it. I'm an extremely restless sleeper but its picked up over the past 6-8 years since college. One night my girlfriend, her dog, and I all slept in my bed. Its kind of hard to put into words so I'll explain it the best I can... but as I slept I woke up and felt like someone had pulled the sheets over my head and was attacking me. What I remember, rather vividly, was the feeling like someone was hitting me or trying to restrain me. As I fought my way out front under the cover I woke to a bright halo light around curtains coving the window just above my bed. Just outside the window is my side yard that has a motion sensor light. As I panicked I ripped the curtains off the wall to find my motion sensor light on (very rarely actually turns on). Needless to say my heart was racing and my girlfriend was screaming out my name to wake me up. I remember this all very vividly.
When we talked about what happened the next morning she told me her account of what happened... she said in the middle of the night she woke up to me screaming at the top of my lungs as loud as she's ever heard me. She reached over to touch me to wake me up and I was ice cold. The minute she touched my shoulder I started swinging wildly in the air at her. she curled up in a ball and yelled my name until I woke up. She said I still didn't appear to fully come to for another couple of seconds after I ripped off the curtains.
To this day, I can remember everything about that experience. I don't know how to describe it, even went to the dr. about it and all they said was it must have been a night terror.

I've had a few other night terrors in my life. Usually a few years apart when something emotional has happened and i'm extremely sleep deprived.

I've got a couple other good ones but that one is the one that to this day gives me chills writing out. I didn't sleep in my room for weeks after that. Actually, didn't really stay in there for a few months. Would find ways to not stay at home. All good now, also helps that I got a hotter girlfriend next to me these days

My wife has night terrors. She had about a week of them straight one year it was brutal. I could hardly sleep because she would be screaming or crying in the middle of the night. I did some research on them and found that a change of environment can cause them. We had made some changes to our room and added a TV which we never had before. I took the TV out of the room and the night terrors stopped. She says it is like real life when they happen and she can't help it. I usually have to shake her or call her name out until she wakes up. Not sure that is the best way to end them but hell I am not able to sleep when she has them. She will wake up sobbing from some of them. I guess I have a hard time understanding because I rarely remember what I dream about. She is a deep sleeper and I am a very light sleeper which i think has something to do with it. I always tell her when I am sleeping I can hear a mouse fart. Her she couldn't hear bombs going off if they were outside the window.
We wondered if it was launched in a random direction and happened to hit the TV or if it was attracted to the TV. The garage door opener that was damaged was in a straight line with the path it took. The opener on the other garage door was undamaged and did not open.

Sounds like we all suspected some effect from electrical sources. I always thought the power lines with the one we saw played some role and it roughly paralleled them while floating. I know my friends family felt the one they saw followed or traveled along electrical wires in the house.
When I was kid, my sister and I were out on the side patio of our house. There was a plane flying above and a screw come out of the sky and landed on the patio. I remember it so vividly...I took it inside to show my Mom and she was glad it didn't hit us in the head! Was some wild chit
Once I staying at a friend's house, we were probably about 13-14 at the time. I woke up in the middle of the night and the tv was on in their family room. It was keeping me awake so I decided to turn it off. I walked to the family room to the tv and just before I pressed the power button the tv turned off. I thought it was weird, but I was half asleep so I just turned around and headed back to bed. As soon as I took a step away from the tv it turned back on. Again, weird, but wanted to go to sleep so I reached back down to turn it off and again, before I could press the button it turned off. I was officially spooked at this point and thought someone might be messing with me (my friend had 3 sisters) so I turned on the lights in the family room and no one was there. The tv kept turning off/on each time I was about to press the power button and I was about to piss my pants. Being the curious sort I am, I decided to figure out the issue rather than wake everyone up. Turns out that when his dad went to bed he laid one remote upside down on the top of another remote. The power button was being pressed and each time I stepped in front of the tv I broke the signal between the remote and the tv and turned off/on. As soon as I stepped away it turned on/off. I was really scared there for a while.

Another time I had a nose bleed in the shower but because of the water running over my head and face I didn't feel the nosebleed. I just started seeing drops of blood hitting the floor of the shower and thought I was in a Friday the 13th movie where Jason stashes a dead body in the ceiling. Took me a few seconds to figure that out too.
Curious what the strangest phenomenon, natural or unexplained, you've personally experienced is? I really only have 1: when I was a young kid, maybe 8 or 9, i was in the backyard with a neighbor girl who was a year younger and we saw what I think was ball lightning. It was a glowing floating orb about the size of a medicine ball. They are often reported to explode, but this just kind of bounced off in to the trees and out of sight. It was floating near power lines and I know there were storms in the area, but it wasn't storming at the time. Anyone else seen ball lightning? A friend who lived near where we saw this, described something else like ball lightning, but it was inside their house. Both seem fairly consistent with descriptions for ball lightning although there are few "documented" incidence.

I've never had any experience with a ghost or UFO, although I've have good friends who I believe are truly convinced they have seen both. Anyone willing to 'fess up if they have?
I wouldn't call it a UFO, but I saw something strange when I was about 4 or 5. I was outside playing in my sandbox (old tractor tire) and looked up at the hill in the field behind me and saw a white blimp. I ran in the house and told my mom there was a big flying egg in the backyard. She thought I was making it up, but went out to see if there was any truth to what I was saying. Apparently it was a Naval airship. I have no idea what it was doing in southern Indiana or where it was based.
I wouldn't call it a UFO, but I saw something strange when I was about 4 or 5. I was outside playing in my sandbox (old tractor tire) and looked up at the hill in the field behind me and saw a white blimp. I ran in the house and told my mom there was a big flying egg in the backyard. She thought I was making it up, but went out to see if there was any truth to what I was saying. Apparently it was a Naval airship. I have no idea what it was doing in southern Indiana or where it was based.
My mother saw a "UFO" outside of dayton in 1980. She's told me the story once or twice. They followed it down some country roads until it stopped over the road after coming out behind a patch of woods. Said it was only 150 yards or so out in front of their car before it went straight up in the air and disappeared almost instantly into the clouds

Not exactly rare, but it's pretty damned remarkable.

Yes, it is. Wasn't what I had in mind, but I'd agree, it's a bit mind-blowing and I'd have to agree, qualifies based on my original post.
Saw someone's aura in the form of glowing, shimmering footsteps left on a dorm stairs.....that was about an hour or so after chugging down a peyote laced milkshake.


I wouldn't call it a UFO, but I saw something strange when I was about 4 or 5. I was outside playing in my sandbox (old tractor tire) and looked up at the hill in the field behind me and saw a white blimp. I ran in the house and told my mom there was a big flying egg in the backyard. She thought I was making it up, but went out to see if there was any truth to what I was saying. Apparently it was a Naval airship. I have no idea what it was doing in southern Indiana or where it was based.

My father has told me the story of the night he saw a UFO. It was in the late 80's.

They were driving one evening when he saw a oddly shaped black UFO flying very low and was very quiet.

In the late 90's the US Military introduced the stealth bomber and my father immediately remembered that night.
He has assumed that an early prototype must have been at Grissom Air Force Base.
Alicia. If you pinched and pulled her nipples really hard, I mean really freakin hard, she would gush fluid. Girl loved pain.

I'm not sure that's overly strange (well, maybe the pain part). I have fairly sensitive nips when it comes to sensual stuff. Play with them orally or manually (gently though, not painfully) while I'm erect...and I'll pretty much explode on command as well. But I know some dudes who don't want theirs touched one bit during sex. Don't get that at adds SO much pleasure to the experience!