Another thing I wasn't a fan of: Rush Limbaugh getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I don't wish him any ill will, nor am I remotely happy about his diagnosis of late stage lung cancer. That's a horrible disease and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

That said, this is a horrible precedent. I don't think president Jonathan Taylor Thomas should give it Rachel Maddow in 50 either.
DeNeiro and Oprah, Ellen and Elvis all have one. Looking at the list on Wiki it appears it goes to just about anyone a POTUS is a fan of, plus a few who have done something to actually deserve an award.
DeNeiro and Oprah, Ellen and Elvis all have one. Looking at the list on Wiki it appears it goes to just about anyone a POTUS is a fan of, plus a few who have done something to actually deserve an award.
Yep - I saw that. Essentially it's an award for a reasonably successful celebrity who has said some nice things publicly about the sitting president.

I'm sure it didn't start that way, but it is what it is now.
DeNeiro and Oprah, Ellen and Elvis all have one. Looking at the list on Wiki it appears it goes to just about anyone a POTUS is a fan of, plus a few who have done something to actually deserve an award.
And now it includes a vile douchebag. Another base covered.
You actually think Trump is gonna FIGHT corruption? Seriously?

You expect "both sides" to rally around a guy that was just impeached for trying to get a foreign government to interfere in our elections... and obstructing the investigation of his wrongdoings...the guy who has told well over TEN THOUSAND documented lies since taking office...?

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
There's a reason why the NFL would not allow him to buy a franchise but Bob Irsay could.
And now it includes a vile douchebag. Another base covered.

I dunno. One of the worst human beings in the history of this country giving an award to another of the worst. That actually sums up the current State of the Union quite nicely.
I dunno. One of the worst human beings in the history of this country giving an award to another of the worst. That actually sums up the current State of the Union quite nicely.
Not to mention the roughly 300 dufi applauding in unison.
Yes a man who does a show on Barack the Magic Negro, calls Michelle a gorilla in heels, Chelsea Clinton a dog at the age of 14, a college woman a slut, on and on. That’s exactly the type of man the GOP should be honoring. It shows us who they are, in case anyone is still uncertain.
Barack the Magic Negro was a controversial parody song not written by Rush, although he played and caught a lot of flack for it. It was inspired by the LA Times editorial linked above.

'Ape in Heels' was in a social media post by a municipal worker in West VA, to which the town's Mayor Replied, "You just made my day." Both those people were fired over it. Couldn't find any Limbaugh link to that at all.

Back when Rush was trying to be David Letterman, he mad a the Chelsea Clinton joke, amd several others about other president's children. Just bad jokes that comedians used to get away with depending how your politics are aligned.

The Sandra Fluke comments were again part of his job filling airtime on his show. If Bill Maher had said it, you would laugh right along with him. How about when TMP calls the first lady a whore. Do you think thats funny?

I think most people who hate rush have never spent much time listening. He says controversial things because that's how you get super rich in the entertainment biz. I listen regularly and ain't nothing wrong with me ;).

This is #Merica. You can hate him if you want, but I dont think you really know why, wherein lies the real problem.
Who is watching so I don’t have to? I always wonder if he can actually get through a speech without adlibbing. That’s where he gets himself in trouble.
I finally got to see some of those white supremist the left are always about, and it turns out they were a bunch of old broads sitting on the left side of the isle.
The Dow is great for those of us in the top 30-40%. For the rest it means as much as the price of eggs in China are up,

We have a GDP that is indistiguishable from Obama's while deficit spending is up $300-400 billion.
No IRA or 401K? They work well for us grunts that save our pennies, and don't have the wherewithal for a money manager, or a seat on the exchange.
No IRA or 401K? They work well for us grunts that save our pennies, and don't have the wherewithal for a money manager, or a seat on the exchange.

From Politifact:

A once-every-three-years study by the Federal Reserve Board found that in 2016, 51.9 percent of families owned stocks, either directly or as part of a fund.

And in 2017, Gallup found that 54 percent of respondents owned stocks either directly or as part of a fund.

Those findings show a majority owning stocks — a modest majority, but still a majority.
So we have 45% that do not have funds in the market at all. Now add in those with very little in the market. Looking from that same article below, only about 1/3 of the bottom 50% have accounts at all. I'm not going to try and find the numbers, but I suspect many of that bottom 50% have so little in the market that they would much prefer a raise over their stock market gains. But for some reason the number of candidates that run to build worker raises seems far fewer than the number that run to build the market. I'm not sure, is anyone questioning that the stock market TREMENDOUSLY benefits the boardroom more than the shop floor?

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DeNeiro and Oprah, Ellen and Elvis all have one. Looking at the list on Wiki it appears it goes to just about anyone a POTUS is a fan of, plus a few who have done something to actually deserve an award.
When were any of them racist pigs and a constant devotee of hate speech and divisiveness? It’s def who the current president likes...but previous presidents haven’t really run around with mobsters, dictators, etc.
Barack the Magic Negro was a controversial parody song not written by Rush, although he played and caught a lot of flack for it. It was inspired by the LA Times editorial linked above.

'Ape in Heels' was in a social media post by a municipal worker in West VA, to which the town's Mayor Replied, "You just made my day." Both those people were fired over it. Couldn't find any Limbaugh link to that at all.

Back when Rush was trying to be David Letterman, he mad a the Chelsea Clinton joke, amd several others about other president's children. Just bad jokes that comedians used to get away with depending how your politics are aligned.

The Sandra Fluke comments were again part of his job filling airtime on his show. If Bill Maher had said it, you would laugh right along with him. How about when TMP calls the first lady a whore. Do you think thats funny?

I think most people who hate rush have never spent much time listening. He says controversial things because that's how you get super rich in the entertainment biz. I listen regularly and ain't nothing wrong with me ;).

This is #Merica. You can hate him if you want, but I dont think you really know why, wherein lies the real problem.
Nice rationalization. I listen to him for as long as I can stand it in the car often. Drive to Chicago and back all the time. So interesting you consider racist, misogynistic remarks part of his job. But that is what sells to his audience these days, so I guess you are right.
The economy is good, but it is far from equally good. Google wages, yes wages are doing good but most experts question why they are not great. The market is great, as you point out, why should we not want great wages? The reason is the GOP wants a great market and accepts "that will do" for wages.

Trump also ran on infrastructure and the most beautiful health care plan. Both of those would directly help people of more modest means. Can you provide the date either was passed?

What is wrong with focusing economic gains on workers and not CEOs? Let CEOs have the secondary benefits.

The gap in your challenge to me is that I never stated a judgement on Healthcare or infrastructure.
True, but my point is still the stock market is not an accurate barometer of economic health. It was doing well in May of 2008 while the housing sector was burning.

one piece. unemployment, unemployment among minorities, job growth, trade finally addressed. It was easy to hit doubles when coming out of the deep recession but to keep it up even at lower levels five years later is an accomplishment. Obama's job growth numbers were better in 2013 - 2016 than trumps today...but hitting 80% of 2015 numbers in 2019 is an accomplishment that cannot be objectively dismissed.
one piece. unemployment, unemployment among minorities, job growth, trade finally addressed. It was easy to hit doubles when coming out of the deep recession but to keep it up even at lower levels five years later is an accomplishment. Obama's job growth numbers were better in 2013 - 2016 than trumps today...but hitting 80% of 2015 numbers in 2019 is an accomplishment that cannot be objectively dismissed.
I don't think any reasonable person will not agree that at least superficially, the overall economy is doing fine. If Trump deserves any credit, it's for not screwing it up -- yet. The tax cuts may very well have played a significant part in that. The resulting deficits and lower interest rates he's pressured Powell into are what has people concerned. When the inevitable downturn comes, the ability of the Treasury and the Fed to respond will be sorely limited.

All that said, it's still no reason to allow Trump to remain in office. Assuming the economy will tank if a Dem is elected -- even if it's Bernie or Warren -- is bullshit.
I don't think any reasonable person will not agree that at least superficially, the overall economy is doing fine. If Trump deserves any credit, it's for not screwing it up -- yet. The tax cuts may very well have played a significant part in that. The resulting deficits and lower interest rates he's pressured Powell into are what has people concerned. When the inevitable downturn comes, the ability of the Treasury and the Fed to respond will be sorely limited.

All that said, it's still no reason to allow Trump to remain in office. Assuming the economy will tank if a Dem is elected -- even if it's Bernie or Warren -- is bullshit.

Someone once posted..figures don't lie but liars figure.

Joe Scarsborough had a textbook example this morning gloating that Obama's job growth figures were better in 2013- 2016 than Trump's. Technically correct but so far out of context it isn't funny. You are smart enough to know why.
That is a rather biased view of reality but I understand.

of course, was the Obama economy really that great? He came in after the worst recession since the depression and after his predecessor had injected a couple trillion into the economy. He then injected another few trillions and voila! The economy recovered. Then what happened? We were long overdue for a recession by historical standards, the this POTUS injected a huge vote of confidence to the business world and is in the middle of resetting trade policies and, yes, The economy is still going strong and the real effects of trade policy is just now beginning to be felt. So yes he can toot his horn just like Obama did when he was at the podium. Life is good.
I came across it on Wikipedia a long time ago. Strait has 60 #1 songs. Beatles had 20.
That’s in the billboard country list, not the Billboard Hot 100 which is generally what people think of when someone says “number one hit.”
of course, was the Obama economy really that great? He came in after the worst recession since the depression and after his predecessor had injected a couple trillion into the economy. He then injected another few trillions and voila! The economy recovered. Then what happened? We were long overdue for a recession by historical standards, the this POTUS injected a huge vote of confidence to the business world and is in the middle of resetting trade policies and, yes, The economy is still going strong and the real effects of trade policy is just now beginning to be felt. So yes he can toot his horn just like Obama did when he was at the podium. Life is good.
That’s in the billboard country list, not the Billboard Hot 100 which is generally what people think of when someone says “number one hit.”

I’d have to look but I don’t think they’ve ever put country songs on the hot 100. They’ve always had their own charts. It’s always been separate as far as I know. That’s why they have the billboard awards and country music awards.
I’d have to look but I don’t think they’ve ever put country songs on the hot 100. They’ve always had their own charts. It’s always been separate as far as I know. That’s why they have the billboard awards and country music awards.
Fair. I’m just saying the Beatles’ 20 #1’s is more impressive than the highly insular country music charts.
Fair. I’m just saying the Beatles’ 20 #1’s is more impressive than the highly insular country music charts.

There have only been four or five country songs. They just keep slightly tweaking and re-packaging them.

After a dozen or so long-necks no one can tell them apart.
There have only been four or five country songs. They just keep slightly tweaking and re-packaging them.

After a dozen or so long-necks no one can tell them apart.
Sage observation from a wise man . . .

. . . there was a famous blues guitarist who said he only knew how to play 5 songs . . . @T.M.P. help me out here . . .

. . . and of course it was the incomparable Ray Charles who said that country music and blues music were the same damn thing . . . .
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Sage observation from a wise man . . .

. . . there was a famous blues guitarist who said he only knew how to play 5 songs . . . @T.M.P. help me out here . . .

. . . and of course it was the incomparable Ray Charles who said that country music and blues music were the same damn thing . . . .
I will posit that good country music and blues are the same thing. But what Nashville is puking out now is anything but good country. Save for a few guys named Stapleton, Childers, and Simpson.
Ahhh . . . repossession problems . . . .

Just know how these guys think.

In my youth, ran the inbound/outbound program for the Midwest Region super stock facility out of Columbus for American Hospital Supply Corp. Ran to Atlanta and Edison, NJ. We all had beautiful KW cab overs in our fleets. Chrome wheels, leather interiors, the works. The guys loved their trucks, taking them home on weekends to wash and wax. They were obsessive. All that changed when a couple of guys from the Atlanta (figures) program intentionally dusted a guy in his Caddy on 75 in Florida as they were pissed at him for some reason. The victim was a CEO and he wrote a letter to AHSC's Chairman, Karl Bays, complaining about the drivers' actions. The hammer dropped. No more KWs, no more chrome wheels, replacement purchases would all be Freightliners with polished aluminum wheels. Our drivers were pissed and depressed.
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Just know how these guys think.

In my youth, ran the inbound/outbound program for the Midwest Region super stock facility out of Columbus for American Hospital Supply Corp. Ran to Atlanta and Edison, NJ. We all had beautiful KW cab overs in our fleets. Chrome wheels, leather interiors, the works. The guys loved their trucks, taking them home on weekends to wash and wax. They were obsessive. All that changed when a couple of guys from the Atlanta (figures) program intentionally dusted a guy in his Caddy on 75 in Florida as they were pissed at him for some reason. The victim was a CEO and he wrote a letter to AHSC's Chairman, Karl Bays, complaining about the drivers' actions. The hammer dropped. No more KWs, no more chrome wheels, replacement purchases would all be Freightliners with polished aluminum wheels. Our drivers were pissed and depressed.
When you say "dusted", and then aver that the victim wrote a letter . . . what exactly do you mean by "dusted"? Do you mean "passed his vehicle at speed"? Or do you mean "ran over the SOB"? Or something else?
When you say "dusted", and then aver that the victim wrote a letter . . . what exactly do you mean by "dusted"? Do you mean "passed his vehicle at speed"? Or do you mean "ran over the SOB"? Or something else?

You pass a car, then quickly, and way too soon, get over so your right side is far enough on the shoulder to kick up any gravel and debris on the car you've just passed. It's an intentional and dangerous move, designed to punish an "obnoxious" driver.
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I love me [some] country music. Starting with the Dirt Band stuff . . . and bluegrass, which really isn't country . . . and Bob Wills stuff, which really isn't country either . . . OK, I love [some] country music.

Ok, ok... wasn't trying to put you and your ilk down.