Sorry, not title, first post. Who wants to watch this so I don’t have to?[/QUOTE]

It has been great entertainment

Bombastic self promotion
Inflation of facts
victims as props
angry women in white being angry
Speaker of the house ripping the speech text up

Childishness at it's best
Not a peep about impeachment. Smart.

For a Trump speech, it wasn't awful. But that's a low bar.
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Not a peep about impeachment. Smart.

For a Trump speech, it wasn't awful. But that's a low bar.

Didn't touch impeachment or Iowa disaster. I am surprised.

Plenty of childishness capped off with Pelosi tearing up the speech.
Boy, Gov. Whitmer is doing a nice job. I don’t know much about her. And Uncle Mark, seems like she might be your type.
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Boy, Gov. Whitmer is doing a nice job. I don’t know much about her. And Uncle Mark, seems like she might be your type.

She's pretty.... and sounds like someone I'd listen to on NPR when I have insomnia.
I guess that’s what I long for these days. Calm....

I actually like calm... and like NPR.... and like quiet, intellectual discussion. And she sounds really good. I wish we could only elect boring nerds.

people like @Marvin the Martian think we need the masses to choose.

But the masses are stupid, and like either bombastic clowns, or verbal orgasm givers.

I wonder if people that actually want more voting actually go out and see how ridiculous most voters are.

People need less choices..... not more. This isn't just a political thing.... even in consumer goods, it's known that when offered too many choices, people are stressed and make either no choice or a sub- optimal one.

Our founders never wanted a king. They certainly didn't want a popular vote for a king. They intuitively and intentionally setup a system that keeps the masses from taking over.

I think Thomas Jefferson would be appalled with what the US Presidency has turned into.
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I actually like calm... and like NPR.... and like quiet, intellectual discussion. And she sounds really good. I wish we could only elect boring nerds.

people like @Marvin the Martian think we need the masses to choose.

But the masses are stupid, and like either bombastic clowns, or verbal orgasm givers.

I wonder if people that actually want more voting actually go out and see how ridiculous most voters are. People need less choices..... not more.
Slam dunk for my President tonight!
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Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, rumor has it her Impeachment articles are due to be ripped up tomorrow.
Lucy, hon, I’ve got news for you. Trump has already been impeached. Forever. It will never go away.
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Bill was also impeached. That didn't hinder his brand going forward.
Yeah that wasn’t the point. Lucy said the impeachment papers were being torn up. I’m sure Trump’s “brand” won’t be hurt. He’ll still have his oligarchs and mobsters. But he will never be able to leave his bubble and be accepted by the people he actually yearns to be accepted by.
I actually like calm... and like NPR.... and like quiet, intellectual discussion. And she sounds really good. I wish we could only elect boring nerds.

people like @Marvin the Martian think we need the masses to choose.

But the masses are stupid, and like either bombastic clowns, or verbal orgasm givers.

I wonder if people that actually want more voting actually go out and see how ridiculous most voters are.

People need less choices..... not more. This isn't just a political thing.... even in consumer goods, it's known that when offered too many choices, people are stressed and make either no choice or a sub- optimal one.

Our founders never wanted a king. They certainly didn't want a popular vote for a king. They intuitively and intentionally setup a system that keeps the masses from taking over.

I think Thomas Jefferson would be appalled with what the US Presidency has turned into.

Actually I agree we have too many choices, I am the one who frequently brings up the Paradox of Choice. One problem is big money, it allows for 20 candidates. Without superpacs, we would have fewer choices. States could up the signature bar to get on the ballot.
You can downplay the economy till the cows come home. There is PLENTY to destroy Trump over...the economy ain't one of them.

The economy is good, but it is far from equally good. Google wages, yes wages are doing good but most experts question why they are not great. The market is great, as you point out, why should we not want great wages? The reason is the GOP wants a great market and accepts "that will do" for wages.

Trump also ran on infrastructure and the most beautiful health care plan. Both of those would directly help people of more modest means. Can you provide the date either was passed?

What is wrong with focusing economic gains on workers and not CEOs? Let CEOs have the secondary benefits.
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Sounds like I chose right by skipping another SOTU. This event is garbage regardless the POTUS.

Yes, all Americans need to skip the address no matter the party. I started skipping Obama's and have continued. If a presidential candidate promised to just deliver a written SOTU, I would seriously consider voting for them.
The economy is good, but it is far from equally good. .
I think that is why its interesting. It is a matter of perspective. If you are in the 75% service sector, you probably aren't noticing much. If you are in mfg, then yeah, it is noticeable...some indicators show 2009 levels, some days i believe that from my perspective. Everyone was involved in '08/'09 recession, not everyone is involved now....too many think the stock market is the economy indicator, they obviously don't watch what swings it.
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My understanding is that he has something planned for tomorrow night post-acquittal. All this pettiness from both sides is disheartening and tiresome.
I didn’t like the speech myself. I didn’t think calling out former administrations was proper. It was an hour and 15 minute campaign stump speech more than a State of the Union. But I didn’t watch a single Obama SOTU address so I may not be the one to judge.

Pelosi is hurting the Dems right now with the theatrics. It shows America the pettiness and the appearance of unfairness.
I think that is why its interesting. It is a matter of perspective. If you are in the 75% service sector, you probably aren't noticing much. If you are in mfg, then yeah, it is noticeable...some indicators show 2009 levels, some days i believe that from my perspective. Everyone was involved in '08/'09 recession, not everyone is involved now....too many think the stock market is the economy indicator, they obviously don't watch what swings it.

Nice post. And that last part is what I began with. The stock market was used as proof the economy is great. The stock market is not a good indicator of total economic health. It isn't that this economy is in bad health, it is we can't use the market as the measure.
Nice post. And that last part is what I began with. The stock market was used as proof the economy is great. The stock market is not a good indicator of total economic health. It isn't that this economy is in bad health, it is we can't use the market as the measure.
I use two things to judge the economy, one is the help wanted signs I see and the other is truck traffic on the interstate! If the economy is bad there is hardly any truck traffic, no one is buying anything so there is little freight delivery.
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I didn’t like the speech myself. I didn’t think calling out former administrations was proper. It was an hour and 15 minute campaign stump speech more than a State of the Union. But I didn’t watch a single Obama SOTU address so I may not be the one to judge.

Pelosi is hurting the Dems right now with the theatrics. It shows America the pettiness and the appearance of unfairness.

Her childish behavior is in keeping with the #notmypresident Hollywood babies, many millennials, AOC and her progressive crowd. Obama would never have behaved in that fashion. Unfortunately that childish behavior is also in keeping with our president. Sad.
Nancy! Throwing some serious shade.
I wish she wouldn't have done that. It's almost like she liked the memes/gifs of her sarcastically clapping at him during the last SOTU that she felt like she wanted to one up herself.

I was not a fan of that move. She's not an internet celebrity.
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