Russia-Ukraine war has begun

Agreed. But an open democracy is more vulnerable than a closed dictatorship.
I would argue Germany thought that in two world wars.

We have more targets, that is bad (more items to defend) and good (less dependent on any one bank). I suspect we have better offensive and defensive capabilities.
We need to know they actually work. As far as I recall the Pentagon just believes they have fewer flaws than they had. But flaws in peace will be magnified in war.
Well, we've got 'em over there. They must think they're ready.
A few hours ago, NBC reported that Kazakhstan refused Russia's request to send troops to Ukraine.

If this report is accurate, what does it say about Russia's preparation for this offensive, and how Russia views the early results?
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Cohen - “Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons against anyone who aids Ukraine. Where is China? Why have they not condemned this?”
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People, this isn't difficult. There are 40 billion threads on this forum, including multiple threads about Ukraine. All of them are filled to the brim with partisan bullshit. If you want to post more partisan bullshit, go to one of them. This ONE THREAD is not for that. Just this one thread. It's a safe zone. Keep it out of this thread. It's not a difficult ask.
A few hours ago, NBC reported that Kazakhstan refused Russia's request to send troops to Ukraine.

If this report is accurate, what does it say about Russia's preparation for this offensive, and how Russia views the early results?
They don't want any part of Putin's fiasco.

We need to start a PR campaign against Belarus and further isolate him.
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They don't want any part of Putin's fiasco.

We need to start a PR campaign against Belarus and further isolate him.
Smart of them to not want to get involved, but doesn't it mean one of two things is true?

1. Putin never considered that he'd need or want help from them.
2. Putin lined up (or thought he lined up) potential help from them, but then it didn't materialize.

I know most or all of us are "rooting" for Ukraine in all this, but this war going badly for Putin opens up a lot of very dangerous possibilities.
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Smart of them to not want to get involved, but doesn't it mean one of two things is true?

1. Putin never considered that he'd need or want help from them.
2. Putin lined up (or thought he lined up) potential help from them, but then it didn't materialize.

I know most or all of us are "rooting" for Ukraine in all this, but this war going badly for Putin opens up a lot of very dangerous possibilities.
If he's asking for help now, that means he's seriously miscalculated his own military's capability or Ukraine's ability to resist. Probably both.

If Putin starts to lose it and starts issuing crazy orders, I think his own people will take him out.
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I agree it will not happen but we had dog fights against the USSR in Korea and Vietnam. There is precedent of them butting into our war to fight aerial battles without WW3.

And my favorite dog ever died this week. So I am in the mood to say screw it, let's see how brave Putin really is.
Sorry about your dog. That's one of the saddest moments in any man's life.
I agree it will not happen but we had dog fights against the USSR in Korea and Vietnam. There is precedent of them butting into our war to fight aerial battles without WW3.

And my favorite dog ever died this week. So I am in the mood to say screw it, let's see how brave Putin really is.
Very sorry about your dog. I've got an old pug who worships me for some reason, I'll be distraught when she goes.
If he's asking for help now, that means he's seriously miscalculated his own military's capability or Ukraine's ability to resist. Probably both.

If Putin starts to lose it and starts issuing crazy orders, I think his own people will take him out.
A third possibility - more a probability, now that I think about it, is that Putin doesn't want this all on him. He wants to spread the blame around.

He's seen he's becoming a Pariah to the civilized world.

China's silence is telling - they're getting ready to do the same thing.
People, this isn't difficult. There are 40 billion threads on this forum, including multiple threads about Ukraine. All of them are filled to the brim with partisan bullshit. If you want to post more partisan bullshit, go to one of them. This ONE THREAD is not for that. Just this one thread. It's a safe zone. Keep it out of this thread. It's not a difficult ask.
If you're referring to my post about 'not with this CIC', that's not political.

Biden has already said he's not introducing the military into Ukraine.

Restating what Biden already said is not political.
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William Cohen - “no fly zones and air supply corridors should have been considered a long tome ago - too late.”
Why risk an escalation when the Ukrainians seem to be making do? Get them shoulder launched surface to air missiles and antitank weaponry on the quick and see how it plays out.
If you're referring to my post about 'not with this CIC', that's not political.

Biden has already said he's not introducing the military into Ukraine.

Restating what Biden already said is not political.
Your post was relatively mild. I axed it only because it could easily be taken as a snide unnecessary swipe. Really have to be careful. Already seen multiple mild posts quickly cascade into food fights.
A third possibility - more a probability, now that I think about it, is that Putin doesn't want this all on him. He wants to spread the blame around.

He's seen he's becoming a Pariah to the civilized world.

China's silence is telling - they're getting ready to do the same thing.
China's gauging world reaction. They have more to lose if they try to take Taiwan and become the world's pariah.

China is Russia's only real lifeline long term. Do we engage China in an attempt to further tighten sanctions from both ends on Russia or do you think they have little interest.
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Smart of them to not want to get involved, but doesn't it mean one of two things is true?

1. Putin never considered that he'd need or want help from them.
2. Putin lined up (or thought he lined up) potential help from them, but then it didn't materialize.

I know most or all of us are "rooting" for Ukraine in all this, but this war going badly for Putin opens up a lot of very dangerous possibilities.
Your last sentence is what worries me. It’s what should worry all of us, I’m afraid.

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