Roe overturned. Be kind

Hasn't happened yet. Let's see who wins such a case as that.
What case? It will be a law passed by a state legislature. SC has spoken. States can go about their business in re abortion as they see fit.
What’s the over/under on unwanted pregnancies for AOC?
Why would you even suggest that? It's not that I'm offended by this or even trying to defend her. I've just never heard or seen anything to suggest she's promiscuous or anything like that. It just seemed weird to me, almost like you're saying "get a load of this woman I disagree with. She must be a hussey."
The court in Roe said it was a right guaranteed under the 14th amendment but apparently, they don't believe that now, an amazing about face, imo. Other rights that are somewhat in danger now which have been taken for granted for years are: the right to same sex marriage, the right to interracial marriage and the right to access contraception. Hopefully the court is done but I rather doubt it.
You're acting like abortion is being criminalized in the US.

It's still legal in the the vast majority of states and, in the ones that aren't, well, that's what Democracy looks like.

A discussion that has been put off for 50 years can now take place in the states - where it belongs.
Can you say triggered? 😂😂😂

Triggered or not, he has a point. All of those justices said those things in their confirmation hearings so they'd get confirmed. At the very least, it shows an extreme lack of integrity.

On the other side of that coin, it also shows a level of gullibility on behalf of our elected officials. Trump told anyone who'd listen that these justices were vetted to do what they did today.
You're acting like abortion is being criminalized in the US.

It's still legal in the the vast majority of states and, in the ones that aren't, well, that's what Democracy looks like.

A discussion that has been put off for 50 years can now take place in the states - where it belongs.
Well, there were some draconian anti-abortion laws in some states that were triggered by today's ruling. And there are some prominent politicians already calling for an out and out national ban of abortion.
Think about that. The barn doors are open. Laws barring travel, payments, etc will be on the books soon. And good luck saying that miscarriage wasn't an abortion. Medical boards will be inundated trying to determine the cause of every miscarriage.
So you‘re saying Kentucky can criminalize me spending Kentucky-earned dollars on gambling in Vegas because gambling is illegal in Kentucky?

I say such a law is unconstitutional.
Triggered or not, he has a point. All of those justices said those things in their confirmation hearings so they'd get confirmed. At the very least, it shows an extreme lack of integrity.

On the other side of that coin, it also shows a level of gullibility on behalf of our elected officials. Trump told anyone who'd listen that these justices were vetted to do what they did today.
he has no point. That dude has lost his ****ing mind!
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Why would you even suggest that? It's not that I'm offended by this or even trying to defend her. I've just never heard or seen anything to suggest she's promiscuous or anything like that. It just seemed weird to me, almost like you're saying "get a load of this woman I disagree with. She must be a hussey."
Well-endowed barmaids aren’t chaste (in my limited experience).

Liberal girls from liberal schools aren’t chaste (in my limited experience).

And yes, I’m taking a shot at a political opponent I’d give crackers in bed.
Well-endowed barmaids aren’t chaste (in my limited experience).

Liberal girls from liberal schools aren’t chaste (in my limited experience).

And yes, I’m taking a shot at a political opponent I’d give crackers in bed.
Well, dudes on message boards typically don't have a lot of luck with women (in my limited experience), but I know that's not always true because I'm here and most certainly buck that trend ;)
It's not just the woman's decision. It's also the father, the baby, and your God. The woman should know the consequences of having sex as well as the father.
Yep, my Wife likes to remind me the consequences of pregnancy are much greater for a women than a man.

Heck, with working mothers these days the mother has the consequences of pregnancy plus sharing in the costs of raising the child.
It's weird to me that tweeting exact quotes from supreme court justices saying they wouldn't do what they did today equals losing your mind.
There is nothing there from them saying they would not overturn. They are merely agreeing that Roe is precedent. It was. Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson were precedent at one point in time...until they weren't. Same thing just happened to Roe.
I can't click on the links for you.

In my last reply to you, I linked to an article where Mike Pence is calling for a national ban on abortion.
No link. I didn't realize Pence was on the Supreme Court? Why didn't someone tell me?!?!?!
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Yep, my Wife likes to remind me the consequences of pregnancy are much greater for a women than a man.

Heck, with working mothers these days the mother has the consequences of pregnancy plus sharing in the costs of raising the child.
I know this is sexist and all that. I'm from the Stone Age.

But just based on what you wrote, wouldn't you think women would be a little more careful about who they have sex with?

In the 'old days', there was a real fear of pregnancy and women were afraid of the consequences. Today, there's not the shame associated with an unwed pregnancy, but the onus is still on the woman, as you said.

I'm not saying women shouldn't have sex (I certainly tried my damndest to make sure they did), but with so many birth control options out there, wth are there so many unplanned pregnancies? I don't get it.
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So you‘re saying Kentucky can criminalize me spending Kentucky-earned dollars on gambling in Vegas because gambling is illegal in Kentucky?

I say such a law is unconstitutional.
As do I.

But, if a state decides personhood begins at conception, what would stop them from writing a law that says as much and criminalizes the killing of that pre-natal person whether by abortion or other means?
No link. I didn't realize Pence was on the Supreme Court? Why didn't someone tell me?!?!?!
blue letters = link. It's there.

Do you seriously think a national ban is completely off the table? I agree that it's probably ridiculous, but what about today's ruling suggests they couldn't take that step?
Yep, my Wife likes to remind me the consequences of pregnancy are much greater for a women than a man.

Heck, with working mothers these days the mother has the consequences of pregnancy plus sharing in the costs of raising the child.
If women do not wish to get pregnant aren't there ways to prevent it? As much as it pains me to say it both my daughters were on birth control so such things do not happen. If women wish to not have any more children aren't there procedures they can have done to prevent it? I'm looking for solutions to how women can become safer while still getting their groove on.
blue letters = link. It's there.

Do you seriously think a national ban is completely off the table? I agree that it's probably ridiculous, but what about today's ruling suggests they couldn't take that step?
Yes, with the ruling today, I can confidently say a national ban is completely off the table. The SC just ruled abortion is a state decision. Do you not realize that?

I didn't have any 'blue letters'. But evidently you missed my point that Pence is not a decision maker in this matter.
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Yes, with the ruling today, I can confidently say a national ban is completely off the table. The SC just ruled abortion is a state decision. Do you not realize that?

I didn't have any 'blue letters'. But evidently you missed my point that Pence is not a decision maker in this matter.
The SC merely said the issue is up to the citizens and their elected representatives. Did we stop electing Reps and Senators?

Edit to add: I don't think there will be a national ban b/c Congress is too lazy to do any f*cking work anyway.
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