Roe overturned. Be kind

It's not a "voting" issue, it's a turnout issue.
Democrats have sometimes had lighter turnouts on midterms (no president on the ticket). This is a definitive event that they will use as a rallying cry to get a higher than average turnout.
I know and agree it will be a rallying cry. I just think it’s not going to increase turnout/voting enough to make a difference in the midterms. It’s already baked in the cake in my opinion.
And that's bad, how?

Look, I'm cool if we're gonna let states decide what's best for them. But don't come in and say abortion should be up to individual states and then repeal a gun law that the state has in place that it feels best suits its citizens.
I pointed out why. The bill of rights protects firearms. It does not include abortions. It’s not my opinion. Federal bill of rights 2nd amendment in that instance overruled states rights(according to scotus). The 14th amendment doesn’t overrule the states in abortions because it’s not in the bill of rights. Not saying it’s bad or good. They repealed both because both shouldn’t be a law according to the bill of rights. That’s how many interpret these rulings.
lol. Are parents worried about the fact that they need to liquidate their children's college fund so they can afford monthly expenses being self-centered?

Most voters primary concern is their pocketbook whether or not they are in financial distress. I think people are self-centered and vote what they believe is in their best interest. Not sure why you find that controversial.
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Most voters primary concern is their pocketbook whether or not they are in financial distress. I think people are self-centered and vote what they believe is in their best interest. Not sure why you find that controversial.
Instead they should vote for some abstract selfless utopia. Grow up toasted.
As a lawyer, I'm troubled that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Aunt Lydia testified under oath that Roe was settled law. They perjured themselves.

As a Catholic, I'm happy. I can put this issue to bed and focus on what the church does best. . . bugger children.
Those are primarily question of adulthood. The constitution apparently allows age discrimination. E.g. Why can a 18 year old vote and fight, but not buy liquor?

But to the question of personhood, why is an unborn child allowed to be murdered in one state but not another?
Personally, I don't think they should be allowed to be murdered in any, so yeah, why is that?

The answer being (IMO) we are going to have to fight this out legislatively for decades more to arrive at an answer.
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As a lawyer, I'm troubled that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Aunt Lydia testified under oath that Roe was settled law. They perjured themselves.

As a Catholic, I'm happy. I can put this issue to bed and focus on what the church does best. . . bugger children.
You enjoy that?
The 14th amendment doesn’t overrule the states in abortions because it’s not in the bill of rights.

also true

The 14th amendment doesn’t overrule the states in banning contraception, gay marriage, interracial marriage, or refusal to wear a red hat, because none of those are in the bill of rights. Even though the court tells us that this argument only applies to abortion.
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Life and personhood are not the same.

Most of us recognize the biological fact that human life begins at conception and a woman becomes pregnant at implantation. However, this fact doesn't deal with each state protecting the fetus by granting it personhood which requires legislation and enforcement. Enforcement then takes the state into the realm of criminalizing violators who play a role in an abortion.
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Ok so, a scenario.

A young woman gets pregnant. She was taking birth control. Shit didn't work. It happens. She lives in a state which has outlawed abortion except in case of rape, incest, health of mother. Additionally they've passed a law making it murder to abort any fetus conceived in the State.

Well, she screwed her boyfriend, DNA would show that. So it can't be incest. And it was at her

She's in good health.

She desires an abortion. It's probably 8 weeks along.

Does she:

1. Make the accusation that her boyfriend raped her allowing a consideration for an abortion due to rape? Do she have to wait for a conviction (timing could be an issue there)?

2. Get a fake ID from a neighboring state and travel to said state to get an abortion knowingly committing a felony?

Sure, just wild fictional shit that would never happen. Just being hysterical or something.

Also, do #2 if you're poor.
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also true

The 14th amendment doesn’t overrule the states in banning contraception, gay marriage, interracial marriage, or refusing to wear a red hat, because none of those are in the bill of rights. Even though the court tells us that this argument only applies to abortion.
I get it. This ruling angers people. A lot of those that are don’t understand how this all works. You can include me in that. I don’t know how some of this works. I do understand the argument.
Ok so, a scenario.

A young woman gets pregnant. She was taking birth control. Shit didn't work. It happens. She lives in a state which has outlawed abortion except in case of rape, incest, health of mother. Additionally they've passed a law making it murder to abort any fetus conceived in the State.

Well, she screwed her boyfriend, DNA would show that. So it can't be incest. And it was at her

She's in good health.

She desires an abortion. It's probably 8 weeks along.

Does she:

1. Make the accusation that her boyfriend raped her allowing a consideration for an abortion due to rape? Do she have to wait for a conviction (timing could be an issue there)?

2. Get a fake ID from a neighboring state and travel to said state to get an abortion knowingly committing a felony?

Sure, just wild fictional shit that would never happen. Just being hysterical or something.

Also, do #2 if you're poor.
I knew girls that traveled to Illinois to get an abortion. This will happen again. Of course they were underage.
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I get it. This ruling angers people. A lot of those that are don’t understand how this all works. You can include me in that. I don’t know how some of this works. I do understand the argument.
It is also odd to contract rights rather than expand them. Alcohol prohibition was one such example and it was a disaster. This might be headed on a similar path
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Yeah, I was going to point out this very point.

Don't say it should be up to the states when they literally just overturned a state law about guns.

Kind of comes off as hypocritical.
The super majority on SCOTUS has been achieved by means which have totally undermined the public's confidence in the SCOTUS. It's pretty obvious when the same firm Gallup has been polling on SCOTUS for the past 50+ yrs, and the 2022 results have shown an unprecedented low of 25%. This is what happens when a man like McConnell politicizes the Court and destroys it's legitimacy in basically a single decade...

You can look at the minority of posters on this board who this SCOTUS reflects, and it's obvious the court is out of sync with the views of the majority of Americans. They are the loudest, but they are still a distinct (and shrinking) minority...

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My question is this....Are voters smart enough to understand the ramifications of each state deciding their own path for abortion? Is that something we want as a nation?

B/c abortion is just the first step. Then will come anything else not specifically codified within the Constitution. I don't see how this debate ends without an amendment.

I’m going out on a limb and predict it won’t matter in the midterms. Abortions don’t affect most people and I think you guys are going to find out it’s not a voting issue for the majority of people (besides leftist). The MSM will run it into the ground and life will move on.
Prior to the ruling today, the sides on this issue were locked in. For Democrats to gain anything worthwhile electorally from this issue, they have to move votes from those favoring overturning Roe to those opposing or from undecided (where are there any) to pro-death. Biden is far underwater with nearly every group except his own party and the locked in left. His party has to turn thousands of votes in each of nearly 70 House seats. Pro-death voters aren't available to move - they're already locked in. Issue polling shows where the voters have gone on tens of issues - nearly all movement has been to Republicans/Conservatives.
Wanna talk about an assault rifle ban in that context?
You act as if your opinion and and interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is some widely held belief, that all of America agrees with. The decision even upholding the current interpretation of the 2nd with regards to a "well regulated militia" was established by an ultra-slim 5-4 vote.

And guess what, from that point on the public's confidence in SCOTUS started to rapidly decline to the point where in the midst of this current 6-3 "majority" minority, the public's confidence in the SCOTUS has reached it's all time lowest level, with just 1 in 4 Americans saying they have confidence in the SCOTUS...

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Wanna talk about an assault rifle ban in that context?
Yes, banning assault rifles would not be a disaster. Women will die as a result of this. I saw a news report from Ireland, where abortion rights now exist since 2019, and an Irish doc said, based on his experience, if America overturns Roe v Wade the one sure thing is that women will die.
Wanna talk about an assault rifle ban in that context?
A contraction of rights that is directly in the interest of public safety has always been well-received. You can't get a cannon, a tank, a nuke, a shoulder-fired missile launcher, a land mine, or even a hand grenade. It is reasonable to put weapons of war intended to inflict mass casualties into a similar prohibited arms class, for the public good, when they don't have a clear hunting or sporting use.
Go have another soy latte you fascist scum bag. You’re the last person in the world that should be lecturing anyone about human rights. What a complete loser this clown is.

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Prior to the ruling today, the sides on this issue were locked in. For Democrats to gain anything worthwhile electorally from this issue, they have to move votes from those favoring overturning Roe to those opposing or from undecided (where are there any) to pro-death. Biden is far underwater with nearly every group except his own party and the locked in left. His party has to turn thousands of votes in each of nearly 70 House seats. Pro-death voters aren't available to move - they're already locked in. Issue polling shows where the voters have gone on tens of issues - nearly all movement has been to Republicans/Conservatives.
The House is likely lost, but the extremists in the GOP will take over in the coming 2 years and by 2024 the landscape will shift again. It happened in 2016-2018, and it will happen again because the GOP ultra right is out of step with the majority of the country on social issues. and that's what they're running on. They don't really have issues other than red-meat low turnout midterm motivators. Zealots won't be able to restrain themselves, and will end up showing their true colors regarding LGBTQ issues and every other culture war issue that they adhere to, and they'll find out how much of a minority view they hold...

I also think that there are enough wacko Pubs running in 2022 Senate races that the Dems will hold the Senate. I think Roe will help to defeat Oz in PA, and I think Greitens will cost the Pubs MO...
Would it? SC just turned the entire midterms into a referendum on abortion.

4/6 justices voting to overturn were put in position by presidents who didn't win the popular vote.
The vote to overturn was 5-4. The vote to uphold Mississippi's abortion restriction was 6-3. Roberts and Alito were nominated and confirmed in GWB's second term, and he won the popular vote in 2004. Only the 3 Justices nominated by Trump were nominated by a President that didn't win the popular vote.
I’m not sure. Some of this is over my head. I’m kind of neutral on this. I can see both arguments. It’s a very complicated issue.
I’ve tried to see this side, but I just can’t support anything that’s rooted in pushing one’s religious agenda on other people.
Most voters primary concern is their pocketbook whether or not they are in financial distress. I think people are self-centered and vote what they believe is in their best interest. Not sure why you find that controversial.
Shouldn't everyone vote for what they believe is in "their best interest"?
The vote to overturn was 5-4. The vote to uphold Mississippi's abortion restriction was 6-3. Roberts and Alito were nominated and confirmed in GWB's second term, and he won the popular vote in 2004. Only the 3 Justices nominated by Trump were nominated by a President that didn't win the popular vote.
You are correct. I thought Alito was first term for some reason.
The House is likely lost, but the extremists in the GOP will take over in the coming 2 years and by 2024 the landscape will shift again. It happened in 2016-2018, and it will happen again because the GOP ultra right is out of step with the majority of the country on social issues. and that's what they're running on. They don't really have issues other than red-meat low turnout midterm motivators. Zealots won't be able to restrain themselves, and will end up showing their true colors regarding LGBTQ issues and every other culture war issue that they adhere to, and they'll find out how much of a minority view they hold...

I also think that there are enough wacko Pubs running in 2022 Senate races that the Dems will hold the Senate. I think Roe will help to defeat Oz in PA, and I think Greitens will cost the Pubs MO...
Voting and democracy, huh?