Roe overturned. Be kind

Go have another soy latte you fascist scum bag. You’re the last person in the world that should be lecturing anyone about human rights. What a complete loser this clown is.

Can you people on the Right refrain from using right wing ideals (Fascism) to falsely label your political enemies just because the word has evil connotations? Mussolini and Franco basically defined modern day Fascism, and the element of Fascism which underlies all of it's principles is Imperialism and the resurrection of Empires. That's why Mussolini invaded places like Ethiopia and Libya- he wasn't just a dictator, he was a Fascist...

Trudeau, like most socialist types is the opposite of a "Fascist".
He didn't. The vote to overturn Roe was 5-4, with Roberts being one of the 4. The vote to uphold Mississippi’s abortion restriction was 6-3. Roberts voted with the majority, but he said in a separate opinion that he would not have overturned Roe.
Pretty consistent with what most observers felt he would do...
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The House is likely lost, but the extremists in the GOP will take over in the coming 2 years and by 2024 the landscape will shift again. It happened in 2016-2018, and it will happen again because the GOP ultra right is out of step with the majority of the country on social issues. and that's what they're running on. They don't really have issues other than red-meat low turnout midterm motivators. Zealots won't be able to restrain themselves, and will end up showing their true colors regarding LGBTQ issues and every other culture war issue that they adhere to, and they'll find out how much of a minority view they hold...

I also think that there are enough wacko Pubs running in 2022 Senate races that the Dems will hold the Senate. I think Roe will help to defeat Oz in PA, and I think Greitens will cost the Pubs MO...
I think the opposite. Culture emphasis is killing the Dems. They are pandering to a tiny community that prioritize those issues while core issues like inflation and public safety suffer. Senate 50/50. House a landslide. DeSantis 2024 pres. Harris. Warren. Pete. No chance. The pushback on progressives has begun in earnest
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Can you people on the Right refrain from using right wing ideals (Fascism) to falsely label your political enemies just because the word has evil connotations? Mussolini and Franco basically defined modern day Fascism, and the element of Fascism which underlies all of it's principles is Imperialism and the resurrection of Empires. That's why Mussolini invaded places like Ethiopia and Libya- he wasn't just a dictator, he was a Fascist...

Trudeau, like most socialist types is the opposite of a "Fascist".

Pretty consistent with what most observers felt he would do...
Both misuse the term. Everyone on the right according to some liberals are fascist.
Can you people on the Right refrain from using right wing ideals (Fascism) to falsely label your political enemies just because the word has evil connotations? Mussolini and Franco basically defined modern day Fascism, and the element of Fascism which underlies all of it's principles is Imperialism and the resurrection of Empires. That's why Mussolini invaded places like Ethiopia and Libya- he wasn't just a dictator, he was a Fascist...

Trudeau, like most socialist types is the opposite of a "Fascist".

Pretty consistent with what most observers felt he would do...
As soon as you stop calling us Hitler, Nazis, racists, clansmen, etc. It's really comical coming from a liberal honestly.
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Trump was excluding Blacks from renting Apartments he owned in the 70s. Are you saying that a position from nearly 50 yrs ago isn't subject to being revised?
That’s a yes from me. Everyone should be at least asked. Yes as in trump should be asked.
I think the opposite. Culture emphasis is killing the Dems. They are pandering to a tiny community that prioritize those issues while core issues like inflation and public safety suffer. Senate 50/50. House a landslide. DeSantis 2024 pres. Harris. Warren. Pete. No chance. The pushback on progressives has begun in earnest
I agree, no one I talk to worries much about issues other than the economic issues. Those who were going to vote left were not going to change, those who vote right are not going to change and the in between will more than likely vote by the feel of their wallets which right now is slim.
Joe being a Catholic and that statement being from 1974 is self explanatory. I have problems with abortion and never would encourage anyone to have one but there are circumstances where it probably is the right decision. So what about a woman that is told her life may be at risk if she has the baby? BTW I saw where Sharon Stone has had 9 miscarriages, should we investigate if those were not induced abortions now? I'd think the nosey neighbor syndrome will certainly play a factor in how this unfolds. We'll probably have legions of Gladys Kravitz' types running around make reports to police about something funny going on over at the Stevens' house.
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Yeah, I was going to point out this very point.

Don't say it should be up to the states when they literally just overturned a state law about guns.

Kind of comes off as hypocritical.
State laws that violate the Constitution should be overturned.

Surely you don't disagree?
Where is that in the Constitution? Come on Dan you can do better than that.
You're right - the right to an abortion is nowhere in the Constitution. Hence the ruling.

I'm disappointed that you're dragging out tired old tropes to make your point.
You're right - the right to an abortion is nowhere in the Constitution. Hence the ruling.

I'm disappointed that you're dragging out tired old tropes to make your point.
Neither are assault rifles, but we have to "live" with their consequences.
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We have thousands of laws that a just based on an interpretation of the constitution. ThatT
There is no national 'law' on abortion - that's the point. There's no law to rule on.

So, Roe v Wade was not based on a law, but a 'right' - a right that does not exist.
Neither are assault rifles, but we have to "live" with their consequences.
I have no idea why you would equate a specified right in the Constitution to some nebulous reading of the Constitution.

It almost sounds like sedition to me.
You're right - the right to an abortion is nowhere in the Constitution. Hence the ruling.

I'm disappointed that you're dragging out tired old tropes to make your point.
The court in Roe said it was a right guaranteed under the 14th amendment but apparently, they don't believe that now, an amazing about face, imo. Other rights that are somewhat in danger now which have been taken for granted for years are: the right to same sex marriage, the right to interracial marriage and the right to access contraception. Hopefully the court is done but I rather doubt it.
The court in Roe said it was a right guaranteed under the 14th amendment but apparently, they don't believe that now, an amazing about face, imo. Other rights that are somewhat in danger now which have been taken for granted for years are: the right to same sex marriage, the right to interracial marriage and the right to access contraception. Hopefully the court is done but I rather doubt it.
Read the opinion. Even Thomas expressly talked about why the rights you claim are at risk are not at risk. Different basis/support for those rights.
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I have no idea why you would equate a specified right in the Constitution to some nebulous reading of the Constitution.

It almost sounds like sedition to me.
The constitution doesn't specify what arms we have the right to bear.
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The opinion tries its damdest to limit the scope only to abortion. But at the same time the opinion clearly relies on originalism and the fact that it is a problem to the Court that a right to an abortion is not specified in the Constitution.

You can make the exact same argument that the right to a same sex marriage, an interracial marriage, contraception, or consentual sex acts not intended for procreation are all open to state limitations as unenumerted rights.

To think that some states will not go down one of these paths is naive.

There may well be no-gay states. No BJ states. No interracial marriage states. No contraception states. This ruling can have coattails
Damn! Now you're a legal expert! Is there no end to your talents?
Read the opinion. Even Thomas expressly talked about why the rights you claim are at risk are not at risk. Different basis/support for those rights.
I'll just file this under "elections have consequences" and it will guide my voting for the future-although it should not matter what party is in office in interpreting the constitution.
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There is no national 'law' on abortion - that's the point. There's no law to rule on.

So, Roe v Wade was not based on a law, but a 'right' - a right that does not exist.
Ok semantics Sally. Many other "rulings" are at play.
Look. I don't have a problem with the SC basically saying "the Court effed this up and should have punted it back to the states 50 years ago. We're doing it now. Come on congress...DO SOMETHING".

However, while noting so mightily the court doesn't get involved in moral judgments, Alito notes on page 6 of the opinion

Who gives a rat f*ck what the rest of the world does? Apparently our Supreme Court does. This, while noting part of the reason for overturning Roe was that abortion was not part of the historic fabric of the US. Well shit, color me confused.
You all certainly gave a rat f*ck what the rest of the world does during Covid.

That's all we heard - Trump was ****ing it up because all the 1st world countries had lower rates - supposedly - than we did.

Now we find other 1st world countries severely limit or restrict abortions and suddenly 'who gives a f*ck'.
And if Florida does what many think, that will be against the law.
Think about that. The barn doors are open. Laws barring travel, payments, etc will be on the books soon. And good luck saying that miscarriage wasn't an abortion. Medical boards will be inundated trying to determine the cause of every miscarriage.
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As a lawyer, I'm troubled that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Aunt Lydia testified under oath that Roe was settled law. They perjured themselves.

As a Catholic, I'm happy. I can put this issue to bed and focus on what the church does best. . . bugger children.
Ask for your tuition money back. 'Settled law' does not mean it can't be overturned. It doesn't mean they agreed with it.

Perjury? lmfao
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The court in Roe said it was a right guaranteed under the 14th amendment but apparently, they don't believe that now, an amazing about face, imo. Other rights that are somewhat in danger now which have been taken for granted for years are: the right to same sex marriage, the right to interracial marriage and the right to access contraception. Hopefully the court is done but I rather doubt it.
Clarence Thomas is definitely coming after interracial marriage.