Robert Kennedy Jr.

That is because you are not susceptible. Out of the 100, the 80 that believe in reason see a clear Tyson win. The other 20, that's the problem. The Sounds of Silence was written for them.
I get it. But I AM susceptible to RFK, Jr. even if I don't ultimately believe he's right. He's convincing. That's my entire point behind this. Someone needs to debate him to shut him down if he's so wrong.

Just saying "oh he's a kook, no one will listen to him" is not a good way to address this. He has the Kennedy name, is an accomplished trial lawyer, and can cite studies all day long.
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I get it. But I AM susceptible to RFK, Jr. even if I don't ultimately believe he's right. He's convincing. That's my entire point behind this. Someone needs to debate him to shut him down if he's so wrong.

Just saying "oh he's a kook, no one will listen to him" is not a good way to address this. He has the Kennedy name, is an accomplished trial lawyer, and can cite studies all day long.
Anddddddddd we just went through Covid where numerous health experts/agencies were proven wrong on numerous issues. If they want to restore faith, make the argument (The guy is literally scared to have a conversation with a Bernie Sanders supporter and a Democratic candidate for President) If you want to be viewed as a partisan government agency, continue down the path they are on.
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Hunter should be his VP.
Or Don, Jr.

Hey, who'd you vote for? "The Juniors . . . ."

I once knew a guy named Cocaine - last name. He had twin sons in Rhode Island . . . I took care of them in the nursery. (My two sons were the only regulars in the nursery, and the wife was in the choir, so . . . .)

His wife was a 100 meter sprinter for the Irish Olympic team. She came down to the nursery after church one day and asked me: "That was your wife singing today, was she?" Before I could answer she said, "That's as Irish a lass as I've ever seen, that one." My wife was wearing an Irish green wool waist coat that set off her auburn hair.

Memories . . . .
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And how do you leave $1.5 million to a charity on the table?

Sign me up. Give me a week to prepare. I'll crush it (for only 10% of the take).
Anddddddddd we just went through Covid where numerous health experts/agencies were proven to wrong on numerous issues. If they want to restore faith, make the argument (The guy is literally scared to have a conversation with a Bernie Sanders supporter and a Democratic candidate for President) If you want to be viewed as a partisan government agency, continue down the path they are on.
"where numerous health experts/agencies were proven to wrong on numerous issues". That so? Name the issues and provide proof that they were proven wrong.
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"where numerous health experts/agencies were proven to wrong on numerous issues". That so? Name the issues and provide proof that they were proven wrong.
Maybe just piss poor in their response is a better way to frame it

“To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes -- from testing, to data, to communications,” said Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a statement.

“For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations,” she said of the agency's 11,000-plus staff members. “I want us all to do better, and it starts with CDC leading the way."

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At some point the government and health agencies need to repair their reputations from Covid. It’s their jobs to get the majority of the country to trust them.
It will be well after I am dead and gone. And I will teach everyone that I can get to listen that DC is only using us as a spring board for their own personal gain and they will slit your throat to make $100 and remian in power. It's going to be a LOOONG time. Our country is dead compared to what it was pre woke.
It will be well after I am dead and gone. And I will teach everyone that I can get to listen that DC is only using us as a spring board for their own personal gain and they will slit your throat to make $100 and remian in power. It's going to be a LOOONG time. Our country is dead compared to what it was pre woke.
Regulatory capture existed long before the Woke.
Regulatory capture existed long before the Woke.
For those interested:

In politics, regulatory capture (also agency capture and client politics) is a form of corruption of authority that occurs when a political entity, policymaker, or regulator is co-opted to serve the commercial, ideological, or political interests of a minor constituency, such as a particular geographic area, industry, profession, or ideological group.
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For those interested:

In politics, regulatory capture (also agency capture and client politics) is a form of corruption of authority that occurs when a political entity, policymaker, or regulator is co-opted to serve the commercial, ideological, or political interests of a minor constituency, such as a particular geographic area, industry, profession, or ideological group.
Thanks !
oh so he's talking me into crypto AND that "MSM science" was correct during the complete totalitarian experiment called covid. .. Sign me up now. Im in.
I never talked you into crypto. I have no idea what your comment about "MSM science" is referring to.

We've been over this . . . .
My initial thought is him and Kevin Costner are starting to look alike, with both having the same chance of winning.
From the photo in the OP, I was thinking Mel Gibson.

Considering, the current Democrat doesn’t know what planet he is on and sniffs little kids, his opinion on vaccines wouldn’t deter me from voting for him.
I guess I don’t care what his opinion is on vaxx unless this is a red flag regarding other essential aspects of his presidency. Does he make other poor choices in key areas?

Also will he get in the way of necessary healthcare progress?
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I get it. But I AM susceptible to RFK, Jr. even if I don't ultimately believe he's right. He's convincing. That's my entire point behind this. Someone needs to debate him to shut him down if he's so wrong.

Just saying "oh he's a kook, no one will listen to him" is not a good way to address this. He has the Kennedy name, is an accomplished trial lawyer, and can cite studies all day long.
Watch the video above that someone else posted and explain what he said that seems convincing to you. Hell, he even admits that he doesn't understand how WiFi "opens the blood brain barrier."

And your second paragraph proves my point - he has the Kennedy name and is a skilled trial lawyer. Therefore, someone has to come on a comedian's podcast and debate him.

The irony of all of this is that RFK Jr. has advocated for jailing climate change deniers. You know, people who challenge the science of climate change.

Watch the video above that someone else posted and explain what he said that seems convincing to you. Hell, he even admits that he doesn't understand how WiFi "opens the blood brain barrier."

And your second paragraph proves my point - he has the Kennedy name and is a skilled trial lawyer. Therefore, someone has to come on a comedian's podcast and debate him.

The irony of all of this is that RFK Jr. has advocated for jailing climate change deniers. You know, people who challenge the science of climate change.

The second paragraph doesn't justify ignoring him. WHY he is commanding attention and buy-in is IRRELEVANT. The fact that he IS commanding that attention is what is important.

If he is wrong, you have to debate him and prove him wrong ON ROGAN's SHOW. Rogan has a bigger audience than Fox and CNN combined, I think, and you will be talking directly to a bunch of people with open minds or at least people who might change their minds. In fact, if it's open and shut, I think you can change Rogan's mind.

You also establish a record that people can then refer back to when these issues come up again.

Now, the fact is, Hotez is probably not up to the task. So hire someone to do it or find another doctor, epidemiologist, lawyer, whatever to do it for him. Fight by proxy ala John Wick 4/Game of Thrones.
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Stop with the conspiracies. The loyalists to our failed government will get upset. MORE PILLZ PLEASE. Comply
The thesis that the vast majority of pharmacological intervention in our country would be rendered useless or unnecessary with a healthier population is a correct one.

So what are we doing about it? Anyone who addresses the depressed fats that shoot up our schools, lead destructive progressive cultural movements, make our health care system unaffordable, and generally make life miserable for the rest of us, has my vote.

So far RFK is the only one I hear talking about root cause.
The second paragraph doesn't justify ignoring him. WHY he is commanding attention and buy-in is IRRELEVANT. The fact that he IS commanding that attention is what is important.

If he is wrong, you have to debate him and prove him wrong ON ROGAN's SHOW. Rogan has a bigger audience than Fox and CNN combined, I think, and you will be talking directly to a bunch of people with open minds or at least people who might change their minds. In fact, if it's open and shut, I think you can change Rogan's mind.

You also establish a record that people can then refer back to when these issues come up again.

Now, the fact is, Hotez is probably not up to the task. So hire someone to do it or find another doctor, epidemiologist, lawyer, whatever to do it for him. Fight by proxy ala John Wick 4/Game of Thrones.
Why should anyone feel the need to engage him, though? He's not going to win the Democratic primary. Why not just ignore him?
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Why should anyone feel the need to engage him, though? He's not going to win the Democratic primary. Why not just ignore him?
public service. we don't know at this point who will win the dem primary. trumpers like him. could cause biden trouble in NH and other places. biden and harris are going on tour this summer. that's certain to turn people off. both are brutal to listen to. the more public they are the worse for them. what's more the topic is timely after covid vax hysteria.

i've taken some time today to read up on this a bit. the legal framework of this stuff is very odd. on the science he's wrong. the legal response is odd imo. fundamentally different than breast implants etc
Because 11 million people listen to Rogan per episode and he will continue to defend RFK Jr?

Because RFK Jr. might run 3rd party and act as a spoiler?

Because people said Trump would never win the Republican primary?
And because you can generate, I'm guessing, over $2 million for a good charity.
"There are tens of thousands of studies that show the horrendous dangers of WiFi radiation." - absolute bullshit.

I can't understand how people believe such a charlatan. Do they also think he's right on climate change?
The reason is because people listen to him speak for several hours rather than quoting papers or chopped up clips of him. Watch his Rogan interview. It’s night and day the difference between him and Biden. Biden is a complete disaster.
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I get it. But I AM susceptible to RFK, Jr. even if I don't ultimately believe he's right. He's convincing. That's my entire point behind this. Someone needs to debate him to shut him down if he's so wrong.

Just saying "oh he's a kook, no one will listen to him" is not a good way to address this. He has the Kennedy name, is an accomplished trial lawyer, and can cite studies all day long.

George Carlin was very much like Rogan in my mind, Carlin said, “Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

First, Kennedy is an accomplished speaker, your average scientists that study disease probably aren't. Most of their debate is carried out in research papers. Not close to the same thing.

A tie-in to Carlin, unless there is real-time fact checking, whomever is willing to just make up crap will win.

And the overall number is a problem. There are 8 billion people in the world. If a vaccine is 99.99% safe, that is still a lot of people who will suffer side effects, 800,000. That number is going to sound scary even though it is far fewer than the number of humans with genetic abnormalities. We might argue the abstraction that we THINK the vaccines will save far more lives, but the reality of 800,000 sounds worse than the abstraction of 2 million sounds good because it is difficult to prove that number. How can I prove you would have died from disease when you haven't?

The crying mother of the child in the .0001 is much more real than the abstraction. Always will be unless we come up with an effective simulation of the world.
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George Carlin was very much like Rogan in my mind, Carlin said, “Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

First, Kennedy is an accomplished speaker, your average scientists that study disease probably aren't. Most of their debate is carried out in research papers. Not close to the same thing.

A tie-in to Carlin, unless there is real-time fact checking, whomever is willing to just make up crap will win.

And the overall number is a problem. There are 8 billion people in the world. If a vaccine is 99.99% safe, that is still a lot of people who will suffer side effects, 800,000. That number is going to sound scary even though it is far fewer than the number of humans with genetic abnormalities. We might argue the abstraction that we THINK the vaccines will save far more lives, but the reality of 800,000 sounds worse than the abstraction of 2 million sounds good because it is difficult to prove that number. How can I prove you would have died from disease when you haven't?

The crying mother of the child in the .0001 is much more real than the abstraction. Always will be unless we come up with an effective simulation of the world.
You do an extremely good job of defending the absurd, and always fall on that side of the argument/ discussion. Academics make for piss poor speakers in the public square, much like legacy military can speak to every day Americans. There are obvious indoctrination obstacles in both cases.
George Carlin was very much like Rogan in my mind, Carlin said, “Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

First, Kennedy is an accomplished speaker, your average scientists that study disease probably aren't. Most of their debate is carried out in research papers. Not close to the same thing.

A tie-in to Carlin, unless there is real-time fact checking, whomever is willing to just make up crap will win.

And the overall number is a problem. There are 8 billion people in the world. If a vaccine is 99.99% safe, that is still a lot of people who will suffer side effects, 800,000. That number is going to sound scary even though it is far fewer than the number of humans with genetic abnormalities. We might argue the abstraction that we THINK the vaccines will save far more lives, but the reality of 800,000 sounds worse than the abstraction of 2 million sounds good because it is difficult to prove that number. How can I prove you would have died from disease when you haven't?

The crying mother of the child in the .0001 is much more real than the abstraction. Always will be unless we come up with an effective simulation of the world.
Aren’t you a computer nerd? This was perfectly stated. Certainly they could come on and say what you said
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