Registered Republicans


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2006
The Republican party has officially endorsed a peodphile for Senate. How do you Peegsters of good conscience remain registered Republicans?
The Republican party has officially endorsed a peodphile for Senate. How do you Peegsters of good conscience remain registered Republicans?
He is not a peodphile! Do you have information where he has a conviction ! I would rather vote for Moore than a democrat.
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Family values -- you get a peado to be tough on crime.

I guess that saying; it takes a thief to catch a thief, is at work here.
He is not a peodphile! Do you have information where he has a conviction ! I would rather vote for Moore than a democrat.

And to think you are a parent.

So if your kid came home and said she or he had been molested by your neighbour, you would believe your neighbour's denial. Helluva a parent you are.

You are a disgrace.
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And to think you are a parent.

So if your kid came home and said she or he had been molested by your neighbour, you would believe your neighbour's denial. Helluva a parent you are.

You are a disgrace.
I would check the facts and make damn sure the child was telling the truth.
The Republican party has officially endorsed a peodphile for Senate. How do you Peegsters of good conscience remain registered Republicans?

Are most posters even declared? I am not registered as anything. I like some ideas in each party and do not like others. The scale has leaned decidedly in one direction for my vote but I am not a member of any team.
Are most posters even declared? I am not registered as anything. I like some ideas in each party and do not like others. The scale has leaned decidedly in one direction for my vote but I am not a member of any team.
Is this still a Peegs board?
I would check the facts and make damn sure the child was telling the truth.

And you think the seven womens' parent thought they are lying then? The fact that he was banned at his local mall is normal?
Have you been banned from your local mall? Birds of a feather?
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And you think the seven women's parent think they are lying then? And the fact that he was banned at his local mall is normal?
Have you been banned from your local mall? Birds of a feather?
Democrats are paying these people to say those things!
I think that logic is valid, but you don't have room to complain about other politicians if you do that and the "ends justify the means" for you. If you think this is just a conspiracy by the Dems to smear Moore you need a tinfoil hat.

Honestly, if my choice was between an ethically challenged Democrat (let's say Bill Clinton) and a rubber-stamp for Trump in Congress, I'd vote for the Democrat. I don't think the Dems are anywhere close to as bad as Trump on their worst day but I haven't been brainwashed by Fox News and talk radio.
Democrats are paying these people to say those things!
then I suppose we shoudnt believe all the allegations against Bill Clinton too?

Look, I prefer criminal activity to be judged in the court of law and not through the media, but sometimes as they say where there's smoke there's fire. I can't stand any of these men regardless of what political isle they stand on. Stop being blinded by what party this man is a part of.
then I suppose we shoudnt believe all the allegations against Bill Clinton too?

Look, I prefer criminal activity to be judged in the court of law and not through the media, but sometimes as they say where there's smoke there's fire. I can't stand any of these men regardless of what political isle they stand on. Stop being blinded by what party this man is a part of.
But we need Moore in the Senate.
The Republican party has officially endorsed a peodphile for Senate. How do you Peegsters of good conscience remain registered Republicans?

Dumb post.

I registered as a Republican in 1976 because (1) Lincoln was a Republican, (2) both sides of my family fought for the Union and against slavery, and (3) all my life the Democrats had been vicious racist liars.

I have never supported every Republican in every election, and I have no duty to change my party affiliation because 1 guy who claims to be a Republican is a turd, any more than the Democrats have to quit their party because Clinton was a sexual predator.

What is more likely to make me drop out is the failure of the Republicans to cut spending and head toward a balanced budget. I do not believe in the US Department of Wet Puppy Relief, and will not support a party who funds one.

If a Southern state elects a redneck, or a felon, or a self-appointed genius, or a turd, or a take-your-pick-of-a-label, there's not really anything I can do about it, and it doesn't reflect on me at all.
Dumb post.

I registered as a Republican in 1976 because (1) Lincoln was a Republican, (2) both sides of my family fought for the Union and against slavery, and (3) all my life the Democrats had been vicious racist liars.

I have never supported every Republican in every election, and I have no duty to change my party affiliation because 1 guy who claims to be a Republican is a turd, any more than the Democrats have to quit their party because Clinton was a sexual predator.

What is more likely to make me drop out is the failure of the Republicans to cut spending and head toward a balanced budget. I do not believe in the US Department of Wet Puppy Relief, and will not support a party who funds one.

If a Southern state elects a redneck, or a felon, or a self-appointed genius, or a turd, or a take-your-pick-of-a-label, there's not really anything I can do about it, and it doesn't reflect on me at all.
Can you expand on the vicious racist liar thing? I think most people understand that the parties have changed places in the last 100 years. It's not the Democrats now that are vicious , racist liars. And we aren't talking about one person here. Starting at the head is Trump, and now Bannon is trying to bring in a whole, crew of his cronies. If you want to align yourself with these very fine people, that's your choice. But don't pretend like it's just one racist pedophile.
But we need not Democrats in the Senate.

Here is your prioritized list of choices:

excellent Republicans
okay Republican
shitty Republican
nuclear waste
shit+dung+vomit+nuclear waste
Moore Joy for Senate
Can you expand on the vicious racist liar thing? I think most people understand that the parties have changed places in the last 100 years. It's not the Democrats now that are vicious , racist liars. And we aren't talking about one person here. Starting at the head is Trump, and now Bannon is trying to bring in a whole, crew of his cronies. If you want to align yourself with these very fine people, that's your choice. But don't pretend like it's just one racist pedophile.

First, I am not aligning myself with anyone.
That is something you are doing.
You are painting me - and all Republicans - as equal to a "Trump" or a "Bannon" or a "Moore".

As for the history of the Democrat party, it was the party of slavery, then the Klan, then Jim Crow, then (through Woodrow Wilson) the WWI-era removal of black people from civil service jobs throughout the federal government, then fighting the post-WWII Civil Rights Movement, then fighting the Civil Rights laws offered by JFK and LBJ. In the election of 1968, they were STILL the party of George Wallace and Bull Connor and Lester Maddox and states rights and segregation. In '69, they defended Ted Kennedy when he should have gone to prison over Chappaquidick. (The rules have ALWAYS been applied differently to important Democrat leaders than the "rest of the people.") In the election of 72, George Wallace still finished third in the party convention after getting SHOT and paralyzed in May. (He won the Michigan and Maryland primaries the next day.)

Meanwhile, Nixon did what he said he was going to do during the 72 campaign - end the war.
And he opened up China, which had the potential to change the Cold War world forever.
(Then he lied about Watergate and - in the end - resigned in 74 because the Republicans would not save/support him and refused to let him put the nation through an impeachment trial.)

So when I had to register to vote for the first time, in the summer of 76 leading up to the 1976 Presidential election, it was a no-brainer. My family had fought with Lincoln. Literally. My grandfather from Illinois had a grandfather who fought in the 110th Illinois infantry. The discharge papers from my mother's grandfather's grandfather hung on our wall. He lived in Kentucky and still fought for the Union. In 1976, my house was - as the crow flies - 16 miles from the farm Lincoln lived on in Spencer County, Indiana. There was ZERO chance I would reject the Party of Lincoln and sign on with Democrats.
Can you expand on the vicious racist liar thing? I think most people understand that the parties have changed places in the last 100 years. It's not the Democrats now that are vicious , racist liars. And we aren't talking about one person here. Starting at the head is Trump, and now Bannon is trying to bring in a whole, crew of his cronies. If you want to align yourself with these very fine people, that's your choice. But don't pretend like it's just one racist pedophile.
When VP Pence said he didn't eat dinner with women who were not his wife which party made fun of him for it? If all these men who are getting into trouble had acted like him then they would be a lot better off. The Democrats really don't care about these women who have been allegedly violated. All they care about is using them for political purposes. If Democrats really cared about women then they would have Kathleen Willy and Paula Jones on all of their tv programs and write huge articles allowing these women to tell their story about President Clinton.
First, I am not aligning myself with anyone.
That is something you are doing.
You are painting me - and all Republicans - as equal to a "Trump" or a "Bannon" or a "Moore".

As for the history of the Democrat party, it was the party of slavery, then the Klan, then Jim Crow, then (through Woodrow Wilson) the WWI-era removal of black people from civil service jobs throughout the federal government, then fighting the post-WWII Civil Rights Movement, then fighting the Civil Rights laws offered by JFK and LBJ. In the election of 1968, they were STILL the party of George Wallace and Bull Connor and Lester Maddox and states rights and segregation. In '69, they defended Ted Kennedy when he should have gone to prison over Chappaquidick. (The rules have ALWAYS been applied differently to important Democrat leaders than the "rest of the people.") In the election of 72, George Wallace still finished third in the party convention after getting SHOT and paralyzed in May. (He won the Michigan and Maryland primaries the next day.)

Meanwhile, Nixon did what he said he was going to do during the 72 campaign - end the war.
And he opened up China, which had the potential to change the Cold War world forever.
(Then he lied about Watergate and - in the end - resigned in 74 because the Republicans would not save/support him and refused to let him put the nation through an impeachment trial.)

So when I had to register to vote for the first time, in the summer of 76 leading up to the 1976 Presidential election, it was a no-brainer. My family had fought with Lincoln. Literally. My grandfather from Illinois had a grandfather who fought in the 110th Illinois infantry. The discharge papers from my mother's grandfather's grandfather hung on our wall. He lived in Kentucky and still fought for the Union. In 1976, my house was - as the crow flies - 16 miles from the farm Lincoln lived on in Spencer County, Indiana. There was ZERO chance I would reject the Party of Lincoln and sign on with Democrats.
No one held a gun at your head and forced you to respond.

You responded.

You aligned yourself.
No one held a gun at your head and forced you to respond.

You responded.

You aligned yourself.

I'm sorry - did you see a "stupid petty small-minded people may now respond to my posts" waiver in this thread?

No. You didn't. So act accordingly.

I'm sorry - did you see a "stupid petty small-minded people may now respond to my posts" waiver in this thread?

No. You didn't. So act accordingly.

Where's your poetry today? Someone got under you skin, a thing you said couldn't happen. I guess saying it isn't itting it.
Trump did today, after a phone call.
So the party didn’t endorse Trump. In fact the RNC and the NRSC pulled support from him after the allegations came to light in November. I’ve never supported him - or that RINO Trump.
So the party didn’t endorse Trump. In fact the RNC and the NRSC pulled support from him after the allegations came to light in November. I’ve never supported him - or that RINO Trump.
You're again using the faulty logic:

I'm a Republican.
I don't endorse that.
Therefore, Republicans don't endorse that.
Republican Jesus suffers from psychological projection.
Your link includes this example:

For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant.
I urge the Party of Tolerance to stop exhibiting that form of psychological projection when it comes to that subset of their fellow Americans who voted for Trump. Cultivate understanding rather than intolerance.
Your link includes this example:

For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant.
I urge the Party of Tolerance to stop exhibiting that form of psychological projection when it comes to that subset of their fellow Americans who voted for Trump. Cultivate understanding rather than intolerance.
When I need your advice I'll ask for it.
You're again using the faulty logic:

I'm a Republican.
I don't endorse that.
Therefore, Republicans don't endorse that.
My logic is not at all faulty. What’s faulty is saying a few Republican politicians support him, therefore the party endorsed him. That’s illogical.
My logic is not at all faulty. What’s faulty is saying a few Republican politicians support him, therefore the party endorsed him. That’s illogical.

You are the RINO, my friend. The party has left you. Trump is the leader. The Republican base is strongly with Trump and strongly with Moore.
I have never supported every Republican in every election, and I have no duty to change my party affiliation because 1 guy who claims to be a Republican is a turd, any more than the Democrats have to quit their party because Clinton was a sexual predator.

It's more than 1 guy. It starts with the current leader of the Republican party Donald J. Trump. I'll be the first to admit that the election of Trump moved me to change my registration from NPA to D.
First, I am not aligning myself with anyone.
That is something you are doing.
You are painting me - and all Republicans - as equal to a "Trump" or a "Bannon" or a "Moore".

As for the history of the Democrat party, it was the party of slavery, then the Klan, then Jim Crow, then (through Woodrow Wilson) the WWI-era removal of black people from civil service jobs throughout the federal government, then fighting the post-WWII Civil Rights Movement, then fighting the Civil Rights laws offered by JFK and LBJ. In the election of 1968, they were STILL the party of George Wallace and Bull Connor and Lester Maddox and states rights and segregation. In '69, they defended Ted Kennedy when he should have gone to prison over Chappaquidick. (The rules have ALWAYS been applied differently to important Democrat leaders than the "rest of the people.") In the election of 72, George Wallace still finished third in the party convention after getting SHOT and paralyzed in May. (He won the Michigan and Maryland primaries the next day.)

Meanwhile, Nixon did what he said he was going to do during the 72 campaign - end the war.
And he opened up China, which had the potential to change the Cold War world forever.
(Then he lied about Watergate and - in the end - resigned in 74 because the Republicans would not save/support him and refused to let him put the nation through an impeachment trial.)

So when I had to register to vote for the first time, in the summer of 76 leading up to the 1976 Presidential election, it was a no-brainer. My family had fought with Lincoln. Literally. My grandfather from Illinois had a grandfather who fought in the 110th Illinois infantry. The discharge papers from my mother's grandfather's grandfather hung on our wall. He lived in Kentucky and still fought for the Union. In 1976, my house was - as the crow flies - 16 miles from the farm Lincoln lived on in Spencer County, Indiana. There was ZERO chance I would reject the Party of Lincoln and sign on with Democrats.
So you say you are aligning yourself with Lincoln , who my guess is would be appallled at the GOP, as would most past presidents and elected officials, but you don't want to be aligned with Trump, Bannon, Moore, or pretty much any of the other faces of the GOP right now. I used to be a Republican too, mainly because of my parents. But when I became more socially aware, and after they started their Southern strategy, I realized that wasn't my party anymore.
When VP Pence said he didn't eat dinner with women who were not his wife which party made fun of him for it? If all these men who are getting into trouble had acted like him then they would be a lot better off. The Democrats really don't care about these women who have been allegedly violated. All they care about is using them for political purposes. If Democrats really cared about women then they would have Kathleen Willy and Paula Jones on all of their tv programs and write huge articles allowing these women to tell their story about President Clinton.
Everyone made fun of him. Every human made fun of him. I'd guess most men on here are able to work and associate with women without pulling it out. Stop bringing up something that happened decades ago and deal with the serial sexual predator you elected to the WH and the pedophile he is endorsing for Senate. That's all so Christlike.
So the party didn’t endorse Trump. In fact the RNC and the NRSC pulled support from him after the allegations came to light in November. I’ve never supported him - or that RINO Trump.
And yet the party is certainly not standing up against him now, are they? Mitch even walked back his we won't seat him talk. Cowards.
My logic is not at all faulty. What’s faulty is saying a few Republican politicians support him, therefore the party endorsed him. That’s illogical.
Sorry. The President is the leader and the face of the GOP. He endorsed him. Hence, I think it is quite fair and honest to say the GOP endorses him.