One note about message board posting: I think anonymity is a good thing. It allows people to be more candid, speak their mind in ways they might not otherwise. So long as folks here are decent people, that can be a real positive and help people really get at core differences, learning something, grow, refine thoughts, test theories, etc. I think that's a big deal and a great opportunity and something people wouldn't gain in real convos in the "polite" world. For me personally, I've learned a ton over time from my involvement at Peegs (or whatever it's called now), both about myself and my own arguments, and I've also received tremendous insights into how other people think and approach challenges (and not all of that has been impressive, which has also been a valuable opportunity to witness).
Now, on to the meat of your post: you said what I say and how it comes across are two different things, but then you didn't really share what you meant. I don't know if you meant my post specifically or just as a general matter. If it was my post, I'd be curious to hear what you meant. I'm all ears (genuinely). But I also think it's on you to think through what I said as well because I also basically said that "your" message and what "you" (using quotes intentionally here because I'm thinking more more globally than you) think you're trying to convey might seem wide apart as well.