Registered Republicans

All denial all the time.
I’m not in denial about who I am. I know I’m not driven by partisanship. I’m very unhappy with much of what Republicans have been doing lately and I don’t blindly support those things or people who are elected while claiming to be Republicans. You generally do both WRT Democratic policies and elected Democrats. You can be counted upon to take a partisan position on nearly every issue. It’s not just you however, this board is overflowing with blind partisanship and I’m a bit tired of it.
Sorry. The President is the leader and the face of the GOP. He endorsed him. Hence, I think it is quite fair and honest to say the GOP endorses him.

Of course you think it is fair and honest. You never let nuance get in the way of your broad generalizations. I frankly don't think you care a as much about Moore's 30 year old sexual misdeeds as yet another way for you to bitch about the Trump agenda. What you really don't want is:

  • tax reform
  • enforcing immigration laws as written
  • Trump court appointments
  • deconstructing the administrative state
  • regulatory reform including bringing openness and accountability to the EPA causing business optimism at significant levels, GDP growth north of 3%, low unemployment, and equity markets at record levels.
And yet the party is certainly not standing up against him now, are they? Mitch even walked back his we won't seat him talk. Cowards.

That's a fair point. I for one think it's terribly unfortunate for the country that Moore even should make a difference in long term public policy. But when we have tribal hate and political death matches in the halls of congress, this is the crap we end up with.

I posted long before Moore's sexual issues were exposed that he has no place in the senate cuz of his serious ethical violations and giving the constitution the finger when he was Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. He should have never been on the ticket. We are paying the price for previous officials having poisoned the political waters.
My logic is not at all faulty. What’s faulty is saying a few Republican politicians support him, therefore the party endorsed him. That’s illogical.
Just look at the percentages. You're some sort of outlier at 19% or whatever it is these days.
I’m not in denial about who I am. I know I’m not driven by partisanship. I’m very unhappy with much of what Republicans have been doing lately and I don’t blindly support those things or people who are elected while claiming to be Republicans. You generally do both WRT Democratic policies and elected Democrats. You can be counted upon to take a partisan position on nearly every issue. It’s not just you however, this board is overflowing with blind partisanship and I’m a bit tired of it.
I'm not talking about you. You have been vehemently anti Trump since the beginning. Im talking about you being in denial that Trump is the head and the face of the GOP now, and if he endorses Moore, then basically the GOP endorses him.
Just look at the percentages. You're some sort of outlier at 19% or whatever it is these days.
Some people answer those questions just like Zeke would. Does the President have the correct letter after his name? Check. I approve. I don’t approve of his performance overall, but if I was asked about specific things I’d approve of some and disagree with some. I’m hoping for no more than one term and would like to see him out before the end of it.
If David Duke were to miraculously win the GOP nomination for POTUS, would Republican congresspeople support him, explicitly or implicitly? If not, why Trump? Implicit support is support.
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I'm not talking about you. You have been vehemently anti Trump since the beginning. Im talking about you being in denial that Trump is the head and the face of the GOP now, and if he endorses Moore, then basically the GOP endorses him.
That’s not how it works. Did you support every policy position Obama ever put forth? Check that, you probably did, but did the entire party support all of them? Of course not, otherwise all Democrats in Congress would, and they didn’t.
Anyone can see you're the most blinkered of the incorrigible Eastern liberal acolytes.
LOL. I've lived in Indiana virtually all my life. The notion that I'm part of some Eastern liberal cabal would be laughable to anyone who knows me.

Even in the course of my little life, though, I've met actual "Eastern liberal acolytes." They would also find your notion laughable.
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That’s not how it works. Did you support every policy position Obama ever put forth? Check that, you probably did, but did the entire party support all of them? Of course not, otherwise all Democrats in Congress would, and they didn’t.
I did not support every policy of his. But I never denied that he was the face of the Democratic Party, like you are trying to do.
I did not support every policy of his. But I never denied that he was the face of the Democratic Party, like you are trying to do.
Oh, he’s currently the face, and that’s unfortunate, but he is NOT the party.
LOL. I've lived in Indiana virtually all my life. The notion that I'm part of some Eastern liberal cabal would be laughable to anyone who knows me.

Even in the course of my little life, though, I've met actual "Eastern liberal acolytes." They would also find your notion laughable.
Blinkered, meet blinkered.

I wasn't including you in any cabal. You're a follower. It's written all over your links and word choice.
The Republican party has officially endorsed a peodphile for Senate. How do you Peegsters of good conscience remain registered Republicans?
There is no such thing as a registered Republican (nor Democrat, either) under Indiana law.
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Blinkered, meet blinkered.

I wasn't including you in any cabal. You're a follower. It's written all over your links and word choice.
Your posts are almost always scolds. I'm sure all of us would appreciate you leading us by your example. Please feel free to start doing that at any time.
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Can you expand on the vicious racist liar thing? I think most people understand that the parties have changed places in the last 100 years. It's not the Democrats now that are vicious , racist liars. And we aren't talking about one person here. Starting at the head is Trump, and now Bannon is trying to bring in a whole, crew of his cronies. If you want to align yourself with these very fine people, that's your choice. But don't pretend like it's just one racist pedophile.
This is a myth that really needs to be put to bed. MTIOTF grew up in an area where vicious racist liars were very likely to be Democrats, but that doesn't mean Democrats were all vicious racist liars. The parties were largely economic coalitions, both containing some vicious racist liars and some normal people. Even while Southern Democrats were fighting against desegregation, Northern Democrats were at the forefront of the civil rights battles.

Similarly, even though vicious racist liars - particularly in the South - have largely abandoned the Democratic party for the GOP, that doesn't mean Republicans are all vicious racist liars. They are still a political coalition, including religious and business interests that might not be made of up vicious racist liars. This idea that parties have always been monoliths revolving around the singular issue of race is incorrect.
When VP Pence said he didn't eat dinner with women who were not his wife which party made fun of him for it? If all these men who are getting into trouble had acted like him then they would be a lot better off. The Democrats really don't care about these women who have been allegedly violated. All they care about is using them for political purposes. If Democrats really cared about women then they would have Kathleen Willy and Paula Jones on all of their tv programs and write huge articles allowing these women to tell their story about President Clinton.
The silliness of this post (particularly this part: "The Democrats really don't care about these women who have been allegedly violated.") is so gigantic that it's impossible to give it a full response. Van, this is your least logical post ever.

The Republicans' hypocritical lecturing/preaching about sex ignores Kay Summersby and Megan Marshak. Do you even know who they were, Van? Where were all these Republican protectors of women back in the hyper-prudish 1940's, 1950's and 1960's. What? No Republican "family values" (snort) back in the days of I Love Lucy and Leave it to Beaver??

You say you're a minister, and I accept that. Yet you display glaring ignorance of scripture instructing that all men (even Republicans) are tempted by flesh and money. Search for Swaggert and Bakker and his terry cloth hot pants and stop being a sanctimonius hypocrite. You are a horrible witness.
We are ignoring them.
Well, no. You just responded, instead of ignoring. You didn't ignore my post any more than Trump can ignore anything he doesn't like. In this way, you are just like kneejerk Trump.
Well, no. You just responded, instead of ignoring. You didn't ignore my post any more than Trump can ignore anything he doesn't like. In this way, you are just like kneejerk Trump.
Thanks for the compliment :D
Your posts are almost always scolds. I'm sure all of us would appreciate you leading us by your example. Please feel free to start doing that at any time.
I really don't see how this post is a scold:
Your link includes this example:

For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant.
I urge the Party of Tolerance to stop exhibiting that form of psychological projection when it comes to that subset of their fellow Americans who voted for Trump. Cultivate understanding rather than intolerance.
It's a clearly objective observation that you and other liberals here berate and dehumanize Trump voters at every turn, so that's not a scold but an observation. Then it's clear that such behavior fits the definition of psychological projection you linked like a glove (tolerance is an essential and laudable part of the liberal mindset) so it's perfectly appropriate to follow up your post with it. Then I urged you and yours to cultivate understanding of these people rather than continuing to exhibit intolerance, which clearly doesn't forward any positive cause here on the WC or elsewhere.

So yes, I think I was setting an excellent example by urging civility on your part.
I really don't see how this post is a scold:
It's a clearly objective observation that you and other liberals here berate and dehumanize Trump voters at every turn, so that's not a scold but an observation. Then it's clear that such behavior fits the definition of psychological projection you linked like a glove (tolerance is an essential and laudable part of the liberal mindset) so it's perfectly appropriate to follow up your post with it. Then I urged you and yours to cultivate understanding of these people rather than continuing to exhibit intolerance, which clearly doesn't forward any positive cause here on the WC or elsewhere.

So yes, I think I was setting an excellent example by urging civility on your part.
Not interested.
Not interested.
Assuming you mean not interested in understanding them, that's a serious problem that I see for Democrats moving forward. I'm not talking about understanding the Lucy Lemming segment, but understanding those who voted for him hopefully and could easily switch back. The PBS Newshour has occasionally interviewed Trump supporters and obviously treated them with respect. Their answers were varied but informative. Much of it shows they are looking for something Trump will never give them, but Democrats likely will. This needs to be communicated effectively to them. Using such information for the 2018 and 2020 elections is critical before they become further entrenched in their newfound allegiance.

It's not a scold to say that I see the vast preponderance of liberal attention here, which is directed toward Trumpsters, on ridiculing and caricaturing Trumpsters rather than attempting to tease out places where they're being duped and can be won back. What a waste of brain cells, if nothing else.
Assuming you mean not interested in understanding them, that's a serious problem that I see for Democrats moving forward. I'm not talking about understanding the Lucy Lemming segment, but understanding those who voted for him hopefully and could easily switch back. The PBS Newshour has occasionally interviewed Trump supporters and obviously treated them with respect. Their answers were varied but informative. Much of it shows they are looking for something Trump will never give them, but Democrats likely will. This needs to be communicated effectively to them. Using such information for the 2018 and 2020 elections is critical before they become further entrenched in their newfound allegiance.

It's not a scold to say that I see the vast preponderance of liberal attention here, which is directed toward Trumpsters, on ridiculing and caricaturing Trumpsters rather than attempting to tease out places where they're being duped and can be won back. What a waste of brain cells, if nothing else.
Would you quit with the fury little animals already.
Assuming you mean not interested in understanding them, that's a serious problem that I see for Democrats moving forward. I'm not talking about understanding the Lucy Lemming segment, but understanding those who voted for him hopefully and could easily switch back. The PBS Newshour has occasionally interviewed Trump supporters and obviously treated them with respect. Their answers were varied but informative. Much of it shows they are looking for something Trump will never give them, but Democrats likely will. This needs to be communicated effectively to them. Using such information for the 2018 and 2020 elections is critical before they become further entrenched in their newfound allegiance.

It's not a scold to say that I see the vast preponderance of liberal attention here, which is directed toward Trumpsters, on ridiculing and caricaturing Trumpsters rather than attempting to tease out places where they're being duped and can be won back. What a waste of brain cells, if nothing else.
And now the RNC is back to funding Roy's campaign. So I guess that means they are backing him again too.
Of course you think it is fair and honest. You never let nuance get in the way of your broad generalizations. I frankly don't think you care a as much about Moore's 30 year old sexual misdeeds as yet another way for you to bitch about the Trump agenda. What you really don't want is:

  • tax reform
  • enforcing immigration laws as written
  • Trump court appointments
  • deconstructing the administrative state
  • regulatory reform including bringing openness and accountability to the EPA causing business optimism at significant levels, GDP growth north of 3%, low unemployment, and equity markets at record levels.
Thanks for letting me know what I want and what I care about. Fiddly Dee, why couldn't I figure that out on my own?
Thanks for letting me know what I want and what I care about. Fiddly Dee, why couldn't I figure that out on my own?

Oh? So if Moore didn’t fool around with teenage girls, you would vote for him? I think you need to work on your head fake.
If Moore is elected, I want him expelled. It would make the statement that needs to be made.
Really, though? Moore's a bad guy, and even if he weren't a pervert, he'd make a bad Senator, but expelled? For things he did before he was elected? It would be one thing if this scandal broke after the election, but the voters know what's going on. If they choose to elect him, do you really want the rest of the Senate overriding that decision?

Please be clear the distinction I'm drawing. I totally understand (and agree) that you don't want Moore in the Senate. But that's not quite the same as wanting him expelled. There's a lot of extra baggage that comes with that second option.
Of course you think it is fair and honest. You never let nuance get in the way of your broad generalizations. I frankly don't think you care a as much about Moore's 30 year old sexual misdeeds as yet another way for you to bitch about the Trump agenda. What you really don't want is:

  • tax reform
  • enforcing immigration laws as written
  • Trump court appointments
  • deconstructing the administrative state
  • regulatory reform including bringing openness and accountability to the EPA causing business optimism at significant levels, GDP growth north of 3%, low unemployment, and equity markets at record levels.
I’d take all of those except for the third...and your fifth is pure Trumpist kool aid.
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He is not a peodphile! Do you have information where he has a conviction ! I would rather vote for Moore than a democrat.
I am with Lucy here 100%.

He is not a pedophile because he did it in the name of God. Keep in mind that our sole man of God on this board, Rev. Van, says the same thing.

However, if he were a liberal or a Democrat, then he would be called a pedophile and much more. Lucy and other holy conservative friends of ours would call him by every dirty name in the world and more. Just remember what they called Hillary Clinton because her husband, not she, had his dong kissed by a young woman, not under-aged girls as Moore did.
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That’s disappointing, but at least the NRSC still isn’t supporting. We have a struggle for the GOP going now.

If Moore is elected, I want him expelled. It would make the statement that needs to be made.

What struggle? The Trump part is firmly in control. They are 81% of the party. They support Moore. Where is the struggle exactly?

You think the folks who just endorsed Moore will then move to expel him?? The 81% would riot. They love Moore.

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