Apparently Dick Cheney is voting for Harris?

Is he even allowed to vote at his age?

Anyway, it's just another example of what @mcmurtry66 talked about before. The GOP will lose not because of policy or ideology or the economy or anything else, but simply because the GOP voters stupidly nominated a man that too many people think is a direct threat to the Western way of life.
Offsetting. Biden said he’s voting for trump. Fck her he mumbled.
Is he even allowed to vote at his age?

Anyway, it's just another example of what @mcmurtry66 talked about before. The GOP will lose not because of policy or ideology or the economy or anything else, but simply because the GOP voters stupidly nominated a man that too many people think is a direct threat to the Western way of life.
He usually sides with the war mongers. F#ck that guy. He’s all yours. We’re not taking him back.
NoWe're not taking him off your hands. He's yours. Just pointing out how yet another rat is jumping off the sinking ship.
Stop Motion No GIF by Mouse

The doors are locked. He’s not allowed back in the house. I hate that f#cking wank stain.
You never hated him ever before this thread, guaranteed.
Bullshit. I can’t stand Bush either and have said it numerous times. I was liberal during that time period as well. The only President worse than Bush the past 40 years is Biden and if you got me drunk, you could talk me into it being Bush.
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Bullshit. I can’t stand Bush either and have said it numerous times. I was liberal during that time period as well. The only President worse than Bush the past 40 years is Biden and if you got me drunk, you could talk me into it being Bush.
It’s quite the Catch 22. Do you take the gentlemanly, kind hearted man who blew up the world?

Or the really terrible man, who governed effectively?

Dick Cheney is a mix of both. A really terrible man, who also blew up the world
Bullshit. I can’t stand Bush either and have said it numerous times. I was liberal during that time period as well. The only President worse than Bush the past 40 years is Biden and if you got me drunk, you could talk me into it being Bush.

You are nothing, if not consistently wrong.

How were the Code Pink rallies?
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Receipts, bitch.

A couple receipts for you.

Hot Dog Face GIF

There are some wieners to the face for you. F#ck Bush and Cheney. They’re giant fa#%ots.

You have to come to Auburn now for being wrong. Bring a dessert, preferably cheesecake.
You are nothing, if not consistently wrong.

How were the Code Pink rallies?
If you think Obama was worse, that’s fair. I was wrong then. I had a couple of beatboxes and can’t stand Bush.
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It’s quite the Catch 22. Do you take the gentlemanly, kind hearted man who blew up the world?

Or the really terrible man, who governed effectively?

Dick Cheney is a mix of both. A really terrible man, who also blew up the world

CFFN, cannot help but think you are among the many Trump supporters who just cannot buy into the traditional politics of both Democrats and Republicans such as the Bushes. Clinton's, Obama, and Biden.

A couple receipts for you.

Hot Dog Face GIF

There are some wieners to the face for you. F#ck Bush and Cheney. They’re giant fa#%ots.

You have to come to Auburn now for being wrong. Bring a dessert, preferably cheesecake.
That GIF is a typical Saturday night for goat I reckon.
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CFFN, cannot help but think you are among the many Trump supporters who just cannot buy into the traditional politics of both Democrats and Republicans such as the Bushes. Clinton's, Obama, and Biden.
I hope zero Republicans buy into unjust wars, killing 200,000 plus Iraqis, and wasting trillions of dollars ever again. Bush was an awful President.
CFFN, cannot help but think you are among the many Trump supporters who just cannot buy into the traditional politics of both Democrats and Republicans such as the Bushes. Clinton's, Obama, and Biden.
They all stink. Including Trump. It’s not their fault. Some of them are good people who tried their best. Just can’t break the Federal monolith.

Small government conservatism is dead in this country. Has been since Coolidge. Never coming back.
I am still getting dirty looks from my dog.

The series Preacher (AMC) dropped on Netflix, so I decided to watch. Middle of season 2, one of yhe characters is researching an urban legend, the Saint of Killers. The character listens to a book on tape, "American Psychopaths, chapter 57, the Saint of Killers." It goes on for a few minutes, giving the Saint's backstory and the grisly details. At the end, it finished with "We hope you have enjoyed this chapter of American Psycopaths. If you would like to continue, please flip the tape over to hear chapter 58, Dick Cheney."

I spit out my mouthfull of coke on the dog and she still hasn't forgiven me.
Liz Cheney endorsed Colin Allred.

Like all Never Trumper’s, the TDS infection spreads to the rest of the body and you just end up becoming a Democrat if not treated quickly enough.

Look at Aloha.
I am a Pub never Trumper. I woold
Like to start a 3rd party called the common F—-ing sense party. I think we can have good fiscal policy, reasonable gun control, a reasonable discussion on abortion, and kick all the f—-ing trannies out. Call me a dreamer
Bullshit. I can’t stand Bush either and have said it numerous times. I was liberal during that time period as well. The only President worse than Bush the past 40 years is Biden and if you got me drunk, you could talk me into it being Bush.
I am a Pub never Trumper. I woold
Like to start a 3rd party called the common F—-ing sense party. I think we can have good fiscal policy, reasonable gun control, a reasonable discussion on abortion, and kick all the f—-ing trannies out. Call me a dreamer
By not voting trump you’ll usher in a radical progressive agenda. Trump sucks but the alternative rests in your lap then. The next bail project release who kills someone in my neighborhood will make me really not like you
I am a Pub never Trumper. I woold
Like to start a 3rd party called the common F—-ing sense party. I think we can have good fiscal policy, reasonable gun control, a reasonable discussion on abortion, and kick all the f—-ing trannies out. Call me a dreamer

I’d call you a far right Republican making up some party that is “reasonable” but not telling them that “reasonable” just means far right Republican.
By not voting trump you’ll usher in a radical progressive agenda. Trump sucks but the alternative rests in your lap then. The next bail project release who kills someone in my neighborhood will make me really not like you

Or maybe just not voting for a convicted felon.
Eh I care more about bail project releases than I do about my developers fudging appraisals as what’s likely industry customs

Even if I had far right beliefs, I think I would say I’ll endure four years of horrible Harris as opposed to a guy that says there are no more elections if he wins. She won’t do that much damage even if she is as looney as you think.
Even if I had far right beliefs, I think I would say I’ll endure four years of horrible Harris as opposed to a guy that says there are no more elections if he wins. She won’t do that much damage even if she is as looney as you think.
I’m hoping she has a crowd of people whispering, “Kamala, you can’t do that”
In her ear
Even if I had far right beliefs, I think I would say I’ll endure four years of horrible Harris as opposed to a guy that says there are no more elections if he wins. She won’t do that much damage even if she is as looney as you think.
1) That’s mischaracterizing what he said.
2) trump Kennedy etc are closer to Centrist Dems than anything “far right.” Kennedy is an environmental tort lawyer for ****s sake
3) if they are cock blocked agree. If they get congress we’re cooked
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