Perfect example why Trump won't win...

Do better. You don’t quote people and mischaracterize what people said to fit your fiction.
This entire thread is about Harris just recently becoming black and changing her identity. That's the conversation we were having, and that's the conversation you jumped into, in order to defend the people making that ridiculous claim.

I've spent enough energy on this. Do better or don't, I don't really care. This topic isn't important enough for any more effort.
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You might not have said it, but it's what you defended by jumping into the conversation the way you did.
You might not have said it, but it's what you defended by jumping into the conversation the way you did.

This entire thread is about Harris just recently becoming black and changing her identity. That's the conversation we were having, and that's the conversation you jumped into, in order to defend the people making that ridiculous claim.

I've spent enough energy on this. Do better or don't, I don't really care. This topic isn't important enough for any more effort.
mischaracterize. Speculate. Yikes. I stand by
what I said. You mistakenly interjected the temporal portion. I have no doubt she has done this her entire career. Doesn’t bother me. Par for the politician course. Do better. You don’t quote things that weren’t said. Odd you wouldn’t know that
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I do think the Howard choice is telling. Had she gone to Ohio Wesleyan - bitch come on
Something tells me it's not that difficult to get into Howard. Just a hunch, based on her intellect.
I think this all started with Trump saying she used to identify only as Indian, not black. That’s a load of bullshit. And I never said she or Obama had a typical American black upbringing. However, I do say she obviously identified with her black side, hence she chose to attend a HBCU.
I guess what i'm saying is, she's about as black as Elizabeth Warren. Her 'black' heritage goes back a ways.
This whole tangent is predicated on you saying that Harris can't claim black heritage because she spent her formative years in Canada.

Biden: If you don't vote for me, you ain't black.

Danc (paraphrasing): If you grew up in Canada, you ain't black.

You don't see the parallel?
No, not because she grew up in Canada. I was talking about her cultural upbringing.

You can certainly grow up in Canada and be black.

Her father has African ancestors, evidently, but his is very mixed. Her mother in 100% Indian. Unless you consider Indians 'black', Kamala's African ancestors are a ways back.
No, not because she grew up in Canada. I was talking about her cultural upbringing.

You can certainly grow up in Canada and be black.

Her father has African ancestors, evidently, but his is very mixed. Her mother in 100% Indian. Unless you consider Indians 'black', Kamala's African ancestors are a ways back.
So Kamala's daddy isn't black enough?
Easy to see how little it bothers you by how much you are posting in the thread about it.
Pick a thread. That holds true for all of them. You projecting your anger again. Triggered? No content of course which is pat for the course
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I absolutely do. She’ll knowingly lie about topics, feign accents to comport with her accent (countless videos of same), bang the right people to ascend. To her credit. But it’s not genuine. She’s not genuine.
And Trump pretends to be a real man in front of his hardworking dupes when in reality he has zero manly skills. Would love to see him try and change a tire or even start a mower for that matter. Worst real man of all time.
And Trump pretends to be a real man in front of his hardworking dupes when in reality he has zero manly skills. Would love to see him try and change a tire or even start a mower for that matter. Worst real man of all time.
How good are you at managing construction crews?
It doesn't fluctuate. She's long embraced both her black and Indian ancestry. The only people who believe it fluctuates are idiots who swallow right wing talking points like it's Trump's ejaculate.

Harris fluctuates on a lot of things for political expediency. I'm not sure she truly believes anything, to be honest. But don't fall for these dumb bullshit memes.
If Trump and the republicans concentrate on this Indian/Black issue they will lose 100%. They likely win concentrating on “I am for banning fracking” except now “I am for fracking”. Talk about her “Border Czar” years and other policies.
Pick a thread. That holds true for all of them. You projecting your anger again. Triggered? No content of course which is pat for the course
For sure. Totally pat for the course.

Is this the part where you go on a rage spiral, insist that you are super happy, and inquire about cucking? :rolleyes:
For sure. Totally pat for the course.

Is this the part where you go on a rage spiral, insist that you are super happy, and inquire about cucking? :rolleyes:
We’re having fun in other threads. Per usual. You’d never know. Keep projecting with your triggered angry self. Seems a theme with some of you on the left. Bitter. You personally it’s almost all you do. You should try and change your life if you’re so bitter and unhappy.
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Totally wrong. I'm a piece of crap for completely different reasons, but unlike you I don't proudly post them here for all to see. ;)
At least you seem to have a little self awareness 😉. You’re definitely a piece of crap. Finally many of us can agree with you on something. Well done 🙌. Your first contribution to the board mrs snipe
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How good are you at managing construction crews?
WTF does starting a mower, changing oil, or swapping out a battery have to do with managing a construction crew. I'm just using baseline moron level skills that any real man can do. I'm not talking rebuilding a transmission or even changing brakes.

I did manage a landscape crew in college since you asked. That count?
We’re having fun in other threads. Per usual. You’d never know. Keep projecting with your triggered angry self. Seems a theme with some of you on the left. Bitter
At least you seem to have a little self awareness 😉. You’re definitely a piece of crap. Finally many of us can agree with you on something. Well done 🙌. Your first contribution to the board mrs snipe
Yeah, you're totally not angry.

Kind of fun goading you into one of your unhinged rants, but probably will be more fun to head over to the firepit at the beach. Hope the other fun threads can help you out of yet another rage spiral you find yourself in.
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Yeah, you're totally not angry.

Kind of fun goading you into one of your unhinged rants, but probably will be more fun to head over to the firepit at the beach. Hope the other fun threads can help you out of yet another rage spiral you find yourself in.
ahhh the queen of snipe. always such a pleasure. i'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you. you're a real hoot.
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No, not because she grew up in Canada. I was talking about her cultural upbringing.

You can certainly grow up in Canada and be black.

Her father has African ancestors, evidently, but his is very mixed. Her mother in 100% Indian. Unless you consider Indians 'black', Kamala's African ancestors are a ways back.
So you are basing your opinion that she did not experience black heritage while growing up based on the fact that her dad was not 100% black and an academic?
Isn't that a massive assumption?
Do you know the demographics of the neighborhoods where she lived?
Do you know who her friends were when she was growing up?
Do you know the teachers and adults who influenced her life outside of her home?
You have no idea of the experiences and culture that shaped her life. Parents are a large part, for sure, but neither you or I are qualified to judge if her experiences in life qualify as meeting some minimum criteria to be considered black. (And even that in itself is a fairly undefinable concept beyond stereotypes that will be different for every person you ask).
Check out the reporting from today's appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists convention. It's a total train wreck. His staffers ended the questioning because he was doing so poorly. So many videos will be lifted from this appearance that will damage Trump's campaign and down-ballot efforts. Trump said that Harris only turned black a few years ago. Before then she identified as Indian. He repeated his line that illegal immigrants were taking black jobs. He was asked if he would pardon those convicted of assaulting police officers on January 6 and he replied, Yes, absolutely.
You could clearly see what he thinks about blacks. Trump has always said people coming over the border are from jails and mental institutions…then he said the people coming over the border are taking “black jobs”. So, apparently black people are only qualified for jobs that can easily be taken by prisoners and mental patients.
I think Trump will win Indiana and the other red states whether his campaign handlers successfully get him to moderate his message and focus on issues, or he ignores them and continues to be his himself, blatant racism, division, and all. Out.
I think Trump will win Indiana and the other red states whether his campaign handlers successfully get him to moderate his message and focus on issues, or he ignores them and continues to be his himself, blatant racism, division, and all. Out.
Of course Trump will win this redneck state. IN will be the first one called for Trump.
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You could clearly see what he thinks about blacks. Trump has always said people coming over the border are from jails and mental institutions…then he said the people coming over the border are taking “black jobs”. So, apparently black people are only qualified for jobs that can easily be taken by prisoners and mental patients.
That is silly. Trump is way too transactional to harbor any kind of racist sentiment.

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