ONE homer in Omaha so far--Texas Hinojosa on Wednesday.


Jul 2, 2002
NCAA spokesman doing the Double-Shuffle trying to defend Ameritrade. Lower seams next year, blah blah blah. It would be a joke if it weren't sad.
They need to bring the fences in 20-30 feet or allow different bats for the CWS. Changing the seems won't be nearly enough!
Look at pictures of where the outfielders play at tda. It's pathetic. It would be like playing the final four with 11 foot hoop.
How many extra base hits due to where the OF are aligned?

You realize that anything in the gap becomes an easy double and in many cases a triple, right? Play shallow and you can get burned incredibly easily in a big ball park. Guys like Rodrigue, Ramos, Nolden, O'Connor, DeMuth and Donley all are huge benefactors. Line drive types into the power alleys.

Indiana had two true home run hitters in Schwarber and Travis (who could get it out of any park, see the BTT). But BKF is really a launching pad that I think Indiana fans got used to quite a bit, unfortunately, that likely hurt us against Stanford. As evidence, during the regular season over all of college baseball, the per-game average of home runs per game was about 0.50 or one-half of a single HR per game.

People complain about the lack of home runs as if every game has been 1-0 or 2-1 in Omaha. Against the very best pitchers in college baseball, there has been an average of 6 runs per game. Not many by any means (about 3 fewer runs than a regular season game with the best pitchers in all of college baseball on the mound) but not 1-0 every game either. Clearly, there are a lot fewer HRs but it is a lot better than the late 90s.

Changing the seams to a real flat seam will make a difference, there's no question about that. Probably not a lot or enough for those who enjoyed the "Geauxrilla ball LSU era in the late 90s. In '98, USC beat ASU for the national title 21-14. A football game broke out on the baseball field. That was awful too with like 10 home runs in that game alone. That isn't baseball for the purists.

Solid defense is incredibly important. Of course, having a stud staff like Vandy is awfully nice too. And amazingly enough, Vandy is playing for the title.
Jaysus, I wish that 21-14 game 16 years ago would go away.

Every time somebody points out the astounding paucity of home runs by presumably the best hitters in college ball, THAT fiasco is dragged up as the counterpoint. And I'm sick of hearing about the gaps. Your arguments are barren and I don't know why you make them. The HR numbers speak for themselves. You can't take away the most dramatic aspect of this game and contend you haven't lost anything. I truly don't understand what your interest is in denying the obvious. Do you own stock in Ameritrade? Not trying to be a wise guy, but what's up with you?
Re: Jaysus, I wish that 21-14 game 16 years ago would go away.

My name is Kent and I run camera for ESPN at the CWS. This year is my 24th year of covering it. The series obviously has changed since moving downtown in Omaha from Rosenblatt. The biggest reason, I believe for the lack of home runs is the directional configuration of the ballpark. The stadium faces to the southeast, so looking out from the infield, you can see the Century Link Center from the 1st base side, and downtown from the 3rd base side. Rosenblatt was built in the traditional direction facing northeast. Rosenblatt also was atop a hill also. The prevailing winds here in Omaha are usually out of the south and the west. That was one of the biggest reasons balls carried so far at Rosenblatt.

This year the winds have been unusually strong out of the south and southeast, due to all of the weather fronts that have come through here in the past week. It seems there has been weather watches and warnings all around Omaha while I have been here. We got wiped out of playing Friday night due to the strong storms which came through dumping 7" of rain in some parts of the Omaha area. The 20-30mph winds have just knocked well hit balls down, hence just 2 home runs in this year's series.

Like most cities who have built parks downtown, they wanted the fans to be able to see the skyline from it. TDAmeritrade Park was built as a catalyst for development in the near northside of downtown Omaha. The Century Link Center started it around 15 years ago. The whole area was a "brownfield" area left over from the old railroad yards and maintenance shops which used to occupy it. I remember the original drive in from the airport, you crossed a very long bridge over the area. It wasn't very appealing or a good first impression coming into the downtown. It is now a very impressive area with new restaurants, hotels, and apartments and condos.

I helped televise that 21-14 game, and that whole series was not fun. Pitching changes galore because nothing would stay in the park due to the "bats and biceps". I am pretty much in agreement that they probably need to bring the fences in at TDAmeritrade. Let's hope we get a couple of home runs to help settle the championship between Vanderbilt and Virginia.

And I hope I am still covering the series when IU makes a return trip to the CWS. They would have had a good as shot as any of the other teams here this year.
Re: Jaysus, I wish that 21-14 game 16 years ago would go away.

Not sure what your issue is with me but I certainly don't appreciate your tone. I played college baseball for two years before arm injury and then finished my education in Bloomington. I would have loved to play at TDA, the gaps would have really benefited a line-drive, slap guy like me. Average would have been higher and many more extra base hits for a non-power fly-ball guy. It is a huge park line-to-line. How many triples did IU get in the BTT? How many runs did they score? It wasn't as problematic as some like to make it seem.

Apparently, so much more that you guys are missing as seemingly several love to complain about the home run totals at TDA. You really think the best-hitting teams are in Omaha, how much baseball outside of the Big Ten did you watch? I beg to differ from watching a lot of games as I do every year. Baseball is my go-to sport.

Tell me what you think lowering the seams will do? Remember, the a college baseball game in the 2014 season averaged one-half of a HR per game. O.50. Many of you act like several home runs per game are a regular occurrence in today's game. That isn't the case in power conference baseball in the SEC, Big 12, ACC, PAC 12 and even Big West. Pitching dominates.

The bats changed, they had to as safety was becoming an issue and real concern. Fyi, the bats aren't changing anytime soon. There is a huge excess of supply of current inventory for the manufacturers.

Why aren't you complaining about home runs during the regular season? I assume you don't watch a lot of college baseball overall? I am lucky in the Charlotte area, I get to see a lot of action. I will state it again, only about 0.50 home runs per game on average.
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Thanks for the perspective, but

Thanks for the perspective, but you're a Purdue fan wishing for IU's return to Omaha?!?!?!

This post was edited on 6/22 10:46 PM by jacqueb
Thank you so much for your courteous and hugely informative reply.

I had heard that the directional placement was a huge problem. I wonder how much sheer baseball input was part of the architects' discussions. You make it sound more like the City Fathers were the decisive force--not surprising at all. But that skyline view may ultimately prove detrimental to the popularity of the CWS if they don't make some decisive adjustments--fences being the most expensive but no doubt the most efficacious--because my belief is that this is not an anomaly this year. It is the Normal for this park. And that's a shame.

Thanks again for the knowledge.
Re: Jaysus, I wish that 21-14 game 16 years ago would go away.

Might be a little sensitive there re my "tone," Mary. If I sound annoyed, it's because you and others like you continually bring up that freak game from 16 years ago like it answers the Ameritrade Park issues. It doesn't. I'm also annoyed by what would seem to be willful obfuscation of self-evident numbers at AMERITRADE. That park is my subject, not your stats.

I'm not complaining about "regular season" because, unlike you, I had the privilege of watching Schwarber and Travis pound the crap out of the ball for the last two years. And it was FUN. The CWS is not, not this year and not last year. And your know-it-all tone is none too pleasing to my ears either. Many other people on this board are in full concurrence with my views, so don't expect the fact that you were a "slap hitter" to carry much weight in persuading them there's no problem in Omaha.
Re: Thanks for the perspective, but

I am BOTH a Purdue and Indiana fan as I have been covering the Big Ten conference for ESPN/ABC, CBS, WTTV, and all the other regional networks that used to televise basketball, football, etc. I actually graduated from Ball State because of their then Radio-TV department which is now even that much better. There is quite a few Ball State alums helping produce and televise your IU/Purdue sporting events. I was raised from a young age to root for both universities, and I like to see the Big Ten, and more specifically Indiana or Purdue, represented in any NCAA championship. I subscribe to both Peegs and GBI just to see some of the crazy opinions and misinformation that is out there.
Solid response.

Thank you for that history lesson. I wondered how the stadium direction was decided, because it sure seems to be the biggest point of all in this discussion. Like Kyle Peterson has said repeatedly during his broadcasts, "the lowered seams might help" but the thing that's not going to change is the direction of the wind. It alone has caused the majority of the problems.Moreso than the bats.

Moving the fences in will help with home run production. There's no doubt about that. But to think it's going to truly "open the game up" is whimsical. The freaking center fielder is already playing like a hybrid infielder/outfielder. If they move the center field fence in, he's probably going to step in a few more feet. Slap hitter or line drive hitter, you're still going to pay the price. There is literally no sense in trying to drive the ball back up the middle...which seems totally against traditional baseball hitting thought.

This whole thing is really a shame. I now understand why the stadium is as it is and totally get why the NCAA gave Omaha a 25-year agreement to host. Lowered seams and shorter fences won't fundamentally change any of that. The truth of the matter is (in my opinon) teams need to play to the park instead of their strengths. It occurs to me CTS might need to re-think his recruiting strategy if he truly wants to win the CWS. Instead of getting all these big guys who can hammer, he might want to start looking for more guys who can bunt and run. UCLA's team last year more than likely wouldn't have won playing anywhere other than TDA.
I understand that is your opinion, but really? Rethink his recruiting strategy? Stop recruiting middle of the order hitters? He wouldn't have a job if he did that, nor would that be a successful strategy. You don't play the park, you play the opponent and the situations and to your personnel. IU had no problem with TDA in the b10 tourney this year.
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The B10 Tourney

is played against far less accomplished pitchers a couple weeks earlier in the year. Is there any way the prevailing winds could be stronger in mid to late June than late May? Does the temperature make a difference? There seems to be about a 12 degree difference from May to June in Omaha.

For the record, I like the fact our guys are bigger and stronger than just about anyone they play. And I love our brand of baseball under CTS. It's why I travel down to watch 15 or so home games and pay to watch all the others online.

But I do think we'll always have a problem playing that kind of game in the current configuration of TDA during the CWS. Again, just my opinion. I'd love to proved wrong.

This post was edited on 6/23 2:43 PM by mk23
No matter which way you slice it, IU had success at TDA this year. That's a fact. And since you watched all the games (like myself), you saw IU play a lot of small ball this year, and lots of unsuccessful small ball too. You are not going to play small ball for 27 outs and be successful, you can get lucky, but it's not a long term strategy. Playing for a run is a situational play. If a coach was to change his philosophy just to make the game more suitable at one ball park, that he may be lucky to play in a couple times a year, is not smart. Not recruiting middle of the order hitters is not a good idea either.
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I have brought up that game one time

I have never referenced it previously. Geauxilla Ball was a LSU phenomenon from the '90s era, had nothing to do with that single game that was referenced. I likely have brought up the dangers and safety concerns of the old bats, however.

That specific game was just brought up by the Hall of Famer Gillaspie in the CWS media press conference. He was the winning coach for USC in that game and now the coach who took UC Irvine there. You missed that, I guess, as that's why it is being brought up now. He seemed fit to discuss it, you don't like it, that's your prerogative.

You seem to like lots of home runs and find that exciting, that's okay. BKF can be a launching pad in good, warm weather conditions so you should enjoy it. See Stanford's regular season numbers vs their numbers in the Regional. I personally think it hurt IU as their two true home run hitters can put it out of any park on any given day. Most teams don't have that in today's game.

The fact of the matter is that in an average college baseball game in the 2014 season, the average was 0.50 home-runs per game. A half of a home-run. It is an absolute tiny part of today's game. See Corbin's comments again during the CWS media conference. If you kill a ball you can get it out of TDA, the game is played in different size yards every day, different turf, different wind conditions, different wall heights, different amounts of fair/foul territory etc. That adds another dynamic to the game. No different than the series IU played with the Dirtbags at Blair Field in LB early this season. Dirtbags hit 8 homers in nearly 2,000 at bats in 60-games this year.

1st game of the CWS Championship Series was a 9-8 Vandy win. Virginia managed 15-hits and still lost the game. Vandy is one-game away from their first national title, yet, they only hit 21 home runs all season long in 2,300 at bats over 70-full games. Their season leader hit 5 in 70-games.

People tend to try to find something to complain about, it's human nature.

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