Official Trump/Harris debate commentary thread

That's what several different fact checkers found. Bald face proven lies were 33-1. There were other degrees of deception, such as half truths, misrepresentations, exaggerations, etc. Trump dominated in all categories.
Whats scary is---YOU believe this.

Trump left us with the worst unemployment since the Great Depression"----Lie.

"If Trump is re-elected he will sign a national abortion ban"---Lie.

"currently no active duty soldiers in a combat zone"---Lie

"trump would be immune from any misconduct, if elected.."--Lie

"I made it very clear in 2020---I will not ban fracking"---Lie

"Have added over 800,000 manufacturing jobs"---Lie.

I've got a little time before my grandson gets here----Want so more?


You really believe that??
LOTS of issues, with EITHER.

All desecration of the flag is unacceptable. Unless it's one of those combos of Trump 2024 and the Confederate Battle flag. I saw one of those today. Up your alley, or not?
Not that petty, bro. People like you----Ya simply search for anything, and everything.

Do I like the fact he signed the flag? Nope. Disagree with it. But, I mean.....what? SHould we burn him at the stake?
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This is really strange. Why would this person sign an affidavit? There's nothing actionable here. There's no reason to swear an oath. Reporters don't require an affidavit before publishing a story.
Renown investigative journalist Benny Johnson does. As his Twitter bio says, "I make internet"
Go ahead, fly your Confederate Trump flag, I guess. Make America white again!
Trump's name is on this flag apparently at a Trump campaign rally.


It 's Trump's name. Someone is making money from use of Trump's name by selling flags with Trump's name on them. Trump himself has trademarked the use of his name at least 21 times.

Trump could stop the use of his name on Confederate flags if he wanted to. (But Trump might just want to collect his share of the sale proceeds.)
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