Official Trump/Harris debate commentary thread

I pay way more attention to this shit than I should.. But seemed very obvious to me from the very beginning that something was seriously off. I know another person just like that personally that I've done some business with. They can be charming initially, but over time they burn absolutely every bridge they touch. And then you just sit back and watch it happen over and over again with new people that come into the orbit.
No I had a partner like that for years. I know. You just kind of play into what is an odd insecurity to keep their spirits up and hope they don’t self destruct. Guy was brilliant in many ways too. But that narcisssm gave him a skewed perception. Like trump thinking he won tonight
I pay way more attention to this shit than I should.. But seemed very obvious to me from the very beginning that something was seriously off. I know another person just like that personally that I've done some business with. They can be charming initially, but over time they burn absolutely every bridge they touch. And then you just sit back and watch it happen over and over again with new people that come into the orbit.

Eventually everyone realizes they are just fkn crazy and to stay away.
You’ll appreciate this. I had multiple people tell me he was despised at old Warson bc he’d cheat constantly. Why would you cheat in that setting. Stupid. Serves no purpose
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Yeah I saw that too... He just makes shit up to an incredible degree. Said we left $85B in brand new equipment in Afghanistan! Holy hell.

We only transferred $17b in equipment to the Afghans over a 20 years period. The high ball estimate was that $7b in used equipment remained. But Trump just pulls $85b of brand new shiny equipment out of the air.
Exactly. People believe things which are factually impossible. I used to think that was a Democrat thing.
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No I had a partner like that for years. I know. You just kind of play into what is an odd insecurity to keep their spirits up and hope they don’t self destruct. Guy was brilliant in many ways too. But that narcisssm gave him a skewed perception. Like trump thinking he won tonight

My guy was someone who was only middling successful on his own. Was very good at initially selling himself and could present a good image, and draw people in. But then would just go into crazy town like a flip of the switch and completely lose his mind. Convinced that everyone was out for him while also pronouncing how amazing he was.

He then inherited a lot of money and then felt himself a minor god. And it's gotten much worse from there.
The one I saw was about 60-40 to Harris. But some guy will say something like, “I thought Trump was poised, relaxed, and answered with intelligent, detailed policy positions. He didn’t let Harris get under his skin and say crazy stuff like she did.” 😂

CNN showed 63-37 Harris which was identical to Trump/Biden in reverse. Same polling group.
My guy was someone who was only middling successful on his own. Was very good at initially selling himself and could present a good image, and draw people in. But then would just go into crazy town like a flip of the switch and completely lose his mind. Convinced that everyone was out for him while also pronouncing how amazing he was.

He then inherited a lot of money and then felt himself a minor god. And it's gotten much worse from there.
Sounds like a baby trump
CNN showed 63-37 Harris which was identical to Trump/Biden in reverse. Same polling group.
Yeah, I was estimating on a focus group of undecideds I saw on CNN. If those people are truly undecided, they either stay home and don’t vote, or flip a coin in the voting booth. How can you really be undecided and come away from that debate tonight still undecided?
Yeah, I was estimating on a focus group of undecideds I saw on CNN. If those people are truly undecided, they either stay home and don’t vote, or flip a coin in the voting booth. How can you really be undecided and come away from that debate tonight still undecided?

The one lady said she was undecided but the debate changed her mind because “she was better off under Trump than she is now””.
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Yeah it's similar.

Trump obviously built something big in his career and I don't take that away from him. But he has such an incredibly poor suited skill set for this job.
Had Biden not been co-opted. Not gone crazy with free cheese, race-baiting, identity politics, border, energy and on and and just been the moderate he’d been most of his career, and a quiet bridge from the insanity of trump, we wouldn’t be looking at an 80 year old insane man vs two lightweight radical progressives who will say anything to win

Fcking Biden
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You’re driven by emotion. You don’t see her lies re abortion, 2025, record etc. No different than with Biden and his 9 percent inflation lies. tds ate your brain
LOL! At this point you’d like me to go down with the sinking ship. Not interested.
Had Biden not been co-opted. Not gone crazy with free cheese, race-baiting, identity politics, border, energy and on and and just been the moderate he’d been most of his career, and a quiet bridge from the insanity of trump, we wouldn’t be looking at an 80 year old insane man vs two lightweight radical progressive.

Fcking Biden

The progressives got way over their skis, no doubt. I think they've kinda been beat back for now. But we will see.

I know where they were coming from. I didn't agree with it, but I heard their argument.

The position of the progressives was that fiscal policies coming out of 2008 were too small and it lead to a very slow recovery during Obama's first term. So they thought they needed to go much bigger. But like most policy errors, they are always fighting the last war, not the current one. Covid wasn't a financial crisis.
The progressives got way over their skis, no doubt. I think they've kinda been beat back for now. But we will see.

I know where they were coming from. I didn't agree with it, but I heard their argument.

The position of the progressives was that fiscal policies coming out of 2008 were too small and it lead to a very slow recovery during Obama's first term. So they thought they needed to go much bigger. But like most policy errors, they are always fighting the last war, not the current one. Covid wasn't a financial crisis.
Yes. Covid was a pretense and the true desire was simply to supplement what you wrote about going bigger that's what you are arguing and you're saying that argument reflects well on Trump?
Huh? I’m saying this administration has lied about fundamental matters. They concealed the condition of Biden - perpetuating a fraud on the public while the press sect was saying he’s sharp as ever. Were we to believe he presented fine and bam overnight at the debate it just hit him? Please. Harris knew. Biden repeatedly lied about inflation alleging it was 9 percent when he took office. It was one and change. And he double downed on it. They’ve lied about social security. Lied that there was nothing that could be done about the border until Biden then changed course and said he can shut it down. Harris has lied about trump wanting a national ban on abortion (repeatedly) and project 2025. Walz has just come right out of the gate lying about stupid shit.

This administration and ticket lie incessantly from the biggest issues we face to inconsequential shit on a cv. I’m saying they are no better than trump. They lie about the most impt issues to voters. They are all lying through their teeth. Say absolutely anything to win

So as to trump it’s offsetting. I care about policies likely to be implemented. Who is honest is out the window. They aren’t Carter on either side
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Yes. Covid was a pretense and the true desire was simply to supplement what you wrote about going bigger

Sure totally agree. But hell Trump wanted more checks out before the election than he got. The sunlight between the two isn't as wide as it is now being portrayed. Unemployment was like 7%+.

Big difference was that unemployment was very segregated. White collar unemployment was nil while wage grade service jobs was like 15%
Huh? I’m saying this administration has lied about fundamental matters. They concealed the condition of Biden - perpetuating a fraud on the public while the press sect was saying he’s sharp as ever. Were we to believe he presented fine and bam overnight at the debate it just hit him? Please. Harris knew. Biden repeatedly lied about inflation alleging it was 9 percent when he took office. It was one and change. And he double downed on it. They’ve lied about social security. Lied that there was nothing that could be done about the border until Biden then changed course and said he can shut it down. Harris has lied about trump wanting a national ban on abortion (repeatedly) and project 2025. Walz has just come right out of the gate lying about stupid shit.

This administration and ticket lie incessantly from the biggest issues we face to inconsequential shit on a cv. I’m saying they are no better than trump. They are all lying through their teeth. Say absolutely anything to win
Your guy was exposed as an idiot tonight. Deal with it. Harris did what she needed to do. And more. It’s all about the center 5%. And the turnout of her base. Trump won the voters who believe Haitians are eating pets.
I don’t understand how you conceal the mental condition of the president. If he had a diagnosed condition, sure. Otherwise he’s out in public every day.
I don’t understand how you conceal the mental condition of the president. If he had a diagnosed condition, sure. Otherwise he’s out in public every day.
You have to be trolling. He was reading prompters and not doing anything off script. They limited his exposure. Even his route to conceal his condition
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Sure totally agree. But hell Trump wanted more checks out before the election than he got. The sunlight between the two isn't as wide as it is now being portrayed. Unemployment was like 7%+.

Big difference was that unemployment was very segregated. White collar unemployment was nil while wage grade service jobs was like 15%
The problem is we have no idea who she is today. Desirous of equitable outcomes? Transformative gov? Cradle to grave benefits?
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Your guy was exposed as an idiot tonight. Deal with it. Harris did what she needed to do. And more. It’s all about the center 5%. And the turnout of her base. Trump won the voters who believe Haitians are eating pets.

Your guy was exposed as an idiot tonight. Deal with it. Harris did what she needed to do. And more. It’s all about the center 5%. And the turnout of her base. Trump won the voters who believe Haitians are eating pets.
deal with what? i don't care if trump wins or loses. i only care about blocking progressives. as long as congress is divided i'm good. some combo of either trump or congress all good

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